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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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8 hours ago, bajing said:

@gowolgyesu Welcome to the thread!! So good to see another soul joining our DJ-YS shipper squad, haha.

Thanks for the welcome! :)

After watching the subbed KBS awards show, it reinforced my belief that Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yoon Hee were not nominated because it was in deference to the more senior actors  Cha In Pyo and La Miran. As mentioned  during the awards show, it started during the cast’s guesting in “Happy Together” when Cha In Pyo boldly stated that he wants to win Best Couple at the awards show, hoping to beat the Song-Song couple,  and this became the running and focal  theme at the awards show. And because they’re beloved and adorable senior actors, of course they had to be nominated. No complaints though, I like Cha In Pyo and La Miran too. But I guess having 3 couples from one drama  would be too much so LDG and JYH had to be sacrificed. And as you all know It didn’t help that at the start of the drama JYH was purposely made to  look plain with that dreadful bowl cut,  with plain clothes too and the romance  between DJ and YS was slow to start (but I was on board the DJ-YS train from day 1!) .

But it’s all water under the bridge now, it’s great that people are now loving the sweet romance between DJ and YS and JYH’s natural  beauty is now shining through!

I love it when LDG said that he has been happy shooting the drama every day for the past 6 months…aww…

20 minutes ago, peggygordon said:

6. In KBS Award 2016 it's lovely how JYH thanks to LDG and we see LDG shy face..Aww so cute


Sorry to cut your post but just wanted to add that it’s also cute when JYH thanked LDG for putting up with her when she whines about the cold weather and being tired, it’s like a reference to their guesting on Happy Together when JYH said that she prefers men to be understanding when women complain about simple things…aww…it  seems they’ve really grown closer since!

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I really love the thank you speeches by LDG and JYH as it really reflect how close they are now as compared to the start of filming.. LDG did also mentioned that JYH is very considerate of everyone on the set and he is learning from her.. I like how the camera panned towards LDG when JYH was making the speech and you could see his silly smile which I think he did it subconsciously heehee.. 

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Hi all! 

Happy to join the DJ-YS shipper squad! 


I started the drama about 2 weeks ago and I've been binge watching so I'm pretty much up to date with the latest episodes and can join the discussion.


I'm ashamed at myself cause I was one who thought JHH was really bland (visual wise not acting though cause her acting has been on point since the beginning and I can't think of any other actress who could pull off this character so well.) as the series goes on though I realised how beautiful she is. Really effortless and so feminine. She was also very funny and outgoing when they guested in Happy Together (I see why she hosts her own radio show).


I'm really happy to see the chemistry between the two developping/mirroring their on screen romance. I also found it sweet how a good part of DG's winning speech was about JHH knowing how he's man of little words he suddenly but had so much to say about his costar.


The drama is really good and up there with Five Children as my fave dramas of the year (I was really happy that both dramas co-won the acting awards truly well deserved). Really loving all the actors and characters the chemistry between the casts is just great. 


Btw I am the only one who feels like GP needs to die for our OTP to have a happy ending? I can't see YS/OTP being happy if he's still in the picture. I mean his obsession with YS for starters won't just dissapear even if he stays in prison for life.

Some of you keep mentioning maybe he didnt get the surgery for her father? But we saw him go into the surgery so it would seem strange that he didnt do it? But would be great plot twist if true. 

Looking forward to this weekend's episodes. 

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1 hour ago, effyisme said:

I really love the thank you speeches by LDG and JYH as it really reflect how close they are now as compared to the start of filming.. LDG did also mentioned that JYH is very considerate of everyone on the set and he is learning from her.. I like how the camera panned towards LDG when JYH was making the speech and you could see his silly smile which I think he did it subconsciously heehee.. 


32 minutes ago, Rita86 said:

I'm really happy to see the chemistry between the two developping/mirroring their on screen romance. I also found it sweet how a good part of DG's winning speech was about JHH knowing how he's man of little words he suddenly but had so much to say about his costar.


My thoughts exactly! Thanks to you both for saying what I failed to add in my earlier post and so beautifully at that!

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On 1/1/2017 at 11:03 PM, longloggedmozzie said:

Though sometimes I cringed at the cheesy and immature things HW does. I think it is perfectly logical for her to root for her own sister. She barely knows YS,  it will be weird to root for YS just coz of TY.  At least she cares for her own family. As I can see from amused expressions from dj and ty , they knew she is good nature and totally not mean spirited in her protests. 

I do wanna address that all these jealousy and anger stemmed from hw's insecurities. Deep down in her heart , she felt that she put so much effort in pursuing that he chose her because he was eventually broken down. We could see from the fourth wall that TY truly care but to her I don't think she truly believe ty loves her as much or even a fraction as much she does. Hence a. She din get why the little bobo  can make his heart race b.Din get he was joking coz well he never this carefree and relax before. So I sorta despite my cringing over certain action understand perfectly. I think deep down inside she shot down his many attempts to bring up the subject of the ex gf.

She is not as confident as most ppl would think she is . 



As for HW, i know she was really care for her family. Even HJ is not her biological sister, i think she is the only one who cares and considers HJ not like a step sister in the house. She cheered HJ when HJ got divorced with DJ. But, she doesn't know how HJ treated her ex-husband. She doesn't know HJ's real personality and still defended her. How come she was not happy knowing her ex-brother in law has a gf. She should know that DJ has to move on and he is free to date anyone since he is single. I find her too childish actually. Like @TheMsChelsea91 (that's you right, chingu?) said, she starts to be so annoying now. Although at first i enjoyed every of her scenes and seeing her wiped away the sadness. 

I can't imagine how she will react when she knows that her future sister-in-law was her bf's ex-gf. Her heart will break in to pieces. Lol... perhaps she will blame TY for not telling her the truth. But she's the one who didn't want to give the chance to TY everytime he wanted to tell her about that. She was so jealous over a small problem, how about the big one? She hides herself because people were underestimated her for her family background. That's why she didn't have any friends in the office. I think she should socialize more.

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1 hour ago, valzki said:

As for HW, i know she was really care for her family. Even HJ is not her biological sister, i think she is the only one who cares and considers HJ not like a step sister in the house. She cheered HJ when HJ got divorced with DJ. But, she doesn't know how HJ treated her ex-husband. She doesn't HJ's real personality and still defended her. How come she was not happy knowing her ex-brother in law has a gf. She should know that DJ has to move on and he is free to date anyone since he is single. I find her too childish actually. Like @TheMsChelsea91 (that's you right, chingu?) said, she starts to be so annoying now. Although at first i enjoyed every of her scenes and seeing her wiped away the sadness. 

I can't imagine how she will react when she knows that her future sister-in-law was her bf's ex-gf. Her heart will break in to pieces. Lol... perhaps she will blame TY for not telling her the truth. But she's the one who didn't want to give the chance to TY everytime he wanted to tell her about that. She was so jealous over a small problem, how about the big one? She hides herself because people were underestimated her for her family background. That's why she didn't have any friends in the office. I think she should socialize more.

@valzki: yup it's me haha :) ... actually, I find HW immaturity annoying in regards to her relationship alone. Her reaction to DJ's new relationship is something I understand completely, because she's bound to her fierce loyalty to HJ. Like you said, HW doesn't know what exactly happened in DJ-HJ's marriage. Actually, scratch that, she should be able to get some idea considering how miserable DJ was and how HJ treated herself so poorly. But anyway, blood is thicker than water, even if it's just half-blood (Harry Potter pun intended here lol). HW knew that HJ could be a difficult person to handle, but HW tolerated her anyway because that's just the nice kind of person she is and also because she believed that HW regretted her decision and poor treatment of DJ and wanted him back, so in HW's eyes, HJ's redeemed. She also felt uncomfortable I believe, because of how quick DJ was able to move on. And of course, she doesn't know YS well enough yet. I think HW would certainly root for YS too had she knew YS well.. 

EDIT: Belated welcome onboard to @gowolgyesu. Nice name by the way :) Hello to @Rita86 too. Glad you're enjoying the drama. Interesting theory on GP not getting the surgery. Someone suggested it? I must've missed the post but yeah, I doubt GP lied about it because there was a flashback scene of him being wheeled into the operation room to undergo that surgery. And  how to keep GP away? maybe he can be convicted for something really major and his punishment will keep him in prison for years, not months, maybe even a lifetime.

Also, special shout out to @wizuwizu, just cause :phew:. I couldn't do much with your recent posts except for liking them. Oh, looking forward to your comic strips, if you ever get the chance to work on them, but no pressure at all. I can only imagine the amount of work needed to do them. 

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14 hours ago, rileyelizabeth said:

I think the beauty of this Wolgyesu drama is that everyone acts so in character that it is such a joy to watch them.  And yes, that includes Min Hyo Sang and Choi Ji Yun.  I am not mad at Lee Dong Jin's mom and sis or even his dad for not being able to accept Na Yun Shil because I suppose that's how life is and this drama excels at making us (or at least me) believe why.  Like what Lee Man Sool told Na Yun Shil, he needed time to digest the fact that his son loves her enough for her to be his daughter in-law.  This is why I think Na Yun Shil going away to discover herself is a good thing.  She needs to stop being a doormat.  At the very beginning, she thought she could live her life by marrying Hong Gi-pyo against everyone else's advice to repay his kindness just because she had no other options.  Little did she know that Lee Dong Jin would love her and that earlier decision of her would come to haunt her and cause harm to him and his family.  Of course, Hong Gi-pyo and his mom are mean bullies who need to be taught a lesson, and I'm still skeptical that he really donated his organ to her dad.

am so glad you posted @rileyelizabeth! :) I was thinking if I was the only one who thought it was perfectly reasonable for the other characters to not accept yun shil. truth be told, I didn't cry or was moved by all the crying of yun shil -- she is one of those people you expect to see cry and so it wasn't really surprising.  since I am a distance viewer for the most part when it comes to watching dramas (meaning I just watch them for time pass and don't usually get too invested) and indifferent to the yunshil - dong jin romance, their breakup made logical sense. at least, it wasn't idiotic.... but seeing folks so tuned into the dong jin - yun shil romance made me feel like I shouldn't be posting anymore here in this thread since my view is so drastically different....:cold_sweat:

what I like about opposition in the long weekend dramas is that it is usually logical. if gyo po is really bad (like the writer now wants us to believe; still think the writer changed the story), then it is reasonable for any family to say "wait a minute! why should we suffer for your stupid decision to marry a thug?" if gyo po is a real threat, who would want to get involved? dong jin is in love but the family members aren't. it is one thing to offer support and quite another to take on a threat. why should they? they have done far more then most folks -- they offered her compassion and a support system. it was interesting that hyo joo said that yun shil is someone who takes advantage of people with compassion -- so you have to give the family brownie points that they didn't react with that kind of thinking. they understood yun shil's character and didn't see her actions as taking advantage of their family's good acts.

and like his mom pointed out, the rumours would be terrible -- because yun shil acted like a quasi wife, it would look like an affair; yun shil dumping her husband when he was in jail for another. (the writer keeps making slip ups here and there -- the drama probably has some fruit PPL thing happening but from a story point of view, why on earth is she working at a strawberry farm? if gyo po is so evil and bad, then the last place one would want to work is another fruit farm after being dragged to work in her mom-in-law's grape farm. isn't she sick of fruit farms? this are the sort of things that makes me think gyo po has just become bad because the writer wants these two to be together....).

and dong sook saying that she likes yun shil as a person but not as a in-law -- again that is perfectly reasonable. it happens. people can be very objective and have different expectations for who they would like to be related. think of some relatives -- they are nice people but if you had a choice, would you want to be related to them? am sure every family has people like that... even the dad's measured reaction made sense -- they offered her support but it is another thing altogether to accept her as a daughter-in-law when they never thought or considered it... and since he is at the tail end of his life, his view is a more laissez-faire. as he said, he hurt when he lost his first love but he moved on, met someone else, had a family -- no regrets. and that is how life is -- it keeps on turning...

actually felt sorry for hyo joo -- she is obviously too late and it is case of her pride stopping her from showing whats in her heart. (keep thinking of the song "25 minutes too late") but here is the thing -- dong jin didn't choose to divorce her; neither did he choose to quit meesa apparels. with both, he was forced out. meaning it was a passive reaction. not an active decision he made. so it is reasonable for his mother to consider if that would be something that her son wants if his pride allowed it. he is very ambitious. even now, he is not content with managing a small tailor shop. he wants to turn it into something very different. so he is someone who would never be happy or content doing something small in life. and his family recognizes that. it is why he refused to come back to the tailor shop when his dad asked. and despite hyo joo's antics in the beginning, he didn't resent her or told her off for treating his family that way -- why didn't he? maybe he just didn't care about his family... who knows? but whatever it is, he wasn't unhappy enough to leave. he was content to stay in that marriage till she made an impulsive decision. so now that she has sort of realized her mistakes, is it unreasonable for his family to say - give her a chance?

for both dong jin and yun shil, they need to make the decision that they would rather be single than be with exes -- then, folks around them will see and understand that the dong jin-yunshil romance didn't happen because they were bored and lonely. so this breakup is a necessary step in that process for them to be together. otherwise, people will always see it like a shameful secret that has to be hidden -- the fact that no one wants to talk about their relationship openly seems more sad.... where's @sava2sava -- what did you think?

anyways, we have few more episodes to go... wondering if ms ko will give sun nyeo a makeover and become her bestie! hahahah.. that would be a riot to watch. and we finally know what taeyang was studying for -- he wants to become a teacher.

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On 1/2/2017 at 2:13 AM, TheMsChelsea91 said:

Trust is the foundation of a lasting relationship

Sorry to cut your thoughtful post, chingu.. because i'm afraid that it'll be too long with me quoted it. Hehe.. ^^ 

But i like that line that you said. That is one of the best quote in life :wub: 

I agree with you that YS left because of GJ. From the start YS was afraid of GP's threat and made her so weak inside. But with DJ, she finally becomes stronger and could face and ask GP to let her go. The bravest thing that she'd ever done before i think. Facing GJ, she respected the eldest so much until she finally gave in when GJ asked her to leave and break-up with DJ. I don't know whether GJ did this to take HJ back as her daughter-in-law or she was afraid GP will harm her precious son. 

If GJ approves YS and DJ, i think they will be stronger to face GP. There will be legal witnesses to take legal actions by reporting him to the police for threatening and intimidating crime. I am curious can GP harm or hurt YS? 

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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

am so glad you posted @rileyelizabeth! :) I was thinking if I was the only one who thought it was perfectly reasonable for the other characters to not accept yun shil. truth be told, I didn't cry or was moved by all the crying of yun shil -- she is one of those people you expect to see cry and so it wasn't really surprising.  since I am a distance viewer for the most part when it comes to watching dramas (meaning I just watch them for time pass and don't usually get too invested) and indifferent to the yunshil - dong jin romance, their breakup made logical sense. at least, it wasn't idiotic.... but seeing folks so tuned into the dong jin - yun shil romance made me feel like i shouldn't be posting  anymore here in this thread since my view is so drastically different...  :cold_sweat:

I'm still backreading and suddenly saw your post. I'm sorry i cut your post because I haven't finished reading all but i think i must say this. Haha... 

Regarded the thing that i marked, please don't chingu. Haha.. I'm glad to see you here despite what you thought. There will be always pro and contra right? Hehe.. i'm not opposing the one who has different thought from me. It's good to hear your thought about this drama. We just can come out with our speculations and the end of the drama depends on the writer-nim. I don't know the writer had already finished the scripts without any changes to the viewers' responses or the writer can change the script anytime? 

P.s. will continue to reply you after i finish reading all. Hehe...

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On 1/2/2017 at 11:03 AM, pinkdicentra said:

Just watched the subs. I was pretty much sobbing through most of the episode, at least every time DJ appeared.  I usually like dramas that can make me cry when they are meaningful and reflective, but here it's just upsetting and sad. I have to agree with @TheMsChelsea91 that YS is a noble idiot. I'm not sure about in real life but I would define noble idiocy in the dramaworld as a character who decides on another person's behalf (the person he/she loves) that he/she leaving or letting go will bring a more positive outcome. That is the noble part. The idiocy part is that he/she is wrong. Whether YS decided to leave because she was afraid of GP's wrath on DJ or if she was triggered by GJ doesn't matter. She concludes that DJ will live a better life when (more like "if") he forgets about her and same for her. She says that the more she loved him, the less she could do for him. But the truth is, she couldn't even do the only thing he wanted from her, and that is to stay by his side and face the obstacles together. I can understand her actions, but I still think she is being very cruel to him, and she definitely is not leaving him in the least hurtful way as she described.

It's disrespectful to the elderly, but I want to throw things at GJ (Edit: sorry, I think I stole this phrase from someone here, but I do mean it). She continues to be the biggest hypocrite with her "feeling terrible" but "what else could I do." If she felt so terrible she should at least admit to the family that she was the one who pushed YS away. I hope the guilt eats her up. And maybe DJ could move out in protest. For DS who believes in her mom, not only is GJ capable of telling YS to leave the home, she also had no problem telling her to leave the tailor shop. I also don't like MS's talk about meeting again if they are fated. That is trivializing DJ's feelings. How can he compare his first love with DJ? He watched his first love being dragged away and didn't do anything. Both regret and resolution to live happily with his family now are his own decisions. DJ doesn't even have this chance. And about fate, DJ and YS weren't separated by war or a tornado. He was separated by his (evil!) mother behind his back. This is not about fate at all!

Lastly, I would consider SD actions as cheating. SN's hair pulling habit is unforgivable, but he is still ultimately wrong. Poor YE who is caught in the middle of this dysfunctional couple's business.

My tears have dried up as I wrote this, but I still haven't recovered from the misery. Have to go find something happy to do.

@pinkdicentralet me give you a warm group hug, chingu :wub: 

I think the guilt has eaten GJ up since she couldn't sleep well since YS's leaving. And it will continue as DJ looks miserable now. GJ is such a coward because she asked YS to leave quietly without telling anyone. Why not just tell everyone that she doesn't agree YS dates her son? She really gets on my nerves. Lol...

DJ really resembles his dad. But i hope DJ will do anything to get YS back, not to let her go just like what his dad did to his first love. What for if he just regret what he did in the past when the person was about to leave this world sadly. 

Yes, SD is considered cheating to his wife although he doesn't have any intention to date EY. SN won't do that harsh thing to EY if SD introduce his wife properly to EY. SD shouldn't go to the bakery every day too without telling his wife. Any wife must get mad at husband doing this kind of thing behind. Lol...  *the power of a woman :sweatingbullets:

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49 minutes ago, valzki said:

I'm still backreading and suddenly saw your post. I'm sorry i cut your post becaause I haven't finished reading all but i think i must say this. Haha... 

Regarded the thing that i marked, please don't chingu. Haha.. I'm glad to see you here despite what you thought. There will be always pro and contra right? Hehe.. i'm not opposing the one who has different thought from me. It's good to hear your thought about this drama. We just can come out with our speculations and the end of the drama depends on the writer-nim. I don't know the writer had already finished the scripts without any changes to the viewers' responses or the writer can change the script anytime? 

P.s. will continue to reply you after i finish reading all. Hehe...

awww thanks chingu :wub: ... (caught up on the thread and drama over the last few days but was hesitating to post anything. been sick the last few days + lots of real life stress and so it made me think if I needed additional stress from having a different opinion on a drama.. so thanks @valzki for cheering me up.)

the writer can change the script anytime as this is a live shoot and sometimes they do it it in response to the viewers reactions. have seen this happen in other dramas as well. 

here's a pic from the trailer -- she looks happy! isn't that strange for someone who was supposedly forced/bullied to get married?

Image result for gentlemen of wolgyesu tailor shop 1

the trailer for the drama.....


maybe the end game was always for gyo po to turn bad but just the way  it was executed, the whole arc feels full of holes. sometimes one buys the changes the writer makes and you feel the arc; sometimes one is just left feeling indifferent and never warm up to the arc. but with 3 other couples and the crazy ko family, the drama continues to be entertaining.

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On 1/2/2017 at 2:51 PM, effyisme said:


If I can go into the screen, I will literally slap and pull HJ's hair.. I can't stand her, what make her think that DJ will return to her coz YS has left.. She is the biggest hypocrite followed by DJ's mum but at least I felt that she redeemed herself slightly as she is now starting to be overwhelmed with guilt and I hope she will be filled with guilt when she sees her precious son's current state..

I am also very disappointed with MS as I have expected him to be fully on DJ's side.. he was the one that told DJ previously to not let regret hold him back and needs to fight for people that matters to him but now he seems to be singing a different tune.. 

I like TP as he is (as usual) the one that has the best insight and suspected that GJ is the one behind YS's disappearance and I hope he will mention this to DJ.. If DJ were to find out that it is his mum that made YS leave, I seriously wonder how he will react!!

Having said much, I am still trying to overcome this sadness.... :blink:

I'm sorry if i cut your post again chingu ^^ hehe...

Hahaha...you are brave enough to slap and pull HJ's hair :D she can sue and report you through her "powerful" lawyer. Lol... 

I got confused with MS. In one side, it looks like he takes YS-DJ's side. He told YS that he will try to talk to/persuade (?) her wife and ended his wife ignored him. But on the other side, he is not with them and not supporting at all. He just tell DJ to be a coward to accept what had happened that's called fate. 

TP is smart though. Haha..he can know that DJ is dating YS when no one knows about that. And now he knows that GJ is behind all the troubles here. 

Everyone that is opposing DJ and YS should realize and give up especially HJ, after seeing DJ-YS's "wedding" photos if the studio decides to release the photos to public :phew: they will be shock for sure and thinking DJ-YS have got married quietly. Lol... 

Cheer up, chingu... :glasses:

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On 1/2/2017 at 3:04 PM, wizuwizu said:

Back again to comment. Just quickly watched ep38 (had to ffwd some SD-SN part because I'm quite busy these days, and I can't stand some of her antics). I'd also like to apologise for not being able to participate as much on this thread these days. Hopefully I can get back into the discussion/drama soon. In any case, I did read the comments on this page (75), and I agree with @TheMsChelsea91 & @pinkdicentra. YS is a noble idiot. I have a feeling it's common for K-drama characters to have this trait, so it is fortunate I don't watch many dramas. The other recent drama I watched was Drinking Solo, and the lead was a noble idiot too. I don't think I can stand similar characters again and again. I felt sorry for DJ, especially in the scene where he found the letter. Also felt that if it was me, I'd be even more miserable.

I was a little disappointed with ES and to a lesser degree, HW, in this weekend's episodes. HS, JY and HJ as usual annoy me, especially HJ. SD and SN too. LMAO maybe it's work stress, but I noticed I get annoyed easily with these fictional characters lately. Oh wait, GJ annoyed me too.

Meanwhile DJ, TaePyung and family, TY and maid ajumma continues to be likeable. MS is hovering in the neutral zone, because I didn't agree with some of his actions/words.

p/s: I didn't get to comment this on the Christmas weekend's episodes discussion (meant to comment through c-strip), but TY in the club was exactly how I was LOL. It was the first, and last time I was in such place. Super uncomfortable.

p/s #2: Slightly late, but wishing you all a happy and healthy year ahead!

welcome back chingu ^^ it's for sure the most torturing 2 weeks for most of us. Lol... hopefully this is all worth watching by the end of the drama since the rating is increasing from last week. And the separation doesn't last too long. Happy new year chingu! :blush:

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On 1/2/2017 at 10:06 PM, pimsucre said:

Am I the only one that find YS has gotten so much prettier particularly from episodes 35-38? I don't know whether JYH has changed (like losing some weight) or something about her make-up/hairdo or simply YS character has just grown on me. I find her eyes are so attractive; melancholic & beautiful which say a lot sadness without any words being said and that's why I got all teary-eyed while watching her in last two episodes.


Yesss... i'm with you chingu :phew: flashback when the first DJ met YS, she has changed a lot. But just like @caranthir_idril said, she's pretty with a long hair in that drama. So basically she is really beautiful. I think it's her character that made her change and she is more comfortable with LDG now. 

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@bajing i think MS defends her wife for not telling everyone especially DJ, she is behind YS's leaving. He is sick now and he loves his wife. He wants to settle everything when he still can see. He saw DJ got panic thus miserable then tried to calm DJ. Only he is in a wrong way i think. 

I'm joining in your circle of prayer for happier episodes this week chingu! :w00t:

@gowolgyesu hello chingu! Welcome to this thread and enjoy to be here! :wub: it's good to see new comers. The more the merrier though. Hehe...

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I actually have something else less relevant to say, but since there's so much activity here, I wanted to respond before I forgot. I'll come back a few hours later for some other comments.

First regarding HW, same as @TheMsChelsea91 and @valzki. I really liked her character and LSY's portrayal in the beginning. I wasn't even bothered by her near sexual harassment of TY while she was his boss. The "annoyance" with her stems from the live shooting and an entertainment industry that is dependent on instant viewer reaction. People reacted positively by her antics and that's what we keep getting. But like everything in life, all things need to be in moderation. For example, we get that LSY is gorgeous, but the sparkly-smiley scenes of her face every episode really aren't doing anything for the storytelling (there are clips to rewatch for that). She needs character growth. Same thing happened to SN. In the beginning I found her antics humorous. But soon it reached a tipping point and I actually hated her character. I'm starting to feel more for her in the last episodes, but unfortunately, it's at the expense of SD.

@Lmangla Even though I'm very invested in DJ-YS, I don't disagree with your comments above. I get sad for DJ rather than YS.* And I get why the characters don't accept her. It's human nature to be at least somewhat hypocritical. However, rather than just understanding them, I want to like all the characters, so I do get upset when these fictional characters are hypocritical. Rather than just entertainment, I'd like the story to have positive messages. Lying behind a family member's back, being wishy-washy about one's perspective, not withstanding one's own fears, etc. are not the type of impressions I'd like the story to give, especially if they've already put effort into building positive messages. But there are still enough episodes to turn these messages around. I have my fingers crossed. And yes, I also think the YS-GP dynamic didn't look bad enough in the beginning. But I'm 100% sure end game was always DJ-YS even before casting, so it is a likely a lapse from the live-shoot system. And of course, you should write opposing views. It gives us a chance to generate more discussion.

*Edit: DJ doesn't even get the chance to decide whether he would rather be single than be with his ex so that people around could understand his love for YS (sorry, I can't quote for an edit), although we are sure that he would, and he will express this in the episodes to come. People whom he trusts are forcing their decisions on him even without him knowing the reasons. I would have less of a problem if GJ went up to his face and said that she wanted YS out of the picture, but of course she has to be a stereotypical drama mom, and I guess it's also partially his own fault for not bringing it out in the open earlier so that even disagreements could be discussed more openly. Also, since I was always expecting the DJ-YS loveline, it was easier for me to dismiss the flaws in the GP arc (as long as he was out of the picture for a while, that was fine for me).

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21 hours ago, vaberella said:

1) Girl, when this ish comes out, it will be crazy. Do you know who I think will throw everything out of the bag? HJ. I feel like in a fit of anger she's going to say something like, "Your mother wants us to get back together, that's why we/she...?' Then he's going to pull it out of her.

@vaberella I would love it if this happens. The best destruction for the antagonist is self destruction.

21 hours ago, vaberella said:

b. I don't think DJ has any intention of taking HJ back or go back to Meesa.  What can HJ offer?  The woman was and is completely selfish.  She is pushing the same thing of having him again taking over the company. It's almost like a weird ultimatum. Take me back, so then we can take back Meesa.  She wants him as a prize--her Ken doll because it would bring the company back into her hands and away from the "illegitimates".  I think he sees that and why he would never go back.  

I know this is supposed to be a negative thing, but I can't help thinking of your Ken reference as a compliment to LDG. Here's some more silly rambling . . . Lately, DJ has been wearing a lot of long jackets and it's been making him look extra tall. I keep having these Tuxedo Mask / Darien Shields / Mamoru Chiba vibes from him. Maybe it's just me but if anyone is in for some silliness, below are some comparison pics. Cue the Tuxedo Mask theme (English version for me, but there's also the Japanese one) . . .






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8 hours ago, Lmangla said:

am so glad you posted @rileyelizabeth! :) I was thinking if I was the only one who thought it was perfectly reasonable for the other characters to not accept yun shil. truth be told, I didn't cry or was moved by all the crying of yun shil -- she is one of those people you expect to see cry and so it wasn't really surprising.  since I am a distance viewer for the most part when it comes to watching dramas (meaning I just watch them for time pass and don't usually get too invested) and indifferent to the yunshil - dong jin romance, their breakup made logical sense. at least, it wasn't idiotic.... but seeing folks so tuned into the dong jin - yun shil romance made me feel like I shouldn't be posting anymore here in this thread since my view is so drastically different....:cold_sweat:


@Lmangla    I love what you wrote, and am happy to share your opinion!  I suppose our opinions weren't that controversial yet.  If I were to say that I wanted a chance for Min Hyoju to redeem herself and get back together with Lee Dong Jin, people might come after me with pitchforks.  Back to Na Yun Shil.  She is sweet and kind-hearted and pretty - all the reasons Lee Dong Jin listed for liking her.  Until now, he has been the one giving her strength and encouragement to take charge of her life, and I like him for that.  I am waiting for her to stand up to the "mistakes" she had made (read Hong Gi-pyo and mom) herself so that she can at least get rid of that baggage that is on everyone's mind.  I am sure she'll be a wonderful wife and partner to Lee Dong Jin in running Wolgyesu and taking care of his family, so nothing against her there.  But, I did facepalm when she chose to work in another fruit farm!  Oh-so-predictable like Kang Tae Yang working another part-time job.  These two sure have a lot in common.  We are nearly 4/5 into the drama and they are just showing how she's turning into a tailor and he a model.  I am hoping for a meteoric change in their fortunes just like Sung Tae Pyung's!  =)  

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