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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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46 minutes ago, marwa501 said:

Thanks everyone for your hard work today ......can someone please tell the reaction of k netizzens to hye kyo IG photos  this article has many comments http://m.entertain.naver.com/photo/comment/list?

Top comments with many like mostly praised how they look really good together, asking them to date, calling them "national couple ", praised SHK for her beauty both inside and outside...

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Whoa .. I don't know what to say :wub:  even after I saw live streaming PC today in my office hours, I still can't believe interactions like this happened. what day is this huh? lots of skinship, how they smile each other :w00t: , and SHK response when SJK called her to fist bump really unexpected.. Whoa .. like i got jackpot today. i can't stop Grinning ear to ear from noon til now, midnight in my time zone. And not enough, Hye Kyo ssi add salt to the soup of happiness today with a photo and caption !! very pleasantly surprised with a gift by SHK in IG :wub: . :wub: waaah .. am i dreaming? I haven't even sleep because of this lovey dovey couple. Wednesday is already in my time zone. Today is DOTS day, but all my focus is sucked to shipping this couple, si jin ssi and hye kyo ssi in real !!  Omoo.. my poor heart can't handle this 

thanks for all ur efforts chingu (bow) you guys rock! you have an eagle eye B). all posts updates as the speed of light, I need to read back now

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Gosh i go sight seeing for a day and come back to oh my dear lord.... !!!! hahaha - only just finished back reading - thanks @joongkyo per usual for your translations.

Not sure if this has been posted yet? It's a clip of Apple daily's version of the PC - A clearer/non-shaky version at EYE LEVEL where those damn stupid flowers aren't in the way!!! - http://video.appledaily.com.hk//realtime//media//20160405//05042016-RTent-04v1_w.mp4

  • it incl. where SJK says "she is pretty, very pretty" (in mandarin) then you clearly see how embarrassed SHK looks, she's likescratching her arm back and forth nonstop, and SJK looks like he just says omg i can't believe i just said that and embarrasingly drinks water.
  • Also after the 2nd fist bump you can see SHK is so shy/embarrassed she is like she doesn't know what to do with her hands and goes to fiddle her earrings


Another Next Media (Apple daily's mag) clip that zooms right in on SHK's reaction after SJK's compliments she's very pretty - she is like SO EMBARRASSED her face goes red you can see at 1min 10secs http://video.appledaily.com.hk/realtime/rtnnext/20160405/1361ent03A_C_w.mp4


Ps. Apple daily reports they ate til 9.45pm tonight



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SHK and SJK certainly light up each other's life. You can positively see them glowing with happiness and the fist-bumping opens the Pandora box for them to go public unofficially with their fondness of each other. Coupled with that, the HK news article stating their aloofness also gave them the venue to express their fondness without inhibitions now. This is surely a bonus they did not plan for. Taking selfies with friendly vibes does not mean that they're not lovers or not dating. Even married couples can be friends, why not dating couples? In fact, the friendship element is healthy to keep the relationship going as you can tease each other without hurting and can confide without the emotional element. It's win-win.

You'll never know how relieved they are to shed all inhibitions. Besides, love can be nurtured over time, whether friends or lovers.

I cannot help but admire SJK for his protective nature. Not sure if you gals noticed these happenings below:

The first pic showed the part where a fan, after slipping some note to SJK, went to shake hands with SHK and stopped there for a while, holding her hand. The MC was wondering why. But look at SJK. He immediately turned to SHK to see what's happening.

photo ll_zps5fwa8wxo.png

He then told the fan who was about to shake his hand to "chakaman" - hold on) at 13:53 as he turned to speak for SHK. You can see that he is very protective of her because he had nothing to do with it as the fan was talking to SHK. This fan had already shaken his hand and passed him a note too. So he could just carry on with his handshaking but he stopped to attend to SHK. Isn't that sweet of him?

photo lll_zpsu5bs8jtk.png

In the photo below, SJK was about to shake the next fan's hand when he saw that the pink checked shirt gal moved away but moved back to SHK again. He stopped shaking hand with the next fan and looked at SHK's direction to check out what happened. You could tell he was guarding SHK, making sure nothing goes wrong. Just like his plan to distract the fans at the airport away from SHK. Just like when he made sure that she got into the car safely after arrival.

photo llll_zps50fbjr7c.png

I would say that they are very happy together. They hang out together. He takes care of her. He is shy at times with her but tries to cover up. He calls her Hye Kyo shii. He involuntarily gets close and puts his arms on her. It looks like a habit that he has to touch her. His eyes can't hide his feelings. She has never kissed another male co-star like she did with him since a long time ago. She has never been so radiant for a long time too. She positively glows in his presence.

These are good signs. And I really love SJK for being so protective of SHK.

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7 minutes ago, Barhos Lwx said:

So the real reason SJK doesn't have an Instagram is because he wanted to make a joint account with someone (the till death do us part kind agreement) :D


This is the most possible reason after seeing SHK update  :D :D

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Has anyone posted the On.cc media article from them? It's reported they did 4 media interviews after the PC, 1 is Apple Daily, 1 is ViuTV, 1 is On.cc i'm trying to find who the 4th media is.. unless it's a magazine?

Here's the On.cc photoshoot (same clothes as Apple daily) but different photos/poses

Posting only the 2 couple shots, individual ones you can click on the link below




Apple daily reports that SHK's attire for the PC was Dior earrings, Cartier watch, Bride & You dress personally designed for her (Korean brand) from Autumn 2016 selection and same brand shoes.

SJK was wearing full set Gucci Jordaan loafers and Gucci Autumn 2016 suit

cr: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/enews/realtime/20160405/54950940 / http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/enews/realtime/20160405/54949893

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55 minutes ago, smoky1671 said:

ah! I just realized the press conference with English subs is available on Viu! And it's HD too

Need to revisit.  I just downloaded the viu app onto my phone this morning and received the clearest audio and visual projection in Cantonese.  Excited for English subs. 

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ok, I was out for about 1hr or so 'coz I was making a video to our Songsong couple! :wub: kekekek! & my internet got so slow a bit so uploading my vid in YT was so slow too! :smirk: so I think my internet just can't handle uri SongSong couple?? LOL!
anyway, I hope you like it chingu-deul :phew:

really, I can't get enough of this two :bawling::love: They're perfectly match made in heaven!! :heart:

& THANKS A LOT for the updates & your thoughts & opinions here! So appreciated & love reading all of it!! mwaaaaaaaaaahugs! :wub::phew:

so it's already 2:31am in my country..so I need to sleep somehow..kekeke! See you all tomorrow!! :kiss_wink: Annyeong~~ 

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Wow in the appledaily vid posted by @2cents, you can see that after the fist bump and the translator (or was it the mc startdd talking) SJK wss looking towards the direction of the translator / mc but just for a few seconds there he stole a glance to see how SHK is reacting and when he sees that she is all smile he looks back to the front and smile too :)) check it out....

The exact timing where his eyes glanced at her is 2.24

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20 minutes ago, Ida51 said:

Need to revisit.  I just downloaded the viu app onto my phone this morning and received the clearest audio and visual projection in Cantonese.  Excited for English subs. 


Please share with us the english subs! :) I'm interested to know every bit of detail for the entire thing!

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Okay guys, so after calming my horses a little bit I want to write my take on all that's happened. So it's been crazy these last few days, so much happening and for the first time for me and I suppose for all of us it's been such a fast paced week, we didn't have time to wine about the new DOTS episode because well, the real life them is so much more fun, lol! We were provided so much material that we will be analyzing and discussing them for a long time. This ship is very much blessed, truly, as they said, we are blessed to meet each other, we are also blessed with two amazing people who fill us with joy, happiness, heart fluttering and love. Seriously, these two are just so different, as individuals they are so good looking on the outside, so caring, tender and humble on the inside and together they are a power couple, they shine so bright you have to put sunglasses on in order to not get blinded.

I am very happy with their interactions on the HK PC, I loved their skin ship, those fist bumps were the best thing I saw in a long time, so much love and admiration in their eyes, you don't need Dispatch to confirm you anything, it's all in the eyes. Their body language speaks for itself, I have been following SHK, although not regularly, enough to know that she always has this serious, professional composure about her that made me respect her madly because I like people who take what they do seriously and focus on their job but to see her actually blush, YES BLUSH, was so refreshing, I have never seen her do that, correct me if I'm wrong @SeGafanlady. I've seen her co-starts joking around and slightly flirting with her and she is always very nice and all smiles but nowhere did I see her reaction to them as she does here. And who was the man that made her blush? Yeah, you guessed it! I loved those fist bumps, to me they are now "the fist bump couple", that was so cute it's my phone lock-screen from now on!

It actually feels like a dream, too much has happened that it's hard to process it all but one thing I know is that there is DEFINITELY something going on between them. I mean he keeps calling her Hye Kyo-shi, come on, I ship them madly but I also expected him to call her noona or sunbae because I know the importance of rightful addressing in SK, so him refusing to call her noona has to mean something. Also those BTS videos once again confirmed it for me that there is definitely romantic attraction in between, I mean he has the courage to actually playfully push her shoulder, when I saw that I was like, SJK-shi where are your manners? Do you push your sunbaes shoulders like this? hahahah. And he seems way to acquainted with SHK's staff, I know that they worked together for months but her landing him her staff is such a girlfriend thing to do!  

I love that we finally got to see so many beautiful selcas of them, I love that SHK wrote "for all of you who waited so patiently" because it means she is attentive and wanted to reward the fans. And as some of you said, having their photos together and publishing them doesn't necessarily  mean they are not dating, or that they are for that matter, it might just mean that they wanted to reward their fans who repeatedly asked them for one, it's very normal for two drama leads that are widely popular to post a photo together, and why not?  they look so good together, both wearing black, one wearing a leather jacket a day before, the other a day after, arghhh, I am just so happy with all of this. 

ETA: My sister literally just passed in front of my laptop and I was looking the photos of today's PC and she said "Wow, what a gorgeous looking couple, are they married"? Yes, she said straight up married, she did not say dating, and I was like "what made you say that?" and she said "well, from the way they look at each other". Mind you, she doesn't know anything K-entertainment, she even teases me all the time saying, "you and your Korean mania", but something made her say that, and I was laughing so hard after that she said "you're crazy", oh yes I am, crazy about them I guess!

Sorry for the super long post guys, I just had to let it all out, thanks for everything and let's keep on sailing and hoping for more happy news! Big hugs for all of you.

I leave you with this song 


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6 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:


Please share with us the english subs! :) I'm interested to know every bit of detail for the entire thing!

If there are English subs they are not viutv, I just checked and it's still all Canhtonese.

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Guest xyzebra

Jumping in here to give a quick update:

One of the trending articles (+4551 hearts) on Naver discusses the slew of instagram updates from SHG :D The upvotes and hearts keep rising even though it's 3 am in KR. 

My hurried translation of the top 5 comments:

1. (+8106) Handsome man and beautiful woman, nothing more needs to be said. (The first part is used more on couples who seem pure and good, e.g., Suji & LMH. Word for word, the Buddhist phrase means kind man and kind woman. )
2. (+7095) Capt. Y has no insta so Dr. K updates a storm! Haha. These two truly look good together ~
3. (+5553) *Effing cool and beautiful-ji malimnida (This one is really funny. Replace Effing with the real deal in Korean: F@#$ing cool and F@#$ing beautiful to get a sense of how stoked people are about this pair. When you have nothing left but curse words to express awe, we know this ship is running on jet fuel ;))
4. (+4572) Handsome man and beautiful woman, they truly look like a good match
5. (+4234) Pretty-ji malimnida.


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