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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Those hands know exactly where to go!  How comfortable they have become!  SHK a bit shy but SJK is there as a very firm and protective 'man'.  They look lovely together!!!  It's amazing how SHK stands like a statue next to SJK at the first press on of DOTS - look at how she responds to his movements now - loved it!!

i kept re watching their red carpet appearance and it just makes me smile - SHK voluntarily hangs on to SJK arm - SJK trying to feel her hand on his arm - SJK just extending his hand out and SHK reaching out to hold him as well.  That night, they won everyone's attention - that's all that matters to me - as a big fan!

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Looking at utkim last picture, lol I feel like hunting down this big eyed girl sitting infront of SJK the whole time and finding out what they are talking about!! She is there in almost all pictures and videos! I need to know her really....also as much as J is complaining to me how she hates SS being thrown into a dark corner, I somehow felt better seeing that dark corner makes them more comfortable away from the limelight otherwise they wouldn't be able to be so close the whole time while sitting together. I cannot imagine them sitting first row then we will miss out a lot on that ear talking lol 

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ughhhhhhhh.... I'm trying to surpress my anger right now.... just realize that the Lee Sanbastardian was there too... :grimace::angry:

OMG calm down my raging heart.. if I remember what has he done to her.. I want to destroy that person with my own hands... but I don't want to waste my energy to that trashy human and don't care even if he play in Hollywood continuation of Twilight (as the Wolf man aka NEUKDAE) keep telling my self that it was centuries ago and Goddess has been cleansed and sacred by the new light of love...  God has granted her the best man He ever created...

excuse my rant but this onnie is always so emotional and upset when it comes to those two person.. and so relieve for that ONE person's blessing...



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9 hours ago, finickyfray said:

yess the mc said somg song couple and the camera focus on kyo so the mc said to get a shot with both of them, ki starts laughing lol

zoptv check it out

Does anybody have a link to a video of that part? OMG! OMG!

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I spend overnight for saving all the picture of our Kikyo, OMG, my feeling is still in the sky :rolleyes: I thought that how they will ignore other and now I'm here, we here to see what we never can expect for more ! Eventhough, through happiness, through our scream, yelling, clapping hand or jumping also hahah there is some feeling peace in me. I mean, now I trust in our couple 999999% , the way SJK treats Kyo is just like a real man take care for his  own woman, the way how awesome he is when he confides in showing to the world that Kyo is for him hahah ( It was shown in 3 or 4s only but I'm now feeling how great he is) . At first, I'm nervous about our cp, I'm worry about can this young man mature enough to take care for my sis, can this young man make my sis doesnt feel alone anymore? But it's ok now, I completely trust in him when I saw Kyo's smile in happiness. Thank you SJK, thank you for giving us amazing woman like now, 3/6/16, I'll always remember  "Hard it was, finally they can do it." :wub:

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6 hours ago, Bella Nha said:

 Even actress from M...S still cannot compare to Kyo for conveying the emotion and bringing it to life! I wish I can threw a bunch of complaint paper right on their face! Hmmm sorry guys! I am too angry! Poor my Kyo. You are the real winner for me and many more! TBH I never care that freaking Baesang is! It is my first time watching it because of SS couple!

Sorry to cut your post to this point.. so very true. I watched MLFTS just to compare. In reality in was nice but i had to jump to certain scenes and then went straight to the ending disregarding other ep.coz i was bored. She was so over acting. But in DOTS i even replayed scenes. Never cut eps. Truth of the matter is ive watched it over again for so many times already i lost count.. never mind THAT lost our dear SHK has gained and won more than all the others combined. SS was in the house and they brought the house down. Twas very clear the fans in the venue were for the SS couple. . So its baeksangs lost not the ss..

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I was laughing and screaming when I saw them exit the car on red carpet I so appreciate that SHK and SJK ...haha  seeing them interacting was greater and more special. l  I am so grateful SHK and SJK attended wishing them bigger and better days together


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6 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I don't think what they did was just for the fans .. It was not fan service.....I hope ppl stop saying it's fan service .. :D .... SHK is not THAT ...

You are correct. No ounce of hypocrisy in their actions that night it was all so eu naturalle.. they acted so natural as if placing his hand on her shoulder and wrapping her hand on his waist was an ordinary thing they do. They showed each other love and support. They are just PERFECT.

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I believe the seriousness in SJK is because the person who give her queen the heartache is in front of him and his queen kyo look so nervous because of santa too...I think instead of nervousness she act awkwardly.. That fuel his jealous side at the same time his protectiveness of him...he doesn't care if that person is very very sunbae to him...such a man,,,.really a true gentleman

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Happy Post-Baeksang Day, everyone!

Was yesterday Day 0, and today Day 1 in SS reality? Hee hee

By now new readers to the thread should get the vibe that the shipping here is rather hardcore, no matter the difference in style of writing posts. You can tell just by the spazzing over Baeksang. 

Mr S has been dropping hints in his public outings, in fanmeets, Hongkong press con, Happy Camp appearance, and his much earlier national news interview.

It has all been analysed on this thread.

South Korean media, the media of the whole of Asia are going to be full of how much they look like a bride and groom.

Even Dispatch is shipping them. 

This is from Dispatch's weibo last night. They highlighted the way Mr S looks at Ms S. Then in a reply to a comment, they said this group of photos gives the impression of a wedding.


Source: http://m.weibo.cn/5641055499/DyzDOr3nz


Please don't pass off trolling by claiming to be new or a casual reader then try to dampen the euphoria here by claiming you think SS are merely "close friends" and this is "progress" in their friendship. Puhleeeze. Girl, we have seen your likes before and just because you have adopted a more friendly mien, does not lessen your trollness.

So if you want to hang onto your other otp go ahead. You cannot hope to affect the reality that is the love between Mr and Ms S. But I pity you. I really do. 


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2 hours ago, utkim said:



Goshhh..they way they look to each other...eh, Kyo...it's like my 1st time seeing you like this 





Good morning and Dear friends,  may I know how many artist and actress came togather like them? 

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I swear - give me an internet connection and I can just live in this thread forever :heart:and ever:heart:and ever:heart:

I guess tonight's a good night to do DOTS reruns (like any other night, tho' tonight is special coz of the events earlier) :blush:


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Do you think there might be a few other reasons SJK is not his usual self? The major reason possibly is the cancellation of his fan meeting in China lying heavily on his heart causing him concern about disappointing his fans. Another possible reason: I believe prior to the awards night they would (more or less) know who was to receive the major awards and if SHK had a choice she would not have attended. She did it for the fans who voted earnestly for her and the knowledge that SJK wished to do it for the fans too and be with her accepting the award. The SJK I know is a bigger man that any man in that room and there is not enough words in my dictionary that is comparable to what I have observe so far of this wonderful man. Let us not dwell on any negative as opposing side watches this thread and will pick on it and used it against our couple. There could be other reasons they did not stay back and I truly believe it is not because of that person. He does not exist in her world so please stop talking about him.

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2 hours ago, SeGafanlady said:

ughhhhhhhh.... I'm trying to surpress my anger right now.... just realize that the Lee Sanbastardian was there too... :grimace::angry:

OMG calm down my raging heart.. if I remember what has he done to her.. I want to destroy that person with my own hands... but I don't want to waste my energy to that trashy human and don't care even if he play in Hollywood continuation of Twilight (as the Wolf man aka NEUKDAE) keep telling my self that it was centuries ago and Goddess has been cleansed and sacred by the new light of love...  God has granted her the best man He ever created...

excuse my rant but this onnie is always so emotional and upset when it comes to those two person.. and so relieve for that ONE person's blessing...




Onni I'm so thankful too..I think SJK help her a lot to face her fear of meeting that devil in the red carpet too...surely he's encouraging her and not to worry coz he's just beside her...I'm tearing up when I realize that she show a brave face facing him and so happy that SJK show how much he care to her and willing to sacrifice hisself just to protect her...Kyo need a man that will stand on her and beside her and I see it that Joongki is the real man

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I'm a officially DEAD... That was the best night EVER!

Thank you ALL for sharing those beautiful pictures and videos!

KiKyo is REAL!


I'm 100% sure they are in love! :heart:

and I adore them both...


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4 hours ago, lovemetruly said:

And they don't even need to look down to locate one's hand. It's all automatic! He reaches for her like instinct, and she reciprocates it in an equal manner. No rigidness at all. So accustomed and attuned to each other's body. This is how couples are. Synchronized, harmonious and at ease.  


I was about to say the same thing. It's like their hands are magnets! Automatically finding each other. The bliss I'm feeling now is no joke. It would last me a month. Good morning! 

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 I'm sorry guys, I just can't get over this two BEAUTIFUL couple! Their interaction is so precious! I never love a couple this hard! Song-Song couple is so golden precious! Their action show us all about them! Don't need any publicized their relationship :bawling::heart::) omg I just can't!!!!!!! Hye Kyo looking like she is herself around Joong Ki....This is what you call LOVE~

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