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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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@JAN just search it and youll find it...

5 hours ago, dustinmyeye said:

understand what you are saying, Arthit is fatalistic about making the relationship work, but can you imagine trying to live with someone who, for two years, has been insisting that it wont work ? We are not two months into the relationship we are two years into it. Thus, to me, Kongpob is still with Arthit because he knows that Arthit wants to be with him, otherwise he would have given up long ago. Arthit must be doing something to keep the pair together - but we are not seeing it.

I think the little acts of affection that artihit occasionally displays here and there is wht drives kong to still remain in the relationship with him....he is waiting for artihit to feel the same way as him about their relationship... Tbh if i were kong i wouldve been so frustrated that i wouldve left him...whts the use of staying with someone whos still not sure enough about his feeling after two flippin years!! Sigh ...but then again.  Love works in weird ways...and...im alot like artihit soo...i kinda feel bad for him...Kong must be used to arihits tough love...haha

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If in two years Arthit doesn't know what he wants out of the relationship, then he is just stringing Kong along for his own selfish reasons. Not that I'm saying he's bad, but if you aren't sure about your feelings for someone and you are scared about your sexuality or what it would mean to love a man, then what he needs is space/time to figure it out. 


Likewise, Kong in two years should have known what place he has in Arthit's life and if he is willing to wait, then great, but we are not even getting that sense from the series. I read a post on mydramalist from someone who said that the author is conservative and that in her book she doesn't even show half the "sweet moments" we see in the drama. Excuse me, but even a conservative person could see how a couple in a relationship of more than a year would have more intimacy and would express their love for each other in various ways, even if it was just secretly between the two. Arthit won't even let Kong kiss him and we got a sorry excuse for a kiss in episode 4 (that Eskimo kiss was ridiculous not sweet)


And the EM/May relationship is even more tragic. I would have imagined that in real life these two would have already gone their separate way or had at least tried the relationship for a bit and if it didn't work out moved on. EM was very clear about his feelings for May, and that she didn't even say to him in those two years that she wasn't interested or to at least give her some time, it baffles me. 


of course i'm only basing this on what he have watched so far and it could turn out differently, but I'm not feeling this season at all. And it's not even because I want to see more kissing, I truly wanted to see these two characters grow in their love, be it seeing them disagreeing, arguing, kissing, laughing, holding hands, supporting each other etc. I'm still going to support the series, but it's fast losing the charm the first one had. Hopefully this is just the problem with the first few episodes and we will see more progression later. :wink:

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23 hours ago, dustinmyeye said:


I can't see Arthit searching out a female because if he was going to he would have already done it. It's been two years ! Likewise for Kongpob, why would you stick with someone for two years if you were not capable of accepting who THEY are ?


This is the problem (for me anyway) their relationship is stuck in a temporal anomaly (and it applies to Em and May as well). Everything that might/could have happened in order to cement or collapse the relationship should have already happened within the past two years.


I understand what you are saying, Arthit is fatalistic about making the relationship work, but can you imagine trying to live with someone who, for two years, has been insisting that it wont work ? We are not two months into the relationship we are two years into it. Thus, to me, Kongpob is still with Arthit because he knows that Arthit wants to be with him, otherwise he would have given up long ago. Arthit must be doing something to keep the pair together - but we are not seeing it.

The thing is, I think, that they have lived in this insular bubble of school for the last two years.  Which means that mostly they are around the bubble of people Arthit feels comfortable with.  The real world has not intruded in to force them to make these concrete decisions.  They are both cruising along in their own little personal bubbles where there are no problems or hard decisions.


So, for 90% of the time they have been in a place where Arthit responds positively to Kong's advances because 90% of the time they are either alone or with people that support them.  It is only now that 1/2 of the group, including Arthit, is now out in the wider world the issue is going to become obvious.  


I didn't mean to imply that Arthit would WANT to seek a female.  I wasn't clear (stupid cold medicine).  He loves Kong but he has never accepted that their relationship is 'real' in the wider world.  So, now he has to decide what to do.  Go with his heart or go with what is easy (pick a woman and live a heteronormative life).   Arthit is the only child in his family, so there is a great deal of pressure from that angle that he is just not dealing with. 


Kong has made this decision and I don't think he realizes that Arthit hasn't.  Kong can't see the forest for the trees.  We've all had those relationships where we were living in our own little world ignoring any red flags because they weren't causing problems...yet.  However, the red flags in the Arthit/Kong relationship are now starting to surface.


I don't think Kong and Arthit have ever discussed, in a concrete way, the future of their relationship outside of school.  So, Kong hasn't lived in a relationship where Arthit is insisting it won't work.  They just haven't discussed it...at all.  Look at the snippets of upcoming episodes that were released at the beginning of this season where Kong asks Arthit who he is to him:  An acquaintance, a friend, a lover?  This just shows they just didn't deal with the future in a concrete way until they couldn't avoid it any longer.


Kong sees the relationship as his end game and Arthit sees the relationship as something that makes him happy 'right now' and he hasn't wanted to look any further ahead.  Because he loves Kong and in his head looking forward means that he has to leave Kong because the relationship isn't something that can last.  He desperately WANTS it to last, so he is just not dealing with the future... at all.


Having said all that, I think there should have been FAR more advancement in the relationship no matter what.


Edited by kpanon1
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19 hours ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

I think the little acts of affection that artihit occasionally displays here and there is wht drives kong to still remain in the relationship with him....he is waiting for artihit to feel the same way as him about their relationship... Tbh if i were kong i wouldve been so frustrated that i wouldve left him...whts the use of staying with someone whos still not sure enough about his feeling after two flippin years!! Sigh ...but then again.  Love works in weird ways...and...im alot like artihit soo...i kinda feel bad for him...Kong must be used to arihits tough love...haha


Exactly. I would have given up as well. On thinking about it, I once did :-)

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11 hours ago, kpanon1 said:

...They just haven't discussed it...at all.  Look at the snippets of upcoming episodes that were released at the beginning of this season where Kong asks Arthit who he is to him:  An acquaintance, a friend, a lover?  This just shows they just didn't deal with the future in a concrete way until they couldn't avoid it any longer.


Kong sees the relationship as his end game and Arthit sees the relationship as something that makes him happy 'right now' and he hasn't wanted to look any further ahead.  Because he loves Kong and in his head looking forward means that he has to leave Kong because the relationship isn't something that can last.  He desperately WANTS it to last, so he is just not dealing with the future... at all.


Having said all that, I think there should have been FAR more advancement in the relationship no matter what.



You can't live with someone for two years as their partner and not know where you are at. If you have to pose that sort of question it is because you need, in your own mind, to clarify what you already think to be true. If you think that your partner is head of heels in love with you, do you need to ask such a question ? No.


But, hey ! This is a drama. Not real life. I liked all the characters from the first season and want to enjoy the second season. I would rather have seen Arthit and Kongpob arguing the bit out about their different versions of Hazing. Kongpob asking for advice about how to deal with kids who don't want to be a part of it rather than having a large portion of the episode wasted (Wad never got this amount of attention). Arthit talking about his job and who the people are he is working with. His difficulties. How the two support each other.


Perhaps all of this is to come.  I am now a couple of episodes behind on the English Subs. So I need to catch up.

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15 hours ago, dustinmyeye said:


You can't live with someone for two years as their partner and not know where you are at. If you have to pose that sort of question it is because you need, in your own mind, to clarify what you already think to be true. If you think that your partner is head of heels in love with you, do you need to ask such a question ? No.


Perhaps all of this is to come.  I am now a couple of episodes behind on the English Subs. So I need to catch up.


Unfortunately, you CAN live with someone for two years as their partner and not know where you are at.  If you feel you are head over heels in love and you are also certain they are head over heels in love people don't discuss it because we all know what people in love do, right?  They get married and live happily together until death.  But that is not always the case.


That is why there are a TON of couples who live together for years with one thinking they were just waiting for the right time to marry and the other not wanting to marry at all.  I can think of 3 couples I personally know that fit this criteria.  Heck, I was in one of these relationships.  We moved around the country for his job and I had no idea he didn't want to ever get married again (He was divorced once).  I wasted 4 years in my late 20s/early 30s because I assumed that when he said "I love you" it translated to "I want to marry you" because I never asked.  It was my own fault for not being adult about it and forcing the conversation.



So, if you have a partner that professes to love you and you love him you NEED to have this conversation to make sure your future goals are the same.  Kong and Arthit are still in their early 20s.  If older people can mess it up so badly, younger ones can also screw it up royally.


Now, having said all that, I just think this season is poorly written and I am trying to determine why Kong/Arthit are still acting like they just met in grade school.  But I do think the 'drama' of this season will be if Arthit can overcome his desire to fit into society as 'normal' and live happily with Kong.  And I do think Kong and Arthit are both not coming at the relationship from the same place.  Kong has made his decision and Arthit has not and they are going to have to confront the issue.


I am also not completely caught up with the season and as we progress I could be totally wrong. 


Also, are they living together?  I thought they were just doing the thing where one of them stays over at the others instead of going home.   I don't imagine either family would care to pay for the apartment of a cohabiting couple while they are still in school.  Even the parents of heteosexual couples wouldn't pay for that, I don't think.  I could be wrong though because I was in university 2 decades ago and things have changed.

Edited by kpanon1
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For those who have been waiting for pinkmilk subs..

It's finally up :)















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6 hours ago, kpanon1 said:


Unfortunately, you CAN live with someone for two years as their partner and not know where you are at.  If you feel you are head over heels in love and you are also certain they are head over heels in love people don't discuss it because we all know what people in love do, right?  They get married and live happily together until death.  But that is not always the case.


That is why there are a TON of couples who live together for years with one thinking they were just waiting for the right time to marry and the other not wanting to marry at all.  I can think of 3 couples I personally know that fit this criteria.  Heck, I was in one of these relationships.  We moved around the country for his job and I had no idea he didn't want to ever get married again (He was divorced once).  I wasted 4 years in my late 20s/early 30s because I assumed that when he said "I love you" it translated to "I want to marry you" because I never asked.  It was my own fault for not being adult about it and forcing the conversation.



So, if you have a partner that professes to love you and you love him you NEED to have this conversation to make sure your future goals are the same.  Kong and Arthit are still in their early 20s.  If older people can mess it up so badly, younger ones can also screw it up royally.


Now, having said all that, I just think this season is poorly written and I am trying to determine why Kong/Arthit are still acting like they just met in grade school.  But I do think the 'drama' of this season will be if Arthit can overcome his desire to fit into society as 'normal' and live happily with Kong.  And I do think Kong and Arthit are both not coming at the relationship from the same place.  Kong has made his decision and Arthit has not and they are going to have to confront the issue.


I am also not completely caught up with the season and as we progress I could be totally wrong. 


Also, are they living together?  I thought they were just doing the thing where one of them stays over at the others instead of going home.   I don't imagine either family would care to pay for the apartment of a cohabiting couple while they are still in school.  Even the parents of heteosexual couples wouldn't pay for that, I don't think.  I could be wrong though because I was in university 2 decades ago and things have changed.

I absolutely agree with you on this! Arthit and Kongpope have been together for over 2 years now and that is a very long time to decide whether you want to be with someone or not. It’s so sad to see because Singto portrays Kong’s feelings of feeling unloved very well.. but this issue should’ve been solved early on in the relationship because it would’ve caused less damage than what it will now as we’ve seen in the trailers. 

One can see that Kong loves Arthit a lot but he has limits too. He seems to have enough of it all until Arthit does something small to string Kong back and give him hope which he can’t guarantee EVEN AFTER TWO YEARS. 

Its really hard to be in a relationship that seems one sided; even the most patient people have limits too. Kongpob has every right to be upset and frustrated at Arthit because it just feels like he’s been the one giving and not receiving anything in return. 

Arthit’s tsundere attitude was cute in the beginning and in season one, but now it seriously makes me angry when he acts like that towards Kong. He doesnt deserve the way he gets treated.

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6 hours ago, kpanon1 said:

Unfortunately, you CAN live with someone for two years as their partner and not know where you are at.  If you feel you are head over heels in love and you are also certain they are head over heels in love people don't discuss it because we all know what people in love do, right?  They get married and live happily together until death.  But that is not always the case.


Kong and Arthit are still in their early 20s.  If older people can mess it up so badly, younger ones can also screw it up royally.


Now, having said all that, I just think this season is poorly written and I am trying to determine why Kong/Arthit are still acting like they just met in grade school.  But I do think the 'drama' of this season will be if Arthit can overcome his desire to fit into society as 'normal' and live happily with Kong.  And I do think Kong and Arthit are both not coming at the relationship from the same place.  Kong has made his decision and Arthit has not and they are going to have to confront the issue.


I am also not completely caught up with the season and as we progress I could be totally wrong. 


Also, are they living together?  ... I could be wrong though because I was in university 2 decades ago and things have changed.


Ah yes. Communication : the parent of all answers.


Apart from all that, and I see where you are coming from, whilst I accept that love is blind, surely Kongpob must sense that there is something wrong. I find it very strange that, even in private, Kongpob still addresses him as P'Arthit. How many times do you have to play around with a guy's nether-regions before you can stop 'P'-ing around ?


I don't think they are living together. Somethings have probably not changed this century :-)


I have just watched Episode 3. Good grief, stop calling him 0058 ! We have had two seasons where seniors got upset over a missing name card "you have to get to know each other" and here we have a senior insisting on using 0058 (even after Dae says : I have a name you know). Roll on Student 24681.


P'John is an idiot, who appears so totally incompetent he could find a place in my government.


And again, as soon as you put Kongpob and Arthit together it all gets very tense. The chemistry between them gets turned on and off (cuddly Arthit or cold, distant, immovable Arthit) according to whether of not we need drama.


Trying to hang in there.

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On 7.1.2018 at 5:22 PM, OTAKU-KUN said:

@JAN just search it and youll find it...

I think the little acts of affection that artihit occasionally displays here and there is wht drives kong to still remain in the relationship with him....he is waiting for artihit to feel the same way as him about their relationship... Tbh if i were kong i wouldve been so frustrated that i wouldve left him...whts the use of staying with someone whos still not sure enough about his feeling after two flippin years!! Sigh ...but then again.  Love works in weird ways...and...im alot like artihit soo...i kinda feel bad for him...Kong must be used to arihits tough love...haha

I'm not so optimistic like you...

i think it's like a fiction to promote all kind of advertising on behalf of the fans from season 1...

there isn't too much of reality to this..i don't like this and i feel the story line is very weak...but i love Artihit a lot...so im watching just hid parts in the drama

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On 1/8/2018 at 7:08 PM, kpanon1 said:


Unfortunately, you CAN live with someone for two years as their partner and not know where you are at.  If you feel you are head over heels in love and you are also certain they are head over heels in love people don't discuss it because we all know what people in love do, right?  They get married and live happily together until death.  But that is not always the case.


That is why there are a TON of couples who live together for years with one thinking they were just waiting for the right time to marry and the other not wanting to marry at all.  I can think of 3 couples I personally know that fit this criteria.  Heck, I was in one of these relationships.  We moved around the country for his job and I had no idea he didn't want to ever get married again (He was divorced once).  I wasted 4 years in my late 20s/early 30s because I assumed that when he said "I love you" it translated to "I want to marry you" because I never asked.  It was my own fault for not being adult about it and forcing the conversation.



So, if you have a partner that professes to love you and you love him you NEED to have this conversation to make sure your future goals are the same.  Kong and Arthit are still in their early 20s.  If older people can mess it up so badly, younger ones can also screw it up royally.


Now, having said all that, I just think this season is poorly written and I am trying to determine why Kong/Arthit are still acting like they just met in grade school.  But I do think the 'drama' of this season will be if Arthit can overcome his desire to fit into society as 'normal' and live happily with Kong.  And I do think Kong and Arthit are both not coming at the relationship from the same place.  Kong has made his decision and Arthit has not and they are going to have to confront the issue.


I am also not completely caught up with the season and as we progress I could be totally wrong. 


Also, are they living together?  I thought they were just doing the thing where one of them stays over at the others instead of going home.   I don't imagine either family would care to pay for the apartment of a cohabiting couple while they are still in school.  Even the parents of heteosexual couples wouldn't pay for that, I don't think.  I could be wrong though because I was in university 2 decades ago and things have changed.


I totally agree. I also have people I know in this kind of relationship. The reason I think we see the discrepancy in relationships like this is because we are outside the box the couple are both in, we see the flaws. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything but watch and see what happens which is the case with Kongpob and Arthit right now. Its a tough world. Even if a country is considered "open" to LGBTQ, there will always be that taboo of being homosexual. That's why I understand where Arthit is coming from. The series wants to show the audience the struggle of a gay man finding out he likes men and coming to terms with his sexuality while not caring about what other people will say. 2 years may seem a long time but I don't think so, coming to terms with your sexuality can take a long time. It all depends on the person.


I've read a lot of people say that this season is poorly written. Maybe at some parts but it seems that the writers like to take their time telling the story? I know, it can be too slow for a lot of people, but I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. After watching episode 4,  we get to see another side of Arthit and Kongpob's relationship. The latest episode mainly focused on the main couple, which is what I've been waiting for. No offense to the rest of the cast but season 2 was created for Kongpob and Arthit so its expected that we get more scenes of them right? The frustration also comes from not seeing a lot of "sweet" moments from the couple. Maybe it'll get better? I hope so. 


On 1/9/2018 at 2:15 AM, dustinmyeye said:


Ah yes. Communication : the parent of all answers.


Apart from all that, and I see where you are coming from, whilst I accept that love is blind, surely Kongpob must sense that there is something wrong. I find it very strange that, even in private, Kongpob still addresses him as P'Arthit. How many times do you have to play around with a guy's nether-regions before you can stop 'P'-ing around ?


And again, as soon as you put Kongpob and Arthit together it all gets very tense. The chemistry between them gets turned on and off (cuddly Arthit or cold, distant, immovable Arthit) according to whether of not we need drama.


Trying to hang in there.


I've read somewhere that in Thailand, depending on the couple, it is totally normal to keep calling the older one P so maybe that's it. Not really a question of why they still call each other that but maybe they prefer to keep the honorifics with each other. 


The chemistry is electric between the actors playing Arthit and Kongpob. I can feel the tension whenever they are together in a scene and I'm loving it. That's why I'm looking forward to more scenes of the two. Heh.

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I don't think a relationship like theirs is unrealistic, but not every kind of realism translate into a well written story or script. Nobody watches shows to observe the humdrums of someone else's everyday life. By episode 4, I am expecting some kind of .... Central conflict/theme/etc. I am honestly not feeling season 2 at all. 

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I think Arthit's and Kong's relationship does make sense, sort of. Third and fourth years of university are really busy and it looks like Arthit was interning in the fourth year so even if they were together, they might not have developed as close a relationship as we expect. Still, there is definitely increased familiarity and they seem very domesticated, something that is common after a couple years together. I don't know. Just some thoughts I have had after watching the episodes.

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