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4 minutes ago, dramalover4 said:

can't wait to see it :)

It is extremely funny, I was laughing out loud while writing it, but it has a lot of cross culture references cuz a chunk part of it takes place in the theatre class. So, I hope i am able to properly bring in the humor even if the culture is foreign to us. You will see when you read it. :D

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19 hours ago, dramalover4 said:

sorry, which one are you talking about that you added sub links?


19 hours ago, dramalover4 said:

sorry, which one are you talking about that you added sub links?

 that ai ni fmv

i love that fmv each clip suits the lyric
like i love the smell of your jacket and your embrace

22 hours ago, dramalover4 said:

they are so flirting with their eyes :wub:




loooveee thiisss

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25 minutes ago, arashihonou said:


 that ai ni fmv

i love that fmv each clip suits the lyric
like i love the smell of your jacket and your embrace


loooveee thiisss

i know you are talking about the ai ni fmv but i am trying to say did you put the link in this thread? ( if you did then somehow i did miss it because i don't remember, i would definitely would have watched it because i love your video :) or is it my memory is really that bad? could be due to not enough sleep cause i have been watching qingyu then sleep haha)

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10 minutes ago, swong2330 said:

wow i like how closely qingyu walking in outside (baba just can't even let dayu walk by himself haha)

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3 hours ago, dramalover4 said:

i know you are talking about the ai ni fmv but i am trying to say did you put the link in this thread? ( if you did then somehow i did miss it because i don't remember, i would definitely would have watched it because i love your video :) or is it my memory is really that bad? could be due to not enough sleep cause i have been watching qingyu then sleep haha)

i did post the link before

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42 minutes ago, arashihonou said:

i did post the link before

Okay then I missed it or I was planing to watch it later but never got back to it because I forgot ( I was busy with 2 exam and the horrible thing is I wrote my one exam date wrong which was Tuesday  and i thought my 2 test was thursday so i was really worried about that so i could have seen it in college and thought i would watch it home but forgot) Thank you and sorry for letting this drag :)

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6 hours ago, swong2330 said:

@aili81 hey the image that you posted of both of them boxing together, I found that WQ's pic is way old, like from back in september. :(


It's a photoshop :) it's not the same boxing club either :) but it's quite well done, i love this kind of editiing. there was one super great where they had put Qing in the car with Dayu when he went back to his family this winter, i tried to find it back but impossible, to find a post old from three days is already such a burden but old for to months it's just impossible ;)

5 hours ago, dramalover4 said:

can anyone please translate this or summarize? i think it have to do with ca

 i don't speak indonesian or thai but if you find raw text i can try google trad, on the otherhand i guess that if you had it you would have done it yourself ;) Always wish to help if i could :)

4 hours ago, dramalover4 said:

baba how dare you do that to dayu? haha (i know baba is joking, baba won't let other tease dayu but he sure like teasing dayu himself :lol:)


It's only payback :P 
Qing had told that when they reharsed the scene of the fight in This Summer MV, Qing had his eyes closed and Dayu was supposed to put his hand in Qing's hand to reconcile, but Dayu tricked him by puting his foot in Qing's hand instead ;) 
Qing said it made him pretty angry lol

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14 minutes ago, RoseBonbonQY said:


It's a photoshop :) it's not the same boxing club either :) but it's quite well done, i love this kind of editiing. there was one super great where they had put Qing in the car with Dayu when he went back to his family this winter, i tried to find it back but impossible, to find a post old from three days is already such a burden but old for to months it's just impossible ;)

 i don't speak indonesian or thai but if you find raw text i can try google trad, on the otherhand i guess that if you had it you would have done it yourself ;) Always wish to help if i could :)


It's only payback :P 
Qing had told that when they reharsed the scene of the fight in This Summer MV, Qing had his eyes closed and Dayu was supposed to put his hand in Qing's hand to reconcile, but Dayu tricked him by puting his foot in Qing's hand instead ;) 
Qing said it made him pretty angry lol

Yeah, i don't have raw text I saw it in Twitter I posted here but thank you for your helpful thought. Oh , I think i heard that somewhere but can't remember where(it's  3:28a am here, I am still awake and my memory are bad) but thank you for letting me know :)

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