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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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Episode is over! I did my best recapping the episode lol. Hope it was satisfactory!

Opening credits are similar to the second teaser where they both touch the barrier between their worlds.

Flashback to Athens 2004 Summer Olympics.

Kang Chul is leading with one more competition shot to go.

He hits a near bulls-eye with 10.2 but bumbs on the second shot with 7.9. This causes him to lose the lead.

He has one more shot with 15 seconds counting down. He shoots and it’s a perfect shot! 10.9! Korea wins the gold :D 

Scene changes to his family watching a game on TV (he's not there). Mother goes to check the door when she hears a sound. She sees something that scares her and the father goes to check on her to see her on the floor bleeding through the back of her head. Killer shoots the father. Both parents have bullet holes right in the middle of their foreheads. Killer goes to shoot the little brother then the little sister, both in the same execution style. TV news cast announcing him being arrested. 

We see the hooded man in all black drop his gun (?) in the streets by the trash. KC is being interrogated by the prosecutor. He's speaking to his coach in prison. Something happens and KC snaps and tries to attack the prosecutor.

We switch to reality where Yeon Joo is knocked out while her friend is sleeping. She tells him to answer the phone but he ignores her. She picks up the phone and gives the phone to her friend. He answers and YJ is in trouble lol. She arrives to work and speaks to her supervisor (?). He's telling her that he's a fan of her father's "W" comics. She talks about how perfect and sexy KC is and her supe's like SEXY?! and she's like oh crap, sorry! lol He stands up and she thinks he's gonna hit her but he gives her a high five.

Another doctor walks in. Supe tells her something that makes her happy lol. YJ talking to herself in the empty hallway. She calls her father's student/assistant aka her spy. All three of them are in a fluster. He tells her that her father's gone missing. She takes a cab to her father's place and we see all the different W covers in his home, as well as framed photos of the two together from when she was a child to when she graduated from med school. YJ and her spy go to her father's workspace/bedroom area.

Flashback to other night where YJ's father is working in his office. A little past 10PM, his main student goes to check on him with a cup of tea but notices that he's gone missing. His other two students check around the house as well to look for him.

Back to YJ, he shows her what her father's been working on and it's a shot of KC bloody on the floor. She's in disbelief while she examines the photo. She scrolls down and the next photo shows the hooded man.

Flashback to the same night that YJ's father goes missing. It shows him drawing the scene of KC bloody on the floor.

Back to YJ, they talk. It's YJ alone in the room now while her spy goes off to tell the other 2 something. YJ sees the painting of Saturn Devouring His Son with a written note on the back of it. She notices the tablet starts to quake, turns around and feels something pulling on the back of her jacket. She reaches around with her hand and looks at it to see that it's all bloody. The shot slowly turns around to show KC's bloody arm reaching out and pulling on YJ's jacket.

She wakes up on the rooftop of a building with a bloody KC passed out on the floor (same from the teasers). She doesn't notice him until she trips over him. She checks his breathing and goes to find help. She goes downstairs to the kitchen and tells the staff, she grabs a pair of scissors and a towel from the counter and runs back upstairs. She cuts up a pieces of a towel to stop the bleeding. A kitchen staff member comes up and uses his phone to give her some light. KC starts to breathe/move. YJ cuts open his shirt and takes the pen from the kitchen staff member after some hesitation. She breaks the pen and stabs it into KC's chest (same as in teasers). He wakes up momentarily and our leads look at each other but he passes out right after. Ambulance come.

YJ being a weirdo and talking to herself (like in the teasers/trailers) about being a natural born doctor. A staff member from the hotel (?) thanks her for her help. He says something to her that makes her pause and she thinks back to before she got pulled into this world. 

Kitchen staff member alerts the man YJ was speaking to. I think he tells him that it's Kang Chul cause he runs straight towards him. This catches YJ's attention. She's doubting whether or not it's really him and walks towards his body as the ambulance are picking him up. KC wakes up and our leads lock eyes once again as the ambulance carry KC away. YJ is in disbelief as the camera does a 360 degrees and she's back in her world! She's in complete shock and turns around and looks at the tablet showing the image of the bloody KC. She touches it (I guess trying to see if it'll transport her back). Her spy comes in and scares the crap out of her.

He tells her good news? about her father. He hurries her out of the room and leads her to his desk and computer. YJ is now looking at the rest of the "W" webtoon showing her in the comics! It shows her helping KC. The last frame of the "W" webtoon shows YJ by herself.

Screen goes white with YJ's voiceover narrating then we see cartoon version then to real KC driving his Lotus down the freeway. It shows KC winning gold, his family being murdered and him being arrested for it, the man in black dumping the murder weapon in the trash, KC going to attack the prosecutor, to him sitting alone in his prison cell. I think he gets released because KC is in his home by himself with all the lights off, he sits down on the sofa crying. He starts to break down.

KC is in a store buying soju while the people in the store are gossiping about him. He lies in bed awake but gets up. Scene changes and now KC is going to attempt suicide by jumping off a bridge. Flashback scene shows him coming home and seeing all his family murdered. Another flashback to him by himself at his family's funeral. He leans forward to jump and is hanging by one arm but he changes his mind. Scene shows him walking down the bridge in the rain looking vengeful. 

Scene changes and we see KC's secretary walk into the KC's hospital room. His bodyguard is in there too. She tells him about how YJ went missing afterwards. She hands him the business card that belongs to YJ. He says something that shocks both his secretary and his bodyguard.

They bicker a little bit because she's obviously in disagreement with him about something. She leaves. KC and his bodyguard converse. KC looks at the business card and the scene changes back to YJ in her world. She's looking at the "W" webtoon on her computer at work as it shows the latest events of KC in the hospital with her business card.

Her boss comes in to scold her. She forces him out of the room and locks him out. She calls her father's student/her spy. She's freaking out while he's calm. She hangs up on him after an outburst and looks at her monitor with KC on it. Screen flickers back to KC then split screen of our leads.

Episode's over :( 

Preview shows a scene with YJ and her father. It looks like he's back? She saves KC from being poisoned at the hospital. He picks her up from the bus station and takes her shopping, she slaps him lol and runs away. KC is in danger once again.


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The most interesting part from the preview:her dad is trying hard to kill him but his daughter keeps saving his life...seems she will be trapped in his world ...we will have more otp scenes...i really love this drama!Hug you all!SEE YOU LATER!

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Luckily my live stream was decent. It would lag but I'd just refresh the page and it would work right away ^_^

I thought the episode was really solid and was a great pilot. I didn't understand any Korean but it was easy enough to follow along as a viewer (though being a fan, I already knew most of the what's been released about the characters and the plot).

Directing was really well done and PD made some great choices in differentiating between flashbacks and the different realities, as well as re-introducing some scenes so not to confuse the viewers, especially when YJ was looking at "W" webtoon on the computer.

Episode had a great mix of comedy, suspense, and thriller. No complaints on the acting. LJS did well, especially in the scenes where he's by himself. Hyo Joo already showing great chemistry with the characters from her world, and she was definitely the source of comic relief.

Music was decent. Not bad but nothing extraordinary for me lol. 

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it was lagging too much that I watched pictures more than scenes but no problem it's better than nothing!! :D many things happened but couldn't really see what happened fully so now I need to watch the episode properly and I think that I'm going to cry for my Kang Cheol!! poor kid!! 

and he was the one who grabbed Yeon Joo (and her father?) to his world!!! that scene left me shaking!!! 

now I have to go backtrack again waitig for the episode raw!! :D 

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So - here I am - watching one hour on the edge of my Seat with the eyes pierced on the Screen. Not able to help with recap I could not miss a single Second.

And one thought in my mind after the end.... wow - if this could be real I must run for my life too - there are a few characters I made to suffer very well..... irgs.....


So - when Kang Chul was stapped the Father was missing - in the other World - was it he?

The most importend information is to find out how Sung Moo started that WebToon. Did he draw it in the first - or did he find the Door to another World... This Picture looks so much like a Deal with a Demon - but that is all nonsense right now. And I´m sure we will not know that so early.

What the WebToon Team (Father) makes changes Kang Chuls World - but what happend in Kang Chuls World changes the "real" World too. And the WebToon is not really like it is drawn - but more like some magic made it like it was drawn but in real it happend in the W World.

Thanx a lot Writer - you gave me what I hoped for!!!

I still think it is new that Kang Chul can interfere with the Creater World now too - without knowing of course.

So - what would I feel when I had to find out that someone maded my Life a Nightmare... Loosing all my Family - and beeing blamed for the Murdercase.

Even the Law let KC from the Hook - the Neighbors did not. To the extend that he wanted to end his own Life. Was that all drawn - or maybe was it more like Sung Moo interferes with a few things and let is happen. (what can be so intense like the real suffering - so the success for W might be build up on pain and tears... )


I´m sure I will write more later - but I have to sort my mind first... I´m in Love!!!!! I will be crazy for that Drama!!!! For Sure now!!!!


Oh - and I love the Music choice - gave a great Feeling to all those Pictures!

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Whenever YJ gets dragged into the world, she believed that the webtoon gets written on its own.. but SB insisted that its YJ's father who drawn it although they still dont know where he is. 

Supervisor came into the room when YJ was looking at the webtoon and said like "even though u are OSM's daughter u cant get him to draw you inside the webtoon" but she chased him out.. 

Haha~ great ep here.. and its going to be better.. ^_^

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3 hours ago, ohnoitscindy said:

Try this link: 


Thank you for the link.:blush::heart:

TT_TT it's quite hard to watch when it's keep lagging. almost given up ...

BTW, HI~HELLO~ANNYEONG.  (been silent reader all these times,just cant keep calm anymore..so,here i am.)



Edited by qallee
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