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[OFFICIAL] Park Hae Jin x Kim Go Eun aka JungSeol Couple


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1 hour ago, Gitakawaii said:


OMG! It would be so awesome if they go on Running man together just to see how competitive they are.

Ever since I remember, from when I used to watch PHJ on family outing, he was always quite reserved and not as I guess "outgoing", so it surprised me how friendly he was with Kim Go Eun, especially because she's a lot younger than him :) I def feel like they flirt alot, KGE is very flirty with him, I can tell by the way she talks to him and touch him. I honestly never seen PHJ smile and laugh that much in his other drama  BTS

I've only watched a few eps of Family Outing so I'm not sure of PHJ's personality in his younger years... But yeah I'm not sure if it's just me but noticed in the BTS the two of them are always playing around and having moments while SKJ... is usually just there, looking on (ha, poor SKJ). It's like SKJ always seemed to be on the sidelines while PHJ & KGE interact with each other xD I also find it amusing that KGE seems closer and more touchy towards sunbae than SKJ when you would think that usually one would be closer with someone around your age rather than someone much older than you. (And correct me on this, but in Korea, isn't a clear division of hierarchy a thing? Most times the lines seem to blur with these two) 

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2 hours ago, Gitakawaii said:


OMG! It would be so awesome if they go on Running man together just to see how competitive they are.

Ever since I remember, from when I used to watch PHJ on family outing, he was always quite reserved and not as I guess "outgoing", so it surprised me how friendly he was with Kim Go Eun, especially because she's a lot younger than him :) I def feel like they flirt alot, KGE is very flirty with him, I can tell by the way she talks to him and touch him. I honestly never seen PHJ smile and laugh that much in his other drama  BTS

@Gitakawaii gosh..the way u analysed it made me ponder bk 3 years ago...sogong couple..sjs & ghj also like that..aigooo....


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Am I the only one who noticed the little nudge PHJ gave to KGE with his head in the BTS of the back hug scene? So freaking cute

And when KGE was all shy and lifted his head to look at her and he smiled?  *_* 

I want to post the Gif  but since I'm using my phone I really can't use it 

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I also find PHJ very gentle with KGE when comparing to LSK in the BTS



PHJ scolds "enough" to LSK at 2:32 video above BUT he gently counts 1, 2, 3 to let KGE jumps on his back in video below at 2:35 (sorry i can't find English SUB version)



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6 hours ago, lorac529 said:

thanks for creating this thread!  Their amazing off-screen smiles just makes me ship them!

Find some good photos via Naver search...I've never seen PHJ smiles so cheerfully with another actress!



A lot of love and Laught❤❤❤❤PHJ he can't stop smile and close his mouth when he stay with KGE .

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1 hour ago, Nouf Ali said:

Am I the only one who noticed the little nudge PHJ gave to KGE with his head in the BTS of the back hug scene? So freaking cute

And when KGE was all shy and lifted his head to look at her and he smiled?  *_* 

I want to post the Gif  but since I'm using my phone I really can't use it 

please post it when you have the time! Its so cute and says a lot!

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1 hour ago, Nouf Ali said:

Am I the only one who noticed the little nudge PHJ gave to KGE with his head in the BTS of the back hug scene? So freaking cute

And when KGE was all shy and lifted his head to look at her and he smiled?  *_* 

I want to post the Gif  but since I'm using my phone I really can't use it 

Omg! I noticed that too!  I was like "huh? Was that part of the script?!" Bwahahahaha

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4 hours ago, Gitakawaii said:


OMG! It would be so awesome if they go on Running man together just to see how competitive they are.

Ever since I remember, from when I used to watch PHJ on family outing, he was always quite reserved and not as I guess "outgoing", so it surprised me how friendly he was with Kim Go Eun, especially because she's a lot younger than him :) I def feel like they flirt alot, KGE is very flirty with him, I can tell by the way she talks to him and touch him. I honestly never seen PHJ smile and laugh that much in his other drama  BTS

@MyNameIsMmaybe she left a deep impression in him when he first saw her at the salon, then later, he found out her name? Hehe. @Gitakawaii I haven't watch any of his drama so I have no idea how he has interacted with his other costars, but thanks for this insights! This makes me ship them even more!   @mgicc I noticed she doesn't interact much with InHo in the BTS videos as well. I thought maybe because InHo is too reserves? No? hehehhe!!!

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credit to the owner

Love the way they tease each other and the way he leans on her and caresses her hand. And at 0.26 is some how funny and awkward the way Baek In Ha hands behave when KGE leans toward BAEK IN HO when she's laughfing



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Here are the proofs... OMG how he leans and how he keeps embrassing her during the explanations of the director! And YEY he changed the scene :) The Director is always teasing as if she said come on: Date already... we all can see that you belong to each other... we can see sparkles coming through your bodies hehehehehe

CRedit to the owner and to MR Sushi Subs :D



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that little forehead rubber at 1.13... and she asks : Is it weird?... And he says while smilling: NO

Goosebumps... Goosebumps i got shivers down my spine while watching their interaction

Credit to the owner



3 minutes ago, Nouf Ali said:

Here is the Gif that I was talking about 

Found it on twitter 

Cute https://t.co/nR0wRurx8q

Cr @ sonestew 

OMO thank you thank you thank you :)

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