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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Im definitely gonna camp here when the day comes. Marking my calendar already, so no one dare to disturb me at that time. And if there is a streaming for that fanmeet, i will definitely watch it. Never mind the fact that i understand nothing, not even one word. Im just gonna watch their body language there, and rely on this thread for any info. (Yes, im gonna watch them like a hawk, dear wifi, please dont disappoint me later)

Big big thanks to @joongkyo and @khyx for this wondefull news. I already lost count on how many times i died, reviving, only to died once again. Still cant move on from BAA, and smiling, giggling like crazy because im sooo happy seeing those two together. But your news just brought me to another level. Just after im done with some minor surgery and checking my phone after it, im screaming like a lunatic, makin those people look at me like ive gone insane. My friend even said that im frighteningly crazy nowadays. Hehhh, not that i mind that xD

@SeGafanlady eonnie, thank you sooo much for your wonderfull insight about SHK-ssi. Im a little bit late joining this thread, but reading your post since the beginning gaves me more reason to adore SHK.

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Just wanted to unlurk to say thank you to @khxy and to our Captain, @joongkyo for bringing the good news to us here  -----  wherein our Goddess, Song Hye Kyo is the guest of our beloved sangnamja Song Joong Ki in his FanMeet in Chengdu, China on June 17!!!! :)  Waaahhhhhh . . . . Let me shout because of the excitement upon seeing the news here while i was backreading. :) If am not working, i would like to go to Chengdu, China to see for myself the interaction of our couple in flesh but sadly, i cannot go 'coz my work would not allow me to go in a jiffy since i need to secure a travel authority whenever i travel abroad 'coz i work for the government. :(  Anyways, i will be here on the thread spazzing with you guys on June 17. Mark your calendar guys and let's all spazz together. :)

By the way, thank you also to those who constantly post updates and pictures here on our thread. :) Your posts are highly appreciated. Love you all guys and i am glad that i am a member of this SongSong Couple thread and i am proud to be one.  I've been here since the beginning when it was less than 20 pages and now we are nearing the 1000th page, WOW!!!, what a journey we have experience but it was worth it.  There may be ups and downs that we experience but we always remain victorious. :) Thank you again to all my fellow SongSong Shipper! :)

P.S.   I am excited on what will happen in the Chengdu Fanmeet!!! :)

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Hi all, im one of the silent lurker in this thread. My first post. Thanks to everyone here for all the updates. I really love reading everyone analysis and how much everyone love "song song" so much. The recent BAA seriously make my heart almost burst of happiness. I have shared to my friends in WA and also twitter, how I wish I could see them walk hand in hand in red carpet. And most of my chinggus said impossible. To good to be happen. Can't be happen, because of the rumour, etc. So I had never really hope so much. Since I thought impossible to be happen. 

And on the  D-day, one of my chinggus that messaged me the photo of song song BAA photos...and I couldnt help to feel so excited so happy! It's like A DREAM COMES TRUE....I really want to express my Thank you to SONG SONG, for coming to the awards together. Decided to come together hand in hand, without worry so much about the rumour. And their loving gaze made me giddy giddy seriously. 

Today again, my friend updated me abt Kyo attendance to Chengdu FM. I was about to go inside the train. I cant help not to scream. I was like thinking, oh my gawd, are they serious? I'm trying to think rationale. Okay, so if kyo can come to chengdu, does it means they are really just a good buddy? I mean super duper good buddy? But my friends gave me some positive motivation and hope. Probably that what's song song wants us to think, but actually they are really serious *excuse my delulu opinion* hahahaha im trying to think rationale. But recently little bit hard. I'm more being dragged to this so called song song chemistry. To the point im becoming less interested with the drama that I'm watching at this moment.

I have no idea how far song song have gone. I hope one day there will be good announcement, I really hope. Honestly im not so into shipping couple. My first couple that i wish they dated in real was 'sunwook' sunah and wookie. Which at the end, never happened. Eventhough their chemistry at that time almost made us nuts. Hahahaha I really hope it's diffferent with song song now....

Btw re: flower, yes i would love to participate.. Let me know how much and how to send the money. 


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@hyukgu, @Hay .C, @human1981

Thank you for sharing  TWO PEOPLE by SSK...Woww the song is beautifulll... 

And to know that both SHK and SJK has sang this song before... wow...... :wub: It's so surreal. 

The song selection is seriously SWEETNESS OVERLOAD....:wub:

1 hour ago, hyukgu said:

@human1981 One of the songs he's gonna sing in Chengdu FM is Sung Si Kyung's Two People?! Oh my!! I really really love this song!! :wub: Cannot wait to hear SJK's version of this song ^_^

A beautiful lyric of SSK's Two People :)

  Hide contents

After a tiring day passes, underneath the
moonlight, two people become one shadow
A vague happiness that seems
reachable is still over there

Even if my scarred heart casts
a shadow on your dreams
Please remember that a person, who
loves you till it hurts, is next to you

Although this path seems far sometimes,
even if you shed tears out of sadness
Until everything becomes a memory,
let’s become each other’s resting place

When I’m walking with you, when I can’t
see where I need to go or the path I’m on
I’ll remember the world of that day when
everything dazzled with just you alone

I’m still awkward and I lack but
until always, I’ll be by your side
On a dark night, even if we’re lost and
wandering, let’s be each other’s light

In the far days ahead,
even if the dreams we’re looking
for isn’t past the rainbow
The times spent with you right
now are more precious to me

Although this path seems far sometimes,
even if you shed tears out of sadness
Until everything becomes a memory,
let’s become each other’s resting place

I’m still awkward and I lack but
until always, I’ll be by your side
Even if the cruel wind blows again, we
will overcome the rough times together

Eng Translation: Pop Gasa



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thanks @joongkyoand the rest for the great news.

it seems more surprises are coming..what we believe seems not delusional anymore.

lets dance chingus.

just one step ahead before the "announcement".JK has strategized this well .his way by protecting HK and slowly let his fans accepting the facts HK is his other half,it is just brilliant.


p/s i cannot stop looking this thread.help me out.this is soooo addictive.

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thanks @joongkyoand the rest for the great news.

it seems more surprises are coming..what we believe seems not delusional anymore.

lets dance chingus.

just one step ahead before the "announcement".JK has strategized this well .his way by protecting HK and slowly let his fans accepting the facts HK is his other half,it is just brilliant.


p/s i cannot stop looking this thread.help me out.this is soooo addictive.

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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:

Okay, important question. 

How many people on the thread are willing to contribute towards the flower sending arrangement.

  • Don't worry you don't have to share your details with anyone.
  • You can buy a flower arrangement of your choice, anything within your budget.


Reason why I'm asking is because we'll select ONE online florist who will do the delivery to the Venue and we'll attach the SAME MESSAGE. Seeing how it's in 10 days, we'll need the time to organise the project.


I'm more than willing to contribute towards the flower arrangement! 

I think it's a great idea to attach the same message and do things systematically as you suggested so that they'll know all the flowers are coming from us shippers from soompi. 

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Well it's nearly 2:00am where I am and can't get to sleep with the latest news spinning in my head.

SongSong couple never ceases to surprise us. 

Baeksang awards red carpet still feels like a dream....I thought wow 

now we get SongSong couple again in 10 days...

SHK attending the FM on 17th June is HUGE...

The more I think about this, the more I think we on the verge of major announcement from SongSong couple..  I don't think I'm being delusional here...

Both are pretty private people, but with this public display of affection , it doesn't make any sense as to why they do it if they are not a couple.

Last Friday was testing the waters, I think we can expect something big...

Some have mentioned about July 1st being a significant date...but did I miss something here....?? Please enlighten me further.

really need to get some sleep now :)

cheers Shippers :)

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@joongkyo IM IN! 

omg i've only been out for a few hours and the thread has jumped so many pages! getting anxiety trying to catch up. 


I wanna stream it so badly but I'll be back in Brunei where the internet sucks and can barely load a 480p video :rolleyes: I have half a mind to just cancel my flight back just to watch the fanmeet live lol 



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And the surprises just keep on rolling for this shipdom! I love it the news that I awoke to. At first I could not believe it. And the universe is conspiring against me. Everytime there is an big deal event. I am busy. I hate real life it gets in the way of fangirl moments. :D

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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:

Okay, important question. 

How many people on the thread are willing to contribute towards the flower sending arrangement.

  • Don't worry you don't have to share your details with anyone.
  • You can buy a flower arrangement of your choice, anything within your budget.


Reason why I'm asking is because we'll select ONE online florist who will do the delivery to the Venue and we'll attach the SAME MESSAGE. Seeing how it's in 10 days, we'll need the time to organise the project.


Count me in!

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@joongkyo @Chewy Hoe great idea! Count me in! :) cannot believe in short two hours I am away from the forum, this exciting news came up! Love how things are progressing ... 


I've officially created a fan meeting playlist on itunes for my bedtime listening. Haha.. "Music does changes alot of things" Dr Daniel.  

Thank you and goodnight comrades! Cannot wait for 17th June! 

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3 hours ago, joongkyo said:

@munyeng you just killed me with that song. Reading the lyrics and hearing SJK singing. Will Kyo sing the female parts...oh god..dead!


Oh God!!! am still recuperating...and now this!!! can't take it anymore I have to say something...anything...feel like am in a roller coaster ride...and one more thing the song selections are DAEBAK!!! are they getting married or something?...now I'm liking this song too included in the list...My Way by Hins Cheung...I like the lyrics and the melody...don't if this has been posted cos I have not finish reading and liking all the post...and still have pages to backread...here it is..:wub:


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7 minutes ago, cristapark said:

Does Dispatch know something about our couple?? Just I find it strange with their hashtag the best couple with some heart emoticon...it seems like they're a shipper too.


Mmm, I think this is what people are speculating now, possibly July 1st is the reveal date.


Maybe SJK might do it himself on 17th June :)


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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:

Okay, important question. 

How many people on the thread are willing to contribute towards the flower sending arrangement.

  • Don't worry you don't have to share your details with anyone.
  • You can buy a flower arrangement of your choice, anything within your budget.


Reason why I'm asking is because we'll select ONE online florist who will do the delivery to the Venue and we'll attach the SAME MESSAGE. Seeing how it's in 10 days, we'll need the time to organise the project.


Please count me in! 

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