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OML @gashupingo my body language read on ZZ's reaction towards the rude fanboy was correct, he saved his bf from that annoying rude fanboy and complained that he shouldn't tug/touch JY before putting his own arms around his man's shoulder and sushing that rude fanboy and then escorting that rude guy away from his man JY. OML. He even complained when that glasses fan girl asked for a hug from JY and he said: 'now, i don't even want to give her cake.' Awww he is jealous much. I love it!!! Jealous ZZ is so precious. But that fanboy should know not to do that ever again!!! Grr!!! You should not be so touchy to your idol, man!!!! They are not manequins! Respect them!!!

@sohocomo auntie that was hawt hawt hawt. Luckily I was not in public space when I read that ff. Thank you auntieee!!!

@snsknene seeing the number of back page over 900 pages atm maybe quite overwhelming, but when you have more time, doing back read of all of those pages is definitely worthy of your time. There are soooo many goodies and infos that you would feel sooo giddy about! I know I was so happy back read the pages. You can start from the first page. Our thread starter skeletonworks had listed soo many things there. Not because I dont want to answer your question, but because I think you will love all the infos you find if you want to back read. Even random backread is gold!

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On 17/04/2016 at 11:24 PM, purpleedamame said:

Lightbulb moment. JY probably changed his Instagram tagline when ZZ used it as lyric for his new song (which I still haven't had the courage to listen to yet) -- so as not to be overtly linked to the new song (but he knows we all know where the line came from anyway).


I am so far back in this forum..........what was the instagram tagline? And what were the lyrics? 

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More Timmy at the OK event (051816)


Source:   HOM_许魏洲英雄站








Random Timmy


Source:   BubbleSheep_许魏洲图博



Timmy at the conclusion of today's earlier iFensi livestream


Source:  刘诗坤_東田造型




Source:   CJCJStyle





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I can't believe myself. 2 FF in a day, what am i doing, lol. Well I'm practicing my writing and also motivating myself so what the hell. Hope you like it.

You can also read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/260447507-yuzhou-fan-fics-revelation (I made an account for this forum, and wattpad for YuZhou ff. Guess I'm far beyond addicted, hahaha)


It’s been a while since Zhouzhou and Jingyu meet face to face. Just like what Jingyu’s promise, they keep in touch despite being away from each other. Not as much as Zhouzhou hoped but that big silly brother keep his words. He shouldn’t ask for more. Well, what more could he possibly ask for.
But inside his heart, he knows himself too well that he’s regretting not asking Jingyu to stay. The pain of missing someone, he really wish he won’t need to go through it. Since the day they part ways, Zhouzhou had been restless. The feeling that had been dormant became real by each passing day. Those questions that appeared in his mind, he’s still scared to answer them properly. That’s also the reason he rarely contact Jingyu. Perhaps it’s just a fleeting feeling because of the sudden separation so he kept normal distance between them. Distance between friend.
Jingyu on the other hand, kept holding himself back. It’s still difficult for him to get out from Gu Hai’s role. From Addicted’s world. If it’s not their worlds already collided with each other. So he deliberately cut their contact to the minimum where he still keeps his promise.
Today they meet again for NetEase interview. They were afraid to meet again since they thought it will be awkward. They both share the same thought on this one. But work comes first for each of them.
They finally meet and stand face to face backstage. They both surprise themselves by the way they act. There’s nothing uncomfortable between them even though they’ve been apart for few days. Right, it’s only a few days, there’s no big difference. In fact, the longing between them is too much.
It’s like they finally find their medicine again. It’s like they are fish finally get into the water again. They want to get payback for all of those days they’re apart.
“How’s you been?” Zhouzhou smiles so bright. It’s the warmth feeling Jingyu’s been missing the past few days.
“I should be the one asking you. What did you do? You lost weight?”
Jingyu’s hand keeps checking on Zhouzhou’s face and body. That’s the warmth Zhouzhou missed so he just chuckles and savour it.
“How did you know? No one notice.”
“You,” Jingyu stops his sentence when people start to gather around them.
They stand side by side, with a line between them. That’s the line of friendship they begin to be aware of. The separation made them think about such thing. Now that line suddenly appears out of nowhere.
Not long, the interview begins. The atmosphere is nice. It reminds them of what it used to be like until a few days ago. They enjoy their time together and suddenly their reflex takes over. They both crave the warmth from the other person. 
This occasion is like a blessing from heaven. They savour each chances to be near each other. To touch and being touched. 
Just like Zhouzhou, Jingyu definitely steps up his game to touch Zhouzhou. Unsconciously he wish for another second longer each time their touch meet. He forgot entirely about his decision. He forgot about Gu Hai or Jingyu. He forgot about the friendship line he’s so aware of a few minutes ago. He could care less about giving fan service. He just go with his feeling.
During the interview, they definitely enjoy each other company. They really miss each other, to be exact. And it’s payback time.
Who knows that it will strike Jingyu so hard after the interview. 
People are preparing to leave. CW and FS already left. They got some business to do.
“What will you do after this? Wanna hang out together?” Zhouzhou ask happily not knowing what’s coming.
Jingyu looks at Zhouzhou’s face for a long time. He’s contemplating.
“Say, who are we?”
“What a silly question is that?”
“I’m serious. Who are we? Are we Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin? Or Jingyu and Zhouzhou?”
That question is like a lightning strikes Zhouzhou’s whole body, including his heart. That’s also the core question he’s been trying to avoid.
“T-That’s why it’s silly. Aren’t we Jingyu and Zhouzhou? Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin are just the characters we played.”
Zhouzhou hardly maintain his stable and calm voice. He hopes Jingyu won’t notice his nervousness. 
That answer is not enough for Jingyu. But he’s afraid to dig more into it. Why bother dragging Zhouzhou into his own mess up inside. He needs to handle it himself.
“Then, let’s keep it professional. Let’s not exaggerate things.” Jingyu smile bitterly. 
Zhouzhou can’t react soon enough. Suddenly his mind doesn’t work properly. He can’t understand what Jingyu is saying when he usually able to finish each other sentences.
“When we need to be Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin, let’s work hard together. But outside,” Jingyu pauses for a while, “Why don’t we keep our distance? I need to get used to be Huang Jingyu again.”
After saying what he has to, Jingyu left Zhouzhou behind. Now his brain can work fast, replacing the loss time before. 
“W… Wait. He’s asking the same question as me.” he mumble to himself.
“Is that mean… he likes me?!” he almost scream so he close his own mouth with his hands. Glad no one pays attention.
“Hang on. I like him?!” 
The revelation surprise Zhouzhou himself but he doesn’t chase after Jingyu. First, he needs time on his own.


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So JY found the ring he said he lost? :phew: or did he actually give it to certain someone for "safekeeping" while he's not around... Oh and his location is still in Beijing. Teehee.

delulu thought ^

edit : now I remember who ZZ's hair from livestream this morning reminds me of (cr on pics)










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3 hours ago, nedaaa said:

about zz's t-shirt

  Hide contents






Both Gucci and Dior bags were big so something wearable is possible inside it. the Gucci bag is too big for wedding rings

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11 minutes ago, liesl said:


I'm so happy that you found your ring back, Johnny! :wub:

But how come you found your ring in Beijing? You don't live there, right? Did you accidentally leave it in someone's place? :phew: Oh that also means that after going back from France, you've been hanging around in that place. Hmm hmm... *nods* *nods* A reason why you went offline yesterday, I presume?


Did JY find his ring back? Or does he get a new ring from someone? 

Looking from the fancam during his departure to France, JY was wearing three rings. A couple of days later, he said that he lost one at Cannes. So either this ring is the old one he miraculously found (inside his bag, maybe) or a new one, right?

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9 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

Did JY find his ring back? Or does he get a new ring from someone? 

Looking from the fancam during his departure to France, JY was wearing three rings. A couple of days later, he said that he lost one at Cannes. So either this ring is the old one he miraculously found (inside his bag, maybe) or a new one, right?

Oh so he was wearing it during his departure to France. Tsk.. and here I thought he left it in someone's place.

Oh well... still happy that he found his ring back. It always hurts to lose something that you treasure.

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@liesl@izziehudson Its funny how we were just wondering Johnny's whereabout few hours ago and someone update his weibo confirming he's still in BJ. Its like he's screaming at us, I am still at BJ with my wifey just incase I confused you guys about the plane ticket today, sorry :phew: And yes, how did he loose his ring in BJ, hmmmm JY you should have pin your location a bit more specific, for example Cat's house in BJ or my bestfriend's house in BJ, oh or a celebrity friend's house in BJ? :lol:

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21 minutes ago, liesl said:

Oh so he was wearing it during his departure to France. Tsk.. and here I thought he left it in someone's place.

Oh well... still happy that he found his ring back. It always hurts to lose something that you treasure.

Hold on, hold on. @gayyoxx

The ring that he found and posted in weibo is not the ring that he wore during his departure to France. Right? Or is it? :blink:



Ring that he wore and lost in Cannes.


Ring that he just found in Beijing.



Johnny did say that he bought 3 (same?) rings with his first salary. He lost one and still had the other two. He lost another one during his stay in Cannes and this ring that he lost could be the ring that he lost a long time ago.

And he found it In Beijing! :w00t: If you only visit someone, you won't take your accessoires off. If he took it off, he must have stayed there or slept there or took a shower there. No kidding, think about it. :phew:

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