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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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In RaOn POV she will never ever be able to be CP's wife, not even a concubine, he might die, he might be punished and get death penalty if anyone in the palace know that he is dating or seeing daughter of traitor. What will you do if this happen to your love? Will you fight for your love and go "love will find a way"...? So no, I don't think RaOn play noble idiocy.

We can see that she bring a knife when CP ask her to meet, maybe I overthink it but despite to make CP believe that she want to get rid of him, I imagine if someone follow CP, RO will pretend like she's trying to harm him. So the one that will be captured is she.

when you need to choose one person to live, either its you or your love, and that is impossible for both of you to survive, there is 50percent possibility you choose to sacrifice yourself, the other 50percent is for you to sacrifice your loved one. How will you deal with it? I believe most of people will choose to sacrifice themself.. 

And we are talking about the crown prince, the next king, the person where the nations is looking up at. While she believe that she is a daughter of the traitor, do you really think she is dare to ruin the nation's future? To ruin the palace?

Aah, and about RaOn's father, if he is not the traitor and it is proven that he is not the traitor, what is his status? Is he a noble man? If he is and his name is clear, is that possible for raon to marry CP? But as much as I want RO to marry CP, I also didnt want it to become different with history.. so I'm confused on what to expect :sweatingbullets:

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Though the bracelet scene was conflicting and cruel in some ways, I think our OTP nailed it point down. The hurt and feeling in their eyes contrasts jarringly with their words, such that  you know they are both not speaking from their hearts, and yet they did what they did to protect each other and to let go of each other without making the other feel guilty or bad. 

Raon knew she had to do something to let CP go otherwise he wont be able to live his life safely and as the future ruler of the country. In their society, love actually is frivolous when compared to survival. Alot of decisions were made out of the need to survive. Its not like in modern society when we focus so much on love. And whatever they couldnt have in love , they visit gisaengs to satisfy their need for love (for the men) whereas for women, they were expected to just follow the men they married. 


Therefore I dont blame Raon on her decision. CP has a duty to his nation first and not his heart. 

I am thrilled to know Park Bo Gum's OST is no 1 in 7 charts!!! SUPER HAPPY FOR HIM!


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On 10/10/2016 at 4:36 AM, Bambiina said:


Please .. by all mean once I kill my self just pull out the knife .. and stab yourself .. just make sure I am dead first ..

Huhuhuhu .. if we all die who left to protect RO???????????????????????


I think instead of stabiing ourselves  let stab HY instead .. kekekekekekke

OHMAI .. I sure there will be pl telling us ,,, please stop to try killing HY the character .. stop bashing HY .. wahahahhaha wakakakkakkaka .. she done nothing wrong (yeah except marriy our Prince) .. wakakakak

wohooooo!! just hide HY!!I want HY to be out of the picture hehehe..let her disappear into thin air instead of our precious RO!!:D

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14 hours ago, mizkorea said:

I speed read the pages tonite. A big TQ to all who kindly shared tonite's episode.

The wedding's off for now and the first thing that come to my mind - oh my we may get that grand ending @moodypie after all. Lol one can only hope. 

I am so proud of RaOn tonite. My puppy has become a lioness. 

So now both bracelets are off. What does it mean?? Could it be their love are so strong which neither can deny will reunite them later.  Destiny can take a backseat now.

I dare not put my hopes too high...hehe. For now I am happy there's no wedding... :D


14 hours ago, fragglerock said:

CP will come up against it cause the King will assume its because of Ra On he is protecting him and stopping the execution, which in part is correct.  However CP can always use the principle that to kill the leader of the people will create outright anarchy with the people and a war, something has to snap somewhere as the king is a puppet for the palace minions where as CP is not, nor will he tolerate it, however the King has supreme power over the situation.  So i have absolutely no idea how this will fall down tomorrow.

CP's method of solving a problem is different from the king. CP is more rational . The king has a mental problem. heheh. 

Up till ep15, he still give me the same expression of fear.  no further comment.


14 hours ago, Jillia said:

The thing what worries me... Lee Yeong can disagree with the King - his father - behind closed doors but to do so in front of the court is another thing alltogether. Doesn't matter why he does it... but this could be the pivotal moment for Lee Yeong and his fate.

This is the cliffhanger for me. I hope this doesn't have a serious impact...I am trying not to be trolled by the writer.


14 hours ago, shisuisen said:

Hmmmmm... for some reason I'm not too sad over their "breakup" in Episode 15. Maybe it's because I've been too numb after the emotional roller coasters from the past episodes heh. But most importantly, for some reason this episode convinced me that we will get an epic happy ending in the end.

The writer, PD and Director have been giving us a consistently good drama after episodes and after weeks. I have faith in them to deliver a reasonably good and happy ending for our OTP. After all, one of the charming points of this drama is the love between our OTP.

And Park Bo Gum's song... :wub: So heartbreaking, so good!!! T___T So glad to see the song doing well on the charts.

Everyone! Have faith, as it'll be fate. <3

For some strange reason, I too find that I am very calm ...not as sad as the previous ep. Perhaps we witness how strong their love for each other is. hahaha...I think I am feeling numb too...I am saying out loud...Come what may!!  I might say a different thing after I watch with sub. But this is what I feel now. 


12 hours ago, ricerascal67 said:

So I have been trying to draw our otp...this is my little gift for you guys :heart:

My heart fluttered so much while drawing this haha :wub:...Lee young is hard to draw

Any criticism is welcome as it would help me to improve ;)

love love love <3

btw Bogummy's ost is sooooo beautiful! it fills my heart haha...love it! so proud of him!

Oh nice talent you have there. And on behalf of the moonlighters here, thank you for the gift. :) 


11 hours ago, bogumminion said:

To sum up the King's "usefulness" from the beginning until now...


  Hide contents

Episode 3...


A few episodes later...









That's my reaction....  


11 hours ago, snowfrost said:

Thanks for the welcome, @moodypie! :D And thanks to everyone who posted translations, screenshots, etc!


I was meaning to hold back from posting until I’ve actually watched Episode 15 with subtitles and all (I’m only going by from what I’ve remembered of the live-capping, so I apologize in advance for discrepancies, which I think might be apparent in fourth paragraph), but I couldn’t help but notice the frustration that’s directed at Ra On for her actions. Since this thread moves at lightning-fast speeds I wasn’t able to read all the new pages, but it seems like this is still a prevalent topic.


I’m not an articulate person at all and English isn’t my first language, so I’m going to do my best to write why I think Ra On’s actions are the farthest thing from noble idiocy. There have been other posters who explained very well, the ones I can remember at the top of my head are from @breezelife and @Phuong Dinh on page 1050. I would quote them here but I think there’s a limit to the word count? Haha, I’m clearly still a n00b. Anyways, for those who are feeling frustrated with what happened and think that Ra On is being ‘weak,’ I recommend that you go to this page and read their posts. At best it will give you an idea of Ra On’s character and the direness of the situation that has forced her, as this kind of person, to resort to this choice – for the sake of her love, her family, and the country (yes, the country). In light of this I find it hard-pressed to call her actions ‘noble idiocy.’ On the other hand if you still disagree and stand by your opinion, you can at least see where the scriptwriter was coming from, and that’s sort of a catharsis unto itself.


Was there another path Ra On could have taken to spare her and Yeong the heartbreak? Maybe. But honestly, I’ve been brainstorming on how she could possibly do so in a position that literally has her pigeonholed with virtually no way out, and I can’t think of a single plausible solution aside from a Deus ex Machina. Everything in this scenario is going against her, and I don’t even think street-smarts is enough to hand-wave her background, Yeong’s own problems, and a whole host of other factors that basically spell out sticky situation for not just the couple, but everyone around them. Then there’s the logical path of her and the Three Musketeers teaming up to bring down the baddies, but (correct me if I’m wrong, my memory’s getting hazy) since Yoon Sung and Byung Yeon still seem to have some bond to their clan/organization (although they have certainly taken steps to help their fellow brother and friend despite this bond, and Yoon Sung has even openly defied his grandfather), their range of actions are also limited. They still haven’t fully opened up to Yeong about everything. (Or maybe they have and I missed it? Or was it an implied? :blink: ) This kind of secret-keeping is preventing this epic team-up from happening. One might say that the actual reason is because the show wants to create drama, which I won’t argue on. xD


I feel like I just rambled aimlessly lol. Apologies – like I said, I’m not the most articulate person in the world. I hope I still made sense in spite of that, and I mean no offense to anyone if my words could be taken as such. Wrote this as fast as I could during Biochemistry lecture so if my tone came off as harsh, it’s not you. It’s because this class doesn’t allow tablets or any electronic devices. :sweatingbullets: The stuff this show has made me do. :lol:


You are welcome @snowfrost love what you said about raon


10 hours ago, Jillia said:

Just saw you added something, @stroppyse!

I think it was so meaningful because like you said "seperating the two of them by their own hands". It also has the underlying meaning of nobody else can seperate them. Only they can. At least in a way that hurts them the most.

This will be a topic in my YeongOn post but I believe that them being not together is like living half a life. Like the moon is only half full. When Lee Yeong thought Ra On was gone but she just returned late to the palace and he was so relieved to see her. It was like he could finally breathe again. Just imagine that's how they live now... barely living, barely breathing.

Agree...no one can separate them .Only they can make that fate happen. This is to show how strong their love is. 

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38 minutes ago, kkwattana said:


Yes one thing many fans complaining about is the wait of Raon in Hanbok ( this might be one reason that the rating dropped, i am not sure). The fans have been waiting for so long, and they are fed up already. She is named one of the most beautiful girl in Hanbok and she has to wear Eunuch's and male costume from Ep1  until now, it is too much, most fans want to see her in hanbok while she is with CP or even kiss CP while in Hanbok but seems like it may not happen until the last EP.

Also suddenly Raon's father appeared without any sign, there are quite many issues ( CP's Mum's death, the swapped baby, the Kim's secret etc)  to be resolved and they only have 3 EPs left, quite interesting how they gonna end this drama? I hope they wont rush it by cutting and jumping scene to scene..they started so well and I really hope they end it well too.

I thought its gonna be like the web novel where the CP met Raon when she left the palace and asked her to live as a woman ( means she would dress in Hanbok) and wait for him while he is sorting out issues and problems, but the drama cut this off?

Anyway, have to wait and see what will happen in tonight's EP. Hope there is no more sad scene.




I mostly agree with you. But... If ra on wears hanbok too early.. I tend to be afraid if the story will be dragged... As her and her hanbok is one of many reasons i follow the drama hehehhee... And it needs that 'spark' effect that will make that scene memorable. If we have it too early.. Then that moment can be lost and forgetable*imo*

Yeas... Sad scene makes my tummy hurt and have no apetite.. So please pd-nim... Please give us a happier scene tonight 

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2 hours ago, moodypie said:


Thanks for highlighting!! The moon is sad..haha. It's like their love is not complete/full...so we see a half moon. Good observation chingu!!


(I still have 13 pages to backtrack :sweatingbullets:)

@moodypie thanks  and sorry to cut you post ... hope to see full moon in tonight episode instead of half moon  ...:huh: if they are showing half moon again then we must be ready to see another heart broken scene :tears: ..no ...no .. andwae ... my heart cannot take it .... we have 3 sad episodes in a row already started from raon say goodbye to CP ( ep.13 ) n then CP n Raon crying scene ( ep.14 ) .... then last night .... another broken heart scene when CP cut his bracelet  ....sighhh ..... my poor heart  ... :bawling: ... 

Ps. About backreading .... sorry ... i think i gave up already .. i have 30 more pages need to backtrack ... i only able to backtrack about 20 pages ....:sweatingbullets: but if i hv time later ... maybe slowly will do the backtrack 

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For the ratings drop- most likely contributing factors-


1 baseball game, 2nd most popular national sport and favorite after soccer in korea. 


2 upcoming college exams for kids- adults are shutting those tvs off for the kids to focus. This exam i believe is in november and EVERYONE in the country takes it seriously

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hello cingu,

just some more thinking to RO's character. sorry, cos i really have a soft spot for RO, especially played by yj.

i think it is not the case that Ro doesnt believe in CP like some have mentioned here. she knows CP too well and if RO chooses to hold on to this love, she knows CP will go all out to do what he can to protect her, even that means losing his life.

which girl doesnt want to be the princess in every fairy tale? RO wishes to, and in fact she had tried to test out the bad love, to stay with CP although she has to remain as a eunuch, to still appear happy and be CP's happy pill even when she knew of the wedding. she did try, but when she knew who her father was, it is something beyond what she can control, cos there are just too many parties involved and too high stake. it is not just about love between CP and her, but whether everyone can stay safe and alive in the first place. 

and why doesn't she discuss with CP or even ask CP whether it is what he wants and just make all decisions herself, why didnt she trust in CP to think of a solution together? i think RO knows the answer more than anyone, and if you are in RO's shoes, there is just too much for CP to lose if RO accepts his love.

Yes, CP will be devastated when RO chose to leave him but as compared to putting him to live in danger or even him losing his life if RO accepts him, most girl in that era like RO will choose to break his heart now and suffer alone. this is not cos RO is noble, but cos she has weighed all odds, she witnessed how she has almost landed CP in danger previously and she knows how many people are eyeing to pull CP down. so she does want to use her very small strength to do what she can to protect this love of hers now, to keep him safe, keep him well. so pulling out is the best decision.

however, now with the twist that HkN is still alive, the game changes again. what we see as hopeless for both RO and CP may have/not have hope? this depends on what has really happened 10 years ago. i do agree with cingu here that HKN came back with a little too confidence face ya. and it seems like he purposely wanted to be caught this time round? what is the reason for him to avoid his wife and daughter yet to go to them only now? i guess we can only know in tonight's episodes.

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20 minutes ago, in00022 said:

@moodypie thanks  and sorry to cut you post ... hope to see full moon in tonight episode instead of half moon  ...:huh: if they are showing half moon again then we must be ready to see another heart broken scene :tears: ..no ...no .. andwae ... my heart cannot take it .... we have 3 sad episodes in a row already started from raon say goodbye to CP ( ep.13 ) n then CP n Raon crying scene ( ep.14 ) .... then last night .... another broken heart scene when CP cut his bracelet  ....sighhh ..... my poor heart  ... :bawling: ... 

Ps. About backreading .... sorry ... i think i gave up already .. i have 30 more pages need to backtrack ... i only able to backtrack about 20 pages ....:sweatingbullets: but if i hv time later ... maybe slowly will do the backtrack 

tell me about it...I still have like more than 10 pages to backread. And I am supposed to watch the ep with subs by now...

And yes, full moon please...full moon...I want to see full moon tonight. :)   

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1 hour ago, pyoyong said:



Goooodd morning/Afternoon/Evening Chingudeuls. How is everyone in this bright ouch my eyes hurt day?

I gather everyone is still alive and well knowing that there will be NO WEDDING with HY mwahahahahaha..

But we can not rest till we get our happy end ladies and gentleman, no sirey! We will continue to fight and yes the battle is still ON moonlighters!

I have device 2 master plans for this evening to secure our winning! Without further ado

The Divide and Conquer 



@Bambiina I leave them in your care soulmate!


Unfortunately I'm still looking for volunteers for my team.

Anyone brave enough and would like to join me?

wkkwkwkwkwkwkwk.... @pyoyong u never fail 2 make me laugh LOUDLY chingu :joy: LOL

my stomach hurts much with 2 many laughs kekekeke...:mrgreen:

Yup... How can RO's father do the paboo thing come 2 palace just for LIVE IN JAIL LATER.... :scream: that's not SO CLEVER move actually. well maybe preview FOOLS us, MOONLIGHTERS again.

P.S. 4 Stress Reliever these latest MDBC I really need 'A reunite Kiss' or 'A Passionate Reunite Hug' at least . Can PD-nim Grant My Wish??? muuuuwah....muuuwah....PD-Nim u hear me right??? hehehehe...:naughty:

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