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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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I think that while Chae Soo Bin's character will obviously see her as a rival for Young's heart, she might also end up having something with Byung Yeon (based on the preview where they seem to have some interaction - and also in press conferences where they seem to be seated next to each other).   It would make sense because the prince's cool & cunning personality is complemented  by Ra On's warmth but both have this childlike innocence that connect each other.  So Chae Soo Bin's character - which I assume to be noble and lady-like - would be complemented by Byung's rough & manly personality; however, I think both will also have some similar characteristics (maybe they both like to be silent but sensitive observers).

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Hello all been reading all the posts and enjoyed them all: Just posting some thoughts: 

This drama is so layered with subtleties and seems to be going in the direction of a political twister or mystery . Only in the first episodes and we see plot complexities in the story and as we get to know the characters we seem to find more hidden quandaries. The Prince is seen as an angry, cheeky and smart aleck who is thought to be flippant about his duties as a prince. But beneath the façade is a lonely young man who longs for his father’s support. He lost his mother while he was very young and angry as he thinks his mother’s death was suspicious yet his father the king had done nothing to uncover the truth. He is also very smart and astute as well as responsible, sensitive and caring. He takes care of his younger sister, his father’s concubine who became a surrogate mother for him when his mother died and her young daughter his half sister and now takes on some of the responsibilities of his father. It is unfortunate that the soothsaying of another child belonging to the powerful family of Kim was deemed having the face of a king. Now that family is trying to steal his heritage. What will the Prince do to protect his legacy and ancestry and his family? How will it affect his relationships with his friends Ra On and Byeon Yeon his bodyguard and what happened  between the Prince, BY  the bodyguard and the one the fortune teller said had the face of a king, Kim Yoon Seong?

Ra On the character with the most secrets for now. Who are her parents and what happened to them? How did she end up with the market performer? Why did her mother insist on changing her identity into a boy? The market performer whom she calls her father knows who she is as he calls her by her real name. He disappeared one day and now Ra On is by herself became an eunuch to the Prince. Does she know what happened to her parents? A time will come that the Prince will know she is a woman. How will that affect their relationship but more than that what about her real identity who her parents are or were, will that become a struggle for both of them? It seems the eunuch who discovered she is a woman works for the Queen. It scares me to know how the Queen and her father will use her against the Prince and it scares me more if they do investigate her real identity. Who is she?

Kim Byeong Yeon the sword wielder, palace commander, Prince bodyguard who can fly to and over the rooftops and whom the palace maids faint over. He is a friend of the Prince but his last name is Kim. How is he related to the most powerful noble family of Kim the father in law of the king? He seemed to have been a childhood friend to the Prince. Is he just a palace guard or does he have a mission to fulfill and for whom? Will he support the relationship between the Prince and Ra On once he knows she is a woman and her real identity? Is he really a supporter of the Prince?

Kim Yoon Seong the grandson of the most powerful man in Joseon, the father in law of the king and belonging to the noble family of Kim the young boy read by the astrologist as having the face of a king. The Prince said that he once considered him a friend but now their relationship is strained. Kim Yoon Seong seems to have travelled far and knows the nobility and high officials of Qing. He is an artist and a poet who likes to draw gisaengs. On the surface he seems to just have interest in  his art work but yet he gives advice and helps his grandfather with his political maneuvers. Sometimes it seems he trying to help the Prince but is he? Now he is crushing on Ra On but Ra On seems to be attracted to the Prince. How will the real identity of Ra On when revealed affect all their relationships?

Who is teacher Da San and what was his position before he got exiled because he was consulted by the Prince for advise on how to deal with Kim. His advise to defeat Kim with honey. The Prince interpreted that to a pageantry, a dance show for the Qing ambassador and with that bound Minister Kim to the ground. Now they will have to approve the Prince to become regent. I guess we will be seeing more of Teacher Da San? 

Now there is the similarity for me with Sungkyunkwan Scandal.

I can’t wait to see what happens next.  


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41 minutes ago, mangachickava said:

the famous Chinese folk legend of the Butterfly Lovers, which sheds more meaning behind the symbolism above:

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is one of the four Chinese folk legends and one of the most influential types of verbal art. Having been spread far and wide in China for over 1600 years...the Legend of Liang Zhu goes like this: To pursuit her studies in Hangzhou, Zhu Yingtai disguised herself as a man. After studying for three years together with her schoolfellow Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai fell in love with the intellectual...Unfortunately, Zhu Yingtai had been betrothed by her father to another man. Liang Shanbo was so grieved that he finally suffered decease and passed away. Zhu Yingtai headed for Liang Shanbo's tomb to offer sacrifice to him on the day when she got married.

It is a Romeo-Juliet style ending so I hope out drama doesn't go down the same path.



Thanks @mangachickava for the interesting read about animal symbolism post! hehehehe 

I think I seen variations of this classic tale before, and take heart ladies!! There is one with a HAPPY ENDING! 

In that particular ending, Zhu Yingtai who fell in love with Liang Shanbo, told him about his 'sister' back home, and after they finished their studies, went their own ways. 

When Liang Shanbo came to visit, he met her again as real self, and I can't remember much else, but they got married and lived happily ever after! hahahahahah

This must be one of those alternate endings because the original tale was just too sad... and in other versions, the man that Zhu Ying Tai was betrothed to was non other than Liang Shanbo, but since she thought it was another man, she was very grieved.

I am so glad to see that the writers are putting more efforts into layering this story! The results really show when we have meaty discussions like this... Learning more about different cultures and other older stories... Adding value and fun to just passive drama watching...♥ 

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It's cool that this drama features a lot of water and rain scenes, because I love rainy weather. Rain has a calming and healing sense, among other aspects that have been mentioned before. It's like the calm before the real storm hits later. 

I noticed that both Young and Raon didn't know each other's real names. Young has yet to learn Raon's real name, which I'm sure that he will grow curious and it will soon be his turn to inquire. Just as Young only has his family call him by name, Raon only seems to have a select few that know her true name. 

Raon had her beautiful and exquisite dance scene... PBG had his in the drama trailer ;) 

Also, Raon went from being a ghost writer to being a ghost dancer. The ghost writer was more to earn money, but the ghost dancer seems to be revealing more about her character... or her character development. She repented and realized her mistake in that past job (even though her heart was genuinely wanting to help her "father," it still brought consequences and suffering to others), but this time it was more from a heart of genuinely and selflessly aiding a dear friend... with the cost going to herself and not against another person. This time she would be inflicted with the consequence in a different way, and she didn't do it for money or to receive anything in return. I'm sure that we will find out what happened to that cloth/mask in the beginning of the next episode. There is usually a reason for each detail.

Anyways... you can tell where my mind has been most of the day :D 

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14 hours ago, honeywell said:

Omg that's hilarious how the boys were helping YJ to get up on the brick wall. :lol:

Serious dedication by YJ.  She was practicing her dance every chance that she got.  

Hi,  @honeywell  That was hilarious, Yes but all her hard practice paid off that dance scene was beautifully executed.. 

12 hours ago, pyoyong said:

Imagine if us gurl have time machine…I think most of us will dress like a guy and do some serious damage there, or seduce UBER HANDSOME CP with our macho-ness fuse with modern cuteness that we learn from all these Korean dramas recipe how to make all man fall all over you. Owwww we would rule the world mwahahaha *delirious mode on*

Seriously with the entire modern gadget we have right now, like compact powder from MAC, foundation from Chanel, blush from Bobby Brown, anytime any day can transform our self from male cuteness to a skin silky smoooothh goddess. Not to mention all those scott tape to pull out round pretty eyes, magic mascara , push up bra, instant slim corset, two tone lipstick. While those ancient girl got tapioca for powder and dried plant blush on that will last about 3 seconds. Pffff, heeckkkk we would be prettier than any princess! Wahaha *tooth pain*

@pyoyong   You go girl,  LMAO pushup bras magic mascara.. Thanks got my laugh for today..

8 hours ago, daynci said:

will there be kiss scene?

@daynci  I sure hope so more then one with the CP.. They have showed us RO bathing let's hope we get to see some tongue fighting..sloppy juicy kisses..

3 hours ago, zenya22 said:

Kim Yoon Seong the grandson of the most powerful man in Joseon, the father in law of the king and belonging to the noble family of Kim the young boy read by the astrologist as having the face of a king. The Prince said that he once considered him a friend but now their relationship is strained. Kim Yoon Seong seems to have travelled far and knows the nobility and high officials of Qing. He is an artist and a poet who likes to draw gisaengs. On the surface he seems to just have interest in  his art work but yet he gives advice and helps his grandfather with his political m

aneuvers. Sometimes it seems he trying to help the Prince but is he? Now he is crushing on Ra On but Ra On seems to be attracted to the Prince. How will the real identity of Ra On when revealed affect all their relationships?

Hello @zenya22  Now that you have brought this up again just what would KYS G/father the PM wil do if the Queen his daughter has a male child will he still seek to place KYS on the throne.. I think it would be more easy for him to lose that notion if she has a male child all he has to do is get rid of the King use the CP as King for a little while and get rid of him which would leave his daughter son to be King as he and shecould rule behind the curtain.. KYS will fall in to play with his G/fathers because of RO he will only help if he could get what he wants in one sense it's ok if the queen has a not in another sense it's not good for either CP or KYS.. Like you I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next but our CP serve those three ministers a blow they didn't expect to see coming he's going to have to become more creative in the political arena.. To beat them  at they own game the first person to take out is the finance minister even if it means killing his whole clan.. 


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Good Morninggg/Eveninggg Cingu-deulll, ahh so niceee to see all these nice comments and pictures in this glorious morning. I got excited when a new page on this forum appear hohoho. And then I saw this!

1 hour ago, mangachickava said:

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is one of the four Chinese folk legends and one of the most influential types of verbal art. Having been spread far and wide in China for over 1600 years...the Legend of Liang Zhu goes like this: To pursuit her studies in Hangzhou, Zhu Yingtai disguised herself as a man. After studying for three years together with her schoolfellow Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai fell in love with the intellectual...Unfortunately, Zhu Yingtai had been betrothed by her father to another man. Liang Shanbo was so grieved that he finally suffered decease and passed away. Zhu Yingtai headed for Liang Shanbo's tomb to offer sacrifice to him on the day when she got married.


It is a Romeo-Juliet style ending so I hope out drama doesn't go down the same path.



Gooddd griieffff, I remember this one! During my teen, I saw this one with Nicky Wu in it, Hollyy Creampuff!!  That was sooooooo tragiccc!!!!! I had to use like a whole box of Kleenex to wipe my snort and tears starting from Yingtai got lock in her room, well I think before that also. I keep saying 'whyyy whyyyy whyyyyyyy' till the credit ends, sitting alone staring at TV with messy hair, puffy eyes looking like a derange women with mental issues. During the movie I think I saw my folks passing by and express their concern, mama: "papa, do you think we should contact someone.."  papa: *deep breath* "This too shall pass.."

And NOOOOO, MDBC would not end like that!! Omgosh are you kidding meeeeee?? The opening trailer is a BOMBASTIC DANCE with cheerful humorous atmosphere. That's like a BIIGG clue already that this drama will end happily.  Do you remember that butterfly legend opening song? It's like a sound of "Aaaaaaaaaaaa, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, waaaaaaaaaaaa with melancholy melody" the kind of music when you hear it, you'll know that SOMEBODY is going to dieee!

No way hose that MDBC gonna be like that! Everyone smiles happily, bright bright joyfull atmosphere on the first intro. GRrrrr, don't you dare KBS to trick us!!! This is what you've said:


Original http://www.koogle.tv/media/news/park-bo-gum-will-star-in-romantic-historical-drama-next/

Unless my english is sooo bad, the words "a king who overcomes a variety of dilemmas" to me sounds like somebody who will SURVIVE and THRIVE in the end to my interpretation. I will cling on that words and expect this drama will end joyous, that's that!

@mangachickava I think one of the flower you're looking for is the one I have in my garden. I took picture for you


It's call Crown of Thorn. They come in many variety and color as well. I don't have the pink one that Raon has on her hair though. The other flower I don't know, not very clear to me.




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After marathoning ep 1-4 and ths drama are sooo beautiful. Im so amazed to kim yoojung beauty. She dfntly will be hallyu queen. And Taekkie... hing. I love park bogum as lee young. Their chemi sizzling and cant resist to fall in love with ths young couple. 

Ths happen to me when i watched leewan + park shinhye's tree in heaven and thought they wre great couple but she still very young bck thn. The same dilemma happen to me again. Hahaha... cant help myself to shipping park bogum + kim yoojung (mianhaeyeo doksunshi.. :tears:)

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So proud of Kim Yoo Jung.  She stole the show in The Moon that Embraces the Sun and now she captured many hearts again in Love in the Moonlight.  Ironic that in both show two guys are vying for her and who happens to also have similar qualities.

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1 hour ago, valsava said:

Hello @zenya22  Now that you have brought this up again just what would KYS G/father the PM wil do if the Queen his daughter has a male child will he still seek to place KYS on the throne.. I think it would be more easy for him to lose that notion if she has a male child all he has to do is get rid of the King use the CP as King for a little while and get rid of him which would leave his daughter son to be King as he and shecould rule behind the curtain.. KYS will fall in to play with his G/fathers because of RO he will only help if he could get what he wants in one sense it's ok if the queen has a not in another sense it's not good for either CP or KYS.. Like you I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next but our CP serve those three ministers a blow they didn't expect to see coming he's going to have to become more creative in the political arena.. To beat them  at they own game the first person to take out is the finance minister even if it means killing his whole clan.. 

@valsava bring up again??? hello Ms V ....  LOL this was my first post here.... and the subject that interests me is Ra On who she is and what is the significance of her character to the plot of the story most especially in connection with the Prince and the Kim boys. That was what I was trying to bring up. I really don't care much about Minister Kim and the queen or their selfish climb to power. However they possibly will be a big cause in bringing the Prince and Ra On even closer together. For me I think the four characters I mentioned will revolve around the story of Ra On and has something to do with who she is if I am reading the writer right. In many ways she knows the consequence of pretending to be a boy but most especially she knows the consequence of having her identity found out? Remember she cut her thigh just to prove that she had been made into a eunuch? However, she witnessed how much effort and work Prince Lee Yeong did to put the dance show together and what "hyung" KBY said to her that there are people who want to sabotage the show and make the Prince look bad. She cared so much for that Prince whom did not tell her who he was because he wanted her as a friend. So she did something she knew could be dangerous for her if she were to be found out but helping was more important for her. She saved the day for the friend whom she may still be unaware but she probably is starting to fall in love with. 

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dont forget to vote our lovely drama guys :wub:

just log in with fb account. we can give one vote each day. so dont forget to vote again tomorrow ya.

dont click 'vote' to other drama. becos we can vote for both drama. :sweatingbullets:

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