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Thanks everyone for today updates! I really glad they have fun on today events.. i cant reply mention now since i still stuck at work and just using my phone :( but i agree with everyone that say they filming wgm on the radio so we can see their video on wgm ( since solar wear her wedding ring lol ) if its not broadcasted in wgm so its mean solar wear it everytime she meet with her husband? Lol :D i really love they contact each other frequently with their busy schedule and the way she call him oppa if she use that everytime she call eric then they become much closer.. omg.. btw i wanna thanks everyone for the updates once again! Gomawooo.. gonna be back tomorrow!

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@coldcucumber I think international fans are fine with his appearance in WGM, but some of his Korean fans aren't okay with it. But, yeah, even some of MAMAMOO's fans too had edited Eric. Well, they can't satisfy everyone :sweatingbullets: Agree with you, let's just focus with supporting them! :D Yeah, looking at their schedule, I think they won't meet for some time :( because I think MBC has enough footage of them for a few weeks already. 

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Yay for the updates! Thanks chingus (i noticed that we call each other with this more often hahaha)! I want to play the video but with subs already keke~ Solar looks pretty as always and oh, I can see the ring! 

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5 hours ago, Farfalle said:

Solar said that actually she appeared voluntarily as 'the ultimate DJ job'. "I wanted to be a DJ. I'm so nervous," said her. Eric Nam who came for Solar said, "I've heard before that Solar really wanted to be a radio DJ. So I came to cheer her."

While reading @Farfalle translation,this catch my attention. In the other word does it mean at first Solar has to do this radio alone but because she was too nervous, she ask Eric to accompany her?? or am i too delulu..hahaha.. Eric seem to know how to calm her down very well..

Oh, btw sorry because i has been pop out suddenly sometime, i'm just too lazy to sign in..:sweatingbullets:.. so i prefer to be a silent reader. I'm really enjoy reading all your review every week, keep it up..:D

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Woah~ i just finished listening to it! I know our couple can sometime be hyper but compared to Solar, Eric...hahahaahahaahaha i thought i was in the jungle the moment he just made up his version to the lyrics... he seemed to love mentioning Solar alot! But i think i knew why he's being too hyper...that's the way he could calm his wifey nervousness! ;) Just listening to their voices already make me happy!  Solar's sexy voice when she introduced her hubby song! Oh my! :wub: I heard next time...yeah let's hope there will be another appearance in radio show, not now tho~ wait till both of them settle down their busy schedules a little. Board game! Everything seem magical in Ddongie wgm episodes... scenes keep disappearing here and there.

Anyway, thank you so much lovelies for the updates! *group hugs*

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55 minutes ago, cnsdlover49 said:

While reading @Farfalle translation,this catch my attention. In the other word does it mean at first Solar has to do this radio alone but because she was too nervous, she ask Eric to accompany her?? or am i too delulu..hahaha.. Eric seem to know how to calm her down very well..

I think it's just WGM plot while actually they planned it? But we don't know what's actually happening there :vicx: Yes, I think their different approach matches each other, like what we can see at last episode when Solar found trouble with the lights. And from last episode too, I think Eric knew that Solar tends to have this worry when she tries something new.

It's okay. Please do visit sometimes too, to share your thoughts here :) 

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<The Friends in Costa Rica> Episode 3 highlight clips:
(Wondering where to watch this fun show, even it's difficult to find the RAW version .__. so I've watched it live)

  • Video title: "Eric Nam's blockage! Boa snake is too scary for me"
    (Hope there's no snake in the jungle, Eric oppa :sweatingbullets:)


  • Video title: "We are celebrities...!? The bluff battle held at the waterfall!!"


  • Video title: "It.. It's hurt so much there.. What's really happening to them?"


  • Video title: "Yu-vin was abandoned in the middle of the night? Get excited to 'No Panty' song!"


  • Video title: "Bugs should be caught like this! Various go-to-bed preparation of these tired people!!"


  • Video title: "Three-people-three-colors perfect personality water sliding! Fall into Yu-Nam-Sam's charm~"


  • Video title: "Don't let go the tension rope till the end!" Episode 4 Preview


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@Farfalle Hahah right! hmm in terms of real life I don't know if Chief is married lol. But there's definitely a sunbae on wgm it's Park Se Young! I hope PSY boost his confidence.. be a whisperer and tells him you'll regret it later if you don't do it now.. my wish to happen please kekekek~ :lol:


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Omo! I found this late, but I'll share here. This is a preview for this week episode and after that are some scenes which are cut from last week episode. Sam mentioned like "hyungsunim"? It's when they're walking and looking at a display window of a store. Sam said like "Do you want to buy some here for sister-in-law?", and Eric said like "I think I won't buy", but I'm not sure since my hearing is not that good :sweatingbullets:


Brian Joo's Snapchat update with MAMAMOO when they attended the ambassador thingy


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@zurah90 I don't know if he meant Solar or the so-la in the octave scale, but if it's the octave scale then he sang it at the right time! ;) We have the same thought again, chingu! I think Eric was being high to calm Solar down too *highfive* It's because after listening to it again, I'm confused why Eric is so hyper, especially at Lee Jung Hyun's "Come", he's the one who started their drunk party! :lol: Yeah I hope for other appearance of them too, they're really lifting my mood up with their beagleness. Well, hope that that scene will be showed in the upcoming episode. :)

@pwnkl Hahaha it doesn't have to be married, the dating tips are enough :lol: Yeah, I watched Park Se-young's WGM part too haha. I don't think they will be that close to talk about it, but if it happened, it's good then :D If you watched the latest "The Friends", Eric is kinda scared with many animals. Even at first he's afraid with some birds, Wondering how will he survive in the jungle :sweatingbullets:

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Good day to everyone! :) It's Thursday!!!:D 


Really? I'm being delulu then...hahaha :lol: IKR! *fist bump* Coz he was just being obvious. His hyperness overflows really well! ;) Talking about Lee Jung Hyun's "Come", Solar did the imitation for that point dance before...Hahaha... It would be hilarious if Eric singing to it while Solar did that! Beagle couple indeed! B) I thought i heard Solar said she would improve herself if she was invited again? I agree with you, this beagle couple need to make their appearance to any radio shows to help lifting up people moods. I felt so alive listening to their laughs and many listeners praised them. Well~ that really can't be help tho~ hehehe :P 

And thanks for "The Friends" update! Well~ i heard that about right too! Gosh~ Sam help to "push" Eric by bringing up "hyungsunim" while YuVin wanna help his hyung getting to know other girls! Lol

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@zurah90 Just because Solar sang it as octave scale though, but I don't know hahaha. Hope someone subbing the radio show :) If Solar did that, I'm afraid Eric's reaction would be like when they imitated the animal sounds ahahahaha it's too funny though. :lol: Yeah, she said that, I heard "next time", waiting for that "next time" ;) I'm happy that even Solar's brother-in-law from another program remembered her haha. Yuvin's just too innocent, while Sam is the witty one haha. 

@sight_stv You're right! I still wait for their collaboration in singing though :) 

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Eric was the guest at this morning KBS Cool FM


... and SBS Radio 'Cultwo Show'?


Eric's tomorrow event


<Showtime! MAMAMOO x GFRIEND> Episode 4 Pre-release MAMAMOO cut
(The broadcast is today at 6 PM KST)


MAMAMOO's upcoming schedule (after the Japan concert)
A joint concert? MAMAMOO x Yangpa x Basick


MAMAMOO will participate in this year ISAC? C Team is jjang though B)


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