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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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1 hour ago, mythicalove said:

Credits to the brilliant person who made this gif lol.

Okay, I had to post this again, as it is a new page and it's too good to not post on every page. Lol.

I just wanted to say, she reciprocated willingly to his tongue kiss, as her first reaction was closing her mouth to possibly suck on it.

Ok, I meant to come on here and write a much more analytical post but after saying that, I feel so embarrassed that I'm now running off.

Be back later. Lol.

:lol: :lol::lol::lol: I think this scene is probably the one that I've been repeatedly watching. I gonna have to make the gif my signature on my profile.:wink:

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Good morning chingus. Just wanted to share this. Its an old video but dont knw if you guys have seen it or not. 

LeeMinHo oppa is really popular in India :heart:The girl in the video is top Indian actress(in case if you dont know)



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51 minutes ago, mythicalove said:

Credits to the brilliant person who made this gif lol.

Okay, I had to post this again, as it is a new page and it's too good to not post on every page. Lol.

I just wanted to say, she reciprocated willingly to his tongue kiss, as her first reaction was closing her mouth to possibly suck on it.

Ok, I meant to come on here and write a much more analytical post but after saying that, I feel so embarrassed that I'm now running off.

Be back later. Lol.


Hahahs! I say bring it on! Heheh. Yeah, I wanted to say that too. I have been noticing her reaction after that tongue and I have to say she didn't seem like she was turned off. Hahahs. In fact, apart from closing her lips, which I think might be in part due to the fact that LMH also moved to close his mouth after that. So it's a natural reaction.. Hahahs. Another thing I noticed was after the tongue, her hands also moved to embrace him closer I think. 

Now it's my turn to run off! 


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I was like .. did I really see LMH tongue .. I watched again ... is it tongue ... still not satisfied .. I watched again .. while screaming to my 9 years old daughter to close her eyes .. mummy is 'studying'

After countless raping the rewind button .. YEP .. without a doubt .. It's tongue .. Yesss.... definitely LMH tongue going into JJH mouth ... I was like ... WOW LMH ... just WOW .... WOW... you sure have gut ..... WOAHHHH ..


The pervert me love that kiss soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much ....yesss... pave the way for the others... that's how a good kiss suppose to be .. dayemm he made me hot all ovah


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9 hours ago, stroppyse said:


@mythicalove, that was well said. As you know, I also like the ending. I think it points to a fitting finale for this couple who have been through so much, though the many events leading to it were despite themselves and not because of themselves. That wasn't clear. JJ was never about the money, other than the fact that he needed some to live on and to search for his mother, and ND and his scams gave him the most straightforward way of getting the money. Initially, JJ was all about searching for his mother, not necessarily about the excitement or the money of what he was doing. After JJ meets Cheong and realizes that he's in love, his story becomes about searching for his mother AND figuring out how to keep Cheong safe, part of which is to explore his Joseon era incarnation. Cheong also is not about money or power or excitement or anything like that. Her desire is even more straightforward and simplistic. She fell in love, and wants to be with the one she loves. As she stays by his side, she wants to aid him in what he wants. 

So, two such simple souls without much exceeding ambition or materialistic desires have to battle the human emotions of greed and ambition which carry with it horrible implications of theft, fraud, and murder. Not to mention, they also have to overcome a species divide, with rules that aren't necessarily very clear that they have to figure out as they go. And, they both desperately want the other one to be happy and healthy. For that, they're willing to give up everything of themselves, including their lives. It's a bit tragic that they never fully appreciated that without the one, the other just couldn't be happy. Se Hwa's decision to kill herself with Dam Ryung when she realized he was dying was the right one for her since she couldn't live without him. Cheong was wrong to try to erase JJ's memory before she went back to the sea to try to heal herself. 

And after all that, they basically come home to each other, as they needed to be. It's a beautiful story, and I think it resonates with us because of the simplicity of finding one's heart's desire, and then being happy and content with it. I think in this world, people sometimes look at their lives and think it's boring. However, when one has what one wants and needs, and is sharing that with the person they love, then surely a boring life is very good since it means that one can continue to live that life rather than being bogged down by extraneous concerns and interruptions.  And, that's the other beauty of their simplistic, non-materialistic lifestyle. Their normal life is sustainable since they have what they most need to have, each other. 

Sorry, I rambled on about this. Hope this made some sense. There were times when the story wandered all over for me, and I understand the criticisms of this drama. However, I really, really liked the ending. In a way, it's the ending that "You From Another Star" didn't give us which was the touch of normalcy of the couple living out their lives like any other normal couple. That I think is a strength of the endings that this writer writes. Ultimately, it's not about money, ambition, what one doesn't have, etc. Ultimately, it's about having a normal, sustainable, quiet life with the person one loves. 


Btw, I'm in total awe that dedicated fans actually took the time and effort to translate the diary from screenshots. Amazing work, that. 


Wow, you've put it so beautifully! I won't bother echoing what you've said because you did a fantastic job explaining their true nature being that of two simple souls. It's absolutely beautiful and I just wanted to say I could not agree more. 

While I was part of the audience screaming at the writer for making SC erase his memories, I couldn't bring myself to hate her for doing what she did. I understand that she has seen the value of memories and should know better to not erase them. I believe throughout this drama, we were taught to see the beauty in memories, whether painful or not. Therefore. it's natural to feel cheated when she erased his memories. Having finally watched the last episode with subtitles though ( @Alice Mendoza @CarolynH I watched it! :bawling:), I would like to argue for SC's sake. From what I understood, the writer wanted to paint a different side to memories, a less glorified one. We watched as HJJ suffered three years of his life, longing and yearning for her, missing and seeking her. He never did move on, and we can expect that if not 3 years, he would have waited all his life for her. Sometimes, memories, whether beautiful or not, leave such a deep impression on people that it takes over their lives. It prevents them from moving on and pins them down in time. These people live out their lives miserably in deep depression, holding onto plain memories. And that is exactly how HJJ would have lived had SC never made it back alive. He would have waited for her until the end of time, he would have searched every ocean for her, and he would have built a house at the seaside, where he lived and grew old by himself. He would be too pitiful, if you ask me. Knowing his nature, knowing him more than anyone else, SC knew that if she did not survive, he would live his life unfulfilling and empty, roaming earth as a broken soul. Therefore, her choice to erase his memories was completely selfless because she did it for him. She could not bear to imagine how deeply hurt he would be if she couldn't recover. In the end, she would rather he forgets so he can live a happy life. If she did not make it back alive, she thought he may continue to live his life happily without knowing that she and him ever shared a love story. If she survived, she would come back and make him love her again. She'll be hurt when his gaze does not recognize her, when his eyes don't show the love they used to, but she is willing to suffer the consequences as long as she knows her decision can possibly determine his happy life if she is gone from the world. Erasing his memories is the result of her love for him, her wish for him to be happy even is she dies, and it's because she truly thought the chances of her not surviving was high. It was, as she spent three years to recover. In the end, I cannot hate her. I love her for loving him. 

@TrucB don't bother with whatever haters have to say. The majority of people loved the kiss and thought it was nice. The overpowering voice of Knetz loved it. Like I said above, I find that she responded to his kiss naturally. They honestly looked so comfortable. 

@demarchelier @babyval22 @Marian16 that kiss! I blame it for sleepless nights hahaha. 


"he made me hot all ovah" 

I couldn't agree more!!!!! Hahahaha. 

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@nika94 I love it too!!!!!! Gahhh, I wonder if I'll ever be able to move on from this kiss. Somebody, tell me it's ok to be this obsessed over a kiss! 

Some more "deep" analysis. 

The way they kissed started off with teasing, smiling and softly kissing, his mind saying, "I love you my wife." Then the slow and gradual passion grew hot and intense, leading to "I want you." 

Hahahahaha. Believe me, I wanted to write something else for "I want you" but it makes me way too embarassed to actually say it. 

Running off. 


I'm screaming out loud with the fan, "kajima!" :bawling: 

My love for him is longer than my life. No matter how long he takes, I will wait for him. HJJ waited 3 years for SC to return. I will wait 3 years and more for LMH to come back. 

@minekas I can't help but giggle like an idiot seeing their BTS. They both are so silly and laugh so much. They seem very comfortable around each other. 

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Guest Moonrain

I need to stop replaying the kiss, i cant stop thinking about it and when i remember the tongue action i mutter oh my god unconsciously even when were at the dining table, my hubby thinks im crazy. I cant i dont want to watch it anymore :confounded:

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@mythicalove yess, I have seen MinHo clowning a lot while filming the drama "Faith". (is faith the longest drama thread on soompi:) )His friendly humorous and outgoing personality also must have contributed a lot, to building great chemistry with JJH. I'm a new fan of her ,so Im planning to watch her drama MLFAS when I get over LOTBS addiction:) 


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15 minutes ago, mythicalove said:


Wow, you've put it so beautifully! I won't bother echoing what you've said because you did a fantastic job explaining their true nature being that of two simple souls. It's absolutely beautiful and I just wanted to say I could not agree more. 

While I was part of the audience screaming at the writer for making SC erase his memories, I couldn't bring myself to hate her for doing what she did. I understand that she has seen the value of memories and should know better to not erase them. I believe throughout this drama, we were taught to see the beauty in memories, whether painful or not. Therefore. it's natural to feel cheated when she erased his memories. Having finally watched the last episode with subtitles though ( @Alice Mendoza @CarolynH I watched it! :bawling:), I would like to argue for SC's sake. From what I understood, the writer wanted to paint a different side to memories, a less glorified one. We watched as HJJ suffered three years of his life, longing and yearning for her, missing and seeking her. He never did move on, and we can expect that if not 3 years, he would have waited all his life for her. Sometimes, memories, whether beautiful or not, leave such a deep impression on people that it takes over their lives. It prevents them from moving on and pins them down in time. These people live out their lives miserably in deep depression, holding onto plain memories. And that is exactly how HJJ would have lived had SC never made it back alive. He would have waited for her until the end of time, he would have searched every ocean for her, and he would have built a house at the seaside, where he lived and grew old by himself. He would be too pitiful, if you ask me. Knowing his nature, knowing him more than anyone else, SC knew that if she did not survive, he would live his life unfulfilling and empty, roaming earth as a broken soul. Therefore, her choice to erase his memories was completely selfless because she did it for him. She could not bear to imagine how deeply hurt he would be if she couldn't recover. In the end, she would rather he forgets so he can live a happy life. If she did not make it back alive, she thought he may continue to live his life happily without knowing that she and him ever shared a love story. If she survived, she would come back and make him love her again. She'll be hurt when his gaze does not recognize her, when his eyes don't show the love they used to, but she is willing to suffer the consequences as long as she knows her decision can possibly determine his happy life if she is gone from the world. Erasing his memories is the result of her love for him, her wish for him to be happy even is she dies, and it's because she truly thought the chances of her not surviving was high. It was, as she spent three years to recover. In the end, I cannot hate her. I love her for loving him. 

@TrucB don't bother with whatever haters have to say. The majority of people loved the kiss and thought it was nice. The overpowering voice of Knetz loved it. Like I said above, I find that she responded to his kiss naturally. They honestly looked so comfortable. . 


@stroppyse @mythicalove

I love how you guys analyse the ending and of the simple fact that they're just 2 people who crave for simplicity and normalcy but got embroiled in human's greed. So with such a simple ending, it is truly fitting to the story. Honestly, when I watched it subbed fully, my first reaction was... Is this it? It feels so bland compared to the previous few episodes of high. After watching the ending, my brother's reaction was also the same as me. I just wished he was as fanatical as me to come in here and read all our analysis to realise what the story truly meant. 

in the end, they all go back to what they truly wanted and that is to live their lives as normal as they could. After thinking abt it, I realised that even if ND, mum,  tae o, CA memories have all been erased, in the end, even before Chung came back, they are aware that buried deep down in JJ's heart lives a woman he loves deeply and no other woman have ever manage to weave their way into his heart. So, when JJ and Chungie got together,  and he married her,  they would have realised who she was and embraced her like how they did since people dun really change. 

I have to be honest and wished that SC didn't erased their memories. It was nice and heart warming knowing that they share that history. But yeah,  like you said. If I were Chung, I think I would have made the same decision as her. I would never have been able to bear it that the person I love have to live a life not worth living. It's like how JJ told her in the beginning not to kill herself if he died. Their feelings behind that intention was the same. I love that they loved each other so much,  that they become selfish for the other person. On another note, I'm also glad that JJ was angry with her. After the whole big erasure, he had every right to be. In this aspect, the show is really realistic. I loved how he told her straight and asked, if this was what she wanted when she erased his memories. It makes their relationship more real. All couple have their ups and downs, no matter how much they love each other so I'm happy that writer nim went down that part. Watching the whole process of JJ finding his memories,  to looking for her, to finding a place they can call their home, to the realisation that she is finally back is one of my favourite part of the whole show! 


Even though we know that JJ found back his memories, did he remember every single thing? I'm still trying to figure out why he told ND and detective Mimi he not sure why he wants to be a prosecutor. Was he trolling them? Just brushing them off with any reason?



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2 hours ago, TrucB said:


@annie1234 how old are you, asking about adult kisses ? B) If you are 18+ and if you haven't watched any of LMH's kisses, run, not walk, to  watch. I think he has been called kissing beast . he must be the best kisser in Kdrama land. However, keep in mind that the love he had in his previous works are  at the Romantic stage, so don't expect tongue dive. But his kisses are very sensual, very passionate, yet still very gentle, you won't be disappointed,. 

As someone said a good kiss  is made of both partners. If somehow, you feel his partner is stiff, imagine yourself in her place, you will feel different :wub: :lol: 

On the same note, I was quite surprised when I scanned through some of Knet comments the other day. Some of them said that JJH looked awkward. forced etc.... Seriously I didn't understand what they were talking about. I found her relaxed, receptive and responsive, what else would they expect . There must be so much hate other there.



I'm adult enough for that type of kiss B). Maybe I'm gonna try to watch his previous dramas. I watched Heirs for 2 episodes, but it failed to hook me because well, I wasn't LMH's fans at that time (I AM NOW!) and I like PSH but not as much as I like JJH. Maybe I'm gonna give Heirs a try again. I heard the kiss in Heirs was quite passionate :). But, I think no kisses can beat this :tongue: kiss. 

And I agree with you about JJH. I also found her very receptive and responsive. In some K-dramas, sometimes you will find an actress that just closed her eyes (or maybe made her eyes wide open) and did nothing with her mouth and let the guy did every kiss. I hate those kind of kiss scene -_-. JJH is one of the actress that I think, very good on kissing scenes like this one :tongue: and in ep 19, in farewell kiss scene, we also saw her kiss him back with passion.:D 


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36 minutes ago, babyval22 said:


@stroppyse @mythicalove

I love how you guys analyse the ending and of the simple fact that they're just 2 people who crave for simplicity and normalcy but got embroiled in human's greed. So with such a simple ending, it is truly fitting to the story. Honestly, when I watched it subbed fully, my first reaction was... Is this it? It feels so bland compared to the previous few episodes of high. After watching the ending, my brother's reaction was also the same as me. I just wished he was as fanatical as me to come in here and read all our analysis to realise what the story truly meant. 

in the end, they all go back to what they truly wanted and that is to live their lives as normal as they could. After thinking abt it, I realised that even if ND, mum,  tae o, CA memories have all been erased, in the end, even before Chung came back, they are aware that buried deep down in JJ's heart lives a woman he loves deeply and no other woman have ever manage to weave their way into his heart. So, when JJ and Chungie got together,  and he married her,  they would have realised who she was and embraced her like how they did since people dun really change. 

I have to be honest and wished that SC didn't erased their memories. It was nice and heart warming knowing that they share that history. But yeah,  like you said. If I were Chung, I think I would have made the same decision as her. I would never have been able to bear it that the person I love have to live a life not worth living. It's like how JJ told her in the beginning not to kill herself if he died. Their feelings behind that intention was the same. I love that they loved each other so much,  that they become selfish for the other person. On another note, I'm also glad that JJ was angry with her. After the whole big erasure, he had every right to be. In this aspect, the show is really realistic. I loved how he told her straight and asked, if this was what she wanted when she erased his memories. It makes their relationship more real. All couple have their ups and downs, no matter how much they love each other so I'm happy that writer nim went down that part. Watching the whole process of JJ finding his memories,  to looking for her, to finding a place they can call their home, to the realisation that she is finally back is one of my favourite part of the whole show! 


Even though we know that JJ found back his memories, did he remember every single thing? I'm still trying to figure out why he told ND and detective Mimi he not sure why he wants to be a prosecutor. Was he trolling them? Just brushing them off with any reason?




Lol. You and I had total opposite inital reactions towards the ending. The first time I watched it, I knew I loved it. The second time I watched it, I found more things to love about it. And the third time I watched it, I couldn't help but feel that this ending will set the bars for all endings from now on. 

I was back and fourth on whether I agreed with her erasing his memories. It wasn't until I watched it with subtitles that it changed my mind completely. I saw how pitiful HJJ was, crying out to her when he was drunk and traveling to the sea every now and then during sunrise and sunset in hopes to find a sea where she may be, I cried a lot during these scenes. I didn't mean to but seeing HJJ cry recklessly, saying he misses her desparately, broke my heart and inevitably, I cried with him. How lonely he must have felt without her. In a world that no one knew and existed, he rememebered her and continued to love her. He was pitiful and it quite obvious that he would wait until the end of time for her. That was when I realized that SC must have felt what I felt. I suddenly understood her intentions. In the end, erasing their memories did not put her relationship with anyone at stake. People remained the same and I am glad we were shown that she is on her way to winning their hearts back. 

I completely agree with you. I am happy that HJJ was angry at SC for doing that. While I understand SC, I understand HJJ as well. Again, I cried lots when told her about what he's been doing for 3 years. I cried like nobody's business. 

To answer your question, I understood it as it was way too complicated to try and explain so HJJ just lied. No one is ever going to believe him if he tells them about SC. They'll think he's crazy. 

@annie1234 As a LMH fan, I'd be the last to recommend Heirs. To see good kisses, you'd have to watch Personal Taste or City Hunter. You said you haven't watched his dramas so I would go with City Hunter.

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45 minutes ago, mythicalove said:


@annie1234 As a LMH fan, I'd be the last to recommend Heirs. To see good kisses, you'd have to watch Personal Taste or City Hunter. You said you haven't watched his dramas so I would go with City Hunter.


Thank you for the recommendation. I'm gonna give it a try :wink:

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I SAW @Bambiina post, I thought I saw your name back then on MLFTS thread. 

Looks like this tongue kiss discussion not yet ending soon.  I have to make a confession that I wished on that certain part of the kiss PD didn't set their voice to 0% and set the BGM to 100%. I bet they made some Smoochies and that "beeeep" sounds. You know... That sound of breathing :ph34r:.

For a post like this I will always summoned @mythicalove along. And now I wanna tagged @minekas and @nika94 too. My most favorite Lee MinHo kiss is Personal Taste. My ultimate fond of his kiss. But now LOTBS kisses and skinship take the first place.

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@Visually-wandering chingu, which one is your fav. kiss in PT, game over kiss or the kiss in the final. Such a great kiss could only performed when an actor is very comfortable with his co star. I heard Son Ye Jin is a friend of MinHo:) Hope they would release the BTS of LOTBS hottest kiss too





cr owners

Edited by minekas
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I think the storyline of LOTBS needed to fulfill its 3rd stage of love ie dirty love so thats what the viewers were gifted with in ep 20.  I think IF JJH looked a bit restrained or less responsive for that dirty love kiss scene its only truly right because she has her family to think of too (and i respect her as she wanted to give her all to be the best onscreen wife to HJJ and the most devoted wife to her real life hubby so holding certain emotions back seem to be the rational thing to do).

So, our LMH being the best and most considerate co-star did the lead to create the most passionate dirty love scene for all LOTBS fans who were asking for this "dirty love" to be delivered on screen and the cameras helped captured one of the most beautiful "dirty love kiss scene" for you and me.  For me, I am beyond contented.


....great actors must show feelings of attraction towards each other that appear real!!


credit to rightful owner


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