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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@Chewy Hoe Unnie, you dedicates 930$ as wedding gift for our couple? OMG bow down to you unnie, words can not describe my admiration towards you :blush:

With such dedication, I think you should be a guest of honor for the wedding below, unnie :lol:


Sorry if this scanned pic has been posted before 


credits pic: baidu


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46 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Please check your PMs :) . 

Did I leave anyone out/miss anyone?


Me.... :tears: Please..... Thank you 

ahhh because i rarely post so i don't get it... I'm gonna follow with joongkyo rules ... Hope that information bring happiness :)

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STOP SPAM NOW, whoever wants to be included, you can send pm and hope for best, but do not spam the thread with pm requests. 

But before sending pm to joongkyo, think about the reason why you weren't included in initial round. 

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Hi @joongkyo i've been reading this thread from page 300 and i must say that I always look forward to your post.

I just created an account today and i hope you'll include me on your list for PM. Addicted to Song2 Couple here. Thanks a bunch. :-) 

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17 minutes ago, my_bazuka said:



Sorry to cut your post but that photo I just cant help it. I wish to see SongSong in something like this during the Baeksang Awards night next month. Song Joong Ki holding Song Hye Kyo's hand ...Oh my gosh, the feels! :heart: 




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@my_bazuka by wedding gift in the form of voting for them to be on stage together. Such a pretty sight isn't it? SUBLIME! 

Please be aware that my contributions alone are not enough at all!! All of us must vote in your own capacity!! Nothing is too much or too little!! 

Thank you!! 

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@nefer I completely understand your feel lol 

Btw since our sunbae @SeGafanlady mentioned in previous page that SHK likes Jenny Packham brand and dresses, I google the collection up and OMG I swear if SHK wears one of the white dresses in the latest 2017 bridal collection to the Baeksang award then my life would be complete LOL 

And just imagine she will be escorted by SJK that night, my brain stops functioning properly for real lol 

@Chewy Hoe yes, well noted your message unnie. I'm waiting for the IOS app to be ready for download so I can contribute to the voting with all the lovely fans of SongSong here :)

 Lets banded together during this important month guys :heart:

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48 minutes ago, naya said:

So glad to hear about our couple being nominated. It truly has to be an honor for both. 

I've did some back reading and read some disagreeing comments and i'd just like to say something in regards to it. 

I've been on soompi since 2005. Ahjumma member indeed. My post counts are not high because I don't contribute unless it's something that is worthy of my time (and because soompi has had to be rest countless times!)  I don't just post senseless thoughts and questions. But that doesn't mean anyone else can't do that. That's the whole point of a forum. For people to share their thoughts and concerns and voice their own opinions whether everyone agrees or disagrees. 

If you don't agree with the post but have nothing nice to say about it, move on. Don't quote the poster and add oil to fire. And it is a bit on immature side to act out when things don't go your way or if someone ships differently then you. Everyone should understand now that there is always going to be a difference of opinion and the way you type out a sentence online can be misconstrued completely different by the reader. If some people know your personality they will understand. The ones who don't will interpret it differently. 

Just please stay positive and open minded. We all ship these two or we wouldn't be in this thread. Even the trolls who troll by are secretly in love with our couple otherwise they wouldn't waste their precious time in here. I'm aware that not all threads are peaceful and beautiful and lovely. There are bound to be disagreements.

To the lovely posters who always share information and translate  news, thank you. Truly, you guys understand that the more information you divulge, the more love you share amongst readers, silent and alike. But don't let one person throw you off your game. Otherwise you will never win. Just because 1 person says no, doesn't mean the other 100 will too. Positivity is the majority and if you let that one nay-sayer pull you down, they have won. 

Happy posting and shipping and I will continue to read silently~~


Actually I didnt want to say this but just so you and others know, a week or so back remember @joongkyo deleted all her posts in 2 hours and one of the person that contributed to her doing this is you. Sorry to rain on your parade but it's not how often you post, is your content. 

And 23 have read and liked your post 


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hello guys...

i've been avoiding myself from browsing this thread and  rerun DOTS for at least one day..(as my sis keep on telling me, dude you seriously need to get a boyfriend ASAP because your life seriously..blerghh..).

so i end up reading some books...manage to read two within 5 hours (yeah..i've skip some part and the books is not that thick summore)..

but after the 5hours of reading and lying on my bed... i end up watching this:


credit: to whoever posted in this thread before as i google the image.

my mission failed horribly..


then i open this thread...wow..joy to my eyes..

when i read about them, can't help myself from spazzing...

especially with the news on kikyo couple/adam bijoux couple being nominated on the catogery of best actress/actor.. the feeling is like...


if shk/sjk attend baeksang i hope they will be the loveliest individual on the carpet..(i dont say couple because their agency will avoid them being together on red carpet (based on my opinion)..but knows what UAA/BLOSSOM will do in future).


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