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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@joongkyo the baby baby saying, i think i saw it after they finish the fish cutting scene. after the director say cut then they are joking and shk was saying 아기아기 something. my korean can only let me go that much. i am not sure too. sorry if i am wrong :) 

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I am back reading, can't sleep... Just found out: @lynne22 happy bday sista!!! I am sorry, I am late... :D 

The tread jumped 20 pages, lol. 

Btw, thank you @hclover96 for the news about Happy Camp, look forward to it. And I have to agree with most of you here, DOTS season 2 with bed scene and kids, that's a must. lol. 

Thanks so much everyone for the updates, news and pics. I am sorry I was spamming the tread with my histerical posts during the special just now, I was overly excited.

Ok, now continue back reading. 



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3 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


Okay but that post was made by Dr. Pyo and not SHK.....lol. So it won't make sense for her to be posting SHK's line from the epilogue episode. :)  but I'll check again.

ahhh i got it, i thought it might be some kind of inside joke or something. i am thinking too much, should sleep for now. my mind is running everywhere. sorry! rofl. thankyou for all ur translation todayyyy :) 

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I knew that after the BTS is aired I will have A LOT to backread. 

I'm on page 511 now. 

Regarding the possibility of DOTS Season 2, I am as happy as I could be but also preparing my heart if it's not finalized. 

IF they do make it, I hope the quality is as good or even better than the previous one. I have faith to the production team, though. 

Well, even if it's not good, if there's Song2 in it, I'd watch it anyway (probably with 25% of the world's population).

Thank you @joongkyo for first telling us that news. 

And happy birthday to @lynne22 . Birthday on the day the news of DOTS Season 2 is being considered and the BTS aired. What a lucky day!

For my first class this evening, we finished 20 minutes earlier than I expected. So I played them DOTS ep. 16. Hey, it's Eng Sub, so it's ok as class material, haha. My PET4 kids love it. They're around 14-15 yo. I played only Song2 scenes.

Gonna continue reading all the pages.

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4 hours ago, cristapark said:

Woooh it's so hot...they show some scenes yo shi Jin was unconscious...he seems to enjoy exposing his body in front of her...hot hot hot



What an interesting comment. Well, he got a nice body. Very um.......presentable to our goddess. 

*back to page 512*

4 hours ago, Jalhanda said:

The drunk MY scene was hilarious...SJK cannot even speak his dialogue because he kept on laughing!!!!!


You enjoy it that much, huh, SJK? *pats his back*

SHK acting crazy and cute. I get why you doubled up in laughter.

I think I read somewhere before, one of the symptoms of man in love is seeing all the girl's attitude as adorable or funny, therefore lots of laughter. Why are you so spazzable, Song2?

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How adorable can this guy be? Sitting casually on a sofa, eating sandwich all the while wearing luxury Dior suit lol He's really down-to-earth like his beautiful lady :rolleyes:


credits: vougekorea/baidu

I bet he wants to get home soon so his life partner SHK can cook some hot and nutritious meals for him rather than eating sandwich for dinner though LOL (delulu mode at its finest) 

@convalescentI have always enjoyed reading your posts. Once again thank you for taking time and sharing your thought with us. It was amazing <3

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Well done, all shippers! 


Might sound like a broken record already, but I just to convey my deepest gratitude for every helpful members of this thread, for everything: translations of interviews and captions, pics, gifs, insights, opinions, c-strips, deductions, etc...etc... Thank you very much, joongkyo, ilovesjk, segafanlady, and all... Aint we the luckiest shipper around? 


Next, just my two cents regarding recent events and occurences: 


- Third, fourth, fifth....and so on -party's opinions of SS relationship and chemistry. Its not worth to cause any doubt, not because we only see what we want to see as shipper, but because they are working in ent industry, where trust and good track record is important. Revealing anything that isn't supposed to be their right will do them no good, particularly when the people involved choose to stay silent on the said matter. There is also the reason of respect, as they've worked together for many months. It is just not their position to say anything about SS private life. It is telling enough how they (co-actors, staffs, production crews) choose to honor SS decision to avoid the private territory by avoiding to leak any picture with SS in it in any occasion they were together and had the chance to take it the pic (the wrap up party, the co-hosted party, etc). I don't think we can get anything juicy from them, with Jin Goo as exception. 

- SJK Fan Meeting. He is indeed, a sangnamja. Great looks, great personality. The most important thing about this FM to me is that now he is into the smaller built type of girl, who is wise and sensible, how he keeps the marriage thing in his mind, not very far in the future, and how he is not the type who will easily bend to his fans wish or compromise his private life for their sake. We know from the previous interview that he wants to find love and to marry, but to repeat it in front of his ardent fans, at his first FM since his leap to infinite stardom? I think personally, he already has the concept as to whom he will marry to. Ah...not to forget the "present tense" and seemingly disconnected answer! How come the question of if, is answered with "My gf is always right..."?. Still-can't-fathom-what's-inside-his-head-when-he-answered.. 

- SHK interview. She is, indeed, very honest. (And goodness, very, very beatiful!) My highlight in her interview - in the POV of shipper - is how she too is dancing around the subject. Would anyone please tell the two of them WHAT IS THE RUMOR REALLY ABOUT? Hehehe..though, they, who talked and enjoyed it over drinks must have known it already... From the way she answered, I can't help but thinking, she was nervous. As she said herself, she is a straightforward lady. Yet she can't tell the simple, "No, we're not dating" and then proceeded to explain the reason for them to meet in NY, etc..etc... Or probably, "No, we're just friend...". Instead, she proceeded to reveal a little to much about the detail of NYC meal, and out of the blue, thanking LKS and YAI for their participation in the drama. How is that even connected to the rumor? Trying a distraction tactic, Beauty? Or.....too nervous that her previous choice of words were too revealing? Either way, the shipper score! And...yay for the marriage thought! It is very true that without anyone in mind, this kind of question should and could be answered very differently. How very similar, you two. 

- The most recent revelation: BTS scenes.. So it is true that they were close even before the project began, close enough for a polite, well mannered SJK to rub his head repeatedly to SHK's shoulder at the first script reading (and from the video, he didn't even asked for her permission first, am I rite?). Provided that they seemed to officially met in 2013, bumped and greeted each other at some cafes prior to SJK's enlistment, and presumably resumed the meeting after they confirmed of accepting the role (thus met and discussed the writers about their characters) and how he immediately spotted mingled with SHK's friends after his discharge ......and the fact that SHK is not a person who is known to be too friendly (not in the 'arrogant' or 'distant' tone, but as far as I know, even some well-known K-celebs haven't got any chance to see her in person yet, meaning that she is not the type to hang out with just anyone at anyplace and anytime), there must be some intense friendship or connection building during the time period. I mean, she is The SHK. Every co-stars and actors in the set were telling how nervous they were when they met her. But not SJK, per his action. And it must take mutual comfort level for them for letting such action shown in front of many people. I haven't watch the complete BTS yet to comment further, but what's interesting for me is that:

-- They were close before the project began. 

-- They were very friendly during the filming, touchy feely etc. Laughing out loud without care over each other's antics. She obviously let him did what he did, and vice versa without reservation.

-- They maintained the close connection during filming break and after filming; visiting Park Hoon's mother's restaurant together, arranging birthday party for KMS together, dined (and shop, and hold hands -sorry, can't help myself!) in NYC, having many other meals together (read:hanging out), co-hosting party together, sharing similar circle of friends and personal staffs, etc. 

-- > Soo...if they are this close, and NOTHING personal involved, it is more befitting for her to position and call him as her younger brother aka dongsaeng, just like what she did to YAI?. If her closeness to SJK is already at that level above, and as seen in BTS, IF THEY ARE INDEED JUST FRIEND, it seems natural for her to relate him as her dongsaeng too, right? He is her hoobae, he is four years younger than her. 


"But she doesn't address him as dongsaeng. Despite their closeness, she addresses him as SJK-sshi. For those who understands Korean culture, that means she implicitly says she sees him as a man-as in, her equal-, right?. If my memory is correct, she only mentioned him as a reliable dongsange in the 1st PC (followed by hilariously sulky face from the said dongsaeng, if the reporter was correct). Now I wonder why..........."


- A late point to bring, and many of us have brought it the thread before, is the way he held SHK's waist at the beginning of HK PC. I share the sentiment, after a bit researching about body language, that it is one of the very revealing sign of affection and possession from a man to a woman. In the beginning of the 1st PC, he was very restrained around her, and only shyly and lightly touched her outer upper arms. But in the HK PC, the first thing he did was to hold her waist for some seconds, then moved to her inner shoulder. I too think that he was indirectly telling the world that the lady is his. And he did it without hesitation or shy smiles. He did it confidently, I don't think its a slip. He did many PCs before. He must have known which body parts to touch to convey the right message to the press. Interestingly, SHK didn't seem to mind the gesture, yet she didn't reciprocate by, for example linking her arms with SJK, unlike with her previous costars. That goes .....while they are in the real life is very close to each other, now proven by the BTS. What is going on...? To ward of the rumor? Unless she is too shy if she did the skinship she'll, they'll betray too much emotions and microexpressions....... (Ok, I'm dizzy because of overanalyzing it, hopefully you all get the point) 


- Onto the last point, I've read somewhere, someone SJK is not yet 'worthy' to date SHK because he is not yet at her level, unlike her previous costars and friends and connections. I wont discuss the career level or acting level-wise. What I want to convey is that at the personal level, they worth each other, and if anyone ever to express her admiration towards his personality, that is SHK. Since her first interview regarding DoTS and SJK (in Elle), she had shown how she was impressed with his personality, and she has stressed it over and over again. I believe for a lady as experienced and wise as SHK, money, fame, and other superficial qualities are not her standard in choosing who she wants to date. The recent interview pointed us to the qualities she wants from a man; all boils down to personal level. And at that, SJK, is very worthy man to have, and whoever ends up being his bride is one very lucky lady - SHK, if you ask me (always a shipper!) 


I don't think I've covered everything I'd like to say, pardon me for this rambling, but since I don't have the luxury of time and chance, I tend to put it all at once. My apology for the long, haphazard post. Have a pleasant, long squeeing - giggling -drooling - daydreaming -fest everyone, glad to be part of you all! 



Sidenote: I remember one thing I'd like to discuss, about the possibility of them being in relationship with other person right now. My opinion, is, that notion is just impossible, the reasons could be find in post above. Thank you again! 

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Reposting your gif, @joongkyo!


Just wanted to point out that these two are attached at the hip, literally. Noticed they're always glued together while sitting? No matter what setting, onscreen or off screen. They don't seem to mind allowing the other into their bubble. There's only one person in this world that I allow to be this close to me and it's my boyfriend.

After watching more of their behind the scenes, I'm suddenly reminded of Actress Lee Bo Young's interview. When she was asked if she'd ever act alongside husband Ji Sung, she answered no because she would not be able to take his face seriously and would laugh too much. SongSong are a perfect example of this. They're much too comfortable that they can't keep a straight face for any of their scenes. They seemed to have caught the smiling bug and evidently cannot feel their faces when they're with each other. 

I can tell the ice was broken much earlier on and the two just got closer and closer as filming progressed. They're professional actors and didn't have this problem in previous projects so the only explanation with them is they're too close for their own good. I wanted to witness the two laughing so hard and having to step aside to regroup like they mentioned so I was pretty satisfied.

And SJK looking like a complete idiot, unable to stay consistent with the way he addresses SHK, not even in different parts of the interview/recap but in the same sentence, had me rolling. I may have excused him a bit had it been different parts of the interview. Oppa, you just really want to stake your claim loud and clear, don't you? You might as well since all your male colleagues, superiors, and bystanders are living vicariously through you. They'd die to be you for just a minute.  

Now I'm not a criminal or anything but I suddenly want to commit burglary and break into the KBS building to get my hands on all the BTS. Anyone want to come with? ;)  

@Chewy Hoe Let me hug you! I feel your exact sentiments sometimes and have addressed the same issue earlier on, with good intention just like what you've done. After all, we are all on the same ship because we adore these two together so I don't see the reason for anyone to need to put one down to bring the other one up. People can say what they want but I will say again that both SongSong are equally attracted to one another. SJK could've been smitten by SHK but had she not reciprocated, it would've ended there. SJK is well mannered and would have had too much respect for her as she's older and a sunbaenim to him, and is Song Hye Kyo for God's sake, to dare pursue her without her paving the way for him. All in all, I think SJK tested the water here and there and once he was sure of her feelings towards him, he made his move. These two are much too cute!    

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@convalescent :wub::wub::wub: love your post... 

@ilovesjk  Sorry to cut your post.. but i can't help to agree with you... really well said :) 


@Chewy Hoe Let me hug you! I feel your exact sentiments sometimes and have addressed the same issue earlier on, with good intention just like what you've done. After all, we are all on the same ship because we adore these two together so I don't see the reason for anyone to need to put one down to bring the other one up. People can say what they want but I will say again that both SongSong are equally attracted to one another. SJK could've been smitten by SHK but had she not reciprocated, it would've ended there. SJK is well mannered and would have had too much respect for her as she's older and a sunbaenim to him, and is Song Hye Kyo for God's sake, to dare pursue her without her paving the way for him. All in all, I think SJK tested the water here and there and once he was sure of her feelings towards him, he made his move. These two are much too cute!    


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4 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Guys, can we do a POLL. How many of you think the staff is absolutely crazy for thinking that they could fool us with that Sibling nonsense?. I didn't see him calling SHK a noona even once on the BTS - he only said that once in the interview and then immediately got confused as said SHK-shi.






I think the staff did their best to edit out the major chemistry moments and they left the *more innocent* stuff and even there it's SO OBVIOUS. IT CANNOT be hidden, the staff....please do a better job at editing if you want to fool us!



1. YES

Or protecting Song2? Or asked by UAA and Blossom? I feel that the staff must be respecting and caring for these two people that make DOTS such a success. Whatever they are saying must be for Song2's good

2. Undeniable chemistry


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Finally done with back reading, you guys are on fire, this ship is the most fun ship ever! I was at work and super busy so I couldn't join the party but I was having so much fun reading your comments, a big thank you to all those who kept sharing gifs, videos and photos of the BTS goodies, keeping us informed.

I think most of you have already stated all I have to say but I also want to say what I confirmed and have no more doubts about what kind of relationship they have. I confirmed that they were very comfortable with each other since the very start, I was actually shocked to see SJK rubbing his head on her shoulder in the first script reading, I really didn't see that coming, I know they met beforehand but I thought it was just that, a meeting of discussing their characters but please, be real, would you do that gesture to someone without being close to them to the extent that you know they won't take it the wrong way, we all know SJK is a very respectful and considerate man so I am sure he wouldn't do that to SHK or any other woman without being cautious, I know it probably was something done in the moment trying to lighten the mood or him trying to be funny but  right there you can confirm that they are close and intimate enough for him to be funny and friendly and sweet WITH HER  and I agree with  @joongkyo that SJK during all the interactions in BTS videos I've seen he was acting as a total OPPA, like a man that's in charge and knows how to lead a lady, and absolutely NOT like a little dongseong who is all shy and a bit intimidated by his sunbae, I know he's not a little boy and it's actually his personality, which I like because it shows he is a manly man and doesn't shy away but my point is that their interactions have NOTHING on sibling vibes, if that's how sibling like relationships are like then we don't know anything!!

The director and all of the male cast and crew are absolutely in love with SHK, (and how can they not be), her beauty and cuteness is in another level, I laughed so hard at the drunk scene, when I watched the scene in the episode I wondered actually how much they took to film the scene and if they laughed so I am happy to see SJK not being able to take her cuteness and laugh so hard. 

One thing is for sure, no one can convince me they are just in a friends/siblings/collegues/sunbae/noona/dongseong relationship, we do have eyes to see, mind to understand, reason to base our opinions and sense to get to a conclusion. I am just waiting for the wedding announcement!

And lastly because I cannot get enough of it I am sharing this gif :D 


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4 hours ago, bliss7 said:

well one thing was too obvious from BTS.. that is the Director was madly in love with our Kyo. You can tell how he wished he was SJK :P and he kept touching HK for no particular reason.


Agreed. If Song2 were not real, I'd be worried.

But well, even if he made a move, I'm sure uri Goddess would choose SJK no matter what.

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