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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Ahhhh....! I don't know how to start...Episode 11 is such an unease thing. But I love it...complicate, beautiful, meaingful, lovely, mix-feeling, perfect directing and perfect acting as always. Watching this episode is like riding a roller coaster. I finish the eng sub of episode with the broken heart for our OTP, YS and BY.....My beloved 4 characters. The tough task are wating for them. If only they are together....I hope they always together...for the better era.

Since we have 4 smart people why we have to struggle with old fashion politic...Can writer-nim use their intelligent to get it through? I mean MDBC is saeguk with fresh feeling, why we have to follow old-fashion pattern. I want to see LY era with strong, efficient and fantastic place for his people.  CP is the perfect King for sure. To witness his powerless, I'm so sad..I cry for him. It not CP false, it his father faith that have to deal with that evil Kim clan. I didn't blame the King since it is also hard for him to deal with those Big-bad guy alone. The king have no one and also have his biggest enemy beside (Head Eunuch). At some point, I want Head Eunuch to do eveything to support CP with Raon's dad power. It too greedy, right? I don't know....I can't see CP struggle with the powerless situation. It broke my heart.

Same to Raon situation, I'm so sad. The will that she want to stay by CP side....keep bring all dangerous situation in her faith. Have no clue how an innocent woman who not even know her own dad will be used by those Rabel people. I really hope that she will smart and strong enough to grep everything in her hand to totally support CP, if only she has a chance. I don't want to see more weakness of Raon, I want to see her strong side. Again, I'm too gready, right? I just don't want to see the hopeless and sad Raon. It make me cry. It too much. Please Writer-nim....please.

I love BY, he is my style actually. Kkkkk! But feel sad for him now. He struck at the junction of choice. I believe his priority is CP and Raon...not Rabel. He just be their side to make sure that our OTP alright, right? BY have no one beside CP, Raon and YS. Such a lonely guy with childhood adversity. I feel his intention but I don't know his faith. I hope we will keep see him being CP & Raon's - friend & guard. Please...writer-nim...please keep my Kim-Hyung alive, smart and strong until the end. I love him...I want to see him smile and laugh again. He deserve to have happy life with his best friends no matter what.

And YS, he is the one that actually have power but never want to use it...because it is a bad power. He is a good guy who choose to do only right thing. Poor YS, he never have a thing that  he want....He want to be friend with CP but his status make CP step away from him....He want to have Raon but she never have eye on him...He want to be good friend with BY but BY have CP as the first priority....He want to do the right thing but it always end up with him against his own family. His struggle is so sad. At some point I want him to grep bad power and use it in the right way for CP, Raon and BY...as what he did for save Raon before. I want to see some thing like that again. And, I hope he will survive...Writer-nim...please don't follow novel...Please keep YS with CP, Raon and BY. Their friendship is worth and beautiful.

In episode 11, I feel my fantastic 4 sad and struggle feelng. I hope that writer-nim will bring them in more happy phase soon. Oh...gosh! I love this 4 character so much. Want to see the ideal CP era with Raon, BY and YS beside him. Hope my dream come true at some point. :)

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The Fantastic 4 Princes in the King's gown


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- Park Bo-geom, the perfectionist in drapes

This man makes any woman smile just by looking at him. In the KBS 2TV drama "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds", he plays a romantic prince named Lee Yeong who only has eyes for one woman and one woman only. He resembles Kim Soo-hyeon-I from "The Sun and the Moon". Park Bo-geom stood somewhere between a boy and a man but this drama has pushed him more towards the latter.

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Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 11
by javabeans | September 26, 2016 | 1 Comment


I was half afraid for this week to roll around for Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, because it felt like we’d been happy for so long that doom was just around the corner. But I’m pleased to report that as of today’s episode, my heart is still intact and beating just fine, if a little pinched at the poignant moments today brings us. The emotions are a bit more subdued in this episode, but not in a bad way; I love this kind of sweet, heartfelt storytelling where love is about so much more than pure romance.


This wasn’t an episode of grand romance or quotable confessions, but it had such quiet moments of intimate connection that I thought it was quite moving. In fact, the quieter it got, the more affecting I found the interactions, such as them sitting quietly together writing at a desk, or staring in each other’s eyes, or clasping hands sitting next to each other. It’s not that one style is better than another (i.e., grandiose versus small, dramatic versus prosaic), but that it feels that this relationship is maturing before our very eyes, and it feels appropriate to where they are: feelings confirmed, hearts on the same page, finding joy purely in each other’s presence.

It’s probably that element that made me think over the course of the episode that these two are so well-matched that it feels like their bond transcends romantic feelings; it’s not a romance that feels driven by chemistry, though they certainly have that too. But they provide such emotional support for each other that it feels like such a crying shame that they can’t marry and live normal, happy lives together—at least, not within the framework of their world and their positions. They make each other better people, and her influence on him reminds me of his mother’s influence—urging him to see things through the eyes of people less privileged, to consider everybody and not those in higher, louder, harder-to-ignore positions. I get the sense that Yeong is growing as a person through his love for Ra-on, and not in the sense that he only does good things to benefit her. Rather, it feels like his love for her is spurring him to see the world differently and find ways to improve it

I love that line at the end, when he wishes for a nation that allows children to be children, and women to be women—essentially, that doesn’t punish you for being born the way you were, that doesn’t take the deck that’s been stacked against you and then smother you with it. And it was a lovely way to draw the parallel with the lantern girl, who gets her wish at the same time that Ra-on gets hers. (I’d previously thought it odd that they should hide his prince status all this time, but it was worth the delayed gratification when the girl met him as the prince today and got to make her wish for a better country.)


How sweet is it that Yeong is the one who enables both, and it tickles my fancy for a couple reasons. One, it’s just plain touching that he had a hand in two very important wishes, but also, they tie into loftier ideals about making a better nation. Through them, he’s living out his mother’s wishes that he see every citizen as equally precious, and that nobody ought to be overlooked or neglected. He’s living by example, not just spouting ideals the way the politicians do, twisting them for their own benefit.

Most of all, I especially like that this takes a nebulous concept of wishing on a lantern (which is to say, a fantasy) and puts Yeong in the driver’s seat, once again making him the author of his own fate. Last week he refused to accept the sad fairy tale and declared that he would write his own happy ending, and today he enabled two wishes with his own actions. (The drama doesn’t tell us how he found Mom, and I suspect we’ll find out tomorrow exactly how, but I think it’s fair to guess that he saw her at Teacher Dasan’s and put some pieces together.)

It’s this idea that I’m clinging to as the royal wedding approaches—that Yeong will assert his will and find a way to change his fate. I’m not sure it’s possible to avoid a wedding altogether, but I’m still holding out a huge hope that the drama will find a way to give us a satisfying resolution anyway; as of right now I have no clue how that’ll happen, and if it doesn’t succeed it might just crush me, but I’ve trusted this drama with my heart this far and I’ve been okay, so I’ll just trust it a little longer. If nothing else, the drama has proven time and time again that Yeong can outwit his opponents even when backed in a corner, as he did with the queen—admittedly I was nervous that he overplayed his hand, but you could argue that his skill includes reading his opponents and making appropriate calculations based on their reactions. Just… don’t fail me now! You can’t! You won’t! I won’t let you.





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I've refreshed DB like every 5 minutes just to read the recap.  Haven't had the chance to watch the subbed version just yet. Those who are in the same boat as me, let's rejoice and enjoy the recap shall we?

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 11

by javabeans | September 26, 2016 | 2 Comments


I was half afraid for this week to roll around for Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, because it felt like we’d been happy for so long that doom was just around the corner. But I’m pleased to report that as of today’s episode, my heart is still intact and beating just fine, if a little pinched at the poignant moments today brings us. The emotions are a bit more subdued in this episode, but not in a bad way; I love this kind of sweet, heartfelt storytelling where love is about so much more than pure romance.

Source: http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/09/moonlight-drawn-by-clouds-episode-11/

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33 minutes ago, inlovewithmdbc said:


His accompanying line "I've always wanted to mark you as mine." made me go ahhhhhh. Actually the Chinese sub is even more swoony as it suggests he's set his heart on her for a long time.


Translation of Chinese Sub:

RO: what is the meaning of this (mark)? 

LY: It is my heart.

RO: This is Your Highness' heart?

LY: I've marked you as mine long ago.

(No wonder she covered the mark in such a cherishing way with her finger LOL)

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17 minutes ago, nataliakay said:

About CP getting hurt in ep 12 preview:

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Someone mentioned about a scene in the novel where CP gets hurt and the crown princess attended to him. the next episode where CP gets hurt, is this where the novel will tie in with the drama?



Gahhh!! That is possible since RN could be not with him at that time to tend to him instead because she's with the rebel team. But I wish RN would be by his side because RN is all he needs, but thay could also make RN thinks she only brings sadness to Yeong if she's with him.

I'm afraid of what will happen and Baek Ji yeong's song released is not even helping, definitely  love is over!! No!!!!


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26 minutes ago, june_1 said:

.. load of thanks dear @inlovewithmdbc ,

yup , this drama had brought tsunami impact on my normal routine .. but no fret , im drowning in depth of happiness ..

@june_1It really is madness. Moonlight madness. I haven't slept a wink all night as I was busy watching the episode and looking up things related to MBDC. Oh my poor eye bags.

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Annyeong Moonlighters!  I am just about ready to look at the moon shining down on us tonight!

How is everyone's heart after watching the preview?

Truthfully, i am afraid for uri YS, cuz i am one of those who really like him, not in a 2nd-lead-syndrome-way.

I hope he will just be fine.

And most of all I am afraid for our OTP, what will happen to them both? and uri Lee Young seems wounded?

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7 minutes ago, bonuibonui said:
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Gahhh!! That is possible since RN could be not with him at that time to tend to him instead because she's with the rebel team. But I wish RN would be by his side because RN is all he needs, but thay could also make RN thinks she only brings sadness to Yeong if she's with him.

I'm afraid of what will happen and Baek Ji yeong's song released is not even helping, definitely  love is over!! No!!!!



@bonuibonui i know right. Especially when i think I saw illustration from the novel where CP's hanbok was half open revealing his chest bandaged. To think that it's Ha Yeon that gets to see that! LOL. hahhaa. I don't think I've ever felt so jealous on behalf of a character in a drama before.


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