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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I think every artist should take a page out of this couple's book for how to date properly without once being papped, being followed, being stalked by papparazzi and having nothing but the most respectful news written about you. No sleazy pics for them! And all without making a proper announcement. ..

Although if we tell our OTP- hey how do we know you two are together if  you don't announce, Joong Ki and Hye Kyo probably would turn around to us and say ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? What else do we need to say to each other to make you guys realise how much we love each other ??Duh! He's been going around telling everyone she is his cherished partner, very beautiful , dedicated a blinking Grand Award to her..if that's not taking a full page ad on his feelings, I don't know what is. I should be so lucky. To have my other half announce so publicly how much he adores me? swooonworthy. And what about her? She's been saying all sort of lovely warm fuzzy stuff about how she likes him, she's been totally ignoring all those actors she worked with (so has he) in the speeches. You'd think they only did this one drama together ever in their joint career.  And have just each other for friends, the way the speeches at KBS went. No wonder the others looked so serious, they were probably going "sheeshh can they just get a room already?"

Whoever wants to make a case that they are friends, can still do it, because JK and HK has not said anything- they are so open about it, you can, I guess if you are really totally blind and stubborn,  say, " SEE , they are just very close friends, all those SSC-ians are deluuuuuded" 

except - if they are really just friends, they are making things very hard for themselves to have a girl/boy friend later! How can other partners bear to see them two together ? If my bf or husband or even someone I remotely like , have a "cherished friend" like that, and treat her /him like that, I would back off, seriously. No one looks at another woman like that, and has  nothing but sisterly feelings for her. No one would gush like that and feel this is just a sunbae.It's not lighthearted banter we have on stage, it's full on gooeyness dripping wiht honey. It's not normal looks that he gives her, or she gives him. ..not even of a long term couple who may have gotten over the first flush- the way they look at each other- Love comes shooting out. STILL, Hye Kyo? STILL, Joong Ki? The drama has finished properly like a year ago! You STILL look at each other like that?? There is no way they are just friends. 

If Hye Kyo only have sisterly feelings for him, and I was her best friend, I'd be saying- girllll I think you better walk away from this guy..this dude is starting to scare me...he's a bit TOO into you , girlfriend!

SJK is a proper gentleman and may help other girl artists here and there. But only here and there. Here, its like ALL THE TIME the radar is going on. Where is my baby? Why isnt she seated yet?  And SHK too. This is not the first time she wears a dress on stage, was she holding on to a man's hand before? Doubtful. And Song Hye Kyo waiting for a man on stage? Unthinkable.

And everyone noticed how in tune and alert these two were to each other's presence. Like they didn't really feel safe and it was the presence of each other that comforted them? He's like got his Hye Kyo radar up, and so does she !- and this, we see from the fan cams! Imagine if we are their innercircle- surely we'd be like - Awww kids you are so in lurveeeeee.get married! 

Some have commented how different they both are now.They are- they have grown into themselves and this is who they are, they receive strength from each other. SJK is no longer a flower boy (I dont even recognise the earlier him) and she is no longer the ice queen (in fact I love her dorkiness!) No wonder they acted like they have never worked with other people, they probably feel like they haven't ! They have found their pair. Both are A blood type and I suspect both are A personalities, working  hard, keeping their head down, doing loads of good things from the heart, not really into the glamourous scenes although they are one of the most glamourous couple in theworld..

Sorry I'm rambling..I just wanted to try to see if anyone can make a case that they are just friends, but our couple themselves have made it very hard for me to say that.  Where other shippers of other couples only have guesses and common items of clothng to spazz over, all of our spazzes have been happily supplied by our two real girlfriend and boyfriend. No need to zoom in on whether they are touching each other- they are! 

And yes I think Shilla, a totally non-artist brand, coming out with that kind of statement,would be all kinds of dumb if they dont know we are going to think they mean that our goddess is getting married (and to whom I wonder hmmmm) - it would be v cruel if they say oh we mean she is going to be paired on the advert only...we didn't mean in life.. I think they know perfectly well what everyone thinks, and they are basically telling us what the two kids cannot yet tell us in so many words. 

So 2017- bring in on ..Mr and Mrs Song! 





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Thanks hclover and khxy for your post .....shilla is so obvious ...I believe ss were about to announce but decided to be cautious for a little more  time regarding the current   korean political situation as stated by ki himself in his red carpet interview and stated by dispatch .......so all we have to do  is to wait patiently for the big news ..and enjoy the hints and lovely news shared by great shippers like you .....and like everyone else I really hope sigang to return to this thread with her  valuable contributions like the past

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ryan gosling speech is soo sweet. it shows that he love and appreciate eva sooo much...just like ssc. jk dedicated all the glory to her. its so obvious that hk is someone so important in his life. he mention her name in his last speech after his family...thats very telling...:)i think we just have to wait...but i think its not too long...maybe 14/2..their first official meeting...ha..ha..ha..delulu again...:w00t:

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SHK is still at first place in Actress of the Year; SongSong Couple is also on top spot at Best Kiss; DOTS & SongSong Couple are currently at number 3 in Drama of the Year & Best Couple Category and SJK is not part of the Top 3 in Actor of the Year.

Please continue to vote for them, we only have 1 day and 23 hours to maintain the lead and to catch up in other categories


To Vote: HERE

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2 hours ago, recordbreaker said:



SHK is still at first place in Actress of the Year; SongSong Couple is also on top spot at Best Kiss; DOTS & SongSong Couple are currently at number 3 in Drama of the Year & Best Couple Category and SJK is not part of the Top 3 in Actor of the Year.

Please continue to vote for them, we only have 1 day and 23 hours to maintain the lead and to catch up in other categories


To Vote: HERE

Thank You

I'm in despair by not to be able to put JK back to the top3......hate the idea that he would think we do not love him enough if we fail him this time( although he won't think like that). One thing I'm sure of is he will be just as happy to see Hye Kyo wins.

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The nearest prob premiere of "The King", starring Jo In Sung and Jung Woo Sung. JIS is JK's close circle and a good friend of SHK from Twtb days, while JWS is quite close with SHK and she attended many of his film premiere. It should be in Jan.18, isn't it?

Wish they come to show their support ^^

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SHK is still on top in Actress of the Year and SongSong is also leading in Best Kiss. SongSong Couple and DOTS rank Third in Best Couple and Drama of the Year. While SJK is still Out of the Top 3. The competition in Actor of the Year category is fiercer because all three actors are switching rankings these past few hours based on what I`ve noticed.


Guys we only have 23 hours to maintain the lead and to catch up in other categories. Let`s prioritize Actress of the Year and Best Kiss. 

To vote for SongSong: HERE

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Sorry if you knew this link already but this fancam is quite clear and I feel a little bit regret if someone misses it. It is more than 16 minutes starting before Song Song went to stage for Daesang award until they got out of the venue. You can see how our couple held hands, held each other the moment Daesang was announced. And you also can see how Song Joong Ki reminded Kyo about "omma"☺ ...


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Since there are a few chingus who have asked about the kikyo lightboard that was in SJK's old Daejeon home, I've translated two fan accounts written by Chinese fans who visited the place on New Year's Day and the day after. @jl08dear, sorry for the lateness of this translation ^_^ 

Both of these fan accounts said they weren't planning to write anything about their visits to Daejeon, but since there were some speculations and questions regarding the lightboard, they just want to clarify what happened.

First fan account (credit to 打喷嚏的小帅哥):

On New Year's Day morning, I went with another girl to the Daejeon old home.  SJK's father is really super nice, super good.  Won't go into too much detail, before we left, we gave the KiKyo lightboard to SJK's father.  He placed it on the windowsill and also lit it up.  I don't understand the Korean he said, but from his tone and expression, there was a trace of happiness.


Second fan account (cr to 啦啦啦种太阳呀):

On January 2, my friends and I went to Daejeon.  Saw SJK's father.  SJK's father treats each fan who goes to Daejeon with warm hospitality; gives food, takes us to visit the room, takes pictures, tells fans small details about SJK and gives us gifts.  I feel that SJK's father is a warm and simple person, and obviously know what to say and what not to say.  Every fan who goes to visit also knows what to do and what not to do.  A lot of fans came to visit, also brought gifts to give to SJK and SHK, his nephew, and asked his father to pass along the gifts to them.  His father expressed thanks after taking the gifts, would not say much regarding other stuff.

About the lightboard, on January 2, when we went there, we can't find the lightboard anymore, maybe it was taken down already.  Later, I learned that the Daejeon old home was not only taken care of by SJK's dad, but also SJK's Daejeon fans came to help out from time to time.  That day we met SJK's Daejeon fan cafe's manager who came to help clean up and organize home furnishings.  She gave us small gifts, cut fruits and so on.  Daejeon old home is now an exchange platform between fans and SJK.  The house is full of gifts given to SJK by his fans, posters of SJK in various time periods and his personal things.  SJK's father just want to thank and respond to fans who supported his son.  No matter where the fans came from, he treats each fan good and is very thoughtful.


Check out Kyo's cute smile and the way she looked at JK  :wub:


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Hi to my fav chingu!  :D

Thank you so much for your post and there is no need to apologise because all SS news are appreciated. I know you're busy so no worries. :)

Truly appreciate all that you've done in this thread. I also want to thank @khxy whom I've forgotten to thank at times...lol. She's been such a great SS shipper, always ready to share what she knows about SS too. I love her baidu and weibo sharing together with yours, dear. 

I'm happy that SJK's dad put up the KiKyo signboard at least for the first night of 2017, lighting up the new year for our dear couple. Since he took the gifts meant for SHK too, well, I would like to imagine that she's very much a close part of his family as well. :)

We can see that JK has his dad's good manners and excellent upbringing of a gentleman. JK shows all these in his beautiful moments with Kyo, especially in Baeksang and KBS events. He has different ways of showing his care and adoration and the main observation is that he behaves like her man and she, his woman. The hand behind her back, the looking down of her climbing the steps to make sure she doesn't trip, the way he came to her rescue to disallow the drunken scene, the cue from him in her beauty blood type scene (he knows she is shy doing that so he plunged right into the scene).....the glance he threw at her after the break to make sure she's fine (when she was talking to the red blouse lady)....it all shows their deep affection for each other. He cares obviously.

And I love him at the President's Award where he really behaved like an Oppa to Kyo when he was firm about her moving inwards so that she's not left out at the side. Just look at the adamant look on his face.....he even guided her with his hand behind her elbow. SJK may be younger but he's definitely the Oppa in their relationship and I believe SHK loves it. 

Let's hope they will turn up for JIS's "The King" movie today, even if they don't walk together, so long as we can see them in the same frame, I'll be elated. I miss them much and let's all pray that they will have events together soon, like maybe DOTS get-together since they won the Daesang Award and JK also won many awards for DOTS.  I still cannot get over all the KBS sweet gestures. :wub:


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