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Hi all, to reduce WGM last eps syndrome, I want to cheer up everyone with this video of sunshine.. 


As Solar stan, i admitted her aegyo improved ALOT these day,this fancam alone is a proof (maybe at the point that EunAh can throw up lol) and ppl said someone can change if their fall in love (argggghhh sorry my delulu again).. 

So Eric confirmed to attend? Now we just wait Mamamoo confirmation then ^^.. Lowkey wish that we can see their interaction onscreen hahaha..

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Hello everyone. Just wanna share litle tidbits that i love from this episode,just a light sharing though....

1. Just loved how Solar cooked Eric's bday meal. Perhaps in so many years he didnt get to spend his bday with his family, therefore no home cooking for him by his mom. Im so happy he had one this year. She was not only cooked him the seaweed soup but also the rice (they always have the bought packaging rice before) even only for his 1 bowl. And she prepared 4 side dishes, big possibility she brought it from her home, which means its his mom in law cooking.

2. Loved all the handwritings on his cake, "from Yongddonbie who only has eyes for you "

3. Loved how Solar hugs him with both hands, guess they both hugs each time they met but guess not always make it to the airing scene. 

4. Loved how she hid the cake under the sink. 

5. Loved how he still promoting his wife in any way he can.

6. Loved how she can choose any song to be her letter BGM, she got to choose "Good for you". Thats totally intriquing, but again im happy he didnt share her letter.

7. Loved how she looked at him when he read her letter and afterwards simply just a hug to convey each others feeling. 

8. Loved how they always in sync with their clothes even when they didnt plan to wear the same outfit, almost every episode they always wear something similar or at least colour coordinated. Even from their 1st date to this last date. This time the same gray colour sweater.

9. Loved how she can deliberately says she is his bestfriend and that she IS in love with him and that she belong to him as well as he belongs to her.

10. Loved how they thought the same of hiding their gifts for each other.

11. Loved how she tried her best not to drop a single tear in concern of him and how he tried his best not to make it worse for her. He simply just understood, if he holds her hands in the taxi she will probably burst out so he just silently let her sort out her feelings and be supportive.

12. Loved how he sneakily find the flower shop through his phone and brought it for her, and loved how she convey her true feelings thay she didnt accept this parting. If Eric didnt give her that bouquet, we wont be able to hear that from her BRI. 

13. Loved how Eric always interlock their fingers each time they were holding hands. 

14. Loved the shoe gift and the grandeur meaning behind it. Coming from Solar who was described magnificently by @Enko20 in her piece, thats totally proved how deep Eric meant for her.

15. Loved how she burried her face in his coat. On a side note even though he didnt show it but Eric surely has a build body. Even from their 1st meeting, his white clothes with back vest on top proven he has just the right muscles to pull that look of. And even more clearly seen in their unaired chocolate ads clip when she smacked his shoulder, we can see how stonehard that is. Back to the 'burried her face in his coat' again, as already mentioned above, that gesture coming from a girl who even find sitting next to a boy make her cringe surely was a biiiigggg change.

16. Loved how they change their pose in front of thr little prince drawing. Even they already tried the initial pose but they still pose again, this time embracing each othe so close not even a fly can be between them.

17. Loved how she made sure where his hands at and touch it so they can create the perfect heart shape in their final pose.

18. Loved the comment from the IG who said that eventhough they didnt shed a single tear in their final episode but it still obviously seen how painfull they were and how she as a viewer cried for them instead.

19. As mentioned above, love how he said 'Saranghae' in her native language and vice versa how she whispered 'I Love U' in his native language. Plus the little heart sign. How they can be so in sync?

20. Loved how he really conclude it all by saying, "naturally they developed feeling for each other after 8 monts being together in romantic programme, thats what bothered me the most". So here he simply admiting there is a real feeling between them, but he also aware how their status as an idol makes it difficult to put a status upon it. Thats just as much assurance as we can get. No couple ever admitting directly by their mouth in their BRI or to each other that he loves her or she loves him. But this two just did. To the extent that she still considers him as hers and her as his even after the show and he openly said that she is free to contact him anytime specially when she is lonely or having a hard time. That is almost admitting having a relationship openly, dont u think?

21. Loved how @cinnaminskies described her final message to Eric. It was indeed 'I Love U' all around, in each and every message she told him.

22. Love all of you 'Ddongie CP' supporter. I have alot respect to all of u. For having a calm and right headed attitude as a shipper. And ofcourse to all the writers here @Le_Sanguine, @Enko20 and @Cinnaminskies. And our house translator @Farrafale. Sorry if i mentioned the wrong names. And to all of u who gives comments and insight, its just delightfull to share this CP with u.

23. Last but not least, loved how he thank the fans on behalf of  both of them as well as when she gave the interview right after they final shooting, she also deliberately said on behalf of them how they will still be close and contact each other and thats it was only the end of the show not their relationship.

After this long post, i just wanna say i agree with @cinnaminskies. Lets all play 'Decalcomanie' u til it reach 3 millions so we can have 'Memory' MV. If Solar really wrote the lyrics and she said her self she didnt have good memory on Christmas, so which Christmas memory that was so beautiful she even permanently written it as a song? And with whom did she spent it with? Thats just totally fishy. But it is a beautiful and soulfull song to listen to at christmas season.

P.S.: can we have the group chat in LINE? 

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18 hours ago, enko20 said:

Also, something I'm curious about as well


I've been wondering who took that "Why I Love You" book for a while, and...


I might look at that wrong, but that really look like the shape of the book, is it not? If so, then Eric is the one who took the book with him.


actually @enko20, i found this when i re-watch the episode:

maybe.. just maybe solar is the one that looking back to that book before cooking(?).

yesss about Eric confirm attend MAMA.. waiting, hoping and praying for Mamamoo confirm too..:blush::heart:

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guys have you watched solar' recent Vlive with moonbyul?



around 33:40 marks here is the conversation

MB: how is it that WGM ends?

S: WGM ends? (thinking) this is.. it's just..

MB: (solar hasn't answered) alright, i get it

S: yes.. yes.. (like giving up in answering already)

MB: how is it? (wth you asked again) do you like it?

S: it's bittersweet..

MB: you like it (that it ends), right?

S: (silent) it's just..

MB: you like it, right? 

S: YEAH I LIKE IT (forced), i know you wait for this right (?) (i don't really understand this part but she said something like this)


why you bring that topic if you didn't give her a chance to tell the proper answer :( and i think she realizes that her fans didn't like wgm so... she just bounced and say "yes.. yes.." for the quick answer

and fyi solar answered with 시원섭섭 (bittersweet), the same answer when she was interviewed on nov 10th


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11 minutes ago, gureentea said:

guys have you watched solar' recent Vlive with moonbyul?



around 33:40 marks here is the conversation

MB: how is it that WGM ends?

S: WGM ends? (thinking)

MB: (solar hasn't answered) alright, i get it

S: yes.. yes.. (like giving up in answering already)

MB: how is it? (wth you asked again)

S: it's bittersweet.. (silent) it's just..

MB: you like it (that it ends), right? you like it, right? 

S: yea i like it (looks forced), i know you wait for this right (?) (i don't really understand this part but she said something like this)


why you bring that topic if you didn't give her a chance to tell the proper answer :( and i think she realizes that her fans didn't like wgm so... she just bounced and say "yes.. yes.." for the quick answer

and fyi solar answered with 시원섭섭 (bittersweet), the same answer when she was interviewed on nov 10th


urgh im pissed that she force that to say

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58 minutes ago, gureentea said:

guys have you watched solar' recent Vlive with moonbyul?


around 33:40 marks here is the conversation

MB: how is it that WGM ends?

S: WGM ends? (thinking) this is.. it's just..

MB: (solar hasn't answered) alright, i get it

S: yes.. yes.. (like giving up in answering already)

MB: how is it? (wth you asked again) do you like it?

S: it's bittersweet..

MB: you like it (that it ends), right?

S: (silent) it's just..

MB: you like it, right? 

S: YEAH I LIKE IT (forced), i know you wait for this right (?) (i don't really understand this part but she said something like this)


why you bring that topic if you didn't give her a chance to tell the proper answer :( and i think she realizes that her fans didn't like wgm so... she just bounced and say "yes.. yes.." for the quick answer

and fyi solar answered with 시원섭섭 (bittersweet), the same answer when she was interviewed on nov 10th



http://www.vlive.tv/video/17429/용콩별콩의-야자타임 (33:46 onwards)

I just watched the video and it makes sense to me now. I think one of the fan asked them that, and Solar really wanted to dodge the question. She wasn't sure what to say first, so she blurted out her honest feeling about it: "It's bittersweet" (and look at her facial expression, she seemed a bit...frantic?). Moonbyul asked her again because she was nudging Solar to give the answer people expected, like "I know it's bittersweet but you weren't supposed to say that".

Also, when Solar said  "I know you were waiting for this right?" she was pointing at the camera (fans), not Moonbyul. Feel like I should clarify that.

It's sad that people still feel the need to bring this up again in Solar's face after she spent almost two weeks to get over it. Byul did her best to help not making it too awkward.


1 hour ago, 4l4yers said:

actually @enko20, i found this when i re-watch the episode:

maybe.. just maybe solar is the one that looking back to that book before cooking(?).

I hope so haha. Maybe she was reading/writing on it secretly by herself before Eric came.

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@enko20 yeah.. but i don't know why MB picked the question above all, she could just ignore and didn't read that. and what did the fans expect tho? i'm quite sure that question come from kfans. and we know they don't like wgm. it makes her and us uncomfortable:confused:


and i noticed they didn't shot the Vlive on this spot...



maybe because there are so many newcomers in there (elephant plushie, frames of dubai and wedding photo, etc) *delu-ing again* ... kkk

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I'm actually like really upset about this. Solar is really the most selfless person and values the MooMoos on the same level as her close friends/family (she wrote Never Letting Go for them, remember). 

Recently she was called out for having a secret Twitter account (which MooMoos had suspected for a while since she kept talking about fanart/gifs/memes that had only been posted on Twitter. This means she's not only been exposed to the good things on there, but also the bad things, like the vitriolic hatred some KMooMoos had for her time on WGM. (Compare this to all the love Eric's been receiving from both Korean and International fans on his Instagram right now. Solar doesn't really have that in her life).

Her pointing at the camera after giving her honest answer and being like "I know you all have been waiting for and want me to say this so I'll say it" was so heartbreaking for me because she knew her fans didn't care about what she really felt. She was just trying to make them happy even when she herself was upset about the situation. 

I don't understand how someone can call themselves a fan of Solar when they've so carelessly disregarded her own feelings to the point where she no longer feels comfortable sharing them with her fans. I'm fine with being concerned about someone's experiences/health/happiness, but we also always need to recognize that what SHE wants/feels should come before what we THINK she SHOULD want/feel, even if it may not be clear EXACTLY how she feels about something.

Solar has a right to be sad she no longer has  as any opportunities to hang out with someone she's come to deeply care for. Nothing any of us think should get in the way of her expressing that.

Lets do better, MooMoos, let's just... do better.

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@cinnaminskies i feel you! those fans who calls them moomoos and dont even consider about their idol's feelings first, are the worst ones! they are not worthy of the title of moomoo! :angry: I feel so bad for unnie because she cant even express her feelings and always had to put a smile on her face just because she doesn't want her fans to worry :sleepy::pensive: yongsun unnie fighting!!! We will always support you no matter what! :heart:

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3 hours ago, gureentea said:

S: YEAH I LIKE IT (forced), i know you wait for this right (?) (i don't really understand this part but she said something like this)


After this she said "Not at all" at the end. I didn't get it what she meant it. Already watched 5x and can't come with an interpretation. It was "yeah i like it to finish... not", or "I know you want this answer... not", or even if it was "you all want this answer so I just going to say... not". Or maybe that sentence was not important and I'm just overthinking too much. :(

Just makes me sad the way some fans treat their idols. When you love someone you should respect and support them, not force them into things that clearly make them uncomfortable.

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@mnemosine from what I've watched,she just said yes because moonbyul was annoying her saying isn't it right? and she was like "yeah ok it was" just to shut her up and then she said that's what you wanted to hear right to moonbyul. Afterwards, she said "not at all" referring back to this. I hope that makes sense lol. feels like I've put it in a confusing way:sweatingbullets:

but she was actually trying to give a different answer, an honest opinion because she kinda spaced out there for a second trying to answer. I think She was trying to find a right word at that to express her feeling without hurting those annoying antis but then moonbyul interrupted with saying isn't it right and yeah...

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@gureentea I'm not sure what her intention was, but I don't think it was a harmful one. Shouldn't Moonbyul know Solar's feeling better than any of us? She had to know already that Solar wasn't exactly happy about WGM ending. I mean Solar said it out loud in a public interview and showed her frustration in the episode too. Thinking otherwise means that they basically called Solar a liar and ignore everything she said and showed emotionally.

@cinnaminskies I know Solar definitely lurked around and read a lot of those stuffs.You remember what she told Eun Ah? It's very eerily similar to the hateful comments on her WGM stint, and I already thought then that she had to take some of those from what she read. I bet you she saw all of those comments about giveaway and celebration of her WGM ending too, and imagine how heartbreaking that was for her.

Now I appreciate it even more knowing that Eric left her a message telling her to call him whenever she feels hurt. Solar always suppress her feelings a lot because not many people want to share or acknowledge her angst/misery. Like you see here, she thought about sharing her true feelings, but quickly realized she's not allowed to do so. Eric is offering her a chance to let it all out on him, like the way he let her bully and make fun of him sometimes to make her feel better (and this just bring me back to her conversation about wanting a "sympathetic" person too, it all makes sense to me now).

@mnemosine @moomoona I'm not sure what that "Not at all" meant either. She could be saying "I know you expected me to say yes, but that's not what I wanted to say at all" or something else. The most important thing is that we all know her true answer, and her true answer was what no one else wanted to hear.

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6 hours ago, gureentea said:

guys have you watched solar' recent Vlive with moonbyul?



around 33:40 marks here is the conversation

MB: how is it that WGM ends?

S: WGM ends? (thinking) this is.. it's just..

MB: (solar hasn't answered) alright, i get it

S: yes.. yes.. (like giving up in answering already)

MB: how is it? (wth you asked again) do you like it?

S: it's bittersweet..

MB: you like it (that it ends), right?

S: (silent) it's just..

MB: you like it, right? 

S: YEAH I LIKE IT (forced), i know you wait for this right (?) (i don't really understand this part but she said something like this)


why you bring that topic if you didn't give her a chance to tell the proper answer :( and i think she realizes that her fans didn't like wgm so... she just bounced and say "yes.. yes.." for the quick answer

and fyi solar answered with 시원섭섭 (bittersweet), the same answer when she was interviewed on nov 10th



I think the convo has been translated in vapps chingu, i just open my vapps on mobile application.. I think it's good that Moonbyul asked (or forced) her to speak her real feeling, bc Yongsun basically never lie and maybe she just saw many comment ask that..

And regarding to last sentence I must clarify it's not a statement "Yes" but what Solar said is : " "Yes,i like it" is the answer you want to hear right? But not at all"... And Byul laughing said : "No no".. As expected our YongSun is being honest despite the fans pressure, and i really happy she can admitted the real feeling in VApps, when most of her WGM antis watching..

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I'm not going to watch that video, simply because I don't want to work myself over something that I know will irritate me and ruin my day. -_-  

And even if I watch it, we'd know if Solar is merely saying those words for show. Part of the reason why I was intrigued by their WGM in the first place was because of her straightforward manner of thinking and talking - If she's saying something that's contrary to what she really thinks, it will show in her microexpressions. (I'd do an analysis on that video, but like what I've said, I don't want to ruin my day by refuting an argument we all know is pointless in the first place :rolleyes: ) 

- - - - - - 

Meanwhile, so many things to do. So little time. Thanks @gureentea for the link! :) Although I'm a bit sad that the site only had raws for the 720p. I wanted a 1920p video, but something is better than nothing. I'll probably post what I fiddled with the day after tomorrow when I finally get my day(s) off. Yay. :w00t:



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So this is what I've tinkered with for an hour or two. I still have to get some sleep so I can go to work later, so pardon the sloppy editing. I'm not really sure how to get rid of the low-res funky pixellation just yet. And I'm still trying to figure out how to get these to a resolution that fits android/iphone wallpaper size. 




I'll probably get around to it in a day or two. :sweatingbullets: Send me some feedback! :D

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6 hours ago, cinnaminskies said:

I'm actually like really upset about this. Solar is really the most selfless person and values the MooMoos on the same level as her close friends/family (she wrote Never Letting Go for them, remember). 

Recently she was called out for having a secret Twitter account (which MooMoos had suspected for a while since she kept talking about fanart/gifs/memes that had only been posted on Twitter. This means she's not only been exposed to the good things on there, but also the bad things, like the vitriolic hatred some KMooMoos had for her time on WGM. (Compare this to all the love Eric's been receiving from both Korean and International fans on his Instagram right now. Solar doesn't really have that in her life).

Her pointing at the camera after giving her honest answer and being like "I know you all have been waiting for and want me to say this so I'll say it" was so heartbreaking for me because she knew her fans didn't care about what she really felt. She was just trying to make them happy even when she herself was upset about the situation. 

I don't understand how someone can call themselves a fan of Solar when they've so carelessly disregarded her own feelings to the point where she no longer feels comfortable sharing them with her fans. I'm fine with being concerned about someone's experiences/health/happiness, but we also always need to recognize that what SHE wants/feels should come before what we THINK she SHOULD want/feel, even if it may not be clear EXACTLY how she feels about something.

Solar has a right to be sad she no longer has  as any opportunities to hang out with someone she's come to deeply care for. Nothing any of us think should get in the way of her expressing that.

Lets do better, MooMoos, let's just... do better.

what do you mean no collab or reunion to our otp :( ill be sad

sorry im soo slow to get it

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@NamSeoYeon18 Oops! That was a typo! It was supposed to be "has as many" not "has any." I just mean that WGM gave the two of them an opportunity to meet in public in a way that fit into both of their incredibly busy schedules. Although both of them are obviously still in contact and probably trying to meet up, it's much harder now, and that's something Solar has every right to be upset about, despite a few KMooMoos' insistence that she's "happy" and "better off" now that the show's over.

It's talk like that that might hurt Solar even more, because not only can she not meet with Eric often, she knows that her fanbase doesn't approve of that, and Solar loves the MooMoos more than life itself.

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