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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@Jalhanda lol a shipper has got to do what a shipper has got to do right? 

I am such a regular there and thought since its a fully Korean staffed restaurant I might as well asked and didn't expect such shipping going on lol 

Right Now on KBS world just keep repeating the interviews with English subs. It's really toxic 


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Okay, I think that dating question was crafted in such a way that it should not be responded to directly with either a confirmation or a denial of the rumour. They seriously are trying make it appear that they are addressing the issue, but without really addressing it directly, neither confirming nor denying anything. KBS and Blossom must have talked about how to approach this. But then, these are journalists, they probably want to get to the bottom of things, so they sort of pushed their limits, or that female anchor probably missed the briefing. Lol.

The question was: "Now, the 10th episode has aired, and online, people call you and Song Hye Kyo, Song-Song couple, saying you're dating. We can say that those comments are based on your chemistry with Ms. Song, right?" 

However, his answer was, people love the drama, so we have this rumour. Casually brushing off that question about their chemistry which, according to the anchor, supposedly lead to the rumour. You see, even their on-screen chemistry, he does not want to address. Why? It's great! Most actors admit to having great chemistry with their co-stars. More and more, I feel like he dug his grave with this interview, if he didn't want people to know they are dating yet. But with this, I am positive, ship is definitely sailing! :wub:

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Another thing (lol..there always seem to be so many things with this couple) isn't it weird that the anchors didn't ask SJK about the party that they're co-hosting tomorrow. It was already reported on all major news portals that the two of them will be treating 350 cast and staff members at a hotel in Gangnam, most of them being KBS staff!

So if there isn't any reason for us to speculate anything between the two, I would think that the two anchors missed asking the most important question of all.  I would think that anyone else would have thought it the most logical topic to discuss since the party was to take place two days after the interview.



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So I wanted the touch base on how SJK did not address SHK as noona like during his Elle interview but the formal SHK-ssi. This actually is worthy to point out. 

From my understanding, the term "noona", meaning older sister, is a word of endearment obviously used by males to address an older female who they are close to or related to. However unlike "oppa", "noona" does not have the same use in the romantic domain. So when a noona-donseang relationship turns romantic, the term is dropped because gender roles are reversed and this enables the guy to affirm himself as a man or more importantly, her equal counterpart. 

Now I guess being on national television, the circumstance did call for him to be more formal, therefore addressing her formally as he did but couldn't the same be said about the Elle interview? Or no? I'd like to think magazine interviews should be taken quite seriously too and formalities should be in place. Anyone know about this and care to shed some light? 

Also I find it interesting that I haven't heard SJK address SHK as sunbaenim. As we all know and can tell, SJK is a very polite man. I don't see any reason why he would not acknowledge her appropriate title other than the fact that the two are beyond close now to be formal at all. Perhaps they call each other "chagiya" now? ^_^

Let's wait until BTS to see what he really calls her since the filming set is a breeze and nothing intimating like being on the news where your every move is monitored! Best believe it is because @joongkyo proved it to be true. :P 

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ssi...... ( we just junior n senior shg said ) way to go .. That's man for..  

ssi..... Omo


N this from last night epsd just so... They kind look for ng help in the end of blood type feud hahahaha.. Thank you director ..


I'm glad their choosing him for interview .. Hahaha.. Gonna just enjoy the momment before april mop .. Afraid shg gonna stttttttt... Well hope not .. coz it's april mop they all can "pretends" be or get "" pranks" ... As excuse.. aahhh so eager about what gonna be shg reactions on this at the april mop or in hk fans meeting.. Another solemn cool act ? 

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@Bambiina I totally agree! There is an underlying assumption that SHK has a right to be angry if he chooses another girl as his ideal. Which should not be the case if they are just casual colleagues. 


@larienssi I feel that the interviewer's question is so weak. He is practically giving the answer in his question. All SJK had to do was say "yes" period. But no, he wants to say more about them meeting up, having drinks and enjoying themselves talking about their own rumors. It is like he can't wait to tell ppl about it.

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@kdramaobsessed EXACTLY!! Your comment is Gold! It echoes most of our thoughts regarding the couple. 

You guys are awesome! I can't stop laughing and giggling at your posts! Such a happy,  entertaining but very informative thread. And as always, you're the best @joongkyo as always! 

When I first read about the translated interview, I was kind of disappointed because he played it really cool and answered it as if they really are friends and are just laughing about it. He's even bold enough to say that they use to talk about it over drinks and that he confirmed that they eat out for dinner very often. So if he's confident and brave enough to say that, maybe there really is nothing? 

But I can't help but to always go back to analyzing why did he say they're out for dinner often? Is it like addressing their past midnight dinner and coffee date? That its true they're going out and the sightings and rumors are true.. while he's trying to be cool about it? And that we should get used to seeing them together most of the time? Like we should expect to see them together more often? ( more like preparing us just in case pictures will come out) and when he mentioned that someone will sulk? That's it!!! No more analyzing and back to my instincts again! I'm not delulu after all!! It's like telling us that someone must be watching him. And man, he was really caught off guard! That smile and that line is everything!! So much for being cool but you gave it all away with that face man! I admire SJK for saying that and for being so confident and courageous enough to address their frequent "meetings" like, yeah we're going out so what? It's not like I'm hiding something.  :phew: This just showed that if they really are dating, our guy will definitely stand up for her no questions asked

Again, it's not rocket science why a lot are shipping hard for these two. How can he not fall for SHK? It's sooo easy to fall for someone like her aside from her looks, she's got the wits, attitude and heart. Same with our guy. No doubt, it's soooo easy to fall for SJK because the whole world wants to marry him! You're not human if you don't like him and won't fall for his charms and wit. 

You SONGS are not human if, even just a little you never liked each other! The body language and the eyes says it all. And the electricity between you two! The stairs scene is real! Those are raw reactions and I can really tell SJK is feeling giddy and his heart is fluttering during that cute scene. SHK/ KMY you're such a tease.

And HOW COME THEY'RE NOT HUGGING OR HOLDING HANDS YET???? I'm dying from thirst because of this drought!!!! You have to revive me with a deep kiss, a hug and a scene that requires rolling on the floor. (Or anything comfortable) :blush:

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@Chewy Hoe haha.. I'm holding on to my end.. there will be party at my house if they go public .. I am not lying when I say I am a good cook .. main menu will be meatloaf .. ohh my meatloaf is to die for :D   so gals if you happen to be in msia that time.. do pm me. there will be cake too.. we will cut cake .  Wahahahah.. 

@ilovesjk hiyaaaa.   I am already over the moon that he did not addressed her as noonna ... or sunbaenim ..  

@Jalhanda hehhe i am skipping ... I haven't had anything done for the pass few days

@Ohsh.. nothing casial.. I tepeat.. nothing casial about their relationship .. no no :D

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@Bambiina Haha I will Honour mine too if it's out in June as I am really intending to go back to Taiwan for the fan meet in June but the Husband didn't seem to want me to go back cos he knows I won't be back till forever! And yes count me in for the meatloaf if you ever host that party 

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@ilovesjk Yes, the way he addresses Song Hye Kyo is really interesting, and would probably be a great insight to how their relationship probably is. I believe their culture have high regard for formalities, that is why we often see characters in dramas who get offended when someone speaks banmal or informally to them, when they are not close. He does not call her "sunbae" or "sunbaenim" because they probably have gotten close over the years, seeing that they sort of move within the same circle, have a number of common friends, etc., but correct me if I am wrong. If so, then Noona, would then be the appropriate way to address her. But then, he dropped that, and in that interview, he addressed her as Song Hye Gyo-ssi. According to my research, -ssi is an honorific suffix which denotes respect to the name of the person it is suffixed to. It is usually attached to the given name. It can be used whether you are close to a person or not, meaning even if you are long time or close friends, you can use it, it just really gestures respect to that person. Further, attaching a person's full name with -ssi is more respectful than attaching it to just their given name. So when Joong Ki said Song Hye Kyo-ssi, it gestures more respect than addressing  her as Hye Kyo-ssi. I think -ssi is a gray area in their language as regards determining whether persons are close or not, comfortable with each other or not, because you can use them both in the casual and formal setting. So, bottom line, Joong Ki is smart, because he is not dropping any hints as to where they are based on the way he addresses her, and even used -ssi in the most respectful way. :phew: 

EDIT: But -ssi is definitely formal language, just depends on the person using it, really. 

@Ohsh Yes, the anchor was spoon-feeding him, and we can see Joong Ki, as what @joongkyo said earlier, is not the type to just be swayed, so he did his own thing. Ha! And probably ended up saying more than he should. :D

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19 minutes ago, redwinecouple said:

And HOW COME THEY'RE NOT HUGGING OR HOLDING HANDS YET???? I'm dying from thirst because of this drought!!!! You have to revive me with a deep kiss, a hug and a scene that requires rolling on the floor. (Or anything comfortable) :blush:


@redwinecouple....This I look forward to see as well ! It makes me think...the second OTP did hug and hold hands but never kissed yet..while our OTP just did kiss but not hugged and held hands yet..can we see some balance here writernim. There is something about hugging and holding hands which stirs a different kind of intimacy than kissing....so hopefully, our OTP gets the complete package!

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goede morgen from the country of tulips... 

before I read backward I'm just gonna type this one.. one comment that is so incredible I was JAW DROPPED.. 

"if I don't choose her.. she's gonna go SULKY"  OMG what??? omona he didn't??!!  

and he add... "khrohom yo.. Kang sang sein nim imnida" with a pressure in the "OF COURSE!!" LOL

definition of sulky : 

angry or upset about something and refusing to discuss it with others 

LMAO hubby is too cute to wifey.. he knows Kyo very very wel.. SJK wanna go home and get a kiss and hug from wifey. Joong Ki is too sweet.... thanks a million SJK for the 'read between the line' response hehehe.... 



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37 minutes ago, Jalhanda said:


@redwinecouple....This I look forward to see as well ! It makes me think...the second OTP did hug and hold hands but never kissed yet..while our OTP just did kiss but not hugged and held hands yet..can we see some balance here writernim. There is something about hugging and holding hands which stirs a different kind of intimacy than kissing....so hopefully, our OTP gets the complete package!

Right? Like it's a different kind of intimacy.. Deep and sweet. And sometimes hugs are better than kisses cos it can show how much you love and care for the person. I feel giddy thinking about it, how SJK will hold her full of feelings like its real. And SHK better not pass up that chance of hugging his sexy and fresh-out-of-the military, manly body. I'm blushing OMG!!  :blush:

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Hi fellow shippers!Love all your smart analysis  of our Kikyo couple.I never miss reading all your funny,smart comments ,artistic cartoons,drawings,gfs and pictures.I am so lucky to have found this thread.Thank you so much for all your hard work, staying all night(live streaming),playing detectives if you have to, just so you can bring a legit information re:Big boss & beauty.Like some kyonatics here,I have shipped her  before,now the ship are all docked somewhere. I am rooting for our Captain.He is not only handsome,talented,smart but the most impt. for me is ....he has a good :heart:.I watched how he reacted to his fans in his several appearances in star watch and I must say he is so unassuming ,humble and showed sincere love to his fans,no matter how rowdy they  were.Anyways,I don't want to get to greedy!I will just pray for this ship to sail smoothly and safely..I am already getting ahead of myself,dreaming of all beautiful mini me's they will have.I even imagine them appearing in superman dad!Delulu mode!Anyways ......I am sharing this mv of our Captain singing.The more that you fall in love w/ him when you hear it,Enjoy!!




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Guys did you check allkpop news? Said AOA's Seolhyun just might the biggedt Song Jong Ki fan.Then heaps of comments it's not Seolhyun but the original is BORA is a huge fan of Joong Ki. Since pre debut Bora has followed him already putting Joong Ki's picture in their dorm and until now.

I hope they're not saying this it's because our Joong Ki is famous now and it's trending.

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7 minutes ago, CherryS said:

Guys did you check allkpop news? Said AOA's Seolhyun just might the biggedt Song Jong Ki fan.Then heaps of comments it's not Seolhyun but the original is BORA is a huge fan of Joong Ki. Since pre debut Bora has followed him already putting Joong Ki's picture in their dorm and until now.

I hope they're not saying this it's because our Joong Ki is famous now and it's trending.

It's so annoying. I know Seolhyun has been a longtime fan, but now that he's suddenly THE song joong ki, it needs to be mentioned in every single interview and appearance. I have also been counting down the days until he returned from the army, where's my article Allkpop?!

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Just finished back reading, phew! That was a lot of reading, lol

I still think they have planned this. I meant, if just their agencies didn't say anything about the NY sightings people might have forgotten about the rumors (I won't forget tho :P ) Maybe there are indeed some pictures taken during the dinner. So they just paved the way as to slowly uncover the real between them, just waiting for the right time. He's not denying nor confirming anything. He took the save way, if he said No but then he get caught with SHK later, people will say he is a liar. Maybe by this they will have more options on how to answer the questions when they make the announcement after the drama finish :D  As for the dinner in Korea, they even gave out their siggy, maybe they just want people to think it's normal for them to have meals together, to make people think the NY sighting is a normal thing too, oh well...they are wrong! 

But really, for an actor to appear on a news program is just truly daebak. Moreover the first few questions were about his dating rumor, I was like, wow... Most people in Korea are following his love life closely now. 

He is just so humble and polite, my total respect for him. Salute! 

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14 minutes ago, CherryS said:

Guys did you check allkpop news? Said AOA's Seolhyun just might the biggedt Song Jong Ki fan.Then heaps of comments it's not Seolhyun but the original is BORA is a huge fan of Joong Ki. Since pre debut Bora has followed him already putting Joong Ki's picture in their dorm and until now.

I hope they're not saying this it's because our Joong Ki is famous now and it's trending.

OMG that girl needs to chill........... I mean.. a fan girl is a fan girl but she isn't a commoners or a mere fan girl she's an idol... sorry but I find it a bit ghetto-ish to blatantly expressing her fandom to JK over and over again.. please get your act together Seolhyun...

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