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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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SW actually thinks she has a change with DT. Does she not know that when her secret comes out that 1) she's DY sister JR is going to turn on her in a heartbeat and 2) SW has no money to her name. I'm looking forward to YJ taking JR and HR for a good ride and taking over the compnay....should be quiet some interesting turn of invents...and what is sad...is that only DT/DDY will be able to save their sorry dead bodies.


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40 minutes ago, Triton823 said:

SW actually thinks she has a change with DT. Does she not know that when her secret comes out that 1) she's DY sister JR is going to turn on her in a heartbeat and 2) SW has no money to her name. I'm looking forward to YJ taking JR and HR for a good ride and taking over the compnay....should be quiet some interesting turn of invents...and what is sad...is that only DT/DDY will be able to save their sorry dead bodies.


I know right, and once JR finds out that SW's mother is her husband's mentor.. but she'll probs find out that SW's mom is DY's sister in law first which will cause more hatred to DY

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Like all clueless bad girls in these things SW has not realized yet that everyone finding out that she is DY's niece will not make her welcomed to marry who she was plotting to. DT will remember her as the poop girl who ruined his shirt and refused to pay him for it. JR will have a fit that she was taken in by someone of such low background from the same family as DY. HR will also be very angry at the fact that SW is DY's niece and has been feeding her info in order to plot to marry her brother in a case of gold digging. I think the worst part is her stolen identity. 

SW has not once thought what will happen when the truth comes out that she is not who she presented herself to be. There are some huge legal issues alone on the stolen identity and presenting her self to that company to work as someone she is not.  What she did is fraud and she could go to jail for it. Causing more issues for her family as JR and HR will assume that DY was part of this plot as well or that her mother was. She is a very selfish girl and thinks nothing of how this will affect her aunt nor her mom since the mom is the mentor of DT's father.

She has always been jealous of DY and she is a very selfish woman. SW is very misguided and spiteful and she will try to do all she can to hurt DY and take DT. Of course even if she succeeds in convincing HR and JR eventually the real SW will show up and she will be blown out of the water or someone who knows the real SW could expose her. Which means she will loose everything she stole by taking on that woman's name. JR and HR will turn on her so fast. I think she hopes to get DT to the alter and marry him before they find out and can't get rid of her. But of course they still could based on fraud even if she was to some how knock out DT and drug him to the alter. But we all know DT does not like her that way and never will so she has no chance. Unfortunately for her his rejection will only spurn her further into doing something she can not take back and we hope getting her closer to being exposed. 

I really hope at this late date that we do not have a situation where DT drinks to much or gives her an opportunity to spike a drink so she can pretend they slept together. I really would hate for writer-nim to even go that route. 

Now she is on this kick about her father. Listening to her grandmother who has blamed DY when it was an accident and DY was a baby when her Oppa was trying to get her to the doctor. SW has always been stubborn and pig headed not to listen to her mother or anyone else cause in her mind she felt DY was more favored than her by her mother as her Aunt. This brat has not had a hard time and I really hope she is made to pay for the money she stole from DY, from the lies she has told living this other woman's life and for her spiteful and hateful behavior to her family. I think she will only learn when a few home truths come out about what happen to her father and about her life she has been living. 

I still see DT and DY as the end game.. but I think we have a bit more drama to go before this ends with a hopeful wedding for those two. 

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3 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Thank you for your contributions too:). DT is amicable and gets along with all members of his family. He provides some kind of stability and "order" when things go wrong. He speaks with those who seem troubled and cares for them. Should I say he is like an adhesive glue that bonds the Sul family together in times of trouble? And yes, competition or a challenge seems to bring out his persistent nature, doesn't it:)? His sincerity and persistency most certainly won over DY's heart:P. In episode 11, MS remarked that his son is someone who stays true to his words.

BTW have you watched the raw version of episode 102? SW is really wicked and spiteful:tears:...time for DY to stand up and speak the truth! Armed with an added agenda to fatally destroy DY whom she holds responsible for her father's death, SW is going to try her best to steal DT from her by hook or crook.

Yes I have just watched the raw version. I am happy to see that DY is standing up for herself again. Yesterday's warning to SW to watch her mouth was indeed gold!

In this evening's episode, DY finally defended her work and seemed to have told HR that she has done her best and she is not the best person for this particular launch since her area of expertise is farm produce. Of course, giant doll sister went mental hysterical and had to be dragged out of the office by DT.

As for SW... she is really bitter, jealous, delusional and downright unscrupulous. She lured DT into her home by feigning illness and tried to make him stay. When he told her again about his date with DY and was about to leave, she quickly back-hugged him and "confessed". Too desperate. On a positive note, DT was honest with DY about his whereabouts. Which makes me wonder if DY went to SW's home after the phone call.

I tried to skip many parts of the last few episodes to a point where I wonder if I'm still watching TUF.  Have to keep reminding myself that this is just a show lol! I then bite the bullet and watch the entire episode once with subs.

And how cute were MS and SA in matching burgundy?! Couple alert!

Now waiting for subs. I need to know what YJ said to HR after finding out DY had visited the Suls' residence.

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My non-Korean speaking take on the Korean language version of episode 102:

# It is evening. DT has driven DY home. They talk. She cries. They kiss. SW, who somehow is still at her family's house even though she was supposed to return to Seoul several hours earlier, observes with malice.

# SW enters the house. SA is surprised to see her, since SW had rushed out of the house early that afternoon claiming that she needed to return to work in Seoul. SW summons SA into her bedroom for a Talk. SW, whose facial expression fuses arrogance and spite, rants about DY. SA vainly attempts to speak a calming word or two. SW's rant becomes a tantrum. SA is aghast. SW runs from the room . . .

# . . . And into DY as she is entering the house. SW gives DY a lengthy version of her newly acquired Hate Stare. DY attempts to communicate with her. SW launches another tantrum, but is interrupted by SA. SW runs back to her bedroom.

# DY and SA converse. DY is puzzled and concerned by SW's behavior. SA is embarrassed.

# At the Sul household Juran and her father are having a Talk. He speaks calmly, she is subdued. DY's name is mentioned several times. One almost feels sorry for Juran but she rallies with a volley of angry words. It would seem that DT has chosen the wrong moment to return home but Juran subsides as DT walks through the door. DT and his grandfather converse. The Grandfather appears to be asking DT to defer to his sister. They disagree and Grandfather leaves the room. Juran rants at DT. Juran and DT shout at each other.

# YJ returns from wherever it is he has been as Juran storms out of the room. YJ wearily assesses DT, perhaps recalling his parents' warning against living with his in-laws. YJ leaves the room without speaking to DT wondering what fresh hell awaits in his bedroom.

# YJ enters his bedroom where his wife is still seething. HR angrily speaks DY's name several times. YJ looks even wearier. They argue and YJ leaves the room.

# SW is shown crying uncontrollably in her bedroom. (Am I a bad person for thinking this is a good thing? No.) She recovers and utters ill wishes for DY.

# It's morning in Seoul and another work day at Bonjour. SW enters the building. DY, seeing SW, runs to catch up with her. Bad move. After giving DY her Hate Stare, SW speaks a few angry words in a low voice before storming off.

# DY's three co-workers are standing around drinking cofee and gossiping. They greet DY as she enters the office and sits down at her desk.

# HR storms into the office. DY stands and hands her revised product survey to HR. HR gives the document three seconds of in depth analysis before ripping it to pieces and throwing it on DY's desk. HR screams at DY. DY looks HR in the eye and calmly defends herself. This further enrages HR.

# DT enters the office just as HR moves to assault DY. DT firmly escorts HR out of DY's office. (Did I say that the wrist-grab-and-drag is demeaning to women and can never be justified? Never mind.)

# DY's office mates, having just acquired enough material for several weeks of conversation, comfort DY.

# DT and HR are in DT's office. He is attempting to calm her.

# SW, uninvited, joins them. A brief flicker of delight traverses SW's face as she assesses the scene. Still uninvited, SW remains. SW puts on her smarmy face and pretends to be concerned. HR storms out. SW runs after her. It is DT's turn to look weary.

# HR's job description: Rant. Lunch. Repeat. It is now time for lunch. SW and HR are sitting in a restaurant. (Will HR pick up the tab this time? Just kidding.) HR sobs. SW incites her. HR says something that appears to surprise even SW. With a look of cold fury, SW takes firm comand of the conversation.

# HR returns home. She and her aunt talk quietly. HR begins to rant. The Aunt, who has real problems, listens quietly.

# The Birth Mother and GJ are lying in bed. The Birth Mother is reading to her. GJ falls asleep. YJ's mother enters the room. She and the Birth Mother are happy. They leave the room and join YJ's father and older brother, who are also happy. KC enters the room. He is awkward. The elder GJ enters the room and hands YJ's mother a gift. KC is more awkward. He and YJ leave the room for a Talk.

# KC nervously explains that he has agreed to let the Birth Mother stay with the younger GJ, expecting a hostile reaction. Instead, GJ appears to say something on the order of "At last!" KC is surprised. Romantic music swells in the background. KC and GJ are smiling. KC bends down to talk to KC's fetus. There is no apparent response from the fetus.

# DY's mother is standing in her house looking confused. The Ghost appears and comforts her. Again The Ghost dissolves as SA enters the room. Again SA is alarmed. DY's mother becomes frustrated, then angry. SA leaves the room and DY's mother unsuccessfully attempts to resume her conversation with The Ghost. She shouts in frustration.

# MS happens upon SA as she is loading vegetables into a truck. He hands her a gift. They talk. He proposes something. She hesitates briefly before agreeing.

# MS and SA are in the marketplace where SA has gone to sell her produce. They chat. MS recalls what DY's mother told him the day before: that she hoped MS and SA would be together.

# One of the gossipy village ladies stops, ostensibly to buy vegetables. She and MS chat amiably while SA looks on nervously. The village lady leaves with a smile on her face. (I briefly saw Juran's unmistakable helmet hair amongst the milling villagers. No matter. Kim Kyung Sook had apparently been drafted to fill out the crowd scene.)

# Juran is shown sitting in her office looking moody. She recalls her last, unsatisfactory conversation with MS. She does the Ha! Eye roll.

# Mr. Choi enters Juran's office. He looks concerned. They talk. She looks surprised. Mr. Choi presses on earnestly. YJ enters. Has Mr. Choi been giving Juran the skinny on YJ's machinations? Apparently not: Mr. Choi nods conspiratorially toward YJ as he leaves the office, so likely he was trying to persuade Juran to allocate the additional funds YJ is seeking for the China Project.

# Looking furtive, YJ takes a seat and hands Juran a folder. She glances briefly at the folder and they smile. More important business is at hand. They turn to a discussion of DY and neither smiles. Juran looks vindictive. YJ looks uncomfortable. YJ apparently gives Juran a new piece of information about DY. Juran Ha! Eye rolls. YJ leaves her office.

# YJ returns to his office and sits at his desk, looking weary and discouraged. He makes a call and barks orders into his phone. There is suspenseful music in the background so we know YJ is Up To No Good.

# DY enters and hands YJ a report. YJ speaks earnestly to DY. She responds defiantly. She leaves YJ's office. He looks discouraged.

# DT walks into DY's office as she is returning to her desk. They converse amiably.

# DY's office mates plus the Lanky Guy enter. DT and the Lanky Guy retreat to DT's office. Lanky Guy tells DT about the Supplement complaints. DT is very surprised. DT thanks the Lanky Guy and looks Determined.

# DT leaves his office but is immediately accosted by SW, who is all smiles. She is probably telling DT that she is trying hard to win HR's and Juran's support for his relationship with DY, but her efforts availeth not.

# Before DT can rush off, SW fakes a medical emergency. By the time they are in DT's car headed for her apartment, SW has made a full recovery. She is talking agaain, DT is looking surprised and somewhat uncomfortable.

# By the time they arrive at SW's apartment she has suffered a relapse. DT must help her into her apartment and onto her couch. She stirs unhappily as DT calls DY to explain why he is late. By the time DT is heading to the door to meet up with DY SW's recovery is once again total. She shouts and springs to her feet. DT looks uncomfortable and continues toward the door. SW runs up behind DT and passionately encircles his waist with her arms. A Double Bug Eye ending: He looks startled. She looks determined.

# I Does SW just happen to have several bottles of DT's favorite brand of soju on hand? Will SW now Deploy All Of Her Assets in her bid for DT (Lee Sera is an American, after all . . . ) ? Is a Honey Trap in the offing?


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@yamiyugi You rock fellow dude. Thanks for pointing out my error re DY's relation to SA.

@maribella wrote that perhaps DY's father is not dead, hence the absence of photographs.

You could well be right.

In an American home headed by a divorced mother there wouldn't be any photographs of the former husband either.On the other hand, the former husband would still be a continuing presence in the household via child support and visitation rights.

It would therefore `be strange in America if there was no mention whatsoever of the absent father, as in the Kang household.

I am told that this is not only possible but likely in Korea.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. but I'm told that in Korea if a child chooses to live with the mother following a divorce, the father owes no child care, no educational support," no nothing." If a father chooses to do nothing, the child may be as bitter as the mother and the father is likely to become a "non-person" in the home. Why would the child have any interest in the father if the father has no interest in the child?

So a live but unmentionable father in the Kang household could be a real possibility.

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25 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

What I find so irrational and illogical is blaming DY, a small child, for the death of her "brother" (?). Worse is her own mother blaming her too.

Also, a one year old DY (who seems to have no recollection of the tragic accident) wouldn't even comprehend the situation/confusion surrounding her after the said automobile accident...DY is really fortunate and blessed to have SA as her SIL.

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And just call me heartless, but the ex-wife moving in because she's "possibly" dying just wouldn't happen for me. I still can't understand why she would do this to her young daughter. The woman is constantly passing out and in pain, why subject her child to that.  That is one thing I hate about Korean dramas, people too "good" or over the top "evil" to be real.  No woman would be that understanding as KC's girlfriend.

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27 minutes ago, jimb said:

So DT has found the end of the ball of yarn and is pulling on it.  Will DT unravel YJ's schemes before YJ topples the Sul family or escapes to the high life?

Thanks to the loyalty of Lanky Guy Shim who has a conscience and heart:). I think DT and Bonjour might just have found themselves a suitable candidate to head the production team in the proposed new mulberry gochujang factory in JMR.

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@lclarakl @sk0317  Discussed the unfairness of blaming DY for her brother's death:


#   How come no one thinks to blame the driver who swerved into DY's brother's lane?  That's the person responsible for her brother's death.

#  If you have one child who is likely to die without medical attention and another child who is capable of taking her to the hospital, isn't it shameful to allow the likely death of the first child to avoid any risk whatsoever to the second child?

Makes as much sense as HR blaming DY for her husband's failings and her own well-founded insecurity.

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10 hours ago, sgfan said:

Yes I have just watched the raw version. I am happy to see that DY is standing up for herself again. Yesterday's warning to SW to watch her mouth was indeed gold!

In this evening's episode, DY finally defended her work and seemed to have told HR that she has done her best and she is not the best person for this particular launch since her area of expertise is farm produce. Of course, giant doll sister went mental hysterical and had to be dragged out of the office by DT.

As for SW... she is really bitter, jealous, delusional and downright unscrupulous. She lured DT into her home by feigning illness and tried to make him stay. When he told her again about his date with DY and was about to leave, she quickly back-hugged him and "confessed". Too desperate. On a positive note, DT was honest with DY about his whereabouts. Which makes me wonder if DY went to SW's home after the phone call.

I tried to skip many parts of the last few episodes to a point where I wonder if I'm still watching TUF.  Have to keep reminding myself that this is just a show lol! I then bite the bullet and watch the entire episode once with subs.

And how cute were MS and SA in matching burgundy?! Couple alert!

Now waiting for subs. I need to know what YJ said to HR after finding out DY had visited the Suls' residence.

"Better late than never!" DY should have stepped up earlier to protect herself and DT but it's still a good start! For her own sake and DT's, she needs to stop playing nice and be more proactive.

Aptly and fitting descriptions of SW, the viper. She was spitting so much venom in today's episode she's practically drooling. It looks like HR has handled the viper her "Handbook 101 on How to Snare a Guy".

Golden rule number one: Be Persistent. Never take NO for an answer. Even if your target/the guy is attached or engaged. "If your advances are rejected, just tell the man "You may not accept me or even like me now. But just please don't tell me to stop having feelings for you"".

Golden rule number two: Perfect the art of feigning drunkenness . So drunk you could call your target on his phone to get him to pick up and send you home. Make sure the target stays with you throughout the whole night so that you are clear headed enough to tell the target's GF the day after how her BF has spent the night out alone with you.

In tonight's preview, the viper apparently applied/used the second rule but the attempt appeared to have fallen flat. I think DT might have called DY to stay with the viper which led to the shrilling and screeching screams from a very agitated and frustrated SW.

You also skipped many parts of yesterday's episode? What a coincidence! Me too. But like you, I bucked up enough courage to watch most of it later. SW is an uncontrollable mess. Her spite for DY seems to have grown ten-fold overnight and she is not letting DY rest unless she gets "punished" for causing the viper's father's death and the viper will not stop until DY "gets her dues". 

JR is practically sending MS to SA. Why can't JR tell MS straight out she still has feelings for him instead of beating around the bush (not that it's going to bridge the pothole/big gap that has already formed between them)? She has too much pride I suppose...And yes MS and SA do look good together in matching outfits:). There's one for our golden couple too (before they started dating though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnHC1rgo3wA

Looks like DT needs to work harder to try and get his GP back on his team again...To think that his GP shielded DY when he said he sent out the invitation for DY's visit to the Sul's when JR got home that night:(.

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As simplistically as these characters are drawn, think the Writers expect us to infer quite a bit.

SkinnyAbalone is very disappointed in the amount of attention she is receiving from the object of her affections, Schemer.  YES, he married her to obtain social and professional status, and; NO, she hasn't stopped clinging, whining, demanding, and being generally intolerable. So achieving his professional goals have required swallowing a little more pride than he expected.  The reason he was able to marry SkinnyAbalone is because she is completely spoiled, her mother caters to her every whim. The reason he is miserable is also because she is spoiled and her mother expects him to cater to her every whim.  SkinnyAbalone knows Schemer dumped FarmGirl to marry her, so why ca't he let her go?   Sucks to be Schemer!

Don't understand the family dynamic between FarmGirl and Poser at all.  Can only infer that CluelessGranny favors Poser over her own daughter.  The loss of a son is a big deal, the loss of an only son is a very big deal.  But I can't imagine any scenario that would accept the way Poser speaks to elders, including her own mother.  Nothing a KDrama smack wouldn't fix.

Can't even get started on that flip-flopping, meddlesome woman in the vegetable stall family.  She is a barreling train wreck, crashing and thrashing through anything she touches.  


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@sk0317 wrote that HR has given her playbook for snaring reluctant men to SW.

That's interesting. Remember that it was a health emergency (HR collapsing on the street) which finally put her in serious contention for YJ.

My recollection, though, was that HR's was real, in contrast to SW's performance art.

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The ManSoo guy that keeps popping up, in/out of scenes is:

ClueLessGranny's son

D-in-Law's husband

FarmGirl's brother

Vixen's father.

And he's dead.  Killed in a car accident the day Vixen was born. He appears to give FarmGirl advice she can't hear, and now ClueLessGranny sees him.  

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

My recollection, though, was that HR's was real, in contrast to SW's performance art.

Can we count the "pooh girl" incident although it was performed under her real identity as the "real" health emergency?:P Although it didn't generate the right sentiments to spark a "romance" or result in successful snaring of said target...

#TBH I missed the episode on the somewhat "distasteful" incident and got all the feedback from the posters here about the ruined shirt:sweatingbullets:.


# Golden rule number three: Fake or have a real health emergency.:) The act might buy you compassion and thus put you in "serious contention" for your target.

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