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49 minutes ago, razledgoose said:


Did i ever tell you guys that I love this thread !!  are you spies?  I love everything you guys dig up... better than Perez Hilton (crazy blogger and media guy here ) --  love it love it love it.  

And yes, i did read about the girl seeing SJK and SHK shopping in a grocery store ---   now its NYC meal ---  


@razledgoose LOL better than Perez Hilton huh? Well Perez only speak english, here all Song2 Troopers came at least with 5 different languages to scrap all info news hehehe. 

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I love reading all the latest insights on our couple, thanks for sharing. 

Apart from the press conference I also want to point out on my disappointment with the after party...I mean why were there no pictures of them together? Even if they were with a group they were not even right next to each other....how "fishy"...and how "unusual" specially if you were the main leads in a drama...practically 80% of the entire series focused on their love story...and I supposed they grew closer either professionally or in some other ways. But then I go back, why this behaviour, why be so guarded? Somebody must tell them that they're overdoing it...and its so glaringly atypical....which is why it came on as suspicious.



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Is anybody here ever thought what is the meaning of the white roses? I also like this flower, because it kind of represent how I feel to the person I gave this flower, and for me white roses is for my husband & my parents. In other word, mostly people give this flower to the person they love the most on a very special occasion.

I found this :

White: Purity, Innocence, Sympathy, Spirituality. Early tradition used white roses as a symbol for true love, an association which would later become the hallmark of the red rose. Also known as the bridal rose, the white rose is a traditional wedding flower.

Without vibrant color to upstage it, the formal, structural beauty of the rose is showcased to its best advantage in a bouquet of elegant white roses. Suited to reverent occasions, the white rose is a fitting way to honor a friend or loved one in recognition of a new beginning or a farewell. Their pure color conveys respect, pays homage to new starts and expresses hope for the future.


Let's check SHK post it on 23-01-16... is there some special occasion around that time? Maybe a wedding proposal or declaration of love?


About the denying, I think it's better to denied the rumor for this time being. There's on old article when SHK doing PC on WW after SHK agencies confirm her relationship with HB. And seems the reporters are more interested on her love story rather than the drama. It really look uncomfortable for her that time, because that's not the purpose of the PC. As a fans of DotS also, I would rather want to hear they promote & talking about the drama rather than their relationship, because I hope DotS become legend of all K-Drama ever, with rating more than 40%.


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ThE rumour abt the NYC sighting was posted on FB- a few variations but gist was friend of poster saw a gorgeous guy that caught her attention .. then after scrutiny, realised it was sjk. And he was holding  the hand of a girl who was wrapped up very well..which she realised was shk later. Said location  was at soho. . Grocery shopping. 

And maybe another fan sighting at a clothing store .. or maybe a translational error from.original post 

Interesting  to note that the agencies confirmed that they had a meal together.. but it wasn't a date as they had other staff with them... . But but but. . The rumours were not Abt them spotted eating together. . But of them holding hands and shopping .. so everyone is like. . What ?? 

Whatever it is, I'm glad that they denied that it was a date.. but apparently the announcement didn't actually state they are not in a relationship.. maybe someone who reads Korean can help.to.read and scrutinise  the official agency statements..

It's good they come out to refute the rumours now

1. To avoid distracting the public from the ongoing drama or else it wouldn't be fair to all the hard work put in by all the staff of DOTS 

2. also SHK was getting  flamed that she's bewitched yet another costar (ie SJK ) and also rumours AGAIN Abt her having sponsors 

3. If I'm not wrong .. SJK agency spoke first- firstly confirming  he was indeed in NYC and merely had a meal with SHK. . And also something about telling the media to please not write reports like this.. surely artistes can have meals with their friends? 

Then shk agency also piped up.that they had a meal as close colleagues and senior/junior .. attributing all the interest to the Dots phenomenona.

 They however took.a harder stance towards the sponsorship rumours and said they will take legal action  

Hence some shipper analyses  is that they are impressed with SJK for coming out to ' protect ' shk reputation by just stating that they had a meal and  nothing more.. so that they can stop saying  she ' bewitched ' him etc etc 

I'm not so sure the actual wordings and content of the agencies announcements. . If anyone  can provide an actual account of how they were worded. . It would be very interesting 

The girl in the IG with SJK is supposed to be KJW stylist.. I think 

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I think we'll finally get to hear more of SJK's thoughts on DotS and SHK.  He has accepted an interview with Sports DongA.  Here is his signature and his congratulatory message to Sports DongA's 8th year anniversary:



cr to weibo

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30 minutes ago, hclover96 said:

I think we'll finally get to hear more of SJK's thoughts on DotS and SHK.  He has accepted an interview with Sports DongA.  Here is his signature and his congratulatory message to Sports DongA's 8th year anniversary:



Oooohhh! I love the pic of 2 of them - so compatible looking!! :wub: Please, please, don't disappoint your shippers! :cry:

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Hi SongSong Troopers!

I'm newbie here even though' I already be a silent reader at this forum since DotS's premiere. I'm fan of SHK's works before but never got hooked up so bad with all her dramas and movies like I felt with DotS.

I finally made account after seeing a total happy SHK, I followed her IG since 2015 and felt blessed bcos she shared her daily activities with us (even though I read that she still has another IG account for private). I just hope she's become little extrovert to us bcos finally she met her dream man, and I really hope he's SJK. 



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@hclover96 I think the interview is out, but I don't think he mentioned Hye Kyo except when he said he wanted to show off a good physique because it was a melodrama opposite Hye Kyo.. If he has someone please translate!. Unless this is just the first part of the interview?





[송중기 인터뷰①] “내가 봐도 유시진 멋있다”

■ ‘미소년’에서 ‘상남자’로 돌아온 송중기  

‘송중기앓이!’ 최근 10년 동안 이렇게 화제의 중심에 오른 남자가 또 있을까. 그 일거수일투족이 관심의 대상인 것은 물론 KBS 2TV 수목드라마 ‘태양의 후예’의 인기를 타고 국경을 넘어 중국으로 번졌다. 한류열풍이 식은 일본 열도까지도 뒤흔들 기세다. 송중기. 2008년 데뷔해 차근차근 성장의 보폭을 넓히며 누구보다 뜨거운 열정으로 지난 8년을 보냈다. 그가 앞으로 펼쳐낼 또 다른 미래의 모습이 궁금하다. 

흰 피부·곱상한 외모에 근육질 몸매까지 
리더십? 애교? 실제로는 조금 무뚝뚝한 편 
“앞으로도 좋은 작품 ‘설렘’ 갖고 기다린다” 

“지금도, 앞으로도 설렐 것 같지 말입니다.”
송중기(31)가 ‘미소년’에서 ‘상남자’로 돌아와 많은 여성의 가슴에 불을 지르고 말았다. 중국에선 아예 ‘송중기 상사병 주의보’가 내려졌다 하니, 그 기세가 대단하다. 30%에 육박하는 시청률(한국)과 25억건을 돌파한 동영상 조회수(중국) 등은 송중기에게 쏠린 관심이 어느 정도인지를 가늠케 한다. 현재 두 나라에서 쏟아진 광고모델 제안만 100건이 넘는다는 전언도 결코 과하지 않아 보인다. 2014년 중국에서 신드롬급 인기를 모은 ‘별에서 온 그대’를 뛰어 넘었다는 건 이제 더 이상 화제가 되지 못한다. 
“볼 때마다 설레는, 제 인생 최고의 대본”이라며 드라마의 힘이라고 겸손해 하면서도, 사전제작 드라마로 이미 촬영을 끝내고난 뒤 “시청자 입장에서 드라마를 보고 있다”면서 그는 여유롭게 웃는다. 

“내가 봐도 유시진이 멋있다.” 

● “애교보다는 무뚝뚝한 성격” 

화제작 ‘태양의 후예’에서 그는 특전사 대위 유시진을 연기 중이다. “남자가 봐도 멋있고”(진구), “송중기가 아니면 누가 연기해낼 수 있을까”(송혜교) 말할 정도로 그에게는 딱 맞춤한 캐릭터처럼 보인다. 

유머러스하면서도 ‘밀당’ 없이 사랑을 향해 돌진하는 ‘남자다움’, 장교다운 강한 책임감과 리더십 등이 더해진 매력이 그 시선의 핵심이다. 여기에 송중기는 트레이드마크처럼 인식된 흰 피부와 곱상한 외모 속에 감춰뒀던 근육질 몸매까지 더했다.  

“몸매 관리에 신경을 쓰는 편이 아니다. 하지만 역할상 필요하다고 생각했다. 송혜교와 멜로를 떠올리며 내가 유시진이 되어야 한다고 생각했다. 멜로드라마니까!” 

모든 배우들처럼 그 역시 “작품에 그리고 역할에 필요하다면 무엇이든 할 생각”이다. 

그렇게 성과를 얻고 난 뒤 그는 사전제작 드라마로 이미 촬영을 끝내고 “시청자 입장에서 드라마를 보고 있다”고 말했다. 

“보통 드라마를 촬영하다보면 본 방송은 촬영장이나 이동하는 차에서 보는 경우가 많다. 아니면 아예 방송을 보지 못하는데, 촬영이 끝나서 시청자와 마찬가지로 집에서 편하게 시청하고 있다. 다만 (촬영하면서)어떻게 연기했는지 잘 알아 부족한 부분도 많이 보인다. 아쉽다.” 

여심을 뒤흔들어놓은 유시진은 사랑하는 여자 앞에서는 가슴 뜨거워지는 남자다. 장교의 리더십 속에서도 귀여워 보이기까지 하는 애교까지. 정작 이를 연기하는 송중기는 “실제로는 조금 무뚝뚝한 편이다. 일부에서는 까칠하다고까지 한다”고 말한다. 이어 “하지만 난 잘 모르겠다. 하하! 굳이 따지자면 애교보다는 까칠한 편이긴 한 것 같다”며 웃었다. 

까칠함은 솔직함이 빚어내는 시선일지 모른다. 그를 잘 아는 주변 사람들도 송중기가 자신의 생각을 숨기지 않는 편이라고 말한다. 그런 점에서 그를 잘 모르는 이들은 까칠함이라는 오해의 눈으로 그를 바라볼 수도 있겠다. 주변에선 솔직한 면모만큼 “속이 깊은 편이라 타인을 잘 배려한다”고 덧붙인다.

● “연기와 작품에 대한 생각…고민보다는 설렘” 

송중기는 어느덧 데뷔 8년차를 맞았다. 생각과 고민이 많아지는 시기다. 자신의 머릿속에는 “작품이 가장 큰 부분을 차지하고 있다”고 했다. 

2008년 영화 ‘쌍화점’으로 시작해 2009년 영화 ‘이태원 살인사건’, 드라마 ‘내사랑 금지옥엽’, 드라마 ‘성균관 스캔들’(2010년), ‘뿌리 깊은 나무’(2011년),‘세상 어디에도 없는 착한 남자’(2012년) 그리고 같은 해 영화 ‘늑대소년’ 등 매년 굵직한 작품에 출연해왔다.  

“좋은 작품을 하고 싶다. 저도 만족하고 또 많은 사람들이 기억해줄 수 있는 작품 말이다. 그래서 배우로서든, ‘인간 송중기’로서든 작은 부분이라도 발전하고 싶다. 그게 요즘 고민이다.”

그러면서 송중기는 이를 “설렘”이라는 말로도 표현했다.  

“너무 감사하게도 신인시절에 비해 좋은 작품을 선택할 수 있는 폭이 넓어졌다. ‘설렘’으로 기다리고 있다는 말도 맞을 것 같다.” 

그래서일까. 송중기는 앞으로 더 바쁜 걸음을 내딛는다. 차기작인 영화 ‘군함도’ 촬영을 당장 6월부터 시작한다. 조만간 아시아 팬미팅 투어에도 나선다. 

“일단 ‘태양의 후예’를 잘 마무리했으면 좋겠다. 영화는 굉장히 의미가 깊은 작품이 될 것 같다. 새로운 도전이기도 해서 개인적으로 노력도 많이 하고 있다. 제 안의 또 다른 모습을 보여 드릴 기회다. 또 한국을 시작으로 아시아 투어도 준비 중이다. 국내외 팬들의 애정과 관심은 큰 영광이다.”



Did anyone notice the leebumhoon deleted that selfie. :blink::blink::blink: Why does the cast and staff of DOTS keep uploading and deleting pictures.

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58 minutes ago, hclover96 said:

I think we'll finally get to hear more of SJK's thoughts on DotS and SHK.  He has accepted an interview with Sports DongA.  Here is his signature and his congratulatory message to Sports DongA's 8th year anniversary:


cr to weibo


I bet SJK would not talk about his relationship with certain star in this interview. It's more like he would talk about how he is trained to act as soldier which is this is a Sport Magazine, right? Or even if he talk about his co star, he would say something neutral or give credit to all the cast or even staffs.

It's an important time for the Drama right now, they would do anything to minimize the focus of attention from the production / drama to individual matters. All the working staff, producers, writers, and even all the cast would want their work to be remember as a GREAT PRODUCTION rather than been said this drama become sensational because two of it star are dated. Sorry to say about WW, it's get recognize because SHK & HB were dating that time which we all know the production is kind of failed. I know DotS already had Break Event Point, but still we also want people to admit the skills & performance of our lovely stars, isn't it?

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@joongkyo  Yeah, I don't see either one on his IG.  Weird. 

I bet the interviews he does will ban personal questions now that I think about it.  Just drama stuff.  Probably not even loveline stuff either.  I notice even that he hasn't really said much about. 

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@melissala I got why it got deleted!!!!!!....... Hehehe, go check her private instagram account and you'll understand why.

Also, notice how a bunch of the DOTS boys suddenly started following her on her private instagram account. :D Good job, they follow orders..lol.


@nammminn It's from the preview for episode 9.

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21 hours ago, joongkyo said:

If they're "Really not dating" then they should because WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!


Their chemistry is going to going to give me a heart attack.







which episode was this from?

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@fiona628 Hahaa! You're funny! Makes me wonder about it too.

@ilovesjk Keep writing, I love reading your long post

Idk why I thought of this but someone posted a photo SHK deleted, a phot of a railway and a sunset backdrop and if you'll look closely there's a girl and a guy (wearing a cap) standing near the sea I think and you can only see their silhouette. Actually, been following her since then I know she deleted a lot of pictures. But why?.. Or maybe her pic of her feet submerged in water that's their trip?

Anyhoo, I'm glad they're always going out and all have been close even before shooting which, explains the Songs close relationship only within a few months since they started. And if you're going to count they've been close and going out for almost a year now. 

That's why I think we should discreetly stalk them and avoid tagging, they keep on deleting pics!! which makes it even harder to investigate! Ughhh! 

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Hi...my dearest chingu

I want to share another interesting issue to spend time for wait until DoTS eps 9 tonight, i think SJK was in Hongkong yesterday, because the oscar winner Leonardo  Caprio was in Hongkong too, he attended the preview of art show in Art Basel yesterday, 22 March, is so coincidence that our goddess SHK also in Art Basel yesterday according her post in her ig... and because SJK is become fans to Leonardo, based on his interview that he is admire the actor Leonardo di Caprio and want to become an actor like him ...so that's my conclusion both of them SHK and SJK were in Hongkong in Art Basel to meet SJK's fave actor. I've been research for this issue and i can't find picture of Leonardo di Caprio in Art Basel, just a little news in 3 novies china, i find that the actor doesn't want to take his picture from his fans...but you may see his picture in hani ig..:)) .... 

I don't think there will be a photo or many photo to show off in public, because both of them, especially SJK, will protect their privacy life include their romance but both of them almost no hide their trully feeling for each other, and that was describing in SHK ig or litle hint in here.. or there, in everywhere.. just read and notice was written between the lines.

I hope they will ended this in altar, and happy together till the end...

Ohh my ship is too fast, i'm really in to much delulu on mode...please .. sorry if oot and write too long... my apologie.. 

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@applegirl2 Thanks for the detailed New York sighting. Now I understand why netizens said it was all too obvious to deny.

If they're in love, who can blame them? Let them be! They deserve happiness too!

I'm glad SJK got an interview. Was waiting for Song Song's interviews since we've been pleasantly showered with GooWon's. Now I want to hear from Song Song!

By the way, Jin Goo revealed he and Kim Ji Won had a lot of kissing scenes but have all been edited out to fit the flow of the story. I wonder if Song Song had additional kiss scenes too. Jin Goo also said there's a hot scene between himself and Kim Ji Won which I conclude as a bedscene just as Yoo Si Jin suggested. I hope YSJ and KMY also have hot scenes although I don't know how likely writernim will have bedscenes for both couples. But it wouldn't be fair if SongSong don't get one. :( 


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