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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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35 minutes ago, nika94 said:


"When she was talking to her son ... I was a twin and the other sister went to get adopted by a rich man ... You were orphan ... I was living hard"

" Kang Seo-hee has twins .. ????????????"

"Why did it come out that Kang Seo-hee was a twin?"


I am dying 2 watch the Subbed version!! In comments they keep talking about Twin sister, Kang Soo hee, Jun Jae's mom and CH

I am not 100% sure. But maybe here is the story:

Kang Sohee and Jun Jae's mom were twin sisters and orphans. When they were little, Jun Jae's mom got adopted to a rich family. Kang soohe had a hard life. She must have been adopted by a poor family and CH is not her real son. She adopted him. 

I knowww it seems crazy!! :D I don't know! My mind is Legend of the Blue sea only :D So in love with this drama


May be she made it up to say her twin sister was the one who killed two husbands, not her? Just to cover herself 

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Just finish Ep 16 without subs and I have some theories that I want to share. Stepmother mentioned a twin sister. It could be JJs mum ...BUT remember SC flashback when she holds MDYs hand?! There was a woman who get killed?! Is it possible that evil stepmother told MDY to kill her twin?! The 4 villains ( stepmother, CH, JND and MDY) relationship make my mind goes wild. Can not stop thinking of LOTBS.

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I am watching the 97% Subbed version (not 100% subbed) of episode 16

1- Jun jae's mom says "I thought your wealthy father would raise you well".  LOL! I don't why but it made me LOL  Jun jae's parents are one a kind!! :D:D  So responsible and smart!! (Sarcasm) :D  

On one hand Jun jae's mom is not fully 2 blame. She thought at Least JJ's dad would take care of him well since he is a father. It is actually his dad's fault letting his child go. Remember what JJ said to chung?? " I even didn't change my number and I was hoping my dad would call me". Ohhhhhh :tears: This is so sad!! 

I was thinking about JJ's reaction when JJ told him about kang Soohe past life. If you look at JJ's dad facial expression, he seems to be badly taken aback and  I think he was trying hard NOT TO believe because if he accepts what Jun Jae says, the it means he ruined his family and didn't father his own child!! If you think about, it is crazy!! He was loving a woman who has made him blind, a woman who mistreated his son, JJ's dad always took That evil's side!! 


2- in this episode, Jun Jae's mom says "I was overseas for a while". Was she perhaps back in the sea?? :D Is she a mermaid? Remember in episode 1 or two, Jun Jae's mom tells Elizabet's mom "My son is from a wide and blue sea". I still wanna know why she said that.

PS  Dear drama! You are killin Me! :D

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It's too crazy to say, but I am still cutting JJ's dad some slack because we don't know what happened.  He was shown in the past to be kind and decent.  Either he was poisoned and his brain isn't working, or he had his memories erased, or some other weird thing.

@nika94 I keep waiting for them to reveal that JJ's mom is a mermaid and he is part mer.

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1 minute ago, 1ouise said:

It's too crazy to say, but I am still cutting JJ's dad some slack because we don't know what happened.  He was shown in the past to be kind and decent.  Either he was poisoned and his brain isn't working, or he had his memories erased, or some other weird thing.

Answer: his brain isn't working. LoL :D

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@demarchelierThank you for reporting the ratings as always! Yay to the ratings! Up, up, and away they go please! Tomorrow, aiming for 20%! Let's go LOTBS! Finish off strongly and beautifully! 

@1ouise thank you so much for the clarification about the purple flower. Now it makes sense why she's so obsessed with them, they're just like her, a poisonous being. She's such a snake! 

3 hours ago, nika94 said:


The award for the Worst father of the year goes to Jun Jae's dad!! :D LOL How can he be so clueless!! Does he really Love that witch?? 

I felt so sorry for Jun Jae!! He looked sad, exhausted and fed up!:tears: Did you see Jun Jae's tears?? :(( The father-son scene is painfully Sad!!

I am wondering when JJ's mom is gonna figure out he used to be a conman and it was how he made money! 

Why DID jun jae take picture from those purple flowers in his Dad's house?? I saw the CH's mom cutting the flowers in the beginning. There was a lot of purple flowers in their house.

@demarchelier  Agree with you 

:D yeahhh! Agree

I think JJ's dad might go blind totally or something bad happens to him. Because he has wronged his son and wife. In Kdrama usually people pay the price for their wrong actions. JJ's dad is so stubborn and clueless!!


I feel you! The father-son confrontation scene was agonizing for HJJ. I felt every inch of his pain. It broke my heart to see him try to drag his father out of the room, only to be pushed away with those hurtful words. HJJ is literally breaking down in tears and frustration, begging his father to stay alive. He's angry because had the grass really been greener on the other side, he'd a least be able to reason his father's decision to leave him and his mother. Yet, there his father was, hanging on to dear life without realizing the people he trusts were gnawing on that last thread that's keeping him alive. HJJ's anger in this particular scene was not the result of dissatisfaction with the way his father left him and his mother. Rather, he was angry that his father did not live a happier life without them, because after all that he and his mother went through, he thought his father was well and happy and that is why he did not seek them. He cares for his father so much that it pains me to see him try so hard. The father does not deserve him as a son. 

I agree with you guys, the price he pays is his blindness. He was blind to begin with and now, he is literally going blind. 


All the talk of how KJY had a twin sister. I watched a little part with subtitles and yes, she revealed that she had a twin sister who was adopted into a rich family. The possibilty of her killing her own sister to steal her identity sends chills down my spine. Where does the evil stop? Are there no limits? I am shaking from fear. 

@heart_jjh @nika94 you guys are not alone! I cannot stop thinking about LOTBS! This drama is so addicting to me! 

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How in the world did his family get mixed up with that family of killers--stepmother, her husband and his stepbrother.......all killers.  The stepbrother crying because his father is a murderer.....ah, has he forgotten who his mother is? More than that, has he forgotten that he also tried to kill someone? A serious case of the "Pot calling the kettle black".


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4 minutes ago, mythicalove said:

@1ouise thank you so much for the clarification about the purple flower. Now it makes sense why she's so obsessed with them, they're just like her, a poisonous being. She's such a snake! 

You're welcome!  Just passing along information from someone else.  I think, however, that they are not just a symbol--she is actually crushing them down and making capsules to give to her husband.  Don't you think?  (And she did so in the past with her husbands.)  If the parallel holds up, I think she may have been the one who poisoned the merchant.

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3 hours ago, nika94 said:

Lee Min Ho' s little frown in this picture is so point on!! 

Look at the second picture!!:tears: a little frown on his face between his brows+ those sad and painful eyes!! :tears: so much feels!! 

Thank you Lee Min Ho! Your expressions tell me all!! No need for words!

Credit: as tagged


MH is an actor who emotes his feelings through his eyes, thats his gift and talent.  Its just my opinion, i would really NOT want to see MH developing wrinkles between his brows through that little frown I saw too in this episode.  (Personal thought:  I have seen actors who do so tend to develop rather heavy wrinkles later on with just a slight use of those muscles)

And yes, MH nailed this scene in this Ep 16.

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Cant get over of this scene too..it is beautifully done, our otp has very lovely and expressive eyes. both lmh and jjh can act by just their eyes. 

The father's character is so messed up, maybe he will die?(sorry but i don't pity him that much),jj & father had a lot of reunion already but they can't still resolve their relationship unlike jj and his mom..I feel like nam doo will remember that sc is a mermaid which will be his turn to be a villain,but having shares in jj company is likely to happen to have a connection with CH.But i still feel like he will have a choice being a good or bad..I have a lot thoughs going on my mind right now due to revelations,i dont really want LOTBS to end by having the con trio ruined by someone's greed :bawling:

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hi all, just finished watching ep16 and here are my thoughts: https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2017/01/12/legend-of-the-blue-sea-episode-16/

I liked the twist that Nam Doo and Chi Hyun are the ones who killed Joon Jae's friends, but I was disappointed that we didn't get more information about who their historical parallels were and why they wanted to kill Dam Ryung and Sae Wa.

I also enjoyed the backstory we received on Soo Hee, which really helped us to understand her motivations better as a villain. She's much more convincing than Dae Young as a villain.

I'm also glad to see that Sim Chung now knows the truth about what happened back in the Joseon era and that Joon Jae had lied to her. I've personally felt that Joon jae shouldn't had lied, so I'm glad that he's now forced to come clean. 

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38 minutes ago, heroonthebeach said:

hi all, just finished watching ep16 and here are my thoughts: https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2017/01/12/legend-of-the-blue-sea-episode-16/

I liked the twist that Nam Doo and Chi Hyun are the ones who killed Joon Jae's friends, but I was disappointed that we didn't get more information about who their historical parallels were and why they wanted to kill Dam Ryung and Sae Wa.

I also enjoyed the backstory we received on Soo Hee, which really helped us to understand her motivations better as a villain. She's much more convincing than Dae Young as a villain.

I'm also glad to see that Sim Chung now knows the truth about what happened back in the Joseon era and that Joon Jae had lied to her. I've personally felt that Joon jae shouldn't had lied, so I'm glad that he's now forced to come clean. 


I am 99.99% certain the writer will reveal their motives in the remaining episodes. It's a huge part of the plot so I assume she has thought it through. Where's the fun in it if she just hands it all to us in one go. I'm loving the pacing and revelation here. I realize that while watching this show, because I have to wait for each episode to air and there's more time to think about it, I keep asking questions and doubting. In the end, the writer did not fail me. That's why, I've decided to leave faith in the hands of the writer. I trust in her to fill in any missing pieces. 

Also, I actually love that HJJ lied to SC. To me, it reveals his determination to write their ending differently this time. I also appreciate that SC learned the truth by herself and that the truth isn't simply told to her. Rather, she remembers it and feels the depth of her past. Regaining her memories this way makes a stronger impact, as she realizes the full truth that she is SH and he is KDR, and that they ended tragically. It's one thing to hear about it but it's heartfelt on another level to remember it and feel it yourself. 

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"The Legend of the Blue Sea" Lee Min-ho tries to protect his mother, Jeon Ji-hyeon erases Seong Dong-il's memory


"The Legend of the Blue Sea" Lee Min-ho found out Hwang Sin-hye's plot. Lee Min-ho told Choi Jeong-woo that his decision had been wrong and that he should leave the house right away but he refused to believe it. Jeon Ji-hyeon erased Seong Dong-il's memory saying that he should pay the price.

On the latest episode of the SBS drama "The Legend of the Blue Sea", Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho) and Mo Yoo-ran (Nah Yeong-hee) reunited.

Heo Joon-jae and his mother talked about the past. About leaving home when he was young, Heo Joon-jae said, "Because I missed you". This hurt Mo Yoo-ran even more.

All of Heo Joon-jae's family gathered in one place for celebrations. Jo Nam-du (Lee Hee-joon) asked Mo Yoo-ran if she knew Kang Ji-hyeon (Kang Seo-hee) and she said it was Heo Joon-jae's stepmother.

Heo Joon-jae was shocked. He asked if she was actually called Kang Seo-hee and Mo Yoo-ran said, "I heard she changed her name. I don't know why, but anyway, she was called Kang Ji-hyeon when she was young".


At these words, Heo Joon-jae managed to realize that Kang Seo-hee had been plotting this very carefully for the last ten something years and set off to rescue his father Heo Il-joong (Choi Jeong-woo).

Meanwhile, Heo Chi-hyeon (Lee Ji-hoon-I) was not happy with Kang Seo-hee. He asked, "Is my father actually Ma Dae-yeong (Seong Dong-il)?" Kang Seo-hee answered, "Do you have to hear my answer? That's not important. Mother will do everything for you and all you have to do is wait".

Heo Chi-hyeon yelled, "I can't stand the fact that someone like that is my father". Kang Seo-hee said, "People only believe the weak. The way here was long and tiring. Ma Dae-yeong and Heo Il-joong are the shortcuts. I want you to take this path and out into the sun. I want you do live like a flower".

Heo Chi-hyeon then drunkenly went to his father Heo Il-joong and vented to him, "I heard Heo Joon-jae was a fraud. Can't you just be happy with me?" but Heo Il-joong sent him to bed.


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