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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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2 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

Daebak! Daebak to the rating! How i wish i could fly to seoul if they have the fansigning.. 

If anyone intend to do something for the cast(whether it is a message compilation or whatsoever), i think you have to start to plan now as it will take at least 2-4weeks to consolidate and get the things done. As overseas fans i guess the only way is to do a video of messages from all over the world (message in written format instead of filming ourselves as i believe some are camera shy,hehe).. any taker? 


Actually Planning to do this, :D can we like work on this? planning to call this "Gurumi Global Project"

  • Platform will be facebook/ instagram /twitter.
  • Official hashtag #GurumiGlobalProject


Gurumi lovers can do the following:

1. Submit a video message (Instagram length) 

2. Submit  Artworks

3. Submit an open letter / post card  


Tell me if you're interested maybe we can make this happen.

Anyone who is also willing to volunteer to be part of this project. email me at gurumi.fighting@gmail.com

- facebook/ instagram/ twitter administrators

- country representatives? Someone who can translate their native language to english (Maybe 1-2 representatives per country)

Edited by Gurumi Fighting
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3 hours ago, iasd123 said:


I'm singing/screaming the Congratulations song repeatedly all around the house after seeing the ratings!!!! (My parents think I've gone insane, maybe I have:w00t:)



No worries dear, you are not alone. I was screaming like crazy when I saw the rating to the point that my sister slapped the dung out of me :flushed:.

@Bambiina I really like your story! Actually, the similar thing happened to me to. I love PBG since I Remember You/ Hello Monster because he slayed that serial killer role (I'm still obsessed with his character in there lol). When I told my sister about him, she wasn't interested at all and thought I overrated him. However, when I convinced her to watch MDBC, she did praise him and KYJ alot for their "eye-acting". She said PBG has sparkling eyes (true!!!). Now she enjoys every bit of the drama like I do and as you can see, this is the power of MDBC, the power of good acting :D.

Hello everyone! I've been stalking the forum since page 100 but I was too shy to comment anything hahaha. I just want to say that I really enjoyed reading all of your posts and I keep F5 the page hundred of times per day for new posts :grin:. Have a good day and let's enjoy the drama til the end!

Ps: sorry for my bad English, it's far from being my second language...

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6 hours ago, faythe said:

PBG should continue playing a cunning a guy. He looks best in these kind of roles. Don't get me wrong, I really like his innocent look in Reply, BUT he plays the cunning role like his second skin.


It is probably because it is such a contradiction to his personality in real life, when I see him in interviews and shows not dramas, he is like sunshine, and seeing him go Min as in IRY blows my mind, it just draws you in, that is when I know, for me, when the acting is great, cos it surprises me. Anyway, wouldn't want to turn this into a PBG fangirling post hahah, just had to put in my two cents on that. 

Love this episode, again, I sound like a broken record, been saying that for the past 4 episodes lol! CP being really smart is one of the things I love in this show, he was able to deduce some important things right away and now is suspicious of RO, it is bound to happen, and show is unfolding it nice and slow. But the comedy in this show, really, I laughed so hard when all the eunuchs jumped in the pond after CP, that was hilarious!

That scene when CP was about to offer RO his robe and Eunuch Jang stopped him was like a splash of water on his face, that he cannot just do things even if he is passionate about something, and I do believe he needs that from time to time, I love that he is passionate, but too much passion leads to impulsiveness, which isn't inherently a bad trait, but if shown in some circumstances, it may be at CP's disadvantage.

The flashback to when they were kids, CP and YS, was nice, and then CP thinking about YS' answer as to which he will value more, friendship or being a servant, shows he knows that YS is probably still trying to be that kind of person to him. But YS and CP are finally shown, directly, to be rivals in this episode, at that last scene.

I love how CP wrote RO's wish in the lantern, but I also love that it gave the impression that it isn't just RO's wish that he wishes to come true, but all of his people's wish, that his people's wish coming true is his wish. And I didn't expect to be shedding some tears when RO was dreaming and CP was so empathetic of what she was feeling and his eyes brimming with tears as well, that was really beautiful, didn't expect to get all choked up at all, but I did. Another balanced episode, goodness, very consistent, so far! Now, on to the next! 

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I'm over the mooooooooonnnnn.... Meet me there moonlighteeeeerrrrrrrrssssss huahahahahahahaha!!, *wave wave wave*

Ehem ehemmm.. Im sorry for that. I'm just enjoying & celebrating the increased interest of SK audience in our beloved drama. Almost 20% now! Phewwwww *fan myself* sorry, can't help it. I love it when mah kind of drama is loved by SKoreans too. I know rating is something hateful or lovable, depending on which drama we watch. It's interesting that the increased percentage of MDBC almost equals to the decreased percentage of SHR. Did the 2% come from them? BTW, some fans over there are trying to discredit MDBC, as if it doesn't deserves its high rating, calling it cotton candy drama. Didn't they realize that it was because their drama is badly edited & directed? It really turns people off. They should know that SK audience aren't that stupid. The only reason I will still be watching it is for LJK alone. Will watch but not religiously. 


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Omigosh! I am such a dunce! Rewatching the arrow scene with Raon and only realized that it was the CP's and not Raon's arrow that went through the doll! Hahaha! Sooooo kyeopta!

Moonlight archery.gif


P.S. So many Korean news about MDBC but sadly no translations! Sigh!


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omo the real love triangle has finally begun and then.. Chae soobin's character appears!! talk about the perfect mix lol. Seems like everything is coming together and now things will just start to unravel..

Ottoke.. my heart can't take it.. every character just pulls on my heartstrings :tears:

my emotions are all over the place..

Image result for sad gifs

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OMG ! OMG ! I havent watched the latest eps yet, I wanna watch it with Eng sub later but managed to watch some scenes from instagram and I already love the scenes that I saw !! Seriously..PBG is wowwww ! He really does act with his eyes ! I am a sucker for actors who can act and tell us a story with their eyes !

The cinematography of the lantern festival scenes are so beautiful ! Its just as beautiful as the dance scene in the last eps ! The PD for this drama is really good !

I love the crown prince with RO but I may be a loner here coz also love KYS the 2nd lead with RO ! 

@Ahpheng i love all your c-strips !!! I have been following you since DOTS, Doctors and now Moonlight Drawn by Clouds !!! Im so glad we love the same  Kdramas and I get to enjoy your c-strips ! 

And congrats for slaying 19% rating !

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Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 5

by javabeans | September 5, 2016 | 1 Comment


Holy moly, this episode jumped Moonlight Drawn By Clouds’ ratings to 19.3%. That’s a nice bump, and judging from the episode, wholly deserved; this storyline is heating up and the emotions are deepening, leading us into my favorite part of a romance—when feelings are still coming into focus, setting us up for a whirlwind of exhilarating, giddy interactions. (On the other stations, Monster drew 9.4%, while Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo dropped to 5.7%.)


Whee! I love this stage of a romance, particularly a mistaken-identity (or hero/heroine-in-disguise) romance, when the feelings are brewing, but the mask is still in place. I so want for Yeong to connect all the dots and figure things out right away, except the one thing I want more is for him to stew in the indecision a bit longer and suffer some delicious angst. It’s not even just the gender-confusion angst, because to be frank that’s a thing that loses its punch once it’s been done a lot in dramaland, and by now we’ve had too many really great dramas explore that confusion the straight (heh) way.

For me, it’s more about the fact that he suspects she’s someone else who’s captivated him, and really the gender aspect is just one facet of the tease. I love it when the sought-after party is right under your nose, and the questions are there but the confirmation is tantalizingly out of reach. It’s like Clark Kent all over again, or Healer, and I can’t get enough of it.

Of course, the question now is how long to draw out the tease, because I expect the prince to figure things out fairly quickly, given his smarts and suspicions. (And if he were unable to, he’d start to seem dense and that would dull the excitement in a different way.) I’m both anticipating and dreading the path to Yeong discovering the truth, because I’ll miss this stage of nerve-tingly, heart-in-my-throat near-misses when he does.


In the meantime, though, I love the bickering friendship he’s built up with his favorite eunuch, and their smorgasbord of hilarious, cute, and poignant facial expressions enriches the whole experience—it feels like we’ll never run out of them, and that’s a lovely gift.

I do appreciate that the show points out that their friendship isn’t without problems of its own, because it’s unseemly for the prince to treat Ra-on too much like a friend. I thought it was a nicely expressed moment in the aftermath of the pond dive, where he had to outwardly castigate Ra-on rather than show her concern. It’s a particularly hairy situation since he’s in a relatively weak position in the palace, and a political target himself—and it must chafe that his budding rival belongs to that dangerous faction.

Speaking of whom, I like how Yoon-sung is being portrayed, as a reluctant member of his party who doesn’t like his grandfather’s brand of cronyism but isn’t in a position to reject it. He’s so much like Yeong, and he seems like a decent, principled person, but his affiliation makes him exceedingly dangerous—especially since it’s easy to downplay his role because he seems so nice. I wonder at his future trajectory even as I’m wailing, But why aren’t you friends anymooooore? It seems as though Yoon-sung would like to be friends again and it’s Yeong who’s keeping him away, and I find that both saddening and wise at the same time, which is why it’s a great setup for the romance. I mean, it’s not like the setup is new for dramaland or anything, but I do feel like Moonlight has fulfilled the setup well and brought emotion and pathos to it. And as long as I can feel with the characters, I’ll overlook that it’s a familiar story. Really, all stories are familiar; it’s up to the show to make them entertaining regardless, right?



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I created an account here in soompi because of a Wed-Thu drama but then I was summoned here. LOL.

I just needed to post this. I hope you don't mind.

This drama is totally my kind of saeguk right now. I guess I won't be suffering so much after my fave drama ends next week because I can look forward to seeing my lovely Crown Prince.

I started watching this because of my love for Park Bogum but Kim Yoojung is a total beauty. She is so lovely! I can't believe my eyes.

And my new ship has sailed. Hahaha.

Gonna watch episode 5 now. Kyah!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Moonlight's best 1 minute scene was rated 22.2%..A scene where Yeong didnt allow permit Raon to leave..











 "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" Park Bo-geom suspects Kim Yoo-jeong for a girl



Park Bo-geom suspected Kim Yoo-jeong for a girl.

The romance between Lee Yeong (Park Bo-geom) and Hong Ra-on (Kim Yoo-jeong) got deeper.

Lee Yeong thought of his mother while he looked for the girl who disappeared after the dance. However, he couldn't find her and he thinks that maybe it was Hong Ra-on on her own because she remembered all the moves. Her identity is about to surface but Kim Yoon-seong (Jin Young) helped her.

Lee Yeong was confused as he thought Hong Ra-on might be a girl and even though he told himself she wasn't, he kept falling for her. When she fell in the water, Lee Yeong-saved her.



Lee Yeong also related with Hong Ra-on when she parted with her mother. He cared for her by taking medicine to her.

One day, Hong Ra-on went to a lantern festival as she was invited by Kim Yoon-seong. He was late and Lee Yeong-was there. They enjoyed watching the lanterns.

Jin-yeong was devastated that Hong Ra-on wasn't there when he arrived later and started looking for her. Lee Yeong was talking to a girl selling lanterns when he met Jo Ha-yeon (Chae Soo-bin) for the first time.

Lee Yeong wished on his lantern that Hong Ra-on found her mother and she was touched. Lee Yeong also couldn't keep his eyes off her. He kept seeing the dancing girl in her. In the end, he told her, "I see someone in you. A girl". When Kim Yoon-seong appeared to take her away, Lee Yeong said, "That won't be allowed. She's mine".


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i love the actors but this is a really slow episode. I think this drama they focus more on the romance. With moon and sun, i remember cry whole lot the few episodes. This one does make tears in your eyes but everything goes too slow.

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Have I said how much I love this drama and how everything about it is beautiful?

I just can't stop staring at Bogumie and Yoo-jung's gorgeous faces and those adorable expressions they make when they're together on scene. I like Jin-young too but Ra-on's wariness of him discovering her secrets keeps him at distance, so even friendship is getting cold.

But how amazing that Yoon-sung pursuing Ra-on is bringing the unknown-yet love of Young for her.  Gosh that last scene made me squee like no other drama in a long time.

These kids. I've loved every drama Bogum has being on and the same for Yoo-jung. They're great actors, they're making the drama even more appealing, together with the beautiful music and cinematography.

I'm amazed by the rating but GOOD JOB! I'm hooked.

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