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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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1 hour ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

After reading all the responses of everyone of the love for the 2 mutual lovebirds...and 2 forlorn lovebirds..and the controversial views,  I cannot help but say that the characters are depicted realistically for both BY and YS in their reactions to their respective love...and also the responses of RO and CP to them.  There is a lot of literature value in understanding YS and HY because they are the same, yet different.

What and why are they the same?

They are the same in background.  

Both are born with silver, some say, diamond spoon.  

Both are well-educated and intelligent people.  

Both are confident people who would express their thoughts

Both have high esteem to make choices when it comes to love 

Their attitude towards love is stoic, even knowing they are not the love interest of their love, they continue to be hopeful and engage.

They are both new to love, first love

They are both willing to make sacrifices for their love, albeit YS is more unconditional in his action but HY is not truly unconditional.

What and why are they different?

YS has travelled more widely than HY, he has seen more women than HY seen men, his mind is more open to variations.  HY lived in an enclosed and sheltered environment.

YS has to deal with more conflicts in his heart because his love is in love with his good friend, CP whereas HY does not know she is contending with, so her confidence is telling her that she can always try and follow her heart and ideals (also RO has advised her that her sincerity would help her)

YS is a friend with RO so on the pretext of being friends, he can also get close to RO but HY is not even a friend with CP so her anxiety to get through to him will be heighten and she faces more resistance than YS because friendship does not exist between her and CP.

YS can understand his rejection by RO is because he is late in knowing her and he already knew how deep their love was...so esteem-wise it is easier for him to swallow and accept his lateness.  HY cannot understand the rejection by CP because she has very little clue of when and how CP got to know his love and she also cannot imagine the depth of their love...so esteem-wise, she would be wondering...with who I am..I can impress him if given time?   One important factor that she is clueless about is CP's love is by his side daily.   If she knows this, she will know that is a tough factor to compete with.  In her mind, she is still idealistic...as long as no one is married yet, the chance remains open.....she does not know her probability of success whereas YS knows.

Their personality is also different because of their growing experiences.  YS is more street-wise...HY is idealistic.  YS has much higher EQ than HY.

YS has many opportunities to show that he can help and save RO.  HY has not much opportunities.  Her closest was using her Clan to support CP's political ambition and it was offered in the form of a marriage transaction....blatant compared to YS' saving damsel in distress examples.

For YS, because of the vast social background difference of RO and him and CP, in a way, I think YS is happy that such social background barrier is broken down by the gret love of CP.  It helps YS to endorse that his love is for RO is not wrong.    HY has nothing like this to mull over, she thinks she is just contending with another girl of her social status.

So in conclusion,  YS is confident and knows more information so his response seems more reasonable plus his personality of loyalty to friends help him.  HY is confident but quite clueness about everything...  she only has a target but insufficient information to help her understand how to move along.  In essence, the story is a good lesson for us to see how a person is moulded and shaped affects the attitude towards love.

Now to

Response of RO to YS

When a guy courts a girl, it seems the normal course of action during that era.  The girl only needs to respond.  So RO would not be overly surprised if she realises he is indeed serious.

Up to a long time, RO sees YS' behaviour as someone frivolous.   She never takes him seriously (even in the novel) 

She treats YS like a male buddy that she is comfortable with because she has been living like a boy for a long time..so she even teases him about gisaeng house visits.

Once she has given her heart to CP, all the more she can only see YS as a friend who is always like "a friend in need is a friend indeed" to her.

She does not dislike him, neither is she annoyed with him because he always knows to do the thing that she really wants... Like buying her a hanbok is what she wants though not wear it to please him.   He moves in nicely on her, never infringe on her discomfort zones or inner circle.

YS saves RO all the time.....so even without love, RO feels grateful to him.   YS knows how to make himself useful.

Lastly, RO is from a humble background, she will hesitate to link herself with any of these guys in her wildest imagination as during that period, matching in love is also matching in background.   So she would never think she can match to YS but CP really surprised her until she was swept off her feet.

Response of CP to HY

CP in the drama is already depicted a more personable person.  In the novel, CP has no eyes and memories for women at all.  RO was the only one he could see and remember. So not sure if HY is not aware that the CP has such a special trait.

CP has caught HY lying to fabricate destiny meet-ups...so I think that left a not-so-good impression of her.... In that era, girl chase boy is uncommon and boy usually likes to be the hunter.   RO also told small lies and we could tell CP was not impressed too but over time CP realised that coming from a different social background, that was her survival instinct otherwise she would have perished long ago in the tough environment.

CP has seen enough such learned girls living in the palace, so HY does not come across as outstanding....but street-wise RO does.

CP response, even if harsh, to HY is not unique, it would happen to any girl.

Being groomed into a King, feeling of territorial is natural.....so not wanting HY to go close to his areas of his territory is actually very normal.  She is not in his inner circle..so it is clear she should not trespass.   Even with the marriage proposal, it was only a business transaction.

In fact, I admire CP for being clear-minded..  he does not soften his attitude simply because HY is a girl and he has to be more galant.  For matters of the heart, sometimes it is better to be cruel to be kind.


(sorry to put your post under spoiler )

@lovehbhjw2013  thanks for sharing ur point of view .... that's daebak 

@nonski agree with your opinion , thanks for sharing with us 

Both of you are jjang !!! 


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 In this our special place all I feel, all I see, are the memories of you & me...

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There are so many beautiful moments including the ones that showed deep emotions and felt so very real.  It's often hard to pick out what meant the most when it's as packed as these episodes have been.  I'm just thankful to be surrounded by so many talented people here whose hearts come right through their words & posts and allow us to see their passions...

I felt sorry for a lot of characters those who are in love like HY & YS who have a one sided love that's going no where.  They have hopes that somehow they can change the CP's & RO's hearts but I think the ending of this episode pretty much put that to rest. Well actually neither CP or RO's heart has ever wavered since the beginning which is one of the reasons they move me so much their endurance.  The fact that even when they are apart they still see each other.  It's like their hearts press play and a memory is brought to mind and just for a few seconds they are not alone inside...

  I felt sorry for RO's Mom her story about RO's Dad somehow made me sad. She seems to have been lonely & longing for her husband her whole life.   Her working on that needle point flower and the words " I miss you, even in my dreams "

I  think the reason the CP got so upset about HY being in the garden was not only his disappointment that she wasn't RO but that she had entered the love zone a special place that everywhere he looked RO's face, laughter, smile lingered and he could even feel her there.  He is tired and lonely and upset that he is being forced to marry when his heart already belongs too another.  He must also feel so guilty every time he sees HY he keeps at a distance and may seem harsh but he doesn't want to mislead her or her heart he already knows how she feels.   HY is fighting for his attention and love and he is fighting and protecting his own... RO...

RO hearing about HY being picked as princess & wife to CP was done.  This part is so real, dang you could feel it in her, you could see it in her eyes she was broken and her Mother knew it.  No matter how much you prepare yourself for something you know you can't change.  When the time comes all those days of knowing & pain and even regret for the things you didn't say or do.  Surface and just like RO said " My heart is aching so much "  Watching both of them alone crying missing each other so much it's hard for either of them to function and they both look empty and lifeless as well...

The sweetest moments for me were CP calling out RO's name not sure why but it moved me more this time maybe I too could feel his longing.  Later no matter what I think or even feel I cannot put into words all of what the ending meant to me.  Except to say he carried my heart with him as he walked across that floor.  When he wrapped up RO so tightly within his arms you could almost feel his whole body just like two magnets so drawn to every part of her.  You could see that he and his heart were waiting for RO to enclose him within herself as well.  It's as if he could breathe now even smile when he felt her grab a hold of him.

  It's all he needed to know that her heart belonged to him and just like his heart no matter what it can't let go... heart.png


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Keep holding my hand for not doing this, not doing this.. but it can't be helped I need to throw it up
The reason why I feel sympathy only for YS CHARACTER not HY CHARACTER on ep 14, I will simplified as this
This girl here is being sad FOR HERSELF because the man she love shoo her blatantly (Way the go my rice pack!! you only have to give your charm to the one you love only which is RO & if faking your smile, attitude, accept sweetly that noble lady with powerful family background just for securing your position but meanwhile there's only RO in your heart define you as a GENTLEMAN. You don't have to become that kind of GENTLEMAN)
This man here being sad because of the woman he love has been broken heart. So he's broken inside because of OTHER PERSON
You may agree & you may not agree with me. It doesn't matter as long as we still love this drama. But if it still needed to blame someone. Blame it to the PD-nim & screenwritter who change HY character in drama more emotionally than her character in novel. I dunno perhaps as a bridge for her character development being cold hearted?
What matter to me is people connect it with gender issue. I as female feel symphaty for YS because he's a male. Eeh okay it's a little bit difficult for me :blink:. So just because I'm a female it's mean I only analyze a character with my eye & sexual attraction but being brainless??Hmm well I do admit I have a little bit byeontae side....okay okay plenty of it :w00t: But if that's the case why Im Joo Hwan that I like in reality but dislike his character in UF & otherwise Won Bin who I dislike in reality (at that time) but always become my biggest crush second lead syndrome in AIMH?? I should just love them both blindly because they both are surely hot
Well anyway because no brains needed here as a female viewer then I will only feel symphaty for YS not HY (sawry don't have sexual attraction for her)
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1 hour ago, shiraru said:


I'm glad that we still see Princess Myung Eun and Scholar Duk~ the Princess is so cute, she really is like a maiden in love for the first time; waiting for Scholar Duk to pass and then try to make it as a coincidence, hehehehe...I'm also glad to see Scholar Duk seems to have gained confidence when he got a confirmation that the Princess likes him too. Scholar Duk, Princess Myung Eun, we're rooting for you!!

The politics and rebellion seems to come to its peak, and although it's very sweet of CP of not forgiving RaOn because she didn't choose her when conflicts arise, I'm anxious for our OTP...pleaaaase writer-nim, don't let them get caught, pleaaaaase...and also, please punish Evil Queen Mother properly for trading her daughter for a son so she can get the highest power if the 'son' becomes king!!!


I'm glad that you brought our attention back to Princess Myung Eun and Scholar Duk! They are the only element of lightheartedness in recent episodes so far. I cannot help but smile very widely whenever I see them on screen! :blush: 

Gosh, the Queen did not even want to take one look at her own daughter who is of her own flesh and blood. Somehow, I don't really want to call her evil any more - she seems pitiful somehow in her crazed ambition and obsession with power, as she lies there, staring blankly at the ceiling and rejecting her maid's query if she wishes to lay her eyes on her daughter. :anguished:

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35 minutes ago, in00022 said:
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(sorry to put your post under spoiler )

@lovehbhjw2013  thanks for sharing ur point of view .... that's daebak 

@nonski agree with your opinion , thanks for sharing with us 

Both of you are jjang !!! 



Thank you chingu!  I love all the 4 lovebirds' responses to their love...  :tounge_xd:

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15 hours ago, bebe1989 said:
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#Loveinthemoonlight 18.7% (+0.2)

#Womanwithasuitcase 8.6% (+0.7)

#Moonlovers 8.2% (+0.3)

Source: Gurumi2016

Source: Naver



Gosh less than 24hrs and already 60 pages! XD Me just quickly popping by again to check the rating for yesterday:wub: & happy that rating increased :wub:

More than the rating I just realised we only have 4 episodes left, which means 4 hours of MDBC in the next 2 weeks:tears: gah I'm not ready for this :tears:

Thank you for all the updates everyone :wub: me hope to be back home soon to join the discussion~


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