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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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37 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

If I am dead and this is SongSong heaven then I want to stay here forever. Thanks @finickyfray, it's different from what you understood but it's great nonetheless...lol

Starting 8:44, please pay attention to SJK's expressions!


T  to PBG - Asking him about his favourite/memorable scene from DOTS

PBG - There are so many..first of all the drama - looks beautiful/made beautiful (guessing he means the cinematography), and added to that the sunbae actors/actresses who are in the drama are very cool and pretty. If I was to choose out of all the scenes, in my personal opinion.

(he describes the line in the tent where SJK is trying to get a kiss from SHK, where she's still holding out. SJK says something to the effect of how he'll do his best and leave the rest to her obliging his request..remember that bit!?)

PBG describes how SJK's expression when asking for that kiss made an impression on him.

(please notice sjk's expression!)

PBG - that part really looked like a real life couple, his hands were curling during that bit.

SJK - points at PBG wanting to say something but the Translator is still speaking.

SJK - I see, so that's how it is...don't tell me you like that scene because SHK is looking pretty.

PBG - No, no ...I like it because of Hyung.

SJK gives him a fist bump.


Yes, PBG you wise man - don't compliment SHK's looks in front of SJK.



thank you for your translation :wub:

SJK is funny, so you can say "her face is small, she looks good in every angle, she is indeed beautiful..." but when your dongsaeng is about to express his fanboy over your girl, you give the poor boy a glance, hehe :wub::D:lol: 

and PBG ssi, I believed you when you said you did visit SJK when he was filming, but I can't believe you when you said you watched DOTS, because everybody who watched DOTS know very well the scene you are talking about is "Captain Yoo (Yoo Si Jin) is trying to make a move on Doctor Kang aka Kang Mo Yeon", you could say "Yoo daewinim and Kang sonsaeng" but listen to your own answer, you said " JK-hyung and SHK sunbaenim", tsk tsk tsk :phew: not a fan of DOTS, but a fan of your hyung's love story then :w00t::w00t::w00t:

there is also one thing that I loved in the vid when SJK answered about the pic of him, SHK and YAI, when the MC went "her face is already small, yet she's still hiding in the back (to look more prettier)", and the translator translated that, SJK just burst out very cute laugh like "hehe, stop teasing my girl, she's pretty" :wub:

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Hello comrades!!! Whoaa..the thread is moving so fast!:blink:

And, i think i'm going to die from all the love now, seeing that it's so much love in the air now in this thread:wub::wub::wub:

I'm going to do back reading now, as i've always said i don't wanna miss a thing especially the details from tonight Beijing Fan Meeting!

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Delurking just to say hi! I've been a silent reader following this thread since its early stages and I'm literally logging into my soompi account for the first time in seven years to join in on the fun!

First of all, thank you so much to all the regular contributors and translators who keep this thread constantly moving along. Please accept my sincere gratitude :)

Also, tonight has been exciting! Like some people mentioned, at this point I don't even think there's a need to snoop around for information anymore because SJK has literally been revealing everything through his own mouth during the last few fan meetings. I personally think his face expressions are especially telling whenever SHK is mentioned or whenever he's talking about info pertaining to SHK. 

Whatever it is, one thing's for sure - this ship is sailing along at full speed and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon. 


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*Still cannot go back to the normal mode and currently swimming happily in our thread*

We have the namja's message to fans after the Beijing FM today, so happy to see his fulfill expression with bright smile :lol: I wonder why :phew:

Credit as labelled.


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SJK's video message part 1 and 2

~ he says he just got back from the fan meeting and how he's still not over the interaction with fans.

~ he hopes that the fans had a great time as well.

~ he promises more fun things in the future fan meetings and asks fans to look out for the other fan meetings. He says he's prepared other things for the fans :D

~he would thank the fans and the staff for their effort towards organising the fan meeting.

~ he wants to spend more happy times with the fans.

~ he requests all fans to return to their homes safely.. (aww)


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@hyukgu your gifs are amazing JOONGKI LOOKING SO DAMN HAPPY AND CUTE LIKE THAT MAKES ME GRIN SO MUCH HERE AT MIDNIGHT MY HEART IS BOUT TO BURST :heart: (is it cos you've revealed your private pictures and spoke so much bout SHK /directly/ that you're extra animated tonight, SJK-ssi? :D

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thank you everyone for the videos, translates, summary, pictures.. It's indeed one of our best night ever.. Thanks Joongki-shi for letting us know your pictures and the story! You really indeed make our day happier and I can't stop smiling from ear to ear.

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WOW, is the only reaction I can manage to write after back-reading and giggling and just being overjoyed with everything that is happening in our ship! 

Thank you all for sharing the videos, translations, pictures and all other updates regarding SJK and SHK, I am sooooo happy right now it's not a joke, we are such a blessed and a lucky ship, we have so many direct proof that strengthen our belief in them and it comes straight out of their own mouths, they themselves post pics of them together, share that they have been meeting privately, he insists on calling her SHK-ssii, the way he talks about her is very telling, now granted we see more of SJK these days since he is on fan-meets and I am very grateful because we have so many juicy things coming our way :D 

I am very happy to see you post again @joongkyo, and I agree with your earlier post, we can actually just sit back and enjoy the love story that is unfolding in front of us, we don't have to dig deep or make speculations or invent false information as some other people do in order to create a false hope, they themselves are open and sincere enough to subtly make people get used to the idea of them as a couple. I think they will continue to meet and share info about each other, making it seem like it's normal and then when the time comes and they will make the much awaited announcement everyone will be accepting and they'll be like "oh yeah, I knew this would happen".

Oh well, whatever happens, I am simply overjoyed and happy to be part of this ship, they both are amazing together and as individuals so I will be patient and see where all this leads too :)

Have a great weekend everyone! Here's to the fist bump couple 



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I was worried about him just two days back because of his insanely busy schedule and that it would take a toll on his health. But now i am more than happy that even in his busy schedule he takes time to meet her. *priorities *priorities* And i think we neednt worry about him hereafter, atleast, he has a person to go to when he returns home(any guesses who that person is??):lol:

He again says that he prepared few things for his fans in the upcoming fanmeetings. So guys brace yourselves, he might even announce his relationship in the next fanmeet:wub:

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I just noticed something after watching the clip on him singing Long Time No See. He was wearing the black band again on his left hand (it might be product placement) and I saw SHK was wearing one on her right hand on the photo that he posted... it might not be related but the shipper heart in me is saying he's wearing that cos he missed her n the song is dedicated to her...:)

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Come here a little bit late since I could not watch the FM live. All I can say now is: JOONG KI-SSI, YOU MADE MY DAY!!! :heart:

My heart is full of joy and I can't stop grinning at those pictures. It's been quite a long time since we saw our OTP in the same picture frame, and all of a sudden, the heat was rising crazily again today. Just can't imagine how this perfectly perfect scenario could happen to us shippers. Argh, I'm totally dead with these hints that keep being poured by our Song-Song.

Also, I wanna say thank you to all the shippers here who have posted pics, video and translations, I really really appreciate your dedication. (My mouse's left-click button is nearly broken cuz I can't help liking the posts)

Back to looking at those pictures and videos, though it's midnight already...:joy:


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