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Wow our couple really great their nailed it....they are so lively, it's nice to see the radio staff get satisfied with their first try as radio dj

When they become dj for mukbang tour ep I want them to have their own show and now I want them to have radio show too haha...

Our couple really have great talent I'm wonder what else they will show us 


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This episode further shows that they suit each other really well. Well, that is what I WANT to believe! Solar's been trying out new things and Eric has been supportive and encouraging. He gave her the assurance she needed and brings out the best in her. Eric has a really positive mindset and he sees only the best in Solar and complimenting her whenever he has the chance to. I'm glad that Solar has put her trust in him as he has shown that he's a very dependable man! I think Solar's company alone is enough to make Eric happy as he's always smiling/laughing whenever she says or does something. I like how their relationship has progressed to the point where they unconsciously rely on each other. They could be great pillars of strengths for each other.

I love how this couple is able to put a smile on people's face wherever they are and no matter what they're doing. I mean no matter how many times I watch their clips, my smile wouldn't get erased! And I liked how the radio PD smiled watching them, can tell that he was truly entertained and impressed. :grin:


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Whooo...i love this episode he was holding and using solar's phone getting close?whooo seems no secret?..,he seem's to know alot about solar  he even  said that " when she get's excited she is doing well" woooh..lhe also knows that solar is kinda clumsy..."mic incident..he knows that solar isnto humble and doesent know that she was good...this episode show's der slow pace but also show that they paid attention to each other...whats the tingling tickle thing...seems the pd has cut alot of from previous episode...i noticebthat eric notice solar good side,same goes to eric.. i wished solar will also sing for eric...

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@zurah90 HAHAH yeah eric running towards her I specifically like that much :wub: but I love the hug moreee *kyaaaaaa* .. with that point, hmmm I might as well agree with youu :lol: but by eric's effort right now, I would love to see his hard work pays off and that's when solar come to him first :wub::w00t: OMG just thinking it, I can't keep my heart calm okay now I'm in delulu, back to earth!

You know what I kind of feel weird, as much as I love to see them have more skinships I'm also fine with none or just the way exactly they are.. the thing is them just being together, side by side, looking at each other is enough to send me to cloudnine.. others says "poor guy he got friendzoned.." / "can't see romantic chemistry" but honestly I see not just spark but my heart throbs whenever I see them and somehow it slowmo and got my vision tunneled focusing just them which is why I got no detective nor hawk eyes coz their surroundings is all blurry LOL :w00t: .. ok guys please forgive me for ranting but maybe ignoring those comments bottled up and now that I'm pretty tired and frustrated can't get no..not enough fancams :bawling: I'm being all emotional here :phew::phew: anyways, I'm pretty crazy right now. I think, I better hit the sack.. Good day my dear dongie-chinguus ;) 

@hazellynn Precisely! well said :wub:


@zurah90 yep.. I thought so, crossing a bit of the line(reason why I put it in spoiler tag). RIGHT! me too, exactly what u said.. so for me this is probably the best season after khuntoria/goguma and adam era.. with 3 couples hitting it quite great. I would've said the first season but nope(coz I only liked the ant couple tho I watched all of them :lol:) which is why I find it strange.. *closed*


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yesterday episode is just too cute!! don't mind the people who's complaining about ddongi couple. we can't satisfied everyone and fact is not only the shipper who love ddongi couple but all panelist are supportive towards them and love them as much as we do.

i will update some mamamoo concert! i can't believe i'm so excited during their concert eventho i was just listening to their audio streaming haha. the overall concert sounds LIT. i love everything! :)

this is solar and her member with their staff/band crew, etc. after party dinner for moosical






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Still can't find anything :( Moosical was just so amazing yet the only thing I could find was a live audio stream and a few fan cams :expressionless: But it's fine, just have to patiently wait for RBW to release the content later on I guess. I hope Eric is doing ok in the jungle, please don't get too many heart attacks Eric-ssi cuz you're about to get a big one when you come back lol :D

Anyways, I love this episode. I was smiling like an idiot throughout haha :sweatingbullets: Seeing them together really just brighten up my day, they just enjoy doing things with each other so much I just can't help but be happy. :grin:

A few (long) thoughts:


- Solar's reaction to Eric's mission ROFL that was her yeba laugh right there :w00t: She just lost it when she saw his cheek punch and you know that when she laugh crazily like that, it means she like it too much hahaha :P Then when I thought it was over, Eric just started tickling her omg :D I think he just find his wife too cute and adorable at that moment that he couldn't help himself but to tease her. Eric is getting more touchy with her now and I like it a lot.

- Their radio DJ show! Wow they seem quite nervous before the show during their practice. Solar saw Eric struggled with his articulation and decided to help out, but Eric just said "I'm not worry because you're by my side" haha :D so corny yet so touching. Solar hitting the mic LOL why is this girl so clumsy? 

- Eric said he just want to let her take the lead . I love how he realize that Solar tends to do well when she get excited, and he's there just to keep her mood up. After all, being a DJ is her wish and he want this to be her moment and not his. It's very thoughtful of him :)

- They got even more nervous when that clock was ticking down, but when it started they both got into DJ mode and did great. Shin Young is an amazing DJ, it's not easy to fill in her shoes, but our Ddongie couple performed way above expectation and even Shin Young and the producers looked very happy and satisfied with how good they were. Job well done Ddongie! :)

- You know, that moment when they did the nightclub segment, even though it seems very playful and funny, to me personally it was actually a very beautiful moment. It was the hardest segment of the show and even Shin Young herself said that many people who came on before experienced men-boong while trying to do it. Solar and Eric was left alone by themselves when it started, and with how many people watching behind the glasses, I can't even imagine the pressure. Solar get nervous and shy quite easily, especially when there are people watching her. Yet at that moment, it seems like she only sees Eric and herself, so she was able to let go and have fun. I think it was nerve-wrecking for Eric too, but he tried to be super hyper to ease Solar's anxiety. I honestly think Solar would have had a mental breakdown if she was there alone.

Overall it's a very light and good episode, I like that Solar keep getting to try out new things with Eric, and how supportive he is. I agree with @hazellynn, they definitely rely on each other a lot now, and they both take care of each other very well. It's the foundation of a strong relationship, whether it be a friendship or something more. Even if the skinships are light, and there's not a boat load of flirting and romantic action yet, it still bring me joy to watch these two week after week. I know that feel @pwnkl, and I agree with you too :D I'm perfectly happy with the way they are, and if they show us anything more than that, it would be a bonus for me :)

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i'm sorry for the inconvenience of my post cause i did try to edit it so it can be more beautiful in the forum but failed :sweatingbullets:

here's some performance snippets from moosical concert:



this is a close up pic of them. ps: solar's hair looks goal here hoho:


also it really is unfortunate that eric can't come to moosical or else he can meet his in laws there. solar's parents is there watching their daughter hit the stage. solar's parents used to against her to be a singer but now not anymore. solar once said during an event that her parents against her becoming a singer then she was crying telling this story in front of the audience but later she said that her parents become more supportive towards her decision and even her mom told her friends/neighbour to listen to um oh ah yeah :) .

i guess eric and solar kinda have the similar situation, that their parents aginst their singing career.

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Hi everyone! I've been a silent lurker as well and boy do I visit this site almost everyday because I seriously love the ddongi couple and I've never been this hooked with a wgm pair before. They even defeated my immense love for Khuntoria back then. Also, I'm very thankful for the WGM ddongi couple because I became a Moomoo and Namnation because of it.

Anyways, I don't know if this has already been mentioned and whatnot, but yeah like you guys I watched the recent ep and then saw the preview for next week. Like most of you, I noticed Solar's reaction when Eric tried to hug her. I honestly frowned because it looked like she didn't want his hug.

BUT GUYS. I came back to the preview vid on youtube just because I wanted to watch it again and wow I found someone that said something in the comment section below that kind of makes sense! When you play the ddongi preview again, there's a part where the dogs are swimming in the pool. You can also see an arm there, and it's apparently Eric's arm. So that means Eric basically went swimming with the dogs. And that means, he got himself wet! So after examining the vid again, it kind of makes sense. Solar kept rejecting his hug because he was wet! And Eric is teasing her and hugging her to mess with her. OMO ~~~

I just wanted to comment on this because it seemed like a lot of you were disappointed in Solar's reaction. But if what I say is true, then she was refusing the hug because she didn't want to get wet. Gawww Eric is teasing her. They are so cute and natural. :)

I hope I made someone's day a little better hahaha. And I love this thread so much. All of you seem so nice. :) 

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sorry for the spam from solar side since she has more update now and this is what actually happen during solar's solo stage:












solar keep surprise me with her talent tbh. i thought she just can play piano and guitar but she can do drums too :D and apparently solar crying so hard on today's performance when there's a VCR showing each of the parents from the member said their supportive message to them.you know she really lost it because she didn't expect the message plus her parents used to against her singing career and i'm so proud of her that she's going this far despite she had been rejected from over 40 audition plus the opposition of her singing career from her parents.

Btw if eric went to the moosical concert, i bet he can't sleep after seeing solar's solo performance hahaha. Her dance was so sexy and she wore sexy clothes too :lol:

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In the last few episodes (last 2 or 3 maybe) Eric's arm always was around Solar. Actually not hug her (yet)...but almost. He looks cute when he want to hug her desperately. Real Don Juan. ;)

Solar's 'Sexy Back' stage was cool but not sexier then other Mamamo stages. :P Her dress look like the dresses in 'Um Oh Ah Yeah' video. I'm wondering that Eric's reaction will be different now or the same when he saw her underwears pictures. (Sorry for my English.)

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Hey, chingus! I've become a silent lurker here when it's weekend because I tend to go out with my family and friends. This is my long thoughts (and spazz :P) for the latest episode! Hopefully it's not boring or too late :sweatingbullets: 

  • Unfortunately it's raining when the panelists come. They couldn't use the Ddongi Bar :( and wow they aired the beautiful blue cocktail scene, it's not written in english sub but the beverage name is Blue Lagoon Cocktail. Na-rae put extra lemon slice for Eric & Solar's glass :) 
  • Don't know if it's just me, but I'm a bit sad to hear that the panelists' visit reminded Eric about his family and childhood. It must be kinda lonely for him, being a solo singer and live in other country far from his family :( I think that's why he's happy with Solar's presence? Like there's a friend around him (beside his other friends) who can do many things together with him now and share each other's thought :) 
  • Their bed scene! Hahaha love seeing their interaction, why so cute with each other. Now they're not awkward with the bed :) Eric danced, he must be shy to see himself on TV (like he always says in his interview) :P Btw, I think Solar asked about Eric's "knife-like choreo" though, that Korean word is often come out in the Showtime so I'm familiar with it hahaha. Eric's rolling on the bed and Solar's signature laugh :wub: And I wonder what were they talking about before that tickling scene? Why do they always cut a moment like this? :sweatingbullets:
  • They're practicing with each other. I think Solar has many insecurities behind her energetic personality. That's why she's kinda shy, because she thought a lot before doing something including skinship (remember their third meeting when they fed each other for the first time?). Fortunately, Eric's there and supporting her on whatever she's doing :) 
  • That Solar's manager's story... Even Solar hadn't read it before meeting with Eric, and they're surprised together after reading it out loud :lol: And after they finished reading, I think they're kinda taken aback with the story, they're speechless for a while hahaha. 
  • Excited Solar hit the mic :lol: And yeah, I always love when one of them is excited, the other follows :D Their mind is connected in that aspect haha.
  • I saw that Eric also wore the couple bracelets when they're in Itaewon? :o 
  • Solar's really talented at being radio DJ? Her voice when reading a story and also her pronounciation at the tongue-twisting oki doki(?) is good! While Eric's quick-witted with his solution to the listener's story and his overflowing energy not less than Solar :D 
  • Love the moment when Eric leaned in to Solar with his hand on her back before the "Ddongi Night" corner started. He didn't forget to take care of her although he's nervous as well at that time :wub:
  • The fake music notes too, made me laugh a lot! :lol:
  • What things that they brought when they're going out from the radio broadcast room? Presents?
  • When they're talking together after the radio broadcast, both Eric & Solar thought that the other was doing good. They said that they followed each other's lead. Cute :3 They're depending on each other, and that's an aspect from a good relationship, right? Solar's busy playing the paper at the flower bouquet which's on Eric's lap when he's reading Hyun-moo's message :lol:
  • The next week preview! I think Nicole visited Eric at the day Eric's performing? I think I've seen that outfit on him somewhere. I wonder when he met with Solar for this filming, since they're so busy at that time? Eric's hair when he's with Solar! Eric had kept his hairstyle like that for the last 2 meetings with Solar. Seriously, it's the best hairstyle for him B) And yes, the hug! I hope we can see the reason why Solar looked like rejecting his hug :) I won't assume anything when even that episode hasn't come out.


And I'm so grateful for chingus here who updated this thread with their thoughts and updates about Ddongi couple or Eric & Solar individually :D You've saved my time for researching through the internet! Although I can't mention you one by one, I want you to know that I'm happy reading all your posts about Ddongi couple :) 

Thanks for giving updates about our Solar, who did well on her first concert. And Solar's crying? :o That's okay, it's your first concert. She must be really happy that her dream comes true one by one :D And thanks to the kind MooMoos who took and uploaded the photos and videos for us who can't be there (although I don't know whether it's allowed or not for her to record the concert though). Not just Eric, even I envy people who can watch MAMAMOO's greatness! :sweatingbullets:

Solar's memo at the fancafe after the concert!


And how's Eric doing? Hopefully he's fine and healthy ;) Btw, I've found the better picture of Eric's wreath to MAMAMOO! Thanks to the uploader! :D 




And this is Eric's interview with moonROK when he's in LA! Maybe you can read it to know him more :D 

And just found this old performance of him at KBS Open Concert, which is just released by KBS 10 hours ago :sweatingbullets: "Can't Help Myself" in different arrangement? The link doesn't turn to the video player though? :blink:


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3 hours ago, maeryl said:

Faaaammm!!! Fancams of Solar's solo stage are now uploaded!! :w00t:


OMG I'm ded :dizzy: Solar's going all out fam. Eric please get back ASAP! Your wife has gone WILD! Thank you so much for the vids btw :heart:

@NitePanda I've read those stories about Solar too. She is amazing , isn't she? Not many people have the determination to carry on after being rejected over and over like that. I'm glad she stick with it and I'm grateful to RBW for taking her in and give her a chance when so many other agencies shunned her. Thank you for keeping us updated with Moosical stuffs too.

@namoomoo Hi there! Welcome to the thread. :) Wow, I didn't even notice that, nice catch! Well I will reserve my judgement until the next ep is released. MBC love to be evil with their preview so I'm not going to dwell too much on it for now.

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@namoomoo welcome to the thread! thank you for the information chingu ya! and we know solar is shy person and dont want to show the public about her skinship so if it not true its still fine right? the recent eps show solar is more courage to touch eric lol, just when she tell eric to wait when she get the car ( eps 332 i think ) she held eric hand and in radio segment she pat eric shoulder, we know before solar never made a first move but now she has courage to make a first move and its a big progress for her right? but your explaination is right on the point on eric wet lol! cant wait next week :D 

@Farfalle lol eric gonna be "i need to go back to korea right now" , "i need fancam" lol lol i really cant wait they meet each other again :D 

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Heyyy guyyysss I'm back! :D

So, I saw the last episode. For the nth time, I think it's really amazing how Eric tries to be as supportive as possible. And also, I notice how he always compliments her to and in front of everyone. I read somewhere somehow some people(?) think that being in WGM only makes Eric's image better, but for me, I believe that Eric is trying his best to support Solar the best she can be (by challenging and also supporting her). 

Regarding skinships, tbh, I really want them to be comfy with each other soon. I'm waiting for the day Yongseon can hold Eric's hand while walking on the streets; I think that would be super amazing. I'm really pleased how Eric's being more touchy touchy each episode, but I just really hope for the day Yongseon actually initiates the skinship (a.k.a more active in being touchy touchy lol). The inner side of me can't help but want to just make them have natural couple skinships, but knowing Yongseon, I know it's gonna take quite a time for them to reach the stage I want. But really, all I want is them to be happy together and like what she said, being close without bluffing (or in my interpretation, more like "faking" themselves). OH BUT ALSO, I notice how Yongseon pat Eric's back, and tbh, I'm kinda happy with it hheheh :3 

The Eric Nam fan inside of me can't help but notice how handsome he becomes after making his hair "all-back" (just like what Yongseon wants lol). 

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Thanks for the Moosical updates @NitePanda and @maeryl! Fortunately I was able to watch the videos before they got deleted. Solar was amazing as usualB) I kinda feel sad for Eric who had to miss such an awesome concert. He must be feeling worse than me though. :( Hopefully there will be another chance for him to watch Solar perform on stage soon! 

Hello and welcome @namoomoo! We're the same! I love this couple so much that I visit this page everyday to get updates. Have almost never felt this way before and it got to the point where I just had to create an account to get myself involved in the discussions. Not really into kpop but, like you, I've become a Moomoo and Namnation too! And you certainly made this someone's day better! :) If what you mentioned turn out true, I'll be so happy! We'll get to see the playful Eric and also see how they play with each other.;) Let's hope that this will be the case next week!

Also @enko20 and @Farfalle, just to let you know that I enjoy reading your long reviews! ^_^ Agree with you two on so many points. I also loved how Eric was so comfortable rolling around in bed and taking up more than 3/4 of the bed! And who wouldn't miss out talking about Solar's laugh!! 

And yes @sujukpop, Eric is surely a good-looking man! And cute too! I've fallen for his charms :wub:

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