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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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6 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

DH2 already has a father now!! This relationship is wonderful to watch!! Oh, we've had clues all along that BDJ knew. Ep 54 when they were at the dinner table, he asked her why was she so good at sports all of a sudden, DH2 said because I'm your daughter. BDJ's response: I guess so....cryptic but subtle.

You mean BDJ knew all along that DH is not his daughter or he found out DH2 is faking it. I notice in ep55  ASJ and BDJ sleeps in different rooms, when BDJ was at the study table ASJ came in to make the bed and she asked 'should i sleep here tonite?' waahaaha that's funny. Why is BDJ taking out that DNA report all of a sudden, was this test done long time ago with DH or recently with DH2, i'm curious

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5 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

You mean BDJ knew all along that DH is not his daughter or he found out DH2 is faking it. I notice in ep55  ASJ and BDJ sleeps in different rooms, when BDJ was at the study table ASJ came in to make the bed and she asked 'should i sleep here tonite?' waahaaha that's funny. Why is BDJ taking out that DNA report all of a sudden, was this test done long time ago with DH or recently with DH2, i'm curious


That is the very same question i am asking.. :D



I Have A Lover - Episode 15

I remember this scene since it is pretty nice scene.


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I wonder is there a OST clip of the music DH2 was playing in the ending scene? The music is so beautiful and calming yet so sad. The actor playing TJ did a awesome job in this scene. He was so filled with emotion that all he saw was young NY playing the piano. Why hurt NY so cruelly feeling so strongly about her is question that will haunt him for the rest of his life. SJ have been nothing but a pain since he married her and her mother is unbearable but this is a what he wanted so can't start losing it now.

I think ASJ knows DH2 isn't her daughter because she keep testing her. First it was the pills then the lotion and now the food. I don't know how long this woman can keep this secret but I hope the writers don't let YK discover it first. Let DH2 discover it first so she can protect herself in case the secret is revealed to wrong person.

Looking forward to tmr episode.


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TJ made me hate him all over again.  He is getting snippy with the Jangs, not because his daughter died in their terrible care, or that they wanted her ripped from her mother at such a young age, but because YK says he is not the heir.


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22 minutes ago, Lilly58 said:

I wonder is there a OST clip of the music DH2 was playing in the ending scene? The music is so beautiful and calming yet so sad. The actor playing TJ did a awesome job in this scene. He was so filled with emotion that all he saw was young NY playing the piano. Why hurt NY so cruelly feeling so strongly about her is question that will haunt him for the rest of his life. SJ have been nothing but a pain since he married her and her mother is unbearable but this is a what he wanted so can't start losing it now.

I think ASJ knows DH2 isn't her daughter because she keep testing her. First it was the pills then the lotion and now the food. I don't know how long this woman can keep this secret but I hope the writers don't let YK discover it first. Let DH2 discover it first so she can protect herself in case the secret is revealed to wrong person.





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just like SK dad said to SK, TJ has a price to pay to get what he wants.. Hope SK gets the hints.

TJ is a lost cause as he will keeps on drifting since he wants SJ for her wealth and status but now pinning for NY-lookalike.. What a jerk...

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17 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

We have to keep in mind that HK was married before. Maybe the divorce made him afraid to be in a relationship again.


I don't think it would be long before they hit it off.. But HK will have his work cut out for him considering that NY was betrayed in the past..

@yamiyugi,  NY may fall into YK act for a moment but just the mere thought of them using her child and cost her, her life with the fact of mother and sister death who cares about a dad who was never there and didn't have sense enough to recognize his own kin..

Well everyone what was that TJ kissing DH2 .. Just like mama said a man betrayed once he will do it again.. And SJ have the nerve to blame them for her child what about the child they killed did that child not have blood pumping through her veins..SMH 

I think the only way they will be able to sign with the chicken joint is going through DH2 which will be a great help to her taking over the company in the future.. Why would HK care if she takes over AP foods all he need it for at the presence time is to get the construction company.. I see KW doing is trying to drive the stocks down only to buy them up to be the major stock holder in the company.. It's no way KW will give up his chairman position to his young BIL and work for him after playing big boss.. 

11 hours ago, mona_12345 said:

i never like any woman seducing any married man just to  get at that man..dh should not kiss or seduced a married man just to fulfill her ambition. you can seduce any man that you like but not married man/married woman. i am not supporting any adultery. marriage is a very sacred.how i wish dh's put her boundary.destroying another married woman's family is a big no-no. i never support any woman doing this to another woman. 


11 hours ago, sherrrr said:

Yeah but what SJ did to her is perfectly okay....


@mona_12345  In this case I have to support @sherrrr It's not ok to kiss a married man but he kissed her not the other way around and besides what SJ and TJ did is very wrong two wrongs don't make it right both of them have they karma coming to them.. TJ will have to live with the fact of knowing DH2 is NY and SJ will have to live with her husband pinning for another women that's karma none of them will be happy.. YK and KW will also be living in misery because she's going to marry HK rather her mom likes it or not no parent can win over they child.. YK will find out around that time that DH2 is KW other child and try and blackmail mom but DH2 will push this wedding through and so will BDJ..


10 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

My thought is DH2 is leading TJ to become obsessed with her like she devoted her life to him in the past only he dumped her for SJ after all NY did for him. It will cause issues in his marriage with SJ (which they both deserve) only for DH2 to marry HK and live a loving relationship with her hubby in TJ's face driving him nuts.

I am sure DH2 knows they prolly sent him over to AP foods to spy and try to harm the company and HK. She has learned well the business lessons and she knows those people as well. DH2 will play TJ well.. 

Her ploy is to have TJ so twisted up that he can't do what YK , SJ or KW wants him too. He will be divided. 


Waving Hi @Ldy Gmerm  I have to agree.. This is why I see DH2/NY marrying HK and they all living in the same house.. I see BDJ and HK helping her with her revenge we they find out what all SJ and YK have done.. How they use kids to trap a man to them both mother and daughter or responsible for deaths of others.. I really see BDJ going after KW and destroying worthless TJ all that education gone down the drain..

@my2centsworth & @NewDramaAddict, I think it would serve YK right if it turns out she's not the chairmans child and she should have been happy with what she had only to end up with nothing.. It would also be a nice slap to KW and TJ face they thought they married rich only to end up poorer then when they first started..    

9 hours ago, Cinderello Martinez said:

hopefully there will no forgiveness at the end of the drama.. 



@Cinderello Martinez  I hope the writer is reading this thread.. I just don't see a forgiving ending in this drama no matter how YK try and throw out there that her and SJ or half sister it still don't make up for all they did.. If YK had any kind of scruples she would have made sure that SJ and TJ went to different schools but she raised that brat to be like her..   


@Ldy Gmerm @tinatrix236  A little to much but just think I could almost here YK asking DH2 to carry a baby maybe asking one of the chicken shack girls to do it.. LOL


53 minutes ago, Lilly58 said:

I wonder is there a OST clip of the music DH2 was playing in the ending scene? The music is so beautiful and calming yet so sad. The actor playing TJ did a awesome job in this scene. He was so filled with emotion that all he saw was young NY playing the piano. Why hurt NY so cruelly feeling so strongly about her is question that will haunt him for the rest of his life. SJ have been nothing but a pain since he married her and her mother is unbearable but this is a what he wanted so can't start losing it now.

I think ASJ knows DH2 isn't her daughter because she keep testing her. First it was the pills then the lotion and now the food. I don't know how long this woman can keep this secret but I hope the writers don't let YK discover it first. Let DH2 discover it first so she can protect herself in case the secret is revealed to wrong person.

Looking forward to tmr episode.



@Lilly58  What can ASJ do finding out that DH2 is dead and allowed NY to come in and take her place for her sake it's no way she will try and treat her bad because all NY has to do is tell mom well let's talk to dad about who I am..

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15 minutes ago, mona_12345 said:

I think ASJ knows DH2 isn't her daughter because she keep testing her. First it was the pills then the lotion and now the food. I don't know how long this woman can keep this secret but I hope the writers don't let YK discover it first. Let DH2 discover it first so she can protect herself in case the secret is revealed to wrong person.

waahahaa! ASJ is one paranoid woman. She doesn't know that her husband knows DH is not his daughter. I think the dna test was done long ago. BDJ is a smart, hard working and successful businessman, its hard to fool someone like that. On the other hand he may have notice DH2 sudden changes even though she has memory loss and did come checking and tadaaaa! but then he's confused with ASJ strange behaviour! waaahaahaa! now I AM confused.  

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Guest my2centsworth
10 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

I agree I think he may have known all along she was not his daughter but he still loved her like his own. Perhaps he was a bit distant in the past since she did not share some of his interest. But with this new version who is embracing business and golf and he gets to have a relationship with her he is able to connect with DH. 

Of course he could have just found out as well with DH2 being in the hospital after the accident. But even though he knows he seems to still love her like his own. ( I really like his character in this drama.) 

I don't know if he thought his wife tried to pass another man's baby off on him to marry him or he knows she had a miscarriage and brought in a child. But I can see him not being happy when the fact that there where two children and she kept one from trying to know her sister comes out and that she may have known NY was not DH.

One thing for sure he prolly suspects she did it to keep him tied to her I bet. He is a businessman and not stupid.

I just do not want DH2 to loose that father and daughter relationship in the end. BDJ has become the best dad in the world to me and I want NY to have that after all is cleared up. 

Oh yes, BDJ must not lose his daughter. DH2 is enjoying her time with BDJ. Something she never have growing up and now she has a father. I can't see her giving him up any more that he would give her up. KW will have to just watch from the sidelines. After losing her child, her sister and the man she loved, all because of all of the Jangs, I just can't see DH2 forgiving KW and not YK and SJ.  She would never do that. She truly hates each one of them, TJ included. But BDJ brings joy into her life. He loves her back, trust her and adores her.. They make a great father-daughter team.

In the scene where ASJ's mother tells her that her child was a stillborn, it was mentioned that ASJ had a hard time getting pregnant. ( A lot of that seems to be going around with women in this drama ) and if not mistaken was told she couldn't get pregnant again. That is when she learn of DH. ASJ saved the baby clothes of DH with LYA's name on them. If BDJ and ASJ were being husband and wife and trying to have a baby then found out she couldn't anymore, then stole DH and saved her baby clothes.........what if BDJ found those baby clothes , had a DNA test preform and found out that the child was not his. His marriage was only a business marriage. He never loved ASJ. Now he tries to be a husband and then finds out she is deceiving him with someone else child. That would be enough for him to move out of the bedroom.  With all that, BDJ may think that his wife had another man' child and passed it off as his. I don't think he would ever dream that she would actually steal a baby. If so, he would make sure the child was return and he would divorce her. Does anything i said make sense? Sometimes my brain works faster than my fingers do on the keyboard....lol :blink:

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Guest my2centsworth
9 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

KW's payback is to live with the knowledge that the daughter he gave everything to is not even is daughter. He stepped on other peoples children for this selfish girl.  Then to find out that the daughter(s) he did wrong to where his blood and that one has died and so has his grandchild. All due to their selfish and greedy actions. (I see him stroking out by the end of this drama lol.. ) 

SJ will loose her mind (more) to have her identity pulled out from her this way. She may be her mothers child but she also held on to this man as her father. Finding out she is not his blood and NY /DH where is going to drive her nuts and I can see her trying to hide the truth but like all secrets they have a way of coming out. 

Irony for TJ is finding out that SJ the daughter of the Chairman he married to get ahead is not his daughter. But the woman he tossed away NY is the man's child.(Karma has a way of making sure people pay for the bad things they do!)  LOL imagine that on top of having to live in the same house with DH2.. (so very awesome!) 

I do not know about anyone else but if SJ can still have a baby at this moment whatever YK gave her in that pill bottle in her office to take may take that away from her completely. I just see the icing on the cake for her in killing SB is in never being able to have more children (worst parent possible ever!!) I think her next ploy to hold on to TJ will be to try to have a baby only she will not be able to have one or she will have another miscarriage. Either way she may lie about it too and fake a pregnancy. It will do no good since his nose and his mind will be wide open driven to obsession over a woman who looks like his dead ex girlfriend and dead child's mother. (payback is certainly a b****)

Beautiful !  You hit the bulls eye.  TJ marries SJ who he thinks is the Chairman's daughter to move up in the world, only to find out the real daughter of the Chairman is the one he threw away. And to top all it all , Chairman Jang won't be the chairman very much longer. 

When SJ was seeing her doctor, she said even if SJ were ovulating she would only have a 30% chance of getting pregnant. The doctor also seem to suspect that SJ was taking birth control. That is why I think those pills that YK gave her daughter could be birth control. The last thing YK wants is for SJ to be tied to TJ with a child. The doctor asked SJ to bring her supplements with her on her next visit. It's only a matter of time before SJ knows what her mother is doing.

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Guest my2centsworth
9 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

In thinking about what will change MS's mind about working with AP Foods? DH2. No, she might not personally ask but the thought of being able to see her dead NY everyday by working with HK and DH2 may be the impetus for her. MS is desperate to see NY and by working with AP Foods, she will have her wish. We will see.

Thinking the same here. DH2 will be what changes MS's mind. Whether MS finds out that DH2 is involved with AP Foods or DH2 goes and ask for her help. The thought of being near her will motivate MS to help. It will very difficult for DH2 to hold her emotions in, but she will. She knows she has to for the payback to the Jangs and TJ.  I do however wonder what plot SJ or KW will come up to put a halt to this?  We know they will try and we will get to see how DH2 handles it. She has to know it's coming.

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21 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

Oh yes, BDJ must not lose his daughter. DH2 is enjoying her time with BDJ. Something she never have growing up and now she has a father. I can't see her giving him up any more that he would give her up. KW will have to just watch from the sidelines. After losing her child, her sister and the man she loved, all because of all of the Jangs, I just can't see DH2 forgiving KW and not YK and SJ.  She would never do that. She truly hates each one of them, TJ included. But BDJ brings joy into her life. He loves her back, trust her and adores her.. They make a great father-daughter team.

In the scene where ASJ's mother tells her that her child was a stillborn, it was mentioned that ASJ had a hard time getting pregnant. ( A lot of that seems to be going around with women in this drama ) and if not mistaken was told she couldn't get pregnant again. That is when she learn of DH. ASJ saved the baby clothes of DH with LYA's name on them. If BDJ and ASJ were being husband and wife and trying to have a baby then found out she couldn't anymore, then stole DH and saved her baby clothes.........what if BDJ found those baby clothes , had a DNA test preform and found out that the child was not his. His marriage was only a business marriage. He never loved ASJ. Now he tries to be a husband and then finds out she is deceiving him with someone else child. That would be enough for him to move out of the bedroom.  With all that, BDJ may think that his wife had another man' child and passed it off as his. I don't think he would ever dream that she would actually steal a baby. If so, he would make sure the child was return and he would divorce her. Does anything i said make sense? Sometimes my brain works faster than my fingers do on the keyboard....lol :blink:

Chingu @my2centsworth, it makes perfect sense. You and @valsava are right any won't forgive him but I think later on she will forgive because YK tricked him.  Yes he did a lot of horrible things but because he is her father she won't hate him anymore. But I think she won't be a part of his life because she lost her mom, her sister, her daughter to his wife and ASJ. If only his character was a bit stronger , then all the hardship she had and her adoptive family had would have never happened.  Don't forget YK ruined 4 families . Her adoptive family ( The father/husband ) died and NY lost her mom that night, NY lost her daughter and BDJ lost his daughter. She ruined four families for her greediness. 

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20 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

He never loved ASJ. Now he tries to be a husband and then finds out she is deceiving him with someone else child. That would be enough for him to move out of the bedroom.  With all that, BDJ may think that his wife had another man' child and passed it off as his. I don't think he would ever dream that she would actually steal a baby. If so, he would make sure the child was return and he would divorce her. Does anything i said make sense? Sometimes my brain works faster than my fingers do on the keyboard....lol :blink:

Yes it does make sense. BDJ might think that DH was a child ASJ had with another man and thus the dna test. 

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Guest my2centsworth
8 hours ago, ObsessiveCompulsive said:

This is the revenge that I wanted, I'm glad the story is going where I hoped it to go. Someone mentioned that it was wrong for DH2 to seduce a married man. I completely disagree with that. When SJ got with TJ he was engaged to his girlfriend of almost 15years who at the time was also pregnant, so I won't be feeling "sorry" or "shedding any tears" for SJ. She needs to see the cold hard truth, once a cheater always a cheater, and how you get a man is how you lose him. TJ has always loved NY, and the guilt of being responsible for her death will never go away. And at the end of the day you can't take a man who doesn't want to be taken PERIOD. It's interesting how determined DH2 is in her revenge and I absolutely love it. I like how she didn't even flinch at her mothers chicken shop being chosen, and I know she will not let them be bullied by Baek DO, she will get them to sign. SJ is such a unprofessional child, how can she be in charge of anything? ridiculous!. 

I think DH's father had that DNA test done a long time ago. HK can't be his son because his mother wouldn't be allowing a marriage between DH and HK. The results of the test might be making DH's father think her mother cheated and that is why his not the biological father of DH, but little does he know the truth is more sinister then he could ever imagine. At the end of the day I think he will mourn DH's death and still support DH2, I like knowing that he knew DH wasn't his daughter but he loved her unconditionally, he is truly a great man.

YK is losing her grip on TJ hahahaha. He's even talking back now and defending his mother. I think she will slowly realize she needs TJ as her ally rather then her enemy, something KW realized early on.  HK's mom is just like him, they both need to grow some backbone, they let the whole Jang family walk all over them. But I think HK's jealousy might be the push he needs to step it up, and fight for his company and woman.

Although DH2 doesn't seem to have any interest in HK now, I do see her falling slowly for him. His kind loving nature matches her's perfectly. It's just hard at the moment because she can't be her true self and the guilt of lying to him might be too much for her to bare, so she won't let her guard down long enough to let him in. But, there is no doubt he will be her man at the end and I hope they live happily ever after:D.


Perfectly said !  :D  But didn't you just love how YS taunted YK with those old school photos of they two of them with LYA? She even added that everyone use to say the LYA would end up with a man who would give her a ton of love.

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TJ's mom bet on the wrong horse (son) for the money. TJ's brother will be the one with the money. When the Jangs are starting to work together with AP Food they are the ones who will also make the money. TJ's brother go's back to NY's sister and help the Jangs in their company, get a position there and there comes the money. TJ will loose it because SJ will loose her position as not being her fathers daughter plus she and her family will loose the company to HK. :w00t:

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Guest my2centsworth
8 hours ago, superdgundam said:

 sorry, to bother you, but in what episode did they reveal that SJ is not KW daughter?  i always thought she is YK and KW daughter?

First esp.

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Guest my2centsworth
8 hours ago, chickpea said:


@NewKDramaAddict - " They have such a great relationship! I think his anger will be directed solely against ASJ but I wonder if he will divorce her. "  Good Morning!  I said in yesterday's post that YK hunting down the facts surrounding DH's birth could work in DH and ASJ's favor and this is why... ASJ can feign ignorance that DH is not the daughter to whom she gave birth in the hospital, that the hospital made the switch of babies and she was unaware and she, too, is a victim but she is grateful to have had a child to raise all these years than to have mourned the loss of a still-born child all these years which would not have enriched their lives.  She could make the case that "fate" caused the babies to be switched so that the burden of raising a child with a heart condition went to the parents who could afford to provide for her rather than a single mother who probably could not.  There is no decent man in the world--and BDJ is a decent man--who would divorce his wife over something like this and there is no father who loves his daughter as much as he loves DH--who would put her aside simply because she was not of his blood.  Earlier this week you made a wonderful comment about how well BDJ treats DH and I responded that this is how people who are "parents" love.  Parental love is not selfish and people who can love only their own progeny are too selfish to be parents.  Eventually they begin to treat their children not as children but as little gods at whose feet they worship and to whom they sacrifice the needs and desires of other children.  Look at the YK and KW as SJ's parents and compare them to MS as a parent or to BDJ and ASJ.  YK and KW treat SJ as if she is a god to whom they have sacrificed NY's happiness, DH and SB's lives, driven Chairman into an early grave and ensnared TJ into a loveless marriage in order to get for her control of Baekdo.  MS sought out NY from all the orphanages in the country to find the orphan left behind from the accident she belives was caused by her husband.  Normally in these dramas, such a woman would not want to see the child and be reminded of her husband's accident, but MS is a "parent" and that parental love would not permit her to leave NY alone in the world even if it meant another mouth to feed and no husband's income.  She would just figure out how to feed one more mouth with much less income.  The same thing applies to ASJ and DH.  I said in an earlier post that, had it been me, I would have taken the healthy child and left the sick one behind.  But I'm not a parent.  I'm thinking, I need a child to hold on to my husband and I want the one that will cause me the least amount of grief and interfere less in my lifestyle.  But ASJ is a parent, so she took the child who needed her more and for whom she and BDJ could better provide and left with LYA the child who could live longest with her.  All-in-all, quite a decent thing for her to have done... despite stealing the baby and all, I mean.  So, I'm hoping YK's nosing around will backfire and BDJ will just tell her he has "invested" in DH as his child and nothing she can say will change that... and I don't think he should divorce ASJ otherwise he will be making her a victim twice and repaying evil for a good deed done...

@yamiyugi - Greetings, friend.  Regarding my comments on the YYS-BDJ lunch, the point is this.  Both YYS and BDJ are good and decent people.  We've seen that in the drama.  Whatever the appropriate time frame is for mourning, I don't think they would have gone out in public if it wasn't proper to do so.  But that is an aside that was not shown in the drama.  What was shown in the drama is that YYS felt badgered by the unkind comments--based on the lies printed in the press and given by YK--spoken loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear, passing judgement on her and her relationship with the Chairman (her husband).  I'm going to use the word "decent" here for the third time in 15 minutes.  What that woman did--what those women were doing--was not decent, proper, laudable behavior in any country, in any culture, and she would have been right to put them in their places.  How we handle bad behavior with family members (and YK is her "daughter") and how we handle bad behavior with strangers, especially ones who should know better and who claim and act like they know better, is different.  YYS can crush YK with a single showing of the DNA test results that show SJ is not KW's child but she chooses not to because YK is her "daughter" and she hopes to correct her behavior.  But those biddies in the restaurant, she should have stood up and defended herself, her husband and their relationship and her son.

Well, gotta run so that's it for now...  

Love your insight on a real parents love, whether you gave birth to them or adopted them. With the matter of YK being curious about DH2 being a twin.  Think that issue has been put to rest. In last night's esp, YK met with the man who looked into DH2's life.  He found no evidence of her being a twin. And the birth records showed that ASK gave birth to only one daughter. So, unless something drastic happens, YK will not look into that any more. YK is very busy now interfering in the lives of SJ and TJ.   Trying to keep SJ from getting pregnant.  There are only two people who know of the twins. ASJ and DH2 and they both live under the same roof. ASJ is treating DH2 less and less like a daughter and more like the person she believes may have had a part of the death of the real DH.  DH2 feels and sees her suspicions.  Going to get very interesting when the two have to face the truth to each other. ASJ will have no choice but to play along or let her secret out.  DH2 should find out more about how her sister ended up being raised by ASJ and BDJ too.

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Guest my2centsworth
3 hours ago, chickpea said:

Greetings, @LdyGmerm (imagine bowing emoggi)...  well, to continue the Angel of Death metaphor... YK is "killing" her own grandchildren before they are even conceived if those are contraceptives and killing them after they are conceived if those are something like the "morning after" pill...  So she's offering up her grandchildren on the altar of SJ... when all comes out, SJ is going to have even more psychological issues than she has now...

Today's ending:  I LOVE IT!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::heart::heart:

Ah, so BDJ has know for a while that DH is not his biological child yet he has never let on and loved her as his own and not divorced his wife... can I marry this guy...


YK is doing a good thing here. NO MORE YKs.....lol  The line of hateful and deceitful woman will be no more !  Probably to only good thing she has ever done in her lifetime. :wub:

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