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I thought of the same thing. I think with the span of time that they were together, almost 24/7 doing the same things and even sleeping on the same bed, be together on and off cam for the longest time, I think theyve grown closer, to the point that they already understand each other, maybe not as a couple but really as good friends to each other. I really think, ZZ already know what type of person Johnny is, what makes him mad etc. It is visible in the video, he sensed that Johnny was not in the mood so in his own ways, he's trying to ease and help Johnny get through it and finally rehearse.

As far as I remember, this already happened before. When you rewatch YY interview, you can tell that the interviewer is kinda pushover that when he asks questions and they answer, it seems like the interviewer is not satisfied and want to hear something else. Johnny sensed it and even confronted the interviewer about it in a very modest and informally joking way. After that It is apparent that Jonny's mood have changed that even though he usually answers first he kinda uninterested to answer questions after that, and I think ZZ sensed it and when the interviewer ask something, instead the uninterested Johnny aswers first, he willingly took the mic and answer the questions willingly. Yikes. Im just delulu maybe but thats what I observed. I think JOhnny is a short tempered person to the point that if he doesnt like a thing, surely he's not. And our dear ZZ thinks highly about our Johnny. Id like to think they really compliment each other well. The one is hard the other is soft mannered. Or whatever i am pointing about this. Hahaha,
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I really hope the ban will be lift up soon. Or i hope someone will fund the production so that they can continue filming and show it in a different platform. Or maybe an international production firm will pick up the story and tap the same production and cast to continue the story and show it as a series in different platform maybe or an imdependent film? It just so sad we can see the show progress. I mean theres a lot more to show about the novel cause i really think the story is phenomenal and it touches my heart in every way possible. Sorry. Im a new fan and i just cant comtain it. Maybe some of you had koved on already since the news broke to public a month ago already but for me who happened to know the news few days ago, im still in denial and it hurts so much. :(


i think the perfect song for season 2/book 2 is STAY by Daryl Ong. Try to search it in youtube or spotify. It suots them well, especially Gu Hai to BLY perspective. 

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15 minutes ago, charlie10 said:

...and JY showed off those sunglasses from Korea too, let's not forget! (I still totally believe they were from ZZ, too much coincidence there too.) Seriously, three different times: ZZ goes to Korea, JY happily wears glasses from Korea. ZZ goes to Japan, JY happily wears expensive Japanese necklace, JY goes to France, ZZ happily wears French shirt. I could have disregarded once, or even twice, but not three times!

I hear baby... Thank you so, so much for translating those. Yay!

I can't believe some are upset from ZZ swearing like that. Is JY a delicate little flowers who you can only talk to about fluffy cats and sunshine? It's obvious they're joking around, very friendly like. In fact, I can imagine ZZ is acting as BLY here, just a little more coarsely. You know, instead of just pushing the annoying GH away, he curses him like crazy. And people swear, so normally, wouldn't be strange if an angry BLY would swear at GH when he's being particularly and persistently annoying to BLY. Also, I think cursing in a language which isn't your first language is a lot easier. (JY isn't at good at English as ZZ, right? ZZ seem to speak fairly well.)

The kidnap scene rehearsal is even more interesting now that I understand what they're saying! So yeah, like @liesl said, JY is very annoyed with the director, sulking like a kid, ignoring him. It's interesting to watch him being like that, it's a little childish, but he's probably tired and I don't think he likes being told what to do. I really love how ZZ kind of defends JY by saying they need a break (to smoke?) and then getting JY back on track, little by little. Until JY's enthusiasm is back. ZZ looks so smug at the end. Like he's thinking 'see what I did there? I really know how to handle this gorgeous hunk of a man guy.'

Why are these two so infinitely fascinating to watch? It's weird.


Regarding ZZ's swearing, he must have been really close to JY to curse at him like that. You won't just curse at someone like that if you're not close to that person unless you hate him/her, but in this case, it's very obvious that they're just having fun. It's so cute to see them like that, especially ZZ. He's so cute when he's swearing in english :PAlso, he looks like he's a little drunk (??)

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I found  this Taiwanese article interesting.

If translation serves me right, it says the Addicted OST is selling very quickly in Taiwan. And that the Men's Uno with JY & ZZ on the cover, broke a first-day sale record with 8 000 copies sold. And that the Addicted books are expected to sell very well too. 

There's obviously still a lot of juice in the popularity of Addicted. And seeing there's still new BTS, still exclusive photo book to be released etc, it will last a bit longer yet. 

I wonder if anyone will seriously try to find the English speaking market as well, translating the books, subtitling the series. If someone wants to make money, I think there is a lot to find there as well. 

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28 minutes ago, aeislaeigh said:

Weibo update

Fan arts

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Source:   豆子澈


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Source:   鱼粥少女


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Source:   somikse

Begging for translation please.. Thank you so much..









Actually, I am a coward.

I'm afraid of loneliness.

Afraid to travel.

Afraid to hurt the ones i love.

But because i met you, i became a stronger person.

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On 29/05/2016 at 8:05 AM, gashupingo said:

OMG, the comments at Baidu there are so funny. Please don't do this to me. I've stopped subbing ZZ's iFensi video bcause of this news. 

If it's Emperor Zhou, then the female fans should be called concubines, what about the male fans? Eunuch? XDDD

Then JY's company should be called 瑜皇 right? (Emperor Yu). Erm, hard to explain but Emperor=皇帝(Huang Di). Both character Huang or Di can be separate and stand on it's own as the meaning of Emperor. ZZ's company name is 洲帝 which take the 2nd character of the Emperor name so they're saying JY's company should take the first character haha. 

Looking at the name, ZZ really wants to Fang Gong (reverse) and be ZhouYu. XD

Also, I edited my last post to clarify about what's funny about ZZ's "manager" wb name change.


Awwh I love it, it's great news for ZZhou, whatever the name is called it's brilliant, am sooo happy for our two Handsome Princes/Emperors of China haha..all the best to them :())))....*** Yeaaaahh....

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On 29/05/2016 at 11:49 AM, bearology said:

Wow, exciting news about ZZ. I can't wait to hear more news about his company. Also, if ZZ can afford to have share in CJD company and has his own company, I'm sure JY is doing well too considering JY actually has slightly more shows/photoshoot/movie/etc comparing to ZZ. This news is even more exciting since JY doesn't have an official manager at the moment, JY still hasn't followed that lady (who we thought was his new manager) and she didn't show up with JY at GM event but ZZ's manager did or post any promotional posts on wb relating to JY. My delulu is that JY will also open his own company and their companies will cooperate together. I think I will die because of excitement if that happen. They are seriously doing well considering its been less than a year since Shangyin. So proud of our boys!

Throw back Slowly Walk BTS

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ZZhou NO SMOKING PLEASE, Don't KILL your health & looks babe.. not worth it over ugly killer cigarettes!!!

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Hello! Finally, Soompi was able to fix my access to the forums. Another one here from the Philippines. Srsly pinoys, we can already build a clan for this one. Haha. 

Started the addiction almost 2 months ago, courtesy of @rictorcroix. It has gotten much of a big deal that we had to make a separate chat in facebook and named it 'YuZhou Rehabilitation.' Haha. Another friend here, @boytoy, will be coming home from his vacation in Malaysia, and we can't wait to have our copy of Men's Uno! Haha. Srsly, the 3 of us have gotten too gay over this but heck! YuZhou all the way! 

Glad to be here! 

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JY.... Today ^^



That shirt looked very familiar from Gentle Monster event, Korean actor Changwook Ji (지창욱) wore the shirt that day. PJ shirt!!!! Hehe



But going back... JY wore this shirt for photo shoot when he wore this LV floral jacket (it's LV, right? HMM) I am guessing it is JY's shirt? Because mostly celebs get sponsors from brands... but this looks like its his shirt....? *** Sorry correction, NOT LV, its D&G!!! Just saw post from JY Korean cafe ***







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There you go, JY's shirt today and ZZ jacket from photoshoot :phew: Its from the same brand and collection again? Cr waoe_ss Twitter



More JY today, anyone know where is he? Cr bblight56 Twitter



All the BTS release just make me remember how comfortable and happy they were around each other :tears: Cr mijoo89777 Twitter



JY panda :lol: Cr addict_some Twitter




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