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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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1 hour ago, sherrrr said:

Maybe because he cant have children ?

If this is the case, then that man is a saint because this means that he wasn't even the father of the stillborn baby his wife delivered. It makes one wonder about ASJ's past...I guess she and YK are the same.

It's so much fun to watch DH2 play with TJ's mind and good to see him losing it. SJ's entrance was unexpected but hilarious...let the games begin. The marriage is already in shambles when it barely started hahaha.....and to think SJ wants to try for another baby. I highly doubt TJ will be for it as another woman has him distracted.....get ready to see many tantrums courtesy of SJ. At this rate, YK may get her wish very soon. As for TJ, it would be surprising if he doesn't end up in a mental institution at the end of the drama.

KW and TJ are so sure that HK will never be able to get Mal Sook to agree sign a contract with the company. DH2 must be laughing inside at all the tricks these people have or may try pull. I hope they are ready for all the tricks she has up her sleeve.  That family won't know what hit them by the time DH2 is done with them. 

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now i can understand why dh's father/adopted father still loves hk's mom.the wife betraying him.telling lies about the child .he felt very lonely inside and pretend nothing happen just to care for his fake child.the story revolve about strong women's willing to do anything .the only weak woman is hk's mom.the rest are strong will women.

i think the chairman really loves  hk's mom more than his sick wife.this is the point that made yk angry and  super jealous towards her young stepmom. two men loving the same woman.hk's mom is beautiful,soft  and very charming . i can understand why yk jealous of her.her beauty and her charm made her father cazy. ex-lover too can' t forget her.yk ,ya, hk's mom were good friend and try to compete each other during their high school. hk's mom catch big fish , yk catch a poor man and nayeon's mom lost everything to yk.now after her father gone she still want to beat hk's  mom.she felt  victory after ya died and na yean was dead too.

it is normal among women like to compare and outdo each other.yk never expect her good friend will catch her father .she felt betrayed in this competition and she can never beat her good friend's husband with her husband.her friend is her step mom and her husband  is  one of the richest man in korea.she lost in this competition and try to mock hk's mom  by telling her off . her achievement  is  seducing her father and become his mistress.

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KW's payback is to live with the knowledge that the daughter he gave everything to is not even is daughter. He stepped on other peoples children for this selfish girl.  Then to find out that the daughter(s) he did wrong to where his blood and that one has died and so has his grandchild. All due to their selfish and greedy actions. (I see him stroking out by the end of this drama lol.. ) 

SJ will loose her mind (more) to have her identity pulled out from her this way. She may be her mothers child but she also held on to this man as her father. Finding out she is not his blood and NY /DH where is going to drive her nuts and I can see her trying to hide the truth but like all secrets they have a way of coming out. 

Irony for TJ is finding out that SJ the daughter of the Chairman he married to get ahead is not his daughter. But the woman he tossed away NY is the man's child.(Karma has a way of making sure people pay for the bad things they do!)  LOL imagine that on top of having to live in the same house with DH2.. (so very awesome!) 

I do not know about anyone else but if SJ can still have a baby at this moment whatever YK gave her in that pill bottle in her office to take may take that away from her completely. I just see the icing on the cake for her in killing SB is in never being able to have more children (worst parent possible ever!!) I think her next ploy to hold on to TJ will be to try to have a baby only she will not be able to have one or she will have another miscarriage. Either way she may lie about it too and fake a pregnancy. It will do no good since his nose and his mind will be wide open driven to obsession over a woman who looks like his dead ex girlfriend and dead child's mother. (payback is certainly a b****)

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In thinking about what will change MS's mind about working with AP Foods? DH2. No, she might not personally ask but the thought of being able to see her dead NY everyday by working with HK and DH2 may be the impetus for her. MS is desperate to see NY and by working with AP Foods, she will have her wish. We will see.

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This is why DH2 will never recognize KW as her father!




DH2 already has a father now!! This relationship is wonderful to watch!! Oh, we've had clues all along that BDJ knew. Ep 54 when they were at the dinner table, he asked her why was she so good at sports all of a sudden, DH2 said because I'm your daughter. BDJ's response: I guess so....cryptic but subtle...

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21 minutes ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

In thinking about what will change MS's mind about working with AP Foods? DH2. No, she might not personally ask but the thought of being able to see her dead NY everyday by working with HK and DH2 may be the impetus for her. MS is desperate to see NY and by working with AP Foods, she will have her wish. We will see.

I think she may change her mind, as is, MS is still not aware DH2 is involved in APFood. It is obvious she may not want to go into partnership with Beakso but maybe indirectly via BSS (MrBeak) as APFood investor?

As for TJ kissing DH2.. weeeeeehooo, that was really fast and unexpected. As if he was in a trance, or was he drunk? 

As for HK I think DH2 has nothing to worry as papa's money should for the time being, help keep HK at bay :rolleyes:. We can see at the moment she has no love interest in HK at all.. However I am sure once TJ is under her spell, she will dump him. To add salt to TJ's injury, she marries HK :angry:

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This is the revenge that I wanted, I'm glad the story is going where I hoped it to go. Someone mentioned that it was wrong for DH2 to seduce a married man. I completely disagree with that. When SJ got with TJ he was engaged to his girlfriend of almost 15years who at the time was also pregnant, so I won't be feeling "sorry" or "shedding any tears" for SJ. She needs to see the cold hard truth, once a cheater always a cheater, and how you get a man is how you lose him. TJ has always loved NY, and the guilt of being responsible for her death will never go away. And at the end of the day you can't take a man who doesn't want to be taken PERIOD. It's interesting how determined DH2 is in her revenge and I absolutely love it. I like how she didn't even flinch at her mothers chicken shop being chosen, and I know she will not let them be bullied by Baek DO, she will get them to sign. SJ is such a unprofessional child, how can she be in charge of anything? ridiculous!. 

I think DH's father had that DNA test done a long time ago. HK can't be his son because his mother wouldn't be allowing a marriage between DH and HK. The results of the test might be making DH's father think her mother cheated and that is why his not the biological father of DH, but little does he know the truth is more sinister then he could ever imagine. At the end of the day I think he will mourn DH's death and still support DH2, I like knowing that he knew DH wasn't his daughter but he loved her unconditionally, he is truly a great man.

YK is losing her grip on TJ hahahaha. He's even talking back now and defending his mother. I think she will slowly realize she needs TJ as her ally rather then her enemy, something KW realized early on.  HK's mom is just like him, they both need to grow some backbone, they let the whole Jang family walk all over them. But I think HK's jealousy might be the push he needs to step it up, and fight for his company and woman.

Although DH2 doesn't seem to have any interest in HK now, I do see her falling slowly for him. His kind loving nature matches her's perfectly. It's just hard at the moment because she can't be her true self and the guilt of lying to him might be too much for her to bare, so she won't let her guard down long enough to let him in. But, there is no doubt he will be her man at the end and I hope they live happily ever after:D.


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3 hours ago, Tang Soon said:

Hmmm it been like 3 DNA report being provided... SJ not KW daughter, DH and NY sisters.. DH not Papa Baek daughter.  

Who is next? YK not Chairman daughter?

 sorry, to bother you, but in what episode did they reveal that SJ is not KW daughter?  i always thought she is YK and KW daughter?

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20 minutes ago, superdgundam said:

 sorry, to bother you, but in what episode did they reveal that SJ is not KW daughter?  i always thought she is YK and KW daughter?

In the beginning when NY/DH's mother died. She talks about the DNA test she has.


BTW: Lightening fast raw episode available followed by even faster subs for the episode! Already subbed!!

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@NewKDramaAddict - " They have such a great relationship! I think his anger will be directed solely against ASJ but I wonder if he will divorce her. "  Good Morning!  I said in yesterday's post that YK hunting down the facts surrounding DH's birth could work in DH and ASJ's favor and this is why... ASJ can feign ignorance that DH is not the daughter to whom she gave birth in the hospital, that the hospital made the switch of babies and she was unaware and she, too, is a victim but she is grateful to have had a child to raise all these years than to have mourned the loss of a still-born child all these years which would not have enriched their lives.  She could make the case that "fate" caused the babies to be switched so that the burden of raising a child with a heart condition went to the parents who could afford to provide for her rather than a single mother who probably could not.  There is no decent man in the world--and BDJ is a decent man--who would divorce his wife over something like this and there is no father who loves his daughter as much as he loves DH--who would put her aside simply because she was not of his blood.  Earlier this week you made a wonderful comment about how well BDJ treats DH and I responded that this is how people who are "parents" love.  Parental love is not selfish and people who can love only their own progeny are too selfish to be parents.  Eventually they begin to treat their children not as children but as little gods at whose feet they worship and to whom they sacrifice the needs and desires of other children.  Look at the YK and KW as SJ's parents and compare them to MS as a parent or to BDJ and ASJ.  YK and KW treat SJ as if she is a god to whom they have sacrificed NY's happiness, DH and SB's lives, driven Chairman into an early grave and ensnared TJ into a loveless marriage in order to get for her control of Baekdo.  MS sought out NY from all the orphanages in the country to find the orphan left behind from the accident she belives was caused by her husband.  Normally in these dramas, such a woman would not want to see the child and be reminded of her husband's accident, but MS is a "parent" and that parental love would not permit her to leave NY alone in the world even if it meant another mouth to feed and no husband's income.  She would just figure out how to feed one more mouth with much less income.  The same thing applies to ASJ and DH.  I said in an earlier post that, had it been me, I would have taken the healthy child and left the sick one behind.  But I'm not a parent.  I'm thinking, I need a child to hold on to my husband and I want the one that will cause me the least amount of grief and interfere less in my lifestyle.  But ASJ is a parent, so she took the child who needed her more and for whom she and BDJ could better provide and left with LYA the child who could live longest with her.  All-in-all, quite a decent thing for her to have done... despite stealing the baby and all, I mean.  So, I'm hoping YK's nosing around will backfire and BDJ will just tell her he has "invested" in DH as his child and nothing she can say will change that... and I don't think he should divorce ASJ otherwise he will be making her a victim twice and repaying evil for a good deed done...

@yamiyugi - Greetings, friend.  Regarding my comments on the YYS-BDJ lunch, the point is this.  Both YYS and BDJ are good and decent people.  We've seen that in the drama.  Whatever the appropriate time frame is for mourning, I don't think they would have gone out in public if it wasn't proper to do so.  But that is an aside that was not shown in the drama.  What was shown in the drama is that YYS felt badgered by the unkind comments--based on the lies printed in the press and given by YK--spoken loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear, passing judgement on her and her relationship with the Chairman (her husband).  I'm going to use the word "decent" here for the third time in 15 minutes.  What that woman did--what those women were doing--was not decent, proper, laudable behavior in any country, in any culture, and she would have been right to put them in their places.  How we handle bad behavior with family members (and YK is her "daughter") and how we handle bad behavior with strangers, especially ones who should know better and who claim and act like they know better, is different.  YYS can crush YK with a single showing of the DNA test results that show SJ is not KW's child but she chooses not to because YK is her "daughter" and she hopes to correct her behavior.  But those biddies in the restaurant, she should have stood up and defended herself, her husband and their relationship and her son.

Well, gotta run so that's it for now...  

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7 minutes ago, chickpea said:

Regarding my comments on the YYS-BDJ lunch, the point is this.  Both YYS and BDJ are good and decent people.  We've seen that in the drama.

And we also saw in ep 54 that ASJ knew about the dinner engagement. So, BDJ wasn't doing anything under the covers. 

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1 hour ago, superdgundam said:

 sorry, to bother you, but in what episode did they reveal that SJ is not KW daughter?  i always thought she is YK and KW daughter?


1 hour ago, superdgundam said:

 sorry, to bother you, but in what episode did they reveal that SJ is not KW daughter?  i always thought she is YK and KW daughter?

It was from the first episode that we found out SJ is not KW's daughter. @superdgundam

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I am on the fence now as to when BDJ knew about DH not being his child. To me the scene in today's episode seem like he recently found out. But again I get the impression that either he found out long ago or he had his suspicions long ago and verified it. Now if it is because he may not be able to father children or if something about DH not having any of his traits hipped him to it or if due to her many health issues with her heart and he was unable to donate blood for one of her surgeries (this makes me think this could have been the reason he knows, the hospital would have asked his blood type or did a type and match themselves in drawing his blood only to tell him he has no genetic relation to DH) or something else came up with her health to make him check. I am sure it hurt him but he also remembered the love he has for that child and did not blame her for whatever happen and how she came to be in his house as his own. 

I think BDJ will be very angry to find out the truth but I do not think he will be mad at NY just hurt and sad that DH died without his being able to say goodbye. I have to agree I don't know if he will divorce his wife but I can see her going insane or getting sick and dying leaving him free.I think NY will also tell him that she enjoyed his being her father and was proud to have him as such  and thanks him for allowing her to have a warm loving relationship with a father even if she took DH's place for a bit and wishes that he was truly her father (I hope) that may allow him to still have that father daughter relationship with NY later. (with name changes and other legal issues taken care of course.) 

For me the last blow KW can have is a. to have the rejection of his blood after all he said and did to her. and b. have BDJ legally adopt NY as his own daughter and c. have to watch NY be a sweet daughter and have BDJ be a father to his own blood he threw away. (My big wish list.. will it happen I do not know but I can hope!)

I loved that he turned ASJ away today when she suggested to sleep with him in his room. She still tries to hold on to a man that she had to lie and steal to keep. Desperate for his love and affection. It seems it does not work as you look at her face as she says never mind basically and goes to leave the room. Hurt that he will not give her any affection on that front. Well when you lie to trap and hold on to a person you need to be thankful for what you have. This is a good man who has been a good husband even though he knows she has done him a wrong. 

YK, YK, YK, HK's mom struck a nerve in today's episode going down memory lane about NY's mom being voted to finding a good loving man when they where younger.. She tried to shut HK's mom down on talking about that. I guess there is still guilt in stealing KW from NY's mom. Oh well the truth will eventually come out. 

I can not see DH2 having any feelings left for TJ at this stage this is all for revenge. She is toying with his head and he is falling for it and it seems to be giving him a bit of back bone as well. 

 I too think that Hk will cause her to fall in love with him too. He is slowly doing it and she does not see it. I am going to love it when they marry. 

I also think that HK's jealousy will push him to fight harder for the company and to get DH2 to love him, A marriage will happen since too many people in that house do not want it. When it does DH2 will love him but will not stop her revenge.

Let me say again the supplements that YK are giving SJ are not supplements they are birth control. I am more sure than anything. The doctor even asked if she was taking BC pills and SJ said no just a supplement and then we see YK telling her to take them every day even at work but also saying that TJ and his mom are trying to get her pregnant to control her.. (HUH?) So I am going with that is a form of BC in that bottle and it is going to make it so SJ can never have children again or if she gets pregnant there will be complications and that medicine will cause another miscarriage and she will not be able to have another child. IT will be laid at her mothers door for making her own daughter barren. 

YK is realizing that the dog she thought TJ to be is slowly turning around to bite it's master. It will only get worse. I agree she will realize she needs TJ on her side and he may get on that bandwagon again to be able to get something out of the deal when DH2 marries HK. Putting her out of his reach. 

I see DH2 messing with his head until DH and NY are confused then her telling him he is nuts and she is BDH and it meant nothing to her.. lol Or he imagined things and has been harassing her.

DH2 will end up getting her mother to work with them.. AS you guys pointed out to be able to see DH2 and be near her will be the motivation she needs and if it means sticking it to YK as well they will do it. 

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Subs make the episode that much better!


Damn, did TJ just speak up for his mother AND talk back to both SJ as well as YK! Loved it! That is the DH2 effect! Also, TJ is so sure that MS will not work with AP Foods but I beg to differ for 2 reasons: HK and DH2. I got a kick out of the fellows on the team fawning over DH2 and her beauty! I have a feeling that BDJ might have known or suspected for awhile but it was hard to see if that DNA report was old or new though it looked old to me! I think the new DH2 may have increased his feelings for DH. As I said, that comment he made after she said She was his daughter (his answer: I guess so) tells me that the report was old. Yes, have to love YS and her not so subtle dig about YA and her beauty! There was so much that subs brought out in this episode, I'm rambling! I can't help it!! YK is definitely feeding SJ BP pills. Most def!! Again, a good episode!! 


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2 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

In the beginning when NY/DH's mother died. She talks about the DNA test she has.


BTW: Lightening fast raw episode available followed by even faster subs for the episode! Already subbed!!


oh ok thanks. i always thought that the dna test the mother had was to show that NY was KW daughter.   i guess i didnt watch it properly.

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1 hour ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

Let me say again the supplements that YK are giving SJ are not supplements they are birth control. I am more sure than anything. The doctor even asked if she was taking BC pills and SJ said no just a supplement and then we see YK telling her to take them every day even at work but also saying that TJ and his mom are trying to get her pregnant to control her.. (HUH?) So I am going with that is a form of BC in that bottle and it is going to make it so SJ can never have children again or if she gets pregnant there will be complications and that medicine will cause another miscarriage and she will not be able to have another child. IT will be laid at her mothers door for making her own daughter barren. 

I also think those pills are for birth control(I'm getting Cheongdamdong Scandal vibes here lol!). YK wants to be sure that all ties to TJ are severed should she find a way to toss him out of that house and company. Like you mentioned, there may be complications and SJ may never able to have children again. At least this time, SJ won't be able to point fingers at DH2 or MS for her misfortunes.....her mother's actions will ensure the destruction of their family.

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41 minutes ago, tinatrix236 said:

I also think those pills are for birth control(I'm getting Cheongdamdong Scandal vibes here lol!). YK wants to be sure that all ties to TJ are severed should she find a way to toss him out of that house and company. Like you mentioned, there may be complications and SJ may never able to have children again. At least this time, SJ won't be able to point fingers at DH2 or MS for her misfortunes.....her mother's actions will ensure the destruction of their family.

I was getting the same flashback to Cheongdamdong Scandal I loved that drama.. I have never had a villain I liked so much.. She was like Dr. Evil all rolled up in a hateful mother in law genius package. I admit to rooting for the villain and the OTP lol..

It really makes you think to be careful of even accepting things from the people closest to you as family will harm you worse then strangers.. case in point what YK is doing to SJ now. (She has taken away the girls own free will to decide if she wants to wait to have children or to have a child.) YK is doing this just as you say to make sure TJ has no ties to that family when she thinks she is ready to toss him aside. But TJ will not need a kid to cling and stick it to YK wait and see. 

After the kiss scene today and her small tantrum I see SJ not taking that supplement and trying to get pregnant to hold on to TJ only it will not work now that she took those pills.. OR if she does it will bring complications as mentioned.

SJ will find out some kind of way she has been affected by whatever YK has been giving her in that supplement bottle and then it will be traced back to YK. I am not sure if this will come before or after she finds out she is not KW's daughter but either way it will be a huge blow to her in trying to keep TJ lol. 

YK has indeed set in motion the downfall of her family with her actions starting in the past when she stole and lied to marry KW. Oh well it could not have happen to better people in my view. SJ should never be allowed to raise children as they would be a carbon copy of her spoiled, vane and jealous self... she sees her self above everyone and as pointed out by someone else been raised as she is a god and can have whatever she wants if she asks for it. Imagine little kids with that same attitude.. no way!..Also did we want children with YK's DNA in them. Anyone near her ends up dying if she gets involved. 

YK will learn some hard lessons as the past comes back to get her but she will have to live with taking away SJ's chances to ever have more children and her grandchildren. 

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2 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

YK will learn some hard lessons as the past comes back to get her but she will have to live with taking away SJ's chances to ever have more children and her grandchildren. 

Greetings, @LdyGmerm (imagine bowing emoggi)...  well, to continue the Angel of Death metaphor... YK is "killing" her own grandchildren before they are even conceived if those are contraceptives and killing them after they are conceived if those are something like the "morning after" pill...  So she's offering up her grandchildren on the altar of SJ... when all comes out, SJ is going to have even more psychological issues than she has now...

Today's ending:  I LOVE IT!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::heart::heart:

Ah, so BDJ has know for a while that DH is not his biological child yet he has never let on and loved her as his own and not divorced his wife... can I marry this guy...


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