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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Annyeong chingus! Silent lurker here. Your posts and updates complete my day. Kamsamnida! :blush:


A few minutes more and we'll see what Episode 14 has in store for us. Waaaaahhhh I don't think I --- or any of the YeongOn fans, if I may say so --- can ever be ready for the coming heartaches. Perhaps it's going to be heartbreak after heartbreak for the next weeks. Oh our star-crossed OTP. :bawling:


But here's my guess for the ending:


What if YeongOn, in their time, don't end up together? Tragic.


But then, centuries pass and here we are, present time. A young woman and a young man meet for the first time. For some reason, they feel like it's not purely by chance that their paths crossed, like they both waited for what seemed like a lifetime for this perfect moment. And perhaps this time, their ending is going to be perfect.




Just thinking aloud. :3

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Hi all moonlighters.. sorry i cant join all for recap .... actually i am ready to stream episode 14  ..... BUT bammmm suddenly my wifi down just before moonlight start :angry: .... uh so angry .... 

I use mobile data to come here but my quota not enough .to stream .. :bawling:

Moonlighters .... have fun for all of you  and please enjoy on my behalf .... c u after my wifi back to normal 



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I believe CP will not hate Ra On regarding of their political circumstances... there will be no love hate plot on tonight episode... cliff hanger must be CP and RA On reunion. We deserve it as a viewer.. and too compensate my eye bags every Monday and Tuesday night. 

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2 minutes ago, Earth2KatyD said:

@rhiesta Nice song choice! I've always liked Richard Marx's 'Right Here Waiting' I find myself singing along whenever I hear it being played.. Haha, it just goes to show my age! :P 

i think this song is everlasting song....young age loves this song too...:)

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LOVE IN THE MOONLIGHT 14 (LIVE RECAP) Pardon my bad english :P

Guard palace starting to checking identity.. and ys help raon to escape from this guard told the guard raon was with him.

meanwhile our prince sad and check raon room :( *last scene from yesterday..

with background song "Love is over" :( 

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starting now...

inspection of those around 18 of age is on going... 

RO is worried, it now her turn and the soldier questioned her

luckily, YS is again on the rescue and intervened for her

YS went on and RO stalled but followed YS

back at BY and RO's headquarters, LY went inside and found RO's things with the bracelet

at his quarters, LY is now being dressed up with the prince's garb as he recall the conversation with BY


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Episode 14


RN on line to get out of the palace

(I wonder where she got the permission to leave though?)

YS talked to the guard so RN can leave


CP looking for RN (heartbreaking scene from yesterday)

Music: Love is over

CP dressing up (Eunuch Jang doing the dress up)

Kim Hyung's voice over

CP at the court talking to the ministers



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