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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@joongkyo's post makes my head dizzy!!!

I need to read it a few more times to grasp it. 

What I am curious about is whether he gave the bouquet to her afterwards or he just sent her the pic?



Btw, in the spirit of supporting Song2 couple, a good OST for us shippers is necessary. I recommend "Will You Marry Me". The lyrics is, in my opinion, so SJK's feeling to SHK. 

Try to listen and read the lyrics please. 



Will you marry me?
Will you live forever with me?
Whilst loving each other

I want to have a child that looks like me,
another one that looks like you
And live, unhurt, for 1000, or 10000 years

To be honest with you, I like you more than you like me
And people say thats better between a man and a woman
I’ll love you more, Ill take care of you

If you cry,
if you’re having a hard time,
if you’re hurt,
Ill hurt with you

Ill love you forever,
Ill protect you forever
Im thankful that
Ive met someone like you

I want to love only you everyday
Will you marry me

Marry me, theres a feeling of happiness everyday
And I look forward to tomorrow with you
Why am I nervous
You are the best, no matter how much I look at you
Until our black hair becomes white
Until our lives end
Even if I put water to your hands, I wont put tears in your eyes

You as my half,
Im as your half
Ill love you as long as I breathe

When time goes by and we get wrinkles
You and I will be together like now

Ill love you more.
Ill take care of you If you cry,
If youre having a hard time, if youre hurt, Ill hurt with you

Ill love you forever,
Ill protect you forever
Im thankful that
Ive met someone like you

Will You Marry Me?

Youre like the light which lightened up my dark life
The sound of soup boiling greeting me
The rain that falls on my thirsty heart
The poem that contains the meaning of love
The string of destiny that the heavens have allowed
The meeting between you and I was meant to be
Youll be irreplaceable even if I was given the whole world

Youll be the only person in my life forever
Ill love you more.
Ill take care of you If you cry, if youre having a hard time, if youre hurt, Ill hurt with you

Ill love you forever,
Ill protect you forever
Im thankful that
Ive met someone like you

Will You Marry Me?



@Prentiss : no more updates for Lilacs for the Angel tonight or tomorrow, because the writer is busy reading a certain soompi forum. 


Besides, I'm actually in the mood to continue "In The Name of The Emperor"

But first, I'm off to reread Joongkyo's post again.

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@joongkyo You know what, this thread actually feels so blessed for having not only our Song Song but also you :wub: You are beyond amazing with all of your information and I am really grateful for that :D 


Since I am also in the other side of world where everyone is supposed to sleep now, just wanna say good night everyone, thanks for keeping this thread alive mmuaah :heart:

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@joongkyo thank you so much!!!. :heart:

though i always believe in them but this info makes even more worthwhile. :wub::wub:

good nite everyone and from the bottom of my heart i truly appreciate all ur inputs. i am praying that i meet smexy sjk in my dreams :P

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As per @joongkyo 's info, I have another interesting thing to ponder. 

Three of the photographers that are close to her work with SJK lately. 

Could it be that she's the one who recommend them all to work together?

I like this idea. She being the more stable in the industry and he being the less experienced one in terms of network. He is listening to her advise then. They can so discuss the best steps to further his career and expand his horizon over coffee......after midnight.......at her place........

OIAJDFIOJASDIFJSADIFJOISDJFOISDJFOISDJFDJFOISDJFIODSJFOIDS OMG does this happen to you too everytime Joongkyo posts something juicy???

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1 minute ago, ladylia257 said:

OIAJDFIOJASDIFJSADIFJOISDJFOISDJFOISDJFDJFOISDJFIODSJFOIDS OMG does this happen to you too everytime Joongkyo posts something juicy???


^ Pretty much! Welcome to the Sherlock Joongkyo fan club.

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that moment when i'm still lurking and suddenly the sherlock @joongkyo posts again and I can't sleep again :blush: (and SJK, always ever the sweetest gentleman keeping in touch and supporting his co-stars, esp one that's indirectly linked to SHK!) maaaaaaaan, the evidence gets stronger by the passing days and this just feels like stronger wind sailing us in the right direction hoho 

/alright goodnight for real! :)

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Omo I didn't know that PSY owns mzuu! And Dongseang Ki is nice like that always helping friends plug stuff and ya married women who is a Friend of Kyo accompanied by Kyo Friend. SJK you are amazing like that really 

@ladylia257 chingu the big picture of it is that they are sharing every possible resources now despite not being in the same company. 

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3 hours ago, redwinecouple said:

Just got back from a long vacation. I was too excited because I had way too many pages to backread.

Got disappointed!!

Too much negativity on this thread and too many unnecessary posts took up most of my time reading. Let's avoid wasting each other's time and space here. I'd rather see a repeated gif or photos of Song-Song in here, than some posts that doesn't deserve a single spot in this thread. Now I have to start from the last part, I also skipped a lot of pages hence the likes on the diff other pages. Can't believe I skipped pages on this thread!!! 

Anyway, I'd like to clarify that SHK bagged the daesang award already, that was during twtwb days, 2013. I think someone mentioned she never won any daesang yet. 

Just wake me up when all these head spinning negativities are over. Hope to get back with interesting posts soon. 

Thank You to the hardworking ones who never stopped keeping this thread alive. 

Yeah, I mentioned it on my post, that she deserved to have it this year. :) Really, she bagged it during twtwb? I was really rooting for her back then because she did great but I thought it was Lee Bo Young who got it for I Hear Your Voice. Anyway, as long as she will have it, along with the Best Couple award, this year then We'll be happy. :) 

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OmG guys i can't believe we're going from legs to nipple now and i'm late to the party ;( backreading now.

Ps: i'm glad the mood in this thread is gradually back, yay. Let's stay happy and positive. Let's just ignore the hater and the troll, and focus to our gorgeous couple instead. Welcome back @joongkyo you're our Captain, we'll be lost without you :wub:

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An excerpt from Jasper Choi's Hancinema interview. 


HC: What has been your most challenging scene in the drama and how did you tackle it as an actor? 

J: I think the scene where I meet up with Mo-yeon for the first time. This was hard, cuz you know, anyone could panic when acting in front of [Song Hye-kyo]. I tackled it thinking she's just a person. Just an ordinary woman. But I still think I did it bad. I see the frustration in my eyes...




[NEWS] Jasper Cho Exclusive Interview with Hancinema

Hello HanCinema fans! I am so pleased to bring you our interview with Jasper Cho, the talented young actor who just finished an amazing run as Dr. Daniel Spencer in the hottest drama of the year, "Descendants of the Sun". Thank you to all of you who asked questions. Please read on to find out which two lucky fans had their questions answered by Jasper and to see what he had to say about working on "Descendants of the Sun", how he broke into the industry, and much, much more!

HanCinema: How did you first get into performing? Was it through music? You are active on Youtube and you participated in "Superstar K". Did that help you break into the Korean entertainment market?

Jasper: I've always been doing music as a hobby. Clips on internet are those with my past band members. "Superstar K", completely out of the blue, reached me via Youtube message that year. And I thought it could be a good experience, though I had never thought I'd be a professional singer, and I still not. It was a good experience amongst all those extremely talented guys. Breaking into the acting industry was a completely different story.

HC: Because you are so multi-talented, where do you see your career taking you? Thus far, it has brought you from Canada to Korea, which is quite a long ways to go! 

J: Moving from Canada to Korea certainly was a long way. I've always been a globe-trotter, in some sense. I still think this is a great way to live life to the max, if you can. Career-wise, I'd love to do anything that can express my ideas in creative ways. That includes advertising and acting, of course. But there's only so much you can do on a daily basis. I will do what I can, what's given, right in front of me.

HC: How did you land the role of Daniel on "Descendants of the Sun"?

J: The assistant director and director of "Descendants of the Sun" messaged me on my social media completely out of the blue. I was suspicious of this. Who reaches actor for casting via social media, you know! But back then I didn't have an agent, so they found me so. They probably have seen me on TV in the past or someone recommended me. They thought I could be a good fit for the role. Whichever was the reason, I was very very grateful, and went to see them for audition several times. They went radio silence for a few weeks at times, and towards the end of the casting stage, they let me know. They chose me. Very grateful to them.

HC: What is your favorite scene of yours in "Descendants of the Sun"? 

J: Probably the first scene in episode 5 where I come back to Ye-hwa at home after a long trip. And the scene where I meet up with Mo-yeon for the first time in the garage. These are my favorite scenes and at the same time I did bad. Should've done better. A lot better. (sigh).

HC: What has been your most challenging scene in the drama and how did you tackle it as an actor? 

J: I think the scene where I meet up with Mo-yeon for the first time. This was hard, cuz you know, anyone could panic when acting in front of [Song Hye-kyo]. I tackled it thinking she's just a person. Just an ordinary woman. But I still think I did it bad. I see the frustration in my eyes...

HC: What do you think about the immense popularity of the show? Did you envision that it would do so well and that you would get to be a part of something so huge?

J: I did envision that "Descendants of the Sun" would do so well, due to all the amazing actors, top writers and the superb directors. It was like the all-star team, minus myself. Throughout the production I was nervous, didn't want to be the downside of "Descendants of the Sun".

HC: A lot of fans are really enjoying your presence in "Descendants of the Sun". Have you been experiencing the effect of that popularity in terms of your daily life? Do a lot of people recognize you in public. Have you received more fan mail?

J: I think so. But not to the point where I feel it's hard to stroll around in public. Lots of messages on social media. Never received this much in my life haha.

HC: Has "Descendants of the Sun" opened up more opportunities for you?

J: Sort of. Quite a few castings for TV shows and other films. But I don't want to have a dash at all the opportunities I am receiving. I am very grateful for giving me those opportunities. But I think I want to do fewer and better, when I am more ready as an actor. I may receive less jobs later or none, but I still don't want to be an obstacle to one's project.

HC: What sort of roles would you like to take on in the future? Are there any Korean actors with whom you would like to work when you do take on those roles?

J: Any role that has massive impact on the cinematography. Even if it's got a few scenes. I'd love to work with any of the great Korean actors. It'd be an honour to work with anyone. 

HC: Can you give us a sneak peek into your plans for the year?

J: Like mentioned, I'd love to do anything that could be an outlet of my creative thoughts. All the arts in general.

Fan Questions:
Heather Folsom, USA: What was it like to work alongside Song Joong-ki, Song Hye-kyo, Jin Goo, and Kim Ji-won-I any advice that was given or behind the scenes stories?

J: Was one hell of an experience. I don't usually get nervous on stage or in front of a camera, but alongside those actors, I was nervous at times.

The advice I've given myself was to think that each and every one of those actors is just a person, a man, an ordinary woman. But still, it was uneasy and I was shaky when acting. Probably because I'm aware that they know full well when I'm not acting comfortably. You know, they can see these things through.
Anne, Newfoundland, Canada: Was your role in the "Descendants of the Sun" what you expected it to be?  

J: Yes, the role was somewhat what I expected it to be. But the job was more like re-creating that persona with the directors and the writers based on what's written on the script. It was kind of hard to keep that balance between Korean and non-Korean. Daniel's half Korean who knows Korean language and its culture but not too Asian at the same time. Daniel would love kimchi but prefer a pint of beer at a pub over soju. You know, it was hard to keep that balance. The role was sort of me in real life but still you got to re-create that persona.

HC: Do you have a message for your international fans?

J: Thank you so much, all of you, for recognizing me. Life's long, night is young. Stay in touch y'all! 

Jasper Tae-Kwan Cho

Thank you so much, Jasper, for taking the time to talk with HanCinema and your international fans. And thank you to R's Company for helping to make this interview happen! Thank you to the HanCinema team for all of your help! It is a pleasure to be able to speak with talented people, and Jasper, you are one talented man! We know we will see great things from you in the future.

Cr: Hancinema |<3 admin SJKinnocentgirL


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I know i said i'll go to sleep but i really want to share this LOL, like, oh really joongki? You really did have so much fun there you decided to make it as your phone screenlock, didn't you? :wub:

lol pardon me and my flying thoughts in the middle of the night, once again, good night!!



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hi everyone!

First of, this is the first time I chanced upon this 'Song-song shippers' house' - have a soompi user ID from way back when but never really used it to post until now.

I was too late to join the DOTS craziness, that I only managed to marathon the early episodes a week back. I dare say, the time spent watching one episode after another was all worth it.

Yesterday, I had to repeat from episodes 1 thru 16. Can't get enough of it, googled more news about them and what do you know, my search brought me here. I hope this topic stays active for a long time :) this may very well be my guide as I go through my own DOTS withdrawal symptoms.

To @joongkyo: WOW! that was some exhaustive investigation/analysis - hats off to you and thanks so much! Just so happy that they're all connected and boils down into, ehem, them being somewhat together around that timeline.  I love SHK! I sincerely hope she finds love - its about time (and I hope SJK, is the one :), sorry if this might be too early to ask, but one can hope, right?! ).


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