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[Drama 2016] 38 Task Force (Squad 38) / 38사기동대 / Special eps (8/12) @11 PM KST (OCN)

Guest phi3nk

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19 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

Cut to YJD who reads in his instruction manual and flashes back to his time in jail and how they came up with the fraud scheme. Ah he observes the hyungnim that tried to get BSI accepting the bribe. NExt we see him going for a shopping sprea (why do I think he didn't pay for the stuff) and changing into a suit.

 Ha ha.. cos he's a smooth talking glib talking charming conman..  Matt Bomer White collar be like! Ha ha.

@itenorial MJS the actor who plays him is good but yeah what an a-hole! Can't wait for YJD to do something about him.! ha.

14 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

YJD is back at his appartment and gets the scheme running. He makes some more calls.

BSI's friend is in the car and gets a call. He calls BSI to tell him the good news (maybe that they found a lead to YJD) and BSI immediately runs out.

YJD is still in his appartment on his phone and checks all his fake documents. BSI is in a car driving when his wife cals but he tells her he is busy and hangs up on her. But she calls back (seems like she found out about the missing money).

JYD is still at the phone getting dressed and gets ready to leave. He leaves the phone behind. BSI is not there yet when YJD leaves. YJD enters the lift when BSI arrives in front of the appartment building. YJD leaves when BSI comes running in. He runs into YJD and knocks his cell down, but at first he does not recognize him. But then he seems to make the connection...

Commercials again...

 Oh man I love ya... YJD!:lol: I know fraudster co nman shouldn't be glorified... but hey if you're  Robin hood  in your mission, go for it!

9 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

I love the Chasing Scenes - Fast - freaky - and the Winner is Sung Il - at first -

But Jung Do is fearless and he is crazy anoth to start the Car again - with full speed - a Duel between Deok Bae (who is crazy too - just to mention it - I start to like him!)

In the End Jung Do gets in an Accident - and they could catch him.


13 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:


Finally BSI's friend arrives in his car and tells BSI to enter. BSI gives him the plate number and he asks all police units in the area to look for the car while they give a chase. (Impressive car chase scene). YJD changed the car but BSI still recognized him and now they follow a blach car instead. YJD is chased by at least 5 cars and some police get in front of him and try to get him lower his spead. He bumbs into them and twirls around. Meanwhile he is surrounded by police cars but YJD is not giving up. Instead he drives straight towards BSI and his friend who is not afraid but drives towards YJD as well. No it's who is turning first and it'S YJD who gets into an accident and is arrested.

 Yes for the car chase scene. Got me all smiling here.. ha h. Oh man.... thanks doing these live raw recaps! thanks chingus...

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CSH is at the office and gets a call. She looks shocked by what she hears.

Back to BSI who is at the police station and approaches YJD. BSI's friend is questioning him but YJD just stays quite beofre telling them it was easy to fool them. YJD tries to put some blame on what happened on BSI. He still tries to play games with BSI. But BSI's friend tells his man to bring him to the cell but YJD stops them with what if he tells them what he knows (he offers kind of a deal).

Next we see BSI and his friend at pool taking a bath while YJD sits in his cell.

Next day - One of  BSI's coworker is taking a call at work and calls someone at his cell phone. BSI is on his wwy to work and still thinks of what YJD told him last night.

CSH tries to stop BSI from entering work but he is not haviing it. Instead he sees everone is staring at him and his old co-worker tells him something (maybe he is under investigation). BSi gets a call. Next he is at a golf cours and he meets with his Boss (?) who is playing golf with the tax-offender. He asks BSI to apologize to the offender for what happend while that slimy guy is greening from ear to ear. I think his boss tells im that the rich should be off-limits. BSI is leaving but without having apologized first which riles up the offender. BSI flashes back to what his hyung told him 6 years ago before committing suicide (I think he now understands why his friend was so riled up and willing to us e illeagal matters).

Next we see the team raidin the house of a poor family and the man is pleading with the officers not to take their belongings.BSI and the team look upset but they do their job. BSI is upset and leaves first. CSH stays behind and gives the little girl some of her money. BSI gets a call from his friend and thinks back to what YJD told him while being in his cell at the police station. We see YJD getting ready to be transferred but suddently BSI opens the door of the police car and richard simmons him whether he can really help him...



Edit: This episode was really taugh to recap so most likely I made quite a few mistakes with my descriptions. I apologize for that in advance

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Thanx @Lady_Fay - you already wrote the Ending.. .

So this can be the start of a real good Friendship. ;)

Did I got it right - Sung Hee knows Jung Do from the Past?


The Preview is one of those who made it even harder for me to wait a week - okay 5 Days - and what the Hell - why is Jung Do in an Accident again - not really Accident - that Car hits him on purpose. And he is injured... ahhhhhhh

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15 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

CSH is at the office and gets a call. She looks shocked by what she hears.



If I was right - they talked about Yang Jung Do in that Moment... so there would be a connection too - can I hope - even it is OCN - for a little romance later -- sorry - typical me. :):):)


Thanx a lot - you did great as always! I will try to be better next time. - haven´t done it since ages (at least it feels like that). So glad that you even can explain a bit more what´s going on. Now the Waiting start...


Wasn´t it a great Episode?! I so fall in Love!!!!

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Guest phi3nk

Wow 1 hour feel so fast. I like the car chase scene, full of action. It's different from other dramas which airing this season. The fast pace, crime-action genre, so far excellent in acting, directing, writing, plot and characters. Every character here strong and shine in their own. No one has bad acting here. Maybe that's why Squad 38 is now getting many attention from the viewers. From yesterday until now, Squad 38 is trending both in naver and daum.

And congrats, Squad 38 no.1 in Daily TV Internet Interest  850e1b91d3f3b983c3a39ff55cac5e87 The cute little rabbit



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'I´m still so into it - that Scene in the End - when the Collectors have to collect from the real poor People. Got me realls sad... Grandmother, Father and a little Daughter. Looked like there was no Mother around anymore. And the Granny cares so loving about the little girl - telling her how beautiful she is (if I got it right). Father tried hard to stop the Collectors - but in his Case - he tried to rescue his Life - but he would never dare to hit one of the Tax Collectors. He still behaves like a human - a desperate human.

OCN really showed us the difference....

From childhood since today - the first Hero in my Life was Robin Hood - YES!!! I found the Korean Robin Hood Team. Okay - something like that.


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 Fantastic recap @Lady_Fay @Mau_Cherry. Thank you for doing so. I dunno what time is it right now where you guys are but TVN had this around 1 am about an hour ago.  so thanks for spending that hour recapping! mmuaahugz! :wub: We are able to understand better even without the subs for now.

@phi3nk.. for the updates and videos.. chingus lurvs ya! @bebebisous33 @kdramafan43v3r thanks for staying and joining us. that was fun recap.  Now we gotta wait for the sub.. but it was quick yesterday so it'll be  sub  tomorrow I guess! Then I'll share my thoughts for ep 2 :D

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I have to leave now - I´m a bit late - but I could not go earlier today - and I really wanted to be of any help this time... Here is ist 7.42 in the Evining -so its okay - but I have to run - ahhhhhh - see you later. It was great!

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1 hour ago, Mau_Cherry said:

P.S. And I thought we have too many Comercials in TV... I will change my meaning about that... really....

@Mau_Cherry I second that one - I think after seeing that we cannot really complain any longer even if it would be the long breaks on RTL, Pro7 etc. Nothing compares to that... And BIG thanks for doing recaps as well... :wub:

38 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

I love the Chasing Scenes - Fast - freaky - and the Winner is Sung Il - at first -

But Jung Do is fearless and he is crazy anoth to start the Car again - with full speed - a Duel between Deok Bae (who is crazy too - just to mention it - I start to like him!)

In the End Jung Do gets in an Accident - and they could catch him.

So true - it felt like watching fast and Furious on dope... (or an old episode of 'Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei' for those from my reagion). That friend is a real good friend but he is for sure crazy as well. Than again maybe you need that to actually be able to catch all the baddies in Korea (at least if half of the things we learnf from dramas are happening in the real world as well).

25 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

We see YJD getting ready to be transferred but suddently BSI opens the door of the police car and richard simmons him whether he can really help him...

Sorry for quoting myself here but why did the swear filter of the system change what I wrote into 'Richard Simmons' (poor him by the way as he seems to be a nice guy in reality). That doesn't make any sense and I did not swear for sure. I wrote ... and asked him whether he could really help. What kind of a glitch is that????

22 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

Did I got it right - Sung Hee knows Jung Do from the Past?

Yes, they do know each other but I'm not sure whether they are on friendly terms. When seeing the first episode with subs I found it rather telling that she told her colleagues she knows what it means to be conned and that it made her reflect and change. So maybe it's safe to assume the one conning her was YJD. Maybe she thought they could work out but he was after something else when approaching her.

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Guest phi3nk

crossing my finger that the sub will come out quickly. VIU really doing their job fantastic. The sub from Dramafever probably will out in Monday, since their subber usually don't work at Saturday-Sunday.

Thank you @Mau_Cherry and @Lady_Fay for the live recap tonight. And all the friends here. 

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@jongski Actually, I did nothing big here. I just read the fantastic recaps from @Mau_Cherry and @Lady_Fay!! admire2 onion head Thanks chingus from Germany! partu3-smiley.gif?1292867650

I need to see it with subtitles because in this drama, details are really important. The unknown identity of the Chairman in prison is making me curious. This is really interesting. Honestly, I have been wondering if the latter isn't also manipulating YJD too because from my point of view this chairman did something illegal (tax evasion and bribes) but YJD decided to help him! He saw the injustice the Chairman suffered, but honestly by not paying his taxes, the chairman was hurting all the citizens in the end. Yet YJD doesn't realise it. Funny is that YJD had been targeting the wrong workers.

Another thing is that we heard in the first episode that even when you face bankruptcy, you have to pay your taxes. I do think, this info could be related to YJD, like f. ex. his father's business failed. Imagine, YJD witnessed how the Tax office put his father under pressure and since the chairman told him that he suffered from the corruption coming the tax office, I guess, YJD saw no difference: for him, all the state's employees from the Tax office are corrupt, heartless and greedy, no matter if they are simple workers or not. Maybe that's why he decided to get revenge himself.

Finally I ahd another idea. Like some one said before, there will be twists and turns...

- as such for example, CSH could be the daughter of the chairman! 

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Guest dramacf

I'm curious why YJD is following the mystery Chairman's orders. Is he trying to gain the Chairman's trust? What if the Chairman was the one that caused whatever it is that affected YJD & his family back in 1997 but now that the Chairman is in jail YJD can't exact his revenge so is this some long con of YJD? 

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34 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

@Mau_Cherry I second that one - I think after seeing that we cannot really complain any longer even if it would be the long breaks on RTL, Pro7 etc. Nothing compares to that... And BIG thanks for doing recaps as well... :wub:

So true - it felt like watching fast and Furious on dope... (or an old episode of 'Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei' for those from my reagion). That friend is a real good friend but he is for sure crazy as well. Than again maybe you need that to actually be able to catch all the baddies in Korea (at least if half of the things we learnf from dramas are happening in the real world as well).

Sorry for quoting myself here but why did the swear filter of the system change what I wrote into 'Richard Simmons' (poor him by the way as he seems to be a nice guy in reality). That doesn't make any sense and I did not swear for sure. I wrote ... and asked him whether he could really help. What kind of a glitch is that????

Yes, they do know each other but I'm not sure whether they are on friendly terms. When seeing the first episode with subs I found it rather telling that she told her colleagues she knows what it means to be conned and that it made her reflect and change. So maybe it's safe to assume the one conning her was YJD. Maybe she thought they could work out but he was after something else when approaching her.


I can only laught - yes - Pro7 is nothing! Really after that opening it needed ten more commercials to start... What the heck... But okay - I can live with it - because when it comes to advertising in the prime time - in the middle of the best scene - as for example the chasing - korean are more than fair. :D

I stopped myself from writing the scene was fast and furious - but it discript it just so well. And I guess you need to be a bit crazy to catch criminals in every country. To use your example Cobra11 - they are sooooo normal *lol* they would never drive straight towards another car... how many cars got crached for that Series - I readed something about it in the Past. It was a huge number.


About Richard Simmons - I have no idea - I checked out who the hell this guy is one time. I still don´t know why they use his name to made us behave. Just wonder about it - dont ask for more. :)


Exactly - that was one of my thoughts too - but would that not be too much of coincidence. Of course the other from the team was on porpose and with a reason - but from all con man you could met... I´m thinking in different directions. Was his Father a con man too? Is Sung Hee somehow related to his Fathers Case? We will see... I love it that there is already stuff to keep my mind busy. :D:D


It was Fun to do the recap - and If you like - I will try to help a little in the Future too. Just Friday - I guess thats difficult for me. I´m sorry for that.


RAW Version is already out - so I hope for fast subs as well.



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7 minutes ago, kdramafan43v3r said:

I'm curious why YJD is following the mystery Chairman's orders. Is he trying to gain the Chairman's trust? What if the Chairman was the one that caused whatever it is that affected YJD & his family back in 1997 but now that the Chairman is in jail YJD can't exact his revenge so is this some long con of YJD? 

Interesting idea!! crazy monkey 022

This made me think and I had another idea writer pink mouse : what if the chairman is manipulating YJD and the latter has no idea that in reality, the Chairman was the one responsible for the bankruptcy of YJD's father. I mean, if it happened around 1997, YJD must have been young and I can't imagine that the father would tell him how it happened aso as the father thought, he was the only one responsible.

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33 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Another thing is that we heard in the first episode that even when you face bankruptcy, you have to pay your taxes. I do think, this info could be related to YJD, like f. ex. his father's business failed. Imagine, YJD witnessed how the Tax office put his father under pressure and since the chairman told him that he suffered from the corruption coming the tax office, I guess, YJD saw no difference: for him, all the state's employees from the Tax office are corrupt, heartless and greedy, no matter if they are simple workers or not. Maybe that's why he decided to get revenge himself.

Finally I ahd another idea. Like some one said before, there will be twists and turns...

- as such for example, CSH could be the daughter of the chairman! 

@bebebisous33 I like that twist especially in combination with @kdramafan43v3r theory:

19 minutes ago, kdramafan43v3r said:

I'm curious why YJD is following the mystery Chairman's orders. Is he trying to gain the Chairman's trust? What if the Chairman was the one that caused whatever it is that affected YJD & his family back in 1997 but now that the Chairman is in jail YJD can't exact his revenge so is this some long con of YJD? 

If CSH turns out to be the chairman's this could be the reason why YJD approached her as target for a scam.

Or another twist could her actually being YJD's little sister (okay no love line then) if her character is younger than his and while he took up swindling as way of life after what happened to his father (most likely to get revenge to whomenver is responsible) she actually decided to join the good side to legally fight those that put her father behind bars. So maybe she's living with another name now and her experience of how her father suffered during the crisis (maybe he was threatened to take te fall for someone else or something like that) in her motivation to get the big bad sharks out there. This could also be the reason she reacted so shocked when getting the call that YJD is back. cause he could destroy her timid lifestyle she chose for herself.
Why did I have this idea? Cause when YJD visited his father in prison he mentioned a dongseng if I heard correctly. And the scene with him sitting in the convenience store and observing the little siblings (older brother - younger sister pair) also gave a hint of him having a sibling. And the last scene when CSH gave the little girl some money I had the impression she saw herself in that little girl.

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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Thanks @jongski for quoting it! These words are giving us a clue how Yang Jung Do judges people in general. Actually, it reveals a lot about his mentality:

- For YJD, friendship, love and family means much more than money, but people are too stupid to realise it.

- Since he despises people due to this mindset, he has no problem to con them. He uses money as the highest value in order to set a trap for people.

- Like I mentioned it before, YJD must have suffered after 1997 in my opinion, probably due to the financial crisis. I guess, his parents must have lost everything and when they asked their friends or family for help, people closed their doors.

Honestly, I would like the greedy man from episode 1 to lose all his money. Remember, he divorced his wife in order to pay less taxes, he gave many of his properties to his family members and YJD's lesson would be to make him lose all his money/own properties so that he asks his so called ex-wife to help him, she refuses like the others... they decide to keep all what he gave them. When he claims that he owns everything, his family uses the document to show that they do belong to them and not him!! 


Yes, They probably lost everything during the 97 financial crisis which  triggered the out look and state of mind of YJD. Losing money or business or something you work hard for can make one depressed and do something drastic. We dunno what exactly happened to the YJD father  why he's incarcerated.. either he bribe/swindled someone to get money business back or  he was influenced by something and participated in fraud activities. Also YJD perhaps  broke the law by doing something to recover hard earned money.

This drama shows us the extent the rich will do to avoid paying taxes.  Divorce their spouse, give properties to family members. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in real life those famous personalities with charitable foundations, they don't need to pay taxes? Of course  the aim to help and it's good share wealth of blessing but it can also be disguised as a way not to pay more taxes.

And like what  @kdramafan43v3r  said earlier... BSI is relatable. Add to that the other tax collectors and YJD. Fraud. Bribery, swindling, under the table moves. It happens in real life.  Politics gets in the way too as  it seems in ep 2 tax team  has been assigned to make sure it's the poor ones- low income earners they visit to   when their priority to make sure it's the well- off  which they have been doing.  And that didn't sit well with SH and BSI and the rest of the team.

 I gotta watch with sub to fully understand.


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36 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I need to see it with subtitles because in this drama, details are really important. The unknown identity of the Chairman in prison is making me curious. This is really interesting. Honestly, I have been wondering if the latter isn't also manipulating YJD too because from my point of view this chairman did something illegal (tax evasion and bribes) but YJD decided to help him!

 Chairman's identity is a mystery.  the ahjussi guy said many turned their back on their chairman. A bribery happened. The chairman was put in jail while others- we know who-   probably playing golf?. Ha.  what do you think.?

 Also still wonder why YDJ was in jailed. What's the reason. We are in the present time (6 years later). We only saw flash back of BSI. Also, I got confused with YJD father. So he was in jail same time as YJD?

40 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Finally I ahd another idea. Like some one said before, there will be twists and turns...

- as such for example, CSH could be the daughter of the chairman! 

 No. No please.  I though it's Mi Joo?

17 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Interesting idea!! crazy monkey 022

This made me think and I had another idea writer pink mouse : what if the chairman is manipulating YJD and the latter has no idea that in reality, the Chairman was the one responsible for the bankruptcy of YJD's father. I mean, if it happened around 1997, YJD must have been young and I can't imagine that the father would tell him how it happened aso as the father thought, he was the only one responsible.

Yeah, but it could also be what if YJD is the one doing the manipulating

35 minutes ago, kdramafan43v3r said:

I'm curious why YJD is following the mystery Chairman's orders. Is he trying to gain the Chairman's trust? What if the Chairman was the one that caused whatever it is that affected YJD & his family back in 1997 but now that the Chairman is in jail YJD can't exact his revenge so is this some long con of YJD? 

 YJD is smart glib one. He's  probably he's also trying to outwit, outsmart, outplay the chairman?

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38 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

It was Fun to do the recap - and If you like - I will try to help a little in the Future too. Just Friday - I guess thats difficult for me. I´m sorry for that.

It would be awesome if we could do the recaps together. Especially considering the fact that I also most likely can't join every time. The more the better - don't you think?

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Guest dramacf
34 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Interesting idea!! crazy monkey 022

This made me think and I had another idea writer pink mouse : what if the chairman is manipulating YJD and the latter has no idea that in reality, the Chairman was the one responsible for the bankruptcy of YJD's father. I mean, if it happened around 1997, YJD must have been young and I can't imagine that the father would tell him how it happened aso as the father thought, he was the only one responsible.


Could also be possible that the Chairman thinks if he can manipulate the father he could also manipulate the son to do his bidding...Oh man if YJD finds out all hell would break loose!


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Funny - Episopde 2 and we are building on so many theories right now - even the subs are not out. :D

Jung Do is smart - but he has his weak points too- So in one way he can be used by the Chairman. On the other hand maybe his offer just played him in the own hands.

What we have to find out is the Story behind his Father. But I hope working now with Sung Il will show him that this man never would accept money to stay still. Actually it seems like he will only work with Jung Do to catch a big Fish. JD should think about that. The act that Sung Il really want to catch those Mans  ... somehow it is the opposite of taking the bribe.


And I need the subs to know more about Min Sik of course. Can those two cases be related in some way.... I already love the Writer. So many questions and so many possibilities.


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