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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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OOT - I wonder if there is anyone understand the monarch of Korean and whether this story, the name is somehow based on true CP name, so does the one in Scarlet Heart (it was once same story starred by Nicky Wu).  What is the real name of CP in Korean Monarch?


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Ah this is crazy. Dont think I have ever been so focused in watching a drama ep like i did tonight. Ep 11 was great in that many things were solved an revealed. There were so many things going on in Ep 11, so many things for us to take in but.....somehow after watching the preview of Ep 12, I've forgotten all about ep 11 because all I can think about now is that damn potential undressing scene. LOL

Waiting breathlessly now for that scene in hope that he will at least untie her hair haha. Wwwaaarrghhh sucks if this is just another tease again (just like they did for ep 11)

Ahhhh this is so not good for my anxiety.

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Watching the subs now, there is just no way I can see Yeong leaving the throne. But I'm hoping he doesn't need to marry HY just so the Jo clan will be on his side.  Felt bad for HY though.  Yeong told her straight out that he loved someone else.  The way things are proceeding, the wedding talk will be up until the very end.  Yeong still doesn't know that RO is the daughter of the rebel leader.  Maybe that will be saved for next week.

We were cheated of when Yeong gave Ra On the bracelet.  So the promise in this episode was about Yeong promising RO that he will create a new nation for her.  RO's promise to Yeong is that when there comes a time where she has to choose, she won't let go.  But I think if her mom ends up being ind anger, she'll choose her mom.

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In the past few weeks, let me share with you how I cope in between MDBC episodes?  ;)

There's this forum of course!!! :w00t: and the awesome...wait...MOST awesome OST..the round up of artistes has been nothing short of amazing and the songs...sigh...I don't think I have ever been this smitten by an OST of a drama ever...:wub: Let me count the ways...

-When I'm in a happy, flighty mood


-When I'm feeling lovey-dovey


-When I have had a good day


-When I'm in a mellow/melancholic mood


-When the heart is feeling achy and heavy (either one) 



Before I get too down... This fits my mood even when I'm doing something like cooking! 


And of course, any time you need a song that warms the heart... :wub:


So for now, Eddy Kim is helping me to get by the necessary story arc, heartaches of our OTP and tears, it really helps... :tears:

And we will continue to trust that the writers/director won't "hurt" us too much...because they have presented enough good souls (even the King's personal eunuch seemed to be protecting our Ra-On and now Teacher Dasan is Ra-On's haraboji?) around our OTP...

Hang in there, Moonlighters! (Btw has this term been used? What is the frequently used name of MDBC contributors to this thread?) :phew:


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Most of Moonlighters must have been zzz by now, before I disappear to watch the subs, I just wanna say thank you for all the live text-recapping, image-recapping, gif-recapping & trans-recapping! Wanna mention each of you but arggg sorry, my computer doesn't let me do so cry-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950506cry-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950506!!

And thank you Moonlighters for joining us before, during & after the stream :rolleyes:

MDBC jjang & Moonlighters family jjang!! :wub:

And WELCOME BACK @Jillia I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dummy-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950508


7 hours ago, salz said:

yep it wonderful birth Beige gonna make a great mom B)

please look over our babies nicely uri angel of planet Dururu 

this song still on repeat in my ear right now that i still haven't start watching the actual ep11 lol

Dururu is my priority drama is later mwahahaha sorry CP-nim


Is that an order? dummy2-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?129295050*Yeong's style* 

Yesssss I - Angle of planet Dururu will take care of Dururu baby & look after it :wub: :3 I'll spread lots of love for it tooooooo~ 

Ahhh hope Dururu will top the chart! :wub:


3 hours ago, jbying7 said:

Hang in there, Moonlighters! (Btw has this term been used? What is the frequently used name of MDBC contributors to this thread?) :phew:

Edit to reply for this :D Helloooo, we are all called Moonlighters ! dance-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950507

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1 hour ago, underthemoon0616 said:

In Moon Lovers, King Taejo is still the king, the king who is known to have unified 3 dynasties, the 1st king of Joseon. Chinese version SH followed Chinese History not korean one.


Close, but not quite. King Taejo is definitely his name, and he did unify the kingdom, but the dynasty he created was not Joseon, but Goryeo (hence its name Scarlet Heart: Ryeo). He was also known as  Taejo Wang Geon. The one you're referencing here is a different person that happens to have the same name as King :D 

See: Taejo of Joseon, Taejo of Goryeo

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Allow me to look into your eyes and fill myself up with all of you... :heart:


Related imageth?id=OIP.M5b0c241447785a5f1a360354f9d4dRelated imageRelated image


Standing beside you watching the stars shinning through the moonlight, sharing a sunset as it slowly disappears or the glow of a perfect sunrise cannot compare with what I feel & find there within your eyes...  USAFG

Slowly little by little our hearts are made to understand that although the CP is courageous and strong willed even with all of that he cannot hold back what he cannot control.  So I find myself thinking he continues to protect RO in the ways he can his plans are filled with making sure she is taken care of and even in his finding her Mother he gives her the best gift he can or so he thinks.  Knowing what RO is dealing with and hoping to give her some kind of comfort as he knows it will only get harder...

I loved him in this episode and I hurt for him even more he often had tears just laying below his eyes just like a wall holding back his own grief and pain just like RO almost trying to forget the reality he can't escape from.  You find yourself caught up in the brokenness as well.  Realizing that for them pretending trying to make the most out of every moment even laughing is a better choice than falling apart and giving in to what seems to be so hopeless even unfair.

I wonder can we as viewers really comprehend the desperation & cruelty of not having the freedom to love who you want or marry for love the helplessness of having such a precious part of life taken from you as well even your happiness.  As I watched the CP tucking RO in after her encounter with the wicked queen.  You could almost read into his mind how can I continue to protect this woman I love when she seems to run into danger in every direction because of me.  I also thought about the beauty in watching someone you love sleep.  It's the same when placing your hand over their heart feeling every beat or listening to them breathing in and out.  It's seeing them so vulnerable laying there and wishing you could stay just like that forever close always near...

I know what I love about them both and that is their being able to love each other more than themselves and it shows in everything they do and say.  It's RO Comforting him and encouraging him to go on with the marriage she doesn't want him hurt by her. Just that alone makes my skin crawl and would make any woman's heart tremble.  Sorry I just don't know how one faces something like that.  As she turns and starts to cry I'm crying with her... It must have taken everything just for her to get through those words and just as hard for the CP to have to hear them...

I think the last part them sitting on the hill him sharing his heart & dreams for the future full of hope and desire and asking her to wait and have faith in him. His thumb moving back and forth lovingly against her hand it was here that I truly felt he was doing more than just asking. Pleading with her please don't give up on us or ever let go of me. Even with ideas of change they both know they do not come easily or quickly.  By stepping out on faith and making her wish to find her Mother come true he understands the risk but he loves her more and when you really love someone their happiness always comes before your own...

The CP says " I have always wanted... to mark you as mine "  I think he feels as if he can face anything the future holds knowing all I need is to know your mine... For RO's promise would give him something to hold onto and believe in and something no one but her could take away...

My last thought is this, the actor & actress that play our OTP are perfect in every way their age difference to me is what makes it work.  He gives you the feeling of a true Knight on a white horse who is full of kindness and courage yet also makes you laugh and inspires you.  Her being younger gives you the real feeling of purity and innocence that this character really needed a girl who grew up behind the mask of a man.  Who had little experience or knowledge about love or being loved which again makes this actress so believable and why to me they both are a perfect fit for this heart moving drama.  That already has brought moonlight into our lives and raised our hearts above the clouds...:wub::wub:



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OK.. I'm done with watching the last episode with English subbed.. and yes I agree with all the posted comments from all Moonlighters.. about ALL.. the comments have represent everything that I would, want and wish to say.. all of you had spoken my mind.. 


when I saw the manga illustration of Lee Young and Ra On consuming their love in a passionate, incredibly intense, hotter than fire, nothing else matter but just the two of them love making.. my jaw was dropping to the table for 3 minutes while starring at the illustration.. I mean.. WOW!! I'm speechless! 

I don't read and don't know the manga but just knowing that this drama is the manifestation of the manga.. OH MY GAAWD..  are we going to get the 'I will give you my virginity as the symbol of my greatest love' bed scene in the drama too? Then I will surely DIE. I'll die 1000 times.

Despite all the contras because of the female lead's age (18 years in Korean age) the blablablabla antis and haters are surely looking forward to unleash some endless dire criticism in the name of morality and underagenity thingy etc etc.. without the willing to compromise and compassionate towards the story flow and the plot rhyme as well as the authenticity of this drama in conjuction with the Joseon era where Lee Young and Ra On live. In the era where Crown Prince marries in age of 12 years old and royal consorts having babies when they were 16 or 17.. Ra On is consider a young lady already.. if you read the history of Joseon, many Royal Consorts, Concubines, even Queens, passed away in young age (42, 38, 51) due to they begin the life as an adult, motherhood etc etc way too early... while in modern age, I met so many halmonie age in the 80ies even 90ies whose still healthy and active..  the modern Korean women also tend to get marry in a mature age (above 30 years old) since they are basked in developing career etc etc before settling down.. 

The different POV in life because we are living in 21st century, will become an obstacle in making the bed scene just as precisely as in the manga.. into the drama.. 

I will not hoping too much for today's episode and even if it's really happening.. we will see only the symbol of it.. the slightest of a slightly.. in my deepest ahjumma fan heart I'm wishing for the best execution of that love symbol and slightly love consummate scene.. 

phinaida phinaida phinaida 1000 X keep on chanting for the sanity of all Moonlighters chingu and dongsaeng here.. 

Fasten your seat belt for today.. hwaiting!!!

(distributing chill pill and calming tea)


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