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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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18 minutes ago, mangachickava said:



you know it is even now more symbolic if RO has CP's bracelet and CO has RO's bracelet right?



Nah.. I think it is unlikely for The Blue Bracelet to return to this world again.. so most probably when they get back together again (which they definitely WILL, they MUST), they probably share Raon's pink beads. People say SHARING is CARING, right?  So, I guess that's gonna happen.


Sure.. when later they count and divide the beads into two fair portions, Raon might get mad at CP for getting overboard with the bracelet cutting.. and CP might curse himself all night long for not returning to that house to collect the blue beads that night. 

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14 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

Good morning Moonlighters! 

Went to sleep with PBG's voice lulling me to dreamland. Even if the lyrics are sad. But I could only flashback to all the happy memories they had. 

Ratings - overall all the drama ratings went down so the baseball had that big an impact?

I think I will be watching Ep 15 with my tissues ready after work today. I now feel the need to watch the wedding scene but not sure if I can stand the bracelet scene. :tears:

Thank you all for the different perspectives you have of all the characters.

I am glad YS and BY got more screentime in last night's episode too. 

So my next pressing question would be : What will YS do with that baby? He can't hide the princess forever and the Queen needs to be alive for evidence that she swapped the baby (which would mean either exile or death? Not sure how things work in Joseon times)


Hello @NRGchick!  When I saw the princess with YS, I was like "Noooooooo!!! Don't kill Yoon Sung!!!" :tears:

I don't know. I just had a bad feeling about it.  Having the custody of the princess is like a huge boulder he has to carry on his shoulders; it will make or break him.  For him to expose the truth will cost him his family, but it looks like he's gearing towards that move.  YS is an "abomination" in the Kim clan because he does not want to be corrupted.  He wanted a different path for himself and he wanted to support CP in every way he can - except with RO, of course.  *sigh* I dunno...  I am really hoping nothing bad happens to him as the truth unfolds.    I trust him to do the right thing, though.  Please don't let me down, YS (but please MDBC creative team, keep him safe).


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5 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

I will not be greedy....I will be thankful for whatever is given---and there's so much!---a verdict has been given to MDBC: This is a topnotch drama in all the aspects...it has way exceeded our expectations, it has consistently received raving reviews.  Yes, there was no comic relief last night because that would be hard-selling the plot narrative, and lastly



of Bogum's OST Track! 


Chingu, I am so happy for Bo Gum.  Dreams do come true.  :bawling: (happy tears here)

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Ratings dropped as I had expected mainly due to the prolonged angst. PD if you prolong it any further, the ratings may lose out to the other moon confirming the simple fact that people watch drama to enjoy not to suffer no matter. In this case suffer means doing what you have done to our couple in the last 2 eps.

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6 hours ago, Jillia said:

But what I adore is that even though they're liveshooting they still put so much effort in every scene. I mean the bracelet scene alone was probably so complex to film but they did it anyway in order to achieve this painful scene. :wub:

4 hours ago, bogummerz said:

@Jillia Even the hand acting in the drama is seriously beautiful LOL

@Jillia @bogummerz Such details make this drama a high quality drama. although not only in painful scenes but also on others scenes, I think we got many beautiful hands gestures in this drama ;) 


2 hours ago, tzupi said:

After watching episode 15, I have a different kind of question than what happened in the bracelet incident scene. So the ministers were staging a kind of ministerial strike. If the PM Kim steps down, we all step down with him. (Didn't they do that?) and did the CP reject the resignation of the PM? Because if he did not, by (re)accepting PM Kim, he just gave him total freedom to pursue what the evil fraction perceives as traitors, that is to pursue RO, her mother and her father.

At this moment, my main problem is not so much what exactly happens between RO and the CP, but how the CP does not have any ally with whom to take the power and turn the things in his favour. By not trying to come to an understanding with the rebel fraction, he fights the ministers alone and as this episode showed, by not coordinating with others, he loses important battles. He is either too cautious or too indecisive.

So why exactly doesn't he want to reach an understanding with the rebel fraction? He already suspects that they are not the ones responsible for his assassination attempt. Yes, there is a problem of being labelled a traitor, but he can also do the reaching discretely. What other motives are there for him not to ally himself with the rebel fraction?


Now, on another hand, can somebody explain the meaning of what CP said to Ro about the lies he would believe.. Because I cannot see how those remarks can be framed to sound as something that is not offending. If they are lies, he should not believe them--because it is stupid (and I think it is kind of difficult to believe something that you know that it is a lie). But most importantly, how can he imply that she would lie to him? (when reading the lines, i thought about the moment when he doubt her and thought that she might have played a part in the assassination plot. Does he still doubt her in that reunion scene?).


As I understand Kim clan is so powerful, they're everywhere in palace. So it will so hard for CP 2 take more action of politic move inside palace. So I'm thinking there will be any blooded scenes later (which I hope no one will hurt, but looking at the situation it seems someone we are precious much will have to be a victim 2 save CP. But still I don't know where the story of this political movement will end in the best way). and yup I think there's something behind all of this REBELLION for a better Joseon in the future. I think both the rebellion and CP have the same vision ABOUT DO THEIR BEST 2 MAKE JoSEON SHINES with support of people.

 And I remember YS as a child said that FRIENDSHIP AND LOYALTY CAN BE 2gether but now aigoo ... this old event keep replaying in my head. I think there's something meaningful behind of this flashback as we know that YS has Kim BLOOD in him though. CURIOUS???

 aigoo ... we need that RAON'S Grandpa Advice now... :blink: he helps CP a lot b4... PLEASE...PLEASE... Help CP now Haraboji :sweatingbullets:



And for that bracelet scene, well it's simple chingu. CP knows how much RO's love for him that RO even said those lies talk 2 CP so both of them will end the relationship. and like @Jillia mentions on her post "such a paboo" both of them he... he.. agree with u chingu @Jillia they do this kind of paboo things....:angry: 

my words for PD-NIM: DEAR, PD-nim you've already broke our heart into pieces with these many heartbroken eps so far, not only one but three eps and u will add more into 4 if u do it again on next ep.

Please... be kindly 2 us. I know u prepare some Melancolic Sweetest Lovely Passionate Scenes (not only one but more) for YoungOn right? U can't CURE our painful these over 2 weeks with only STARING CONTEST AGAIN.

ME... asking more than that. This is 2 much 2 handle with only ELECTRIFYING GAZES PD-Nim....

Please... shower us with more of lovey dovey, importantly I want ONE PASSIONATE KISS that show how deep is their love, show how they can't separate anymore, how they miss so much each other... please....please...:bawling:

well another 15+ bed scene is optional kekeke...

na... na.... na... I even don't know if we'll get uri dururu twins babies moment later. ugh...

Andwee... I want my dururu twin babies ASAP

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24 minutes ago, yvettiepie19 said:

Hi Moonlighters! looks like the rating dropped for ep 15 :huh: Gosh it is so painful to see these 2 go through such an ordeal in life. Before discovering MDBC  I had a cancer scare.  My days was filled with thoughts like "I'm I going to die young or will I look good if I have no hair".  I had been on Kdrama Hiatus since Oh my venus because I just couldn't find any drama that can hold my interest.  Then finally my best friend relentlessly bothered me to watch MDBC to take my mind off on all of my dr's appts, test, endless bloodworks and now I am obsessed with PBG, KJY and everything about this drama. It took all my worries away. I remember watching ep 9 while I was getting my biopsy done 3 wks ago. ;) Not sure what I will do on mondays and tuesdays since there's only 3 episodes left but I am hoping that the writters of this drama will give us a proper send off since they didn't do the extension. We need to see LY walking down that hallway with a smile on his face excited to see  his bride, his one and only true love...Raona. Living happily ever after outside the palace is unacceptable. At this point I don't care who needs get poison, stab, kidnapped, tortured as long as our OTP lives happily ever after in the Palace where their love story began. It's Fictional so the writters can be creative as much as they want. I am not out of the woods yet.  I still have 1 more biopsy to go but I think having a terrible ending of our fav couple will be much worst than finding out my test results. After all Kdrama withdrawal is the worst feeling ever. Right?:D Crossing my fingers for ep 16 and watching ep 2 to remind myself that they will be happy again. 


Will keep your cure in mind. MDBC is your "Healer":). Gosh, what MDBC does to us!


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about rating. okay i predicted the rating will drop more than 1% becos of that baseball game. look like k-viewers still look foward the drama despite baseball game. 

But rating drop is less sad than ep 15. It didnt bother me at all. All i want for tonight episode is a happy and more happy scene. PDnim i trust you.

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Good afternoon, lovelies! Did you sleep well last night? Eyes still red and puffy? /sigh.

Just finished watching it now with subs and read through the comments, aaand turned into a puddle of mess some more again. The last time I bawled this hard was three years ago, and it wasn't because of a fictional predicament aka drama.

/sigh /deeep looong sigh. Moonlight is just so good, can't find better way to express my satisfaction, love and awe for it (if there's next life, I want to reborn as an eloquent person, seriously).

I just want to let you all know that I'm so pleased and grateful to be part of this wonderful thread. I really enjoyed reading the insightful, crystal clear explanations and passionate reasoning, especially on the sticky issues, that a handful of posters have thoroughly, lovingly, and patiently given out. I don't need to mention each of you, you/we know who you are. Thank you! Warm hug to each of you. 

There are plenty of things I want to say about Moonlight. Where do I start. On second thought I think, for now, I'll just sit back, enjoy the moment and cry more happy tears. See you tonight, lovelies.


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