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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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@__jesse Love your insights. 

Ep 6 did give me a sense that he already knows about Sam Nom and his anger towards himself is that he has to repress his feelings. Whenever he sees Sam Nom, he must want to hug and hold her but he can't. 

I always think of the words from his father about protecting his loved ones [a reason why Jeon Mi Sun's (Concubine Suk Ui) part was important] The King had to be careful about how he showed affection because of his fear of more loss once the affection was known. This may be why CP remained silent about Sam Nom but it looks like he cannot stop the looks that one would direct to a beloved and this is becoming more visible to others in the palace. 


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 @yumoreo5 You're right. Its always come to the typecasting and stereotypes for 2nd lead in kdramas. I guess it makes sense that some people already made up their mind before seeing the character. But i also see some people tend to be biased towards 2nd male compare to 2nd female lead. There are a lot of time 2nd male get free passes... Both can have same characterization, same script, same scene but people will still view it differently. In the end its up to the individual how they want to see it, so no problem. I'm not referring to this drama or anyone in here. 

I would think HY's will be one of the typical female lead we often see too if she's just a new fictional character but she is written based on Queen Senjong. Though it might not be relevant at all, that little insignificant detail kinda giving me hope she will be given her own backstory and strong character development. I hope she's not just there to serve conflict, its nice if they let us see from her perspective as well.

If the writer decides her character should be the typical-btchy type to fit the story, so be it. What matter is we will have great storyline and most importantly our OTP will have their happy ending. *fingers crossed*  



@chocolatepie please don't stop posting. I sincerely apologize if i said something you took offense of as it wasn't my intention. I was agreeing with your no skin-ship suggestions it had me LOL especially with LY sleep over at BY's place every night. i'd love to hear more of your suggestions. Ha ha :joy:


I enjoy reading all post from spazzing to ranting, personal views, fan arts, production aspects, story line, history etc. As long it's not crossing the line, i hope everyone will keep posting without concerning about what should and should not be shared.
I can't last a day without my daily dose of Moonlight and this forum has become my main place to get updated. Glad the forum's moving so fast these days i barely keep up. Had to skip many pages but still going to backtrack everything. Now tell me what is this if it's not obsession.


Are you guys ready? less than 24 hours until the next episode. :grin:

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12 minutes ago, __jesse said:

I love watching gender bender dramas, but I get impatient when they keep the lead in the dark longer than necessary. Surprisingly, 2058 caught on quickly after watching the dance. I believe he had figured out RO’s real gender by ep 5, and ep 6 merely confirmed his newfound knowledge. References to the novel are placed under spoiler.

Evidence 1: Lotus dance

Jang Eunuch: Yes, Your Highness. I met with each dancer, but I could not find her. No one knew her, either.
LY: She knew every move of the dance. Even parts that I told only to Ae Shim.

This one’s obvious. Only Ae Shim, LY and RO have memorised the latest dance moves. This evidence alone should be more than enough for a smart cookie like 2058.

Evidence 2: YS and the mystery woman

YS just returned from China and has no close friends, so when LY saw him together with a woman outside of the palace, he naturally assumed she was from the palace. Later, when RO finally got a precious day off, it turned out that YS had made plans with her outside of the palace. Given LY’s good memory, he should also remember that it was YS who directed him to Dongjeongung to find RO.


I must also say how much I love the writing and direction here, which cleverly gave LY physiognomic clues to RO’s true identity – from the fingertips that connected the mysterious woman to the dancer, to the eyes that linked the dancer to RO. Piecing all these together, LY should have figured out that the mystery woman = the dancer = RO.

It’s interesting to note that LY’s possessive statement at the end of ep 5 ‘This is my person/Nae Saramida’ is gender neutral.

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In the novel, LY found out RO is a woman at the lantern festival but pretended not to know. He knew RO must have her reasons for disguising as a eunuch and wanted to wait for her to come clean about it.


Proof 1: Jealousy and signs of lovesickness

Soon after LY dismissed Hong Eunuch the next morning, he said, ‘Hoon Nam is all I need.’ That was the first and only time we hear LY calling Jang Eunuch by his first name, and it wasn’t without reason. ‘一心’ literally means ‘one heart’. It can mean unwavering loyalty in the case of Jang Eunuch, but it can also take on a romantic overtone to mean a wholehearted love.


LY isn’t gay. He wasn’t angry because RO was embracing other women, but because even though she’s a woman, she chose YS and the gisaengs instead of him. He was jealous – he wanted RO to belong to him, to look at him alone and to stay by his side all the time. He was in love and becoming increasingly possessive of her.

“I have never let anyone take what is mine before.” – 2058

LY: I cannot breathe. I suddenly get flushed and hallucinate. What is the cause?
Physician: In my personal opinion, your body is healthy. However, if you feel those symptoms often, that is… That is…
LY: What is it? Speak.
Physician: Considering the symptoms, it sounds like an illness that widows and nuns have.
LY: An illness that widows and nuns have?
Physician: Yes. Please forgive me, Your Highness. You see… it is natural for a man and woman to be together. But if you desire someone you cannot have, it eats away at you from within…

Then, there is the hilarious scene of LY getting diagnosed by a royal physician. From this scene, we can derive a few conclusions. One, LY has never experienced lovesickness before. Two, he only developed romantic feelings towards RO recently, i.e. after discovering ‘he’ is a she. Three, the writer is mocking US because we've developed the widow-and-nun syndrome too out of longing for 2058~

It’s amazing to observe how LY-RO’s relationship has changed over merely 6 episodes – from strangers to foes, to master-and-puppy then friends, and now finally a romantic one.

Proof 2: The Chinese envoy

LY must have heard from Kim hyung that RO was assigned to the envoy’s residence. But there was no reason for him to think that RO was in trouble – unless he knew she is a woman. Her eunuch robe was in disarray, which further confirmed that she was nearly sexually assaulted.


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In the novel, the Chinese envoy was a notorious gay eunuch. In the drama, however, the envoy clearly expressed his interest in women.

This was why everyone else in the palace couldn’t understand LY’s actions. They had no idea RO is a woman, much less the fact that she was nearly raped. To them, LY assaulted the envoy over a trainee eunuch and that seemed ridiculous.


great analysis you have there!!! excited for tomorrow's episode.

I also think cp already knows ever since the rescue from the water since he have to touch Raon. Same as when YS discovered Raon was a girl when he caught her from the rooftop.

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On the topic of whether Yeong knows RaOn's a girl or not, he's portrayed as someone who's very observant and smart, it will make much more sense if he had it figured.

I think he knows since the Lantern festival, when LY confessed he saw RaOn as a certain girl but their conversation was interrupted by YS's presence. Though he didn't get to hear her respond but he continued to study her reaction. He observed as RaOn tried to get friendly with the gisaeng so probably noticed the awkwardness. I think LY would have stopped RaOn if he truly believe she's gonna spend time gisaengs but he let her go because he knew she was just pretending trying to stop his suspicion.


Maybe i'm just being delusional because i prefer he knows. :D:P


Btw does anyone know how did Yeong found out RaOn's a girl from the novel/webtoon??

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6 minutes ago, 8mel said:

On the topic of whether Yeong knows RaOn's a girl or not, he's portrayed as someone who's very observant and smart, it will make much more sense if he had it figured.

I think he knows since the Lantern festival, when LY confessed he saw RaOn as a certain girl but their conversation was interrupted by YS's presence. Though he didn't get to hear her respond but he continued to study her reaction. He observed as RaOn tried to get friendly with the gisaeng so probably noticed the awkwardness. I think LY would have stopped RaOn if he truly believe she's gonna spend time gisaengs but he let her go because he knew she was just pretending trying to stop his suspicion.


Maybe i'm just being delusional because i prefer he knows. :D:P


I bet he was just giving her a chance to tell him the truth but raon preferred not to thus the disappointment from the crown prince

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16 minutes ago, 8mel said:

On the topic of whether Yeong knows RaOn's a girl or not, he's portrayed as someone who's very observant and smart, it will make much more sense if he had it figured.

I think he knows since the Lantern festival, when LY confessed he saw RaOn as a certain girl but their conversation was interrupted by YS's presence. Though he didn't get to hear her respond but he continued to study her reaction. He observed as RaOn tried to get friendly with the gisaeng so probably noticed the awkwardness. I think LY would have stopped
RaOn if he truly believe she's gonna spend time gisaengs but he let her go because he knew she was just pretending trying to stop his suspicion.


Maybe i'm just being delusional because i prefer he knows. :D:P

In ep6 we did see CP's expression towards Raon change (feels more intimate to me). I was thinking the same that CP has somehow figured out but he did say to Raon that from now on he will not question her gender anymore after she decided to go to the gisaeng house. This is what got me confused.

@_jesse.  Great analysis! I have thought of the same too. But somehow the writer is trolling us with a few things that is confusing us.:)

I still believe there's more scene that was not shown during the scene when raon visited the pervert envoy.

I could be wrong:grimace:

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One more day!  I should be dreading Monday since I have to go back to work but I can't wait for the next episode.    They're releasing two soundtracks this week, right?  The background music OST and the one that JY produced?  I wouldn't be surprised if all this time Yeong has already figured out that RO was a woman.  The show seems to like using flashbacks  a lot so they can easily show how and when Yeong figured it out.

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I am one of the moonlighters who really want to the CP to know Raon-ie is a girl. Be it he knew beforehand or RO will confess her secret. Because as an SS Young-On shipper, it makes me think that CP will still fight his feelings for RO with the gender issue. Add to that the introduction of HY.

The big reveal next episode is perfect for me.

My favorite episode is ep3 because aside from the perfect editing and execution, it focuses more on family and how you must have your loved ones behind your back against the baddies. I hope the writer will focus more on this in the next episodes, loved ones need not be only family, they are friends and people who believe the same cause. CP's position is more ceremonial, he doesn't have power. I hope the drama will show how he is a deserving leader/ future emperor and not only someone who chose not become emperor because of love.

Regarding guerilla date ratings, I read somewhere that it will be hard because it usually happens when viewers give up on other dramas on the same time slot. Right now, I am happy that we are nearing 20%. But upon checking, Monster will have its finale on the week of the 10th episode of MDBC. Just in time because MDBC PD-nim said that the plot will intensify starting the 10th episode and that is good to know for me. Still hoping for the best, and loving MDBC.

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57 minutes ago, poppysmic said:


I bet he was just giving her a chance to tell him the truth but raon preferred not to thus the disappointment from the crown prince


I think so too. 
He was giving her another chance the next morning when Ra On was dressing him up. I don't think it was just a simple jealousy that caused him to act cold towards RaOn. He tried to bring up the issue by mentioning gisaeng but it was not about gisaeng he was concerned. He just wanted to see her reaction. And RaOn answer was not convincing either, he caught that she was lying. He was trying to see if RaOn will tell the truth but it upset him she's lying.



55 minutes ago, moodypie said:

In ep6 we did see CP's expression towards Raon change (feels more intimate to me). I was thinking the same that CP has somehow figured out but he did say to Raon that from now on he will not question her gender anymore after she decided to go to the gisaeng house. This is what got me confused.

I guess that's because he noticed RaOn was't comfortable with him being suspicious. Plus he was just acting like a sulky boyfriend

Boyfriend Yeong : Ok fine! If you don't want to tell me then don't tell me! *pouting pouting*  :huh:



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1 hour ago, anne1101 said:

Glad it's Monday tomorrow and am so excited for ep7. :blush:. i envy my brother coz he's subscribed to KBS international channel. he can watch MDBC as it airs in Korea. :grin:


Yeah, those subscribe to the cable tv in their country with KBS World will be able to watch it again on a bigger screen :).  I was able to catch up Ep. 6 again this weekend since I'm back for the holiday.  

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7 minutes ago, 8mel said:


I think so too. 
He was giving her another chance the next morning when Ra On was dressing him up. I don't think it was just a simple jealousy that caused him to act cold towards RaOn. He tried to bring up the issue by mentioning gisaeng but it was not about gisaeng he was concerned. He just wanted to see her reaction. And RaOn answer was not convincing either, he caught that she was lying. He was trying to see if RaOn will tell the truth but it upset him she's lying.






the jelousy of spending time in the gisaeng house is so irrational if he knows he's man. I found a little sarcasm from Cp when he told raon that he forgots he's a man too wanting to embrace a woman. 

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45 minutes ago, moodypie said:

In ep6 we did see CP's expression towards Raon change (feels more intimate to me). I was thinking the same that CP has somehow figured out but he did say to Raon that from now on he will not question her gender anymore after she decided to go to the gisaeng house. This is what got me confused.

@_jesse.  Great analysis! I have thought of the same too. But somehow the writer is trolling us with a few things that is confusing us.:)

I still believe there's more scene that was not shown during the scene when raon visited the pervert envoy.

I could be wrong:grimace:


I may be mistaken about this but I did't sense any jealousy towards geishas or his sister from Lee Yeong.  He was probably angry because she was so brazen about lying. Unlike a day before she looked like she would almost spill the beans. Furthermore both times Ra On could only look behind his back as if she also feels guilty instead of relief like before. Lee Yeong waiting for her to confess is much more different than Yoon Sung's case. YS was simply thoughtful but for LY...

@8mel  said it all lol :D 

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12 minutes ago, 8mel said:


I guess that's because he noticed RaOn was't uncomfortable with him being suspicious. Plus he was just acting like a sulky boyfriend

Boyfriend Yeong : Ok fine! If you don't want to tell me then don't tell me! *pouting pouting*  :huh:



I hope you are right!! I I'll be on cloud 9 if he already knows, and that would mean he's jealous because Raon is a girl and not eunuch.

I was wondering why CP did not check out  raon's eunuch test like the chief eunuch did, since he already has so many 

Well just have to patiently wait for mon and Tuesday to come faster

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13 minutes ago, onlysb1 said:


I may be mistaken about this but I did't sense any jealousy towards geishas or his sister from Lee Yeong.  He was probably angry because she was so brazen about lying. Unlike a day before she looked like she would almost spill the beans. Furthermore both times Ra On could only look behind his back as if she also feels guilty instead of relief like before. Lee Yeong waiting for her to confess is much more different than Yoon Sung's case. YS was simply thoughtful but for LY...

@8mel  said it all lol :D 

What if.....just what if, CP thinks he likes an eunuch? And so he is just jealous because his eunuch is a man after all. A gay  can be jealous over his gay bf. :grimace::grimace::w00t:

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How Dramas Try To Stay Ahead Of The Ratings Game

How Dramas Try To Stay Ahead Of The Ratings Game

When dramas play the ratings game, they win or they die.

Death can mean simply losing money, or being quickly forgotten. Sometimes, however, a badly performing drama can have its episode count reduced or dropped entirely, like “Beautiful Mind,” which was recently shortened from 16 episodes to 14.

To avoid this fate, many dramas fight to stay ahead of their competitors using a variety of tips and tricks. A common trick was to tug a drama’s airtime ahead by ten minutes, giving the drama extra time when it faced no competition from other dramas in the same timeslot. However, in 2014, the three public broadcasters (KBS, MBC, SBS) agreed that they would stop this technique and stick to their assigned timeslots.

Currently the motto going around the drama industry is “three episodes.” If a drama doesn’t get good ratings within three episodes, it’s unlikely to have a good run later on. As a source from a cable broadcaster says, “It’s very rare for ratings to suddenly rise in the middle of a drama’s run.”

Therefore, the lead-up to an official broadcast is as important as the broadcast itself. Social media, or SNS, has a huge impact (negative or positive) on how word about a drama spreads, so many broadcasters have taken to airing .gifs and significant lines before the drama even airs.

Another trend in the ratings game are “special editions.” “Scarlet Heart: Goryeo” aired special edition previews before the drama’s official run, explaining some of the history behind the Goryeo dynasty, where the drama takes place, and showing some important scenes. Meanwhile, “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” (which airs in the same timeslot) chose to air one week earlier than its competitor to give itself an edge.

“Scarlet Heart: Goryeo” also aired re-edited versions of the first three episodes, compressing some of the originally aired content and putting in captions to explain confusing relationships. These re-edited special episodes are a change from previous “special content,” which usually showed behind-the-scenes videos as fan service.

“Special edition broadcasts and schedule changes have become more flexible than before,” a producing director from a public broadcasting station said. “If ratings are low at the beginning, then the production staff spend all night re-editing the episodes and using all sorts of tricks to explain confusing parts. We have to do everything to get people to tune in.”

However, it’s unclear whether these re-edited versions do much good. “Scarlet Heart: Goryeo” actually dropped in ratings after airing their special episodes, recording its lowest viewership in its entire run so far.

A similar case unfolded this past April with “Entertainer,” which aired previously unseen scenes in re-edited versions of its first two episodes. However, they ended up coming last in their timeslot.

So there’s another motto going around the drama world. “Rather than changing the schedule, it’s more important to focus on content that entertains viewers.” Despite all the tips and tricks in the industry, in the end a drama’s job is to entertain its audience.


Amen to the last paragraph! This is what MDBC is doing to us!

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