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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Deym, I fell asleep while waiting for the preview then after waking up because I remember I have a preview to watch, I see the page jumping very high, you guys never sleep huh?! Hahahahaha

Well kidding aside,

Here we go again!!! Pd-nim?!!!!! Giving as a bed scene and RN crying???!!!!! I'm just dead, pretty dead right now. It hurts to much that RN is hurting because of her real identity and how I wish this was all a dream. These two lovely birds only wants their happy ending but lots of hurdles to go through. 

Also the wedding, ugh, yes like everyone else in here I just want them to get this wedding done because can't stand the angts but I have to commend that Hayeon is a refreshing character, I love her for understanding that this wedding is all for power and not for love and I admire her perseverance and courage to be married to a man who she likes but she knows will never like her back. I pity her because she lost the game from the very start (she has a bad timing, like jungpal) so I hope for a happy ending for her with a different guy, or maybe with yoonsung but I guess thats too much to ask to the writers. 

RN and CP's happy ending please and lots of kissing in the end? Hee.

P.S what is sleep now? I can't sleep anymore. I'll be here awake till monday comes. 


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1 minute ago, moodypie said:

She said she doesn't mind a loveless marriage. It's solely for business (poliitcal) purpose...but why do I sense that she's still trying to change Lee Young's heart. Correct me...

I agree with u 100% ,she is trying to wins CP's heart by helping him, if they get married CP will have the obligation not to let her go because of the debt of gratitude , and I don't want that to happen. how many episode left? I think its not enough to show the love story of youngon as a couple still too many obstacle :( I want to see happy married life :)

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1 minute ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:


Of course she is because she is one lady very confident in herself.  Up to now she only knows CP has someone in his heart but she does not know the person is RO..so she is still full of confidence.   If she knows it is RO where an ant also cannot crawl between CP and RO, she has to be micro-organism to get through...but she is too high in the social status to know how to be a micro-organism.....

hahahaha....i finally find some laughter back in me. She has to be micro-organism ...so true...

But what if there is no crack at all...even micro-organism can't get through...lol. 

Why do I feel that the wedding sceen will only happen in the last ep. i feel like knocking my head on the wall now...been waiting for that....real long. What if they troll us again....and still no wedding in the next two eps.

yaaaaa.......When is the wedding PD-nim?????? when....:sweatingbullets:

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7 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

I think that Raon, true to her promise, will not leave Yeong on her own volition. This drama steers clear of the noble idiocy route but will be forcibly brought out of the palace by either the Chief Eunuch with BY's assistance or Yoon Sung.

That is what I feel too...

I kind of like to see Raon to stay in this character...no noble idiocy...something which most of us would expect. Knowing this writer..she will twist around, and come out with something to make her leave, not on her own will. ** fingers cross. :) 

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3 minutes ago, moodypie said:

She said she doesn't mind a loveless marriage. It's solely for business (poliitcal) purpose...but why do I sense that she's still trying to change Lee Young's heart. Correct me... 


I think Hayeon won't give up (on her feelings) that easily. She doesn't look like so from the preview hmmmm. 

Okay... now why do I feel like HY proposes a marriage for business purpose, as she hopes she can take a step closer to Yeong & to change his mind?

I'm not hating her :sweatingbullets: I'm just very confused about her character in the drama. In the novel, she doesn't love anyone & she only gets married to Yeong in order to strengthen the power of her clan. But in the drama, she has a huge crush for Yeong. Her screen time is not much so I still don't understand what's in her mind :sweatingbullets:

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7 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

@tiendoank Stay strong chinggu .. hold my hand chinggu ... stay strong .. we get through this together .. @lovehbhjw2013 .. come .. hold my hand lets not fall into the trap ... 

Together we brace this .. 


Don't let PD nim win.. we are strong ...



Ok @Bambiina  If I fall you grab my hand...and if you fall...I grab your hand...like this....


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Just now, moodypie said:

She said she doesn't mind a loveless marriage. It's solely for business (poliitcal) purpose...but why do I sense that she's still trying to change Lee Young's heart. Correct me... 


@moodypie yea i sense that the moment she opened her mouth. Lol. I mean no "smart" woman would marry someone without love and dont care about it and just purely to gain benefit for her family...unless you're a golddigger that is.

If however she is really doing it purely becasue to help out the CP and nothing else and sacrifice her own feelings then i'm sorry i dont see any bravery in that. This is in fact the typical k drama i'm-very-kind-and good-i'll do-anything kind of character. 

Although if like i said her father is in trouble and she finds this marriage as a way out then...yea. i would understand her. Because...well..it is family she is helping out here. 

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When the news about Baek Ji Young to participate for Moonlight's ost came out, I anticipate a heart-felt song but never thought that her song will leave such a traumatic feelings in my poor heart just like now. First, the last scene of episode 12 and now the preview of episode 13. Ugh, love is over, huh? HUH??? :bawling:

And the royal wedding, bring it on! I've been waiting for it, don't tease me again. 

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26 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


LD agree what? .. This president already trolled ..  this president already dreamin .... aishhh .... ohmy heart @in00022 lets pray starting now ....


@bambiina .... pray hard and we also need to be strong .... so whatever happen later ... we need to calm down ourselves ... :confounded: .... become moonlighters indeed not easy .... need to guess this and that .... but at the end .... we still can't get what we want ... PD- nim & writer - nim ... go ahead .... just do as per your wish now ... but for ending ... we only want to see our CP and raon live happily together .... only both of them ... ;) .. understand PDnim writernim ?? 

@nataliakay as long as i remember , the one who want HY marry CP is not her father but the king .... her father seems reluctant to agree with the king request but HY told him that she agree to marry CP ... 

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I feel like writer nim/mdbc team really like to tease us:lol:

Are we gonna really get "bed scene" like we hope for or just literally bed scene ehehehe...:phew:

Can I hope writer nim not gonna make RaOn and Yeong parted in the next episode,please...? Even if only briefly... i just can't...

I hope i am wrong to interpret her tears from that preview... 

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1 hour ago, bebe1989 said:



My short understand: lee yeong said to raon that he want them stay together forever for a long time..  and evil minister want to find hong raon ! 

The king feel uneasy about HGR (raon dad forget his exact name) follower/ his daughter.. 

Hy ask lee yeong to marry her, eventhought he doesnt love her back. 

Raon said about even from beginning u know about my dad was the head of rebellion back then, Do you regret for know/meeting me?



41 minutes ago, saturn. said:

Ep13 Text preview

궐 안에 있는 라온(유정)이 불안해진 한상익(장광)은 병연(동연)에게 라온을 백운회 본진으로 데려갈 계획을 밝힌다. 
한편, 동궁전을 습격했던 자객 중 한 명이 추포되어 의금부로 압송되는데...

The head eunuch feels insecure to see Raon staying in the palace, so he tells Byung Yeon his plan to bring her to the White Cloud Society. By the way, one of the assassin is arrested and moved to the investigation division.

Ep13 Video trailer


Raon: 저하의 곁에서 한 걸음 이상 떨어지지 않아도 되겠습니까? Can I stay by your side in one step distance?
Yeong: 오래오래 그리 있어도 된다. You can stay as you are for long time.
Prime Minister: 홍라온을 먼저 찾아내서 우리 손에 넣어야 돼. We should find out Hong Raon first and get her in our hands.
Minister of general : 궐 안에 피비린내가 진동할 것 같습니다. The palace will be filled with blood smell.
Ha Yeon: 저와 제 집안을 이용하십시오. Please use me and my family.
Yeong: 난 아무런 마음도 줄 수가 없는데 I can't give you any heart.
Ha Yeon: 상관 없습니다. 서로의 이익을 위한 거래일 뿐이니까요. I don't mind. Because it's just a business for each other's benifit.
Prime Minister: 그 자의 신원을 파악했습니다. I found out his/her identity.
King: 그럼 이 자가 홍경래의 여식이란 말인가? Then is this the daughter of Hong Gyung Nae?
Prime Minister: 지금 당장 소신의 목을 베시지요. Why don't you behead me right now?
Byung Yeon: 저하 Your Highness...
Raon: 제가 역적의 딸이라는 사실을 알게 되신다 해도 저를 만난 걸 후회하지 않으시겠습니까? When you find out I'm a daughter of a traitor, will you still not regret that you have met me?


@minaboom_stv Finally I found you *wipping tears in my eyes*

Here's the preview that you've been longing

Btw how's the final? 

credit to @bebe1989 & @saturn.

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2 minutes ago, Jillia said:

MDBC is like "nope we ain't going down the cliche sageuk road". I love it!


Yes! That's it! 

We don't have the usual cliches. And so far the second leads including BY have been admirable in their restraint. 

Even though YS has confronted the CP about the wedding and hurting the one they love (Ra On), I don't think he will forcibly take Ra On away but instead he will protect her from pain and harm. Hopefully HY stays this way too. No need for her to turn venomous viper as she knows the CP loves another. I don't expect her to support fully her husband (CP) with an eunuch but I am sure that she will remember the bracelet on Ra On's wrist very soon and put two and two together. 


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we didn't see much of her in the last two eps, so I totally forgot that I was still standing on the fence about her. Ara....I know she seems genuine. The only way to move my heart about Ha Yeon, is when she finally realised that Lee Young's other half is Raon, and how deep is their love for each other. I  think the reason she wasn't much appearing in the past scenes was to give audience time to built trust of our otp's love...we've seen how deep their love is for each other...so we are kind of assured that nothing can come in between them. Like what  @ lovehbhjw2013  said...no crack or crack so small that nothing can go in between Lee Young and Rao. In away, I admire the writer...she's giving us the assurance while at the same time giving us a good roller coaster ride, playing with our heart. 

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