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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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I'm okay, i'm perfectly fine, i'm okay  ........

HEEEOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL.... FREAKING RICHARD SIMMONS W !!!! .. i'm so not okay .. i can hardly breath after todays episode .. i only watched the live streaming and raw version without any subs but yet thz episode compelled me ..... the acting was top notch ... the reactions... their lines ... the pace of the events was amazing and everythinnnnnnngggg is just perfect !!!!!

did i hear worldwide trend ??? Haaaaaaaahhhhh ofcourse how can it not !!! aaahh i'm so happy yet very sad because of the week i'm gonna wait !! Is it possible to be happy and sad at the same time ??? Am i in two dimensions kkkkkkkkk :P 

thanks for allll the recappers and thanks for the translaters too i'm glad we have as many .. please stick wìth us we need you ... there will be a lot of stuff coming we need to understand so we definitely need your help ... that scene when they were talking in the phone was sooooo soooo sweet i love their little smiles and sights and tones ... they were like a couple checking on each other and bickering and all of that .. they nailed it romance wise!!! Suspence wise too they did the same when she told him the truth ... the moment they stopped the background music i was thrilled and i got goosebumps everywhere ... when he was talking to his father's friend in the phone and when he collapsed ohhhhh those scene were EPIC !!! Totallyyyyyyyy 

much much much love from me to everyone on the thread .. to W team and to all yhe supporters of this masterpiece drama !!!!

waiting for the ratings and the nets reactions and comments !!!

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Sung Moo started to work on W sevens years ago - in KC World those 7 years became 15

KC is now 30 years old - like Yeon Joo.

Jeon Yoo was 23 years old when Kang Chul was created. Here comes my trouble because after someone told me I was not able to find out - was Yeon Joo the one who designed KC first and Dad used that Figure.

Kang Chul was ergo 15 years old when the Story starts. He was 17 years old when he won the Pistol Tornement.

On that Time the Family lived with Sung Moo. We know Yeon Joo inhired his Art Talent. So I bleieve those two where close back than. In Fathers House (the former Family House) where only Pictures with him and YJ. 

We know YJ love KC from the Start - so she loves her Fathers work.

But he was not successful. The Kang Chul from that Time did not get the Attention and the Manwha was not sold. So we know that the Family had financial problems. And we can clearly see that the Father like (or not like) to drink.

Kang Chul from the Story decided not to follow the Way of his Father and stayed in Sport - but to study Computer science - if I remember right.

There can be a conclusion with Yeon Joos Life - she did not study Art - following the Way of her Father - but decided for a medical Career. Can be that his Father took that as a hit - because he can´t get Money with this Talent... only my guess.

But KC had trouble because of that with his Father.

Following my Idea that Sung Moos personal Situation can influence the Story maybe ther was an argument too - or SM was just hurt and did not dare to argument - insteed he drink. He is the kind of human who runs away as I see him right now.

Following my Theory - I will say it clear again - it has nothing to do with jealousy - but maybe when SM Family broke he came up with the Idea to create an tragic Figure - so or so - I can´t find right now how old KC was when his Family was killed.

About the Murder - only SM knows... maybe the who was not importend in that moment -- but reading the new written preview - I´m scard he did something really --- ahhhh.

After the Murdercase it follows the Lawcase - the Prison - and later the verdict of not beeing guilty.

But KC in his World must stay for 2 Years in Prison...

and than it follows one hard year for him --- in all that time the WebToon still don´t get success...

Maybe (again) KC had to be depressive - because SM was it on that time - the time before Yeon Joo left him. I believe the Mother first left him - but his DAughter decided to stay on his Side - but that did not work out. So - Yeon Joo left - I´m alone now.

Again - I feel like SM will run away and not face his trouble - so he drink and he lost his power - not even willing to work on W anymore. Maybe it was reason too he had arguements with his Wife - but I believe it was the bond between FAther and DAughter. So when she left him - it was not needed anymore.

To give it a clear end SM decided to kill KC - or let me better say he decided to made him kill himself. And he draw the scene - KC was supposed to die in that Night.

But SM fall asleep - not sober - and on the next Day the new Scene was on the Screen.

I believe it was always this one Screen SM used. He did not had a lot of Money. So my question since long was where did he get it? Is there something behind? The Screen was shown in the long Preview - there must be something.

- we can´t find out right now what happend in that Night. Was it Yeon Joos Fear to loose KC? was it just KC himself - who in real is not a Character who runs away.  What ever - that Night was the turning Point.

I liked the Idea that SM start to loose control because Yeon Joo is not around anymore - because she is related to KC from the Start. But all that can only be wild guesses right now.

I believe the success wat not really Sung Moos doing - but all decisions he had made  - KC is stronger. And he started to live in his World - with a stong Will - an Airm - it was not a broken Character anymore - but a Character with the will and the Abbility to change something. And suddenly the success came - with all might.

Yeon Joos Aunt sait to her Mum that she had only endure it a littel longer. But I believe it could only happen because the Family broke apart.

Sung Moo became famous - but he lived in Fear - because on that time he already knew that the WebToon lived on its own - or better said - KC.

- you know - I even hat that strange Idea that in the Past YJ wished him to be real - maybe even tried a spell --- i now - don´t mind. But something must be behind him.

W became a bit Hit - and the only thing I was surprised that it had never any LoveStory involved. Even the Woman was there - So Hee.

And KC became as famous as SM in his World. But he could not reach his Aim.

So we are now in the Drama Timeline - Seems like KC became stronger and SMs Fear grow.

What is with the Picture - did he just found it and related the Mythos to himself - thinking - he will end like Saturn...

again - we will see...

That Night SM got missing is the most interesting question for me - My Idea is still he was in the WebToon Word before - but he did not rescue KC. But if - how could he get out?

And then YJ came - and her fear for KC open the Window again. I believe it was not KC in that Moment who open the Path - but it was YJ - her Feeling for KC - and her wish for him to live.

But it was KC who was able to grab her - with his last strengh.

Finaly who belongs together - met.


Ah - a question - did YJ knew too in that Night on the Bridge that her Father wanted to kill him. Than maybe her wish for him to live and her fear could reach him back than too - not seeing it on the Screen but just by knowing. Because the KC died Scene was never sendet to the Internet...


As you see - I´m lost to W !



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23 minutes ago, juju84 said:

Maybe you're right. I was too excited to catch all the details. :D But It would be awesome if KC could travel through any drawing tablet don't you think.;)


It would be safer - because I´m afraid what will happen if later someone really can break this thing...


Why am I thinking on QIHM - there was one item too - he needed to travel...

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29 minutes ago, juju84 said:

I wonder what will happen first : CK visiting YJ at the hospital (and saying his good-byes) or him visiting SM's house? How the heck he even knew where SM's house is? Or who let him in when the owner is not around?


He did not looked like a Person who will knock silently on your door in that state he will just break through... I guess you can find it in the Internet - where the WebToon Creator lives...

My Guess - KC will first read the Story - and get enraged - and when he knows he will die - he will go to her.. to give his final farewell.

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4 hours ago, tucituci said:

Is it just me i found LJS acting when he was told that he is a manhwa character didnt really 'grab' me? Idk wether thats LJS or the director wanted

thanks for all of you guys for the recaps! WORLDies jjang! Amazing episode!!! Hopefully upcoming episodes reach at least the same expectation we have rn!

Hmm, me on the contrary was impressed with the way this particular scene was acted out. 

At first he just froze, his mind going totally blank refusing to process anything (it happens in case of severe shocks). And than he mechanically started to react to the things around him going about his actions, the understanding of what was said still not quite there. Like he heard, he understood but the gravity of the knowledge has not settled in yet. It was so fascinating to watch like with each step he took, with each word he said to his mentor, with each new question asked, with each thought he vocalized over the phone the reality of YJ's words and all the implications finally hit him. And just at that moment... BAM his world stopped. The moment he accepted the truth he saw W for what it was. And it scared the hell out of him. He went through all the gradation of emotions (from numbness and denial, to realization and acceptance and to the horror of this unimaginable revelation). And all of it was done in just this short period of time and done masterfully! For me this scene was played to a T by LJS. It was simple yet complex and that made it particularly realistic.

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hi onion head  @snowglobe147

and of course for everyone who joined the Thread. There are so many who where silent lurker before and even a few who created an account - I love to read this.

I´m extremly happy to have one more Translater with us - because - without your help - we non korean knowing People are lost and have to wait... waiting is not my biggest talent... to be honest. You rescued us so often - and I´m very greatful for your hard work and your will to give us a helping hand!

The more the merrier - And W deserve all our Love and Praise - so I will wait and enjoy all the great comments. Happy to be here with all of you!



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32 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


It would be safer - because I´m afraid what will happen if later someone really can break this thing...


Why am I thinking on QIHM - there was one item too - he needed to travel...

That one was good, real good. and i hope W will keep us on our toes till the last minutes, in a good way ofc.
Yeah, this poor thing was trashed so much I don't think it can hold any longer, KC needs to find new way to travel to W

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Kang Cheol saved himself in the Han bridge not because he was aginst dying but he was against dying before finding the one who ruined his life and took his family from him, he didn't live for himself the only thing he lived for was avenging his family and the second he realised that all his life was fiction, that all his pain and emotions are part of the fiction, believing that his entire existance is a lie, meaningless and have no value in reality made him lose the only reason he had and kept him living till now, so him wanting to commit suicide again is understandable (but I HATE IT and I want to smuck him on his head for thinking about it) plus he didn't tell Yeon Joo that he's going to comit suicide he told her that he wanted to say his farewell to her a in they won't see each other again since each one will live his life in his world!! and I believe we will have a confrontation between Kang Cheol and Yeon Joo's father, we saw him in the preview in Yeon Joo's father's working office and he was smashing and though everything around him in rage!! 

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29 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


He did not looked like a Person who will knock silently on your door in that state he will just break through... I guess you can find it in the Internet - where the WebToon Creator lives...

My Guess - KC will first read the Story - and get enraged - and when he knows he will die - he will go to her.. do give his final farewell.

Hmm, I didn't know that the personal information of the famous people can be easily available to the masses. In this case, won't Sung Moo be bombarded by the fans or reporters on the daily basis?
Also If CK goes to see YJ after knowing her identity he would definitely gain more respect from me for being this open-minded and forgiving. I expected him to be blinded by his pain and anger but it will show that he puts YJ and her feelings first. :)

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21 minutes ago, juju84 said:

That one was good, real good. and i hope w will keep us on our toes till the last minets, in a good way ofc.
Yeah, this poor thing was trashed so much I don't think it can hold any longer, KC needs to find new way to travel to W


That one is one of my Gems - i can´t tell how often I have watched it. So - finding out that the Synopsis which made me jump over my whole Place is in the Hands of such a great Writer - I was just sooo happy.

I loved her back than for making the male lead a smart Guy who could adjust so well to the modern World he had to deal with - not another stupid Person who seems not only from the Past but from another Planet...

And she is doing it with KC again - such a smart and cunning Man. I love his Character so much. But the Woman too - she is not a weak or naive Woman who has to change and we have to endure her... no - i like Yeon Joo very much - from the first Moment on. :)



Oh by the Way - sorry - I noticed I make a lot of mistakes right now - sorry - thats typical when I write too much - even in my language - I write too much and too fast --- just a sign that i work at Home on my stuff too... so please don´t mind.. :D

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6 minutes ago, juju84 said:

Hmm, I didn't know that the personal information of the famous people can be easily available to the masses. In this case, won't Sung Moo be bombarded by the fans or reporters on the daily basis?
Also If CK goes to see YJ after knowing her identity he would definitely gain more respect from me for being this open-minded and forgiving. I expected him to be blinded by his pain and anger but it will show that he puts YJ and her feelings first. :)


Not sure - was just one Guess - he can´t use his used way to get informations - he must find it out now for himself. So - that was the first and only idea i had in that Moment.

Not sure if SM is such a kind of Person - he is not an idol - I can imagine that his old Homeadress was never a secret. So it might be able to find by a smart Person as KC. Or he tricked someone to get the adress...

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10 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


Not sure - was just one Guess - he can´t use his used way to get informations - he must find it out now for himself. So - that was the first and only idea i had in that Moment.

Not sure if SM is such a kind of Person - he is not an idol - I can imagine that his old Homeadress was never a secret. So it might be able to find by a smart Person as KC. Or he tricked someone to get the adress...

Yeah, SM is not idol (lol a bit too old for that) but he sure is very popular and his work is a hot topic all over Seul, especially now with this unexpected and uncharacteristic plot twist. Besides as far as i know, mangakas are quite peculiar people and mainly loners. They usually seek quite and solitude for their work.

Had to wait for Wednesday to find out...:D


 And I don't mind the mistakes, chingu. I do them myself since English is not my mother tongue.

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I finally managed to watch the last two episodes and once again I'm in awe. I love this story - it's so complex and keeps me guessing at what is most likely to happen next and what the smallest details possibly mean.

After having watched the third episode with subs followed by the raw of episode 4 there is one thing that keeps bugging me. I can't shake the feeling that KC must have known the possible consequences of him visiting YJ in jail and pressing for some honest answers. Cause he told her himself that she's stucked with him for a while now if she's not telling him what he wants to know  - effectively grounding her at his world. He believed her explanations in episode 3 enough to know that she needs him to have an inner turmoil, change of his emotions for being able to return where she's coming from. Even if it must have been tough for him, he still believed that part as he saw her disappearing already and also the 'public' fallout it creates in his world if the word is spread.

So when he realized what his secretary did to YJ and that she will be stucked in prison and not even his influence can get her out legally - attemped murder is a big enough crime to give the police and prosecutors the right to investigate even if the victim doesn't want to and he already has that one prosecutor as enemy so he could not flex is power-muscles on that one - he went to visit her. Why would he do that as it makes him suspious for the police as well? Why would the possible victim visit the possible suspect? For the police and prosecutors it must be looking suspicious. But he did not care. All he knew is that YJ holds the key to his life and even tried to protect him and their connection before getting arrrested. So if he wanted to help her as well he could not really rely on legal means.

For me it felt as he went to visit her not just with one purpose - getting answers for his questions - but with two - getting the answers and if they are strong enough to shock him allowing her to escape through from the prison and returning to where she belongs. Cause while he looked shocked by her revelation of his world being a manwha wolrd and him being the main lead, he didn't look to shocked to suddenly see an empty cell opposite him. Even if he has lost the key to his life for the moment he knew she was innocent and that it as wrong to keep her imprisoned and he for sure felt they will meet again.

Maybe not the way they will ultimately meet in episode 5 - him being in her world, but I assume during that moment she was gone he already had some ideas in mind of how to get her back to his world. He may have thought of staging an incident of him being in danger while being at  a secluded place (far away from any police as he would not want to risk her being captured again) but when he left the prison and realized just how true her words were and that he also has the aability to cross over to her world, he just took that bait and jumped right into it.


Another thing i'm currently wondering about, is how KC will actually manage to get around in YJ's world. He must have had quite a bit of cash with him, cause if we follow the rules created by the story so far, neither his phone nor his credit cards will work in YJ's world as no he's the non-existing person.

I really can't wait to see how the story will unfold next week and what twists and turns we can expect...

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5 hours ago, theseasasleep said:

Wow. Wow. The episode was so intense but the hour moved like a breeze. Why is this show so good at being good and so good at making an hour feel like 5 minutes?!  Already can't wait for subs because there is so much conversation happening I need to understand so badly!!!!!  Waiting is hell.

Omo, I never watched Nine, so I only have Queen In Hyun's man to go by but the writer doesn't seem like the "Muahahaha! Revenge!!!" type so I am crossing my fingers and toes KC isn't planning to use YJ to get to her father, although I very much fear that he is. Don't buy for a second that he wants to kill himself - he's been there, done that and it wasn't his idea but YJ's dad idea that he soundly rejected by rewriting that chapter's end. He wants the person responsible for taking his loved ones from him and making a mockery of his life. There's no way he's giving up without at least a confrontation. If what some have interpreted from the preview is correct, I believe he tells YJ that he'll commit suicide because he *knows* she'll stop him; she told him the Han Gang bridge scene was the saddest for her, that she was frightened he would die. I trust the writer to bring everything to some place fresh. So far the pace is incredible and no one's an idiot for longer than is likely. I really appreciate at that.

How much do I love that YJ made sure she wasn't caught with a phone directly connecting her to KC, thereby saving him from police scrutiny? A lot is the answer, a lot a lot.  :D 

Yes, our girl YJ is very smart. it's a pity no one appreciates her in her world.

I also kind of doubtful, KC will just go for the suicide again. He was seeking the one responsible for his tragic fate so adamantly and now when he one step away from his goal.. what.. suicide again? Hmmm...I'm not so sure about this. This seems like a waste to me and KC is not the one to give up as we know.

And this smirk, doesn't look like the man who wants to die more like the man on the mission.


credit @nonski


5 hours ago, Mau_Cherry said:


The Dress she wears is still the same dress - only the Phone is not working because of the company --- but I guess the Gun is still the same Gun - smart Move to take it with him - he needs it to feel secure.

I don't think he took it to feel secure. he took it to kick a-ss in my opinion. :glasses:

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6 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

I finally managed to watch the last two episodes and once again I'm in awe. I love this story - it's so complex and keeps me guessing at what is most likely to happen next and what the smallest details possibly mean.

After having watched the third episode with subs followed by the raw of episode 4 there is one thing that keeps bugging me. I can't shake the feeling that KC must have known the possible consequences of him visiting YJ in jail and pressing for some honest answers. Cause he told her himself that she's stucked with him for a while now if she's not telling him what he wants to know  -effectively grounding her at his world. He believed her explanations in episode 3 enough to know that she needs him to have an inner turmoil, change of his emotions for being able to return where she's coming from. Even if it must have been tough for him, he still believed that part s he saw her disappearing already and also the 'public' fallout it creates in his world if the word is spread.

So when he realized what his secretary did to YJ and that she will be stucked in prison a not even his influence can get her out legally - attemped murder is a big enough crime to give the police and prosecutors the right to investigate even if the vitim doesn't want to and he already has that one prosecutor as enemy so he could not flex is power-muscles on that one - he went to visit her. Why would he do that as it makes him suspious for the police as well? Why would the possible victim visit the possible suspect? For the police and prosecutors it must be looking suspicious. But he did not care. All he knew is that YJ holds the key to his life and even tried to protect him and their connection before getting arrrested. So if he wanted to help her he could not really rely on leagl means.

For me it felt as he went to visit her not just with one purpose - getting answers for his questions - but with two - getting the answers and if they are strong enough to shock him allowing her to escape through from the prison and returning to where she belongs. Cause while he looksed shocked by her revelation of his world being a manwha wolrd and him being the main lead, he didn't look to shocked to suddenly see an empty cell opposite him. Even if he has lost the key to his life for the moment he knew she was innocent and that it as wrong to keep her imprisoned and he for sure felt they will meet again.

Maybe not the way they will ultimately meet in episode 5 - him being in her world, but I assume during that moment she was gone he already had some ideas in mind of how to get her back to his world. He may have thought of staging an incident of him being in danger while being at  a secluded place (far away from any police as he would not want to risk her being captured again) but when he left the prison and realized just how true her words were and that he also has the aability to cross over to her world, he just took that bait and jumped right into it.


Another thing i'm currently wondering about, is how KC will actually manage to get around in YJ's world. He must have had quite a bit of cash with him, cause if we follow the rules created by the story so far, neither his phone nor his credit cards will work in YJ's world as no he's the non-existing person.

I really can't wait to see how the story will unfold next week and what twists and turns we can expect...


chingu - I agree in nearly every Point with you - I have just one Problem. The last time she dissapeard - she came back on the same spot. The Cell would be not the best Place for her to come back.

But wait - was she on the same spot in her world too - the bench... maybe...

So i hope she can meet him on another Place - but right now - is there a going back possible as long as his world is frozen. Maybe when he accept who he is ... but who is he... thats so complicated ....

right - I too believe he wanted to free her - so she must tell him now. I believe  - when I got it right - he told her how he felt in Prison - to make it easier for her to see that enduring it and keep silent will really not help her on this place and he is only on that moment in front of her. He cant take a call easily - or visit her daily so see if she will speak tomorrow. And the times works against them too. So he had to made her speak - I believe he waited so long - he could deal with a bit more time - but he did not wanted her to stay on this Place.

And i believe she knew it too - that he wanted her to vanish. But she really never wanted to hurt him...


and I too agree totally on that Point that he now is in the World where he has no ID - so somehow they have to go to the same as the other - KC was in Prison - YJ knows a bit of that feeling now - YJ could not get in contact with the Police because seh can´t tell who she is - not KC is in that Position.

Those Cliffhanger kills me - so unfair - they can do that when we only have to wait one Day. But - hello - a Week.... that will be hard... .


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