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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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1 hour ago, nataliakay said:


Ah no wonder. I was commenting all over twitter on how I felt it was nice that PBG didn't seem to sound like he was emphasizing so much on how good he is singing but more to emoting the feeling of the lyrics and meaning behind the song. I can really feel the hurt and the longing in the expression of his voice. It's totally on a different level than the normal singers expressing their feelings in their song. With PBG, It is like he is using his acting skills through his voice to epxress a confession by singing. Geez how difficult is that.....He expressed to sign language and now by singing too..LOL

Ra On/KYJ is damn lucky that this song is about her.

Amazing composition for PBG's first song. I can bet they will make him sing this during KBS drama awards.


My thoughts exactly when I first heard the song. It turned out beautifully, so heartfelt because it wasn't focused on showing his musical ability but delivering the words rather with utmost sincerity. 

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32 minutes ago, mujay said:

@tzupi, even my english not good as yours ,why l fully understand what CP means with that prahse and you still get confused.

For me the CP means is "He understand RA ON lies about her chircumstance rather then burden him, she just want went away with her wound. Why you make this setence more complicated then actual meaning.wonder why sometime someone get lost her/his judgement and tried hard to pull logic thingy rather to think in the whole story context ....


You are a lucky person then  :)

However, I do not recall RO lying about her circumstances. It is true that after hearing the conversion between her mother and the teacher, she hid the truth about her circumstances and left, but she did not lie about them. at least I do not recall for her to lie. (There is a difference between lies and omissions.) So him talking about lies, it is strange in my view.

Moreover, the last remark "Everything you showed me—was it all true?" suggests pretty strongly that the CP still had some doubts about RO at their first meeting. Otherwise, I do not understand why he asks this question and waits for reassurance. 

(Recall when RO tells him in the bracelet scene that he has way too much power over her and it is enough for him to say a word that she would be killed. at that moment, he retorts, "Do I have to say these unbelievable words?" He was rightly upset by being requested to say that he will not kill her. Indeed, given what happened between them, there is no need for such words to be said. This is why I find puzzling his question--doesn't he already know that what was between them was true? Why does he have doubts? or better, how can he still have doubts at their first meeting?) 

My puzzlement is genuine. that's why I want to see other ways of interpreting CP's remarks from that scene.


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3 minutes ago, poppysmic said:


If they stretch it out up until ep 17. I might find it dragging. It need to be resolved by tonight in my opinion

Our OTP at this stage may be stronger together. Together to unravel the mystery of Ra On's father reappearance and what he might reveal from 10years ago.  The fact that the rebels had nothing to do with the death of the Queen. 

I have a feeling the Kim Clan is feeling antsy right about now. They have always used Ra On's dad as the bogeyman. 

I also hope that we get to see the heroes ahead (just like CP in EP 15) and turn the screws on the Kim Clan (minus YS)

A thought just occurred to me, is Ra on's dad safe in prison itself since the previous occupant died in mysterious circumstances.

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The time when RN found her mom and their home in a mess, could it be the time where the guards went to capture HGN?

And did someone notice how confident HGN looked when he was captured? I hope he have card hidden in his pocket to save RN and CP's love story. Go father-in-law!!!!!!!

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Hello Everyone.

Deepest Sigh as a sign of relief. (I'm always late as always, I had to do my schools activities)
First, I would like to thank my Sunbae-nims here. For the recapperrs, gif's, and etc... 

Yoon Sung-ie- you didn't disappoint me. You save the baby princess, she's so lovely and beautiful. Of course, I imagine you as a soon to be a good, loving and tender Aboji in the future. Can you be my Aboji's babies. :blush: (Hush, I'm still so young and thinking about babies but I can't help it when I saw it in his eyes that he had to do the responsibility to protect but also gave her a welfare to stay safe for awhile.) I do hope you'll continue to do that to her, because we both knew she deserves to be under protected and she still has a right to the Royal family of Lee's. But please stay cautious my Yoon Sung-ie because the rebellion will coming soon. And do what is the right thing to do. Follow your heart. 

Byeong Yeon-ie- you're so kind and a knight in shining armor to uri OTP Young-ie & Ra On-ah even if they are in a difficult and heartbreaking situation. :blush:You manage to be FAIR in between with them because you didn't had a favoritism even if the one of them has a long or short friendship with you. You're still so cool to protect your friends I mean the Love Birds even though you endanger yourself. My Kim Hyung-ie no matter what the situation right at the moment because of the incoming rebellions in BG v.s Royal Family v.s Kim Clan to save one of your friends dad. Follow what it leads in to your heart for the sake of all the families justices. 

Young-ie & Ra On-ah- when I saw the 16 preview. I couldn't tell what is going on your mind the both of you. But please set aside your heartbreaks and pride. Let's settle first the pending problems between your parents. Do not believe in hearsay to your surroundings Young-ie, Ra On-ah. Now is the time to help with each other so that the truth will be prevail. Arachi? :dissapointed_relieved:

I don't know what am I going to say, when I saw the Preview Sunbae-nims Moonlighters. I would rather TRUST the PD-nim because the TWIST will be intense but of course, phenomenal for sure.

PSsss.... I'm worried and I hope the baby's maid will be safe. I couldn't stop thinking what happen to the baby boy if the secret of switching the two adorable babies will be coming out soon. Oh well, I will be thankful to that person if she/he save the baby boy.I hope the circumstances into that situation is not complicated. Pd-nim I will leave it to you. 

Thank you Sunbae-nims for keeping this thread an outgoing and humble spirited forum


Edited by 143z
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11 minutes ago, iamia said:

Comment from Dramabeans:


+100000000000000. Amen. Finally, a light amidst the dark in the Dramabeans comment thread. I don't agree with the noble idiocy accusations, and I don't like how that phrase is being thrown towards Raon. 

Thanks for posting it. I also thought for a moment to post it here because I found the person's explanation very persuasive, but I did not know if it is fine to do it. Many thanks.

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Sports Chosun - Naver: 'Moonlight', Park Bogum ♥ Kim Yoo Jung, choose to break up 

1. [+5,906, -130] Wow the prince's ost is daebak!!!!

2. [+5,499, -101] So intense!!!! The look in Park Bogum's eyes in the royal wedding and when he cut the bracelet ㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+4,602, -120] This episode was so fast-paced, it left me wanting more

4. [+4,084, -116] It's almost the end, be happy you two ㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+3,777, -104] Ah.. heartbreaking ㅠㅠ Bogum is good at singing ♡♡♡♡♡♡

6. [+1,399, -25] The bracelet-cutting scene was so painful to watch. But despite showing no emotions, Lee Young looked so good in his wedding robe. His ost touched my heart~~ Just thinking about the midnight release makes me happy~~

7. [+1,242, -25] My heart was pounding so hard when he cut the bracelet

8. [+1,140, -25] I love the ost!! ㄷㄷ



Osen - Nate: 'Moonlight', Park Bogum and Chae Soo Bin's royal wedding, will Hong Gyeong Nae bring a reversal to the plot?

1. [+556, -20] I'm guessing Hong Gyeong Nae survived, will reconcile with the king and the misunderstanding will be cleared up ㅜㅜ It's so random that he's alive tho

2. [+548, -25] The bracelet scene is heartbreaking ㅜㅜ

3. [+373, -23] Ah Romeo and Juliet ㅠ So sad

4. [+55, -2] Please be nice to your viewers and always include the previews

5. [+49, -4] I cried with Bogum ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

6. [+46, -8] But the scene where Crown Princess' father called her daughter's name made me sad ㅠㅠ



tv Report - Naver: 'Moonlight', Kim Yoon Sung was B1A4's Jinyoung? Not a rookie actor?

1. [+2,853, -45] He's handsome with unique charms, I really like him ㅋㅋㅋI look forward to his future as an actor

2. [+2,221, -64] He's even good at composing.. He's a gem ㅎㅎ

3. [+2,067, -65] I like Bogum too but Yoon Sung's one-sided love is making my heart ache

4. [+1,682, -55] He's Ban Jiha in 'Miss Granny'!!! He composed 'At the Same Place' ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+1,222, -36] I hope he continues to show good acting

6. [+395, -32] I didn't know he'd be so good at acting. He never overreacts, he's natural at it


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57 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

Reactions, anyone?



I think the reason why it felt like it is dragging or why people are not so happy with ep 15 is because people are getting anxious that there are only 3 episodes left. 3 episodes left to the end of this drama we so loved, the end of being able to enjoy watching the romance between PBG and KYJ and people are anxious that there isn't enough time for them to get more happy moments from PBG and KYJ. Had this whole mess been introduced a little bit earlier thenn maybe people wouldn't be so caught up in anxiety and able to just take in the separation better knowing that there will be more and enough episodes for the drama to show they patch up and all the happy moments. 

But it is introduced so late in Ep 15, fans are getting frantic! even before this whole separation fans are still begging for more sweet moments and romance even though we've been quite spoilt with it, but fans want it to go to another level and then BAM, the write gave us misery instead, putting people like me off. 

This misery-build up is introduced a little bit too late...they should wrap it up, the whole pretense/ issue of not being able to be together by ep 16 and just focus on the OTP working together to be together. 

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4 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

I will not be greedy....I will be thankful for whatever is given---and there's so much!---a verdict has been given to MDBC: This is a topnotch drama in all the aspects...it has way exceeded our expectations, it has consistently received raving reviews.  Yes, there was no comic relief last night because that would be hard-selling the plot narrative, and lastly



of Bogum's OST Track! 



Agreed for all you said! 

I quoted you because I wanna say THANK YOU for always bringing good news to this thread *bow 90 degrees*


Congrats to our CP Park Bo Gum for another accomplishment and hoping for more!

biased aside Bogum's OST is really really good! I hope they release a cd because I want to buy one for keepsake :wub:


Now for the MBDC ending my wish before the close ending we will see "the TWINS of our OTP" please PDnim!



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