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[Drama 2016] Pied Piper 피리부는 사나이


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ok i have seen ep1 and 2. So the whistler has been revealed to be SHS? How did he talk to JSC while recording him in the hotel lobby in ep1? I guess the idea of accomplice is put forth. Did SHS lose his moral compass completely or never had one in the first place. Career driven wouldnt be interesting to fuel this scale of attacks. 


The femle lead character is not quite there yet but i thinkshe will get better in her job scope as the show progresses. I.e shorten nego time. Think now its character development for her, after all only 1 year n her job... 

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The female lead's inexperience doesn't bother me but her sanctimonious attitude towards the male lead does. Yes, he's not exactly a nice guy (but not devoid of a conscience either) but he gets the job done. He's smart, smug and probably more cocky than is healthy but that's part of the act. It isn't the job of the negotiator to hold hands with the perp and sing kumbaya (whatever the rationale is for doing what he's doing).  The negotiator's job is to save lives (as many as possible) and sometimes he/she has to manipulate the perp and the situation to do so.

It's good that she's having some positive effect on him but she needs to learn from him too -- to be a little more devious.

Again, I don't think the anchor man is the Pied Piper.

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@40somethingahjumma.. yeah.. something is not right. But w/o the sub I'm barely understanding dialogues. Just relying on what I'm seeing. " The negotiator's job is to save lives (as many as possible) and sometimes he/she has to manipulate the perp and the situation to do so. " you're right.... and being too emotional won't get the job done.

So SC is still the Pied Piper?  PP is my fav current kdrama.

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sorry about that only episode 1 has been fully edited :(

We just have one new editor join so things should be much faster. 

1 hour ago, jongski said:

@40somethingahjumma.. yeah.. something is not right. But w/o the sub I'm barely understanding dialogues.


Seong Chan is not the pied piper. Man's gone insane trying to find who is. Pied Piper blew up his girlfriend and played Hyeon Ho the hostage taker. The pied piper wants Seong Chan to change his ways. 

Not much of a spoiler but Joo Seong Chan tries to make the existence of the piped piper a public debate topic. (I just came from captioning the last part of ep 4). But the way he speaks... it's extremely cold and calculating. He reminds me of the devil... so... sneaky-like? 

@40somethingahjumma  Jo Yoon hee is inexperienced?  I thought she had a ton under her belt.

note: though websites stealing viki subs isn't new. I'm just annoyed that they're lifting even simple lines in their entirety. Sites that apparently pay their subbers. Saw an ep (diff show) where it was identical to our subs for several lines. What a new low to stoop to. Haven't checked though if we beat their subbing rate each time for that show, but our turnover time is quite fast.

I'm relatively new to the viki subbing community. 

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@sophie2you -- She's inexperienced where negotiating is concerned. It's reasonably clear even from Ep. 1 that she's a newbie in that area. She says so herself. Her hand-to-hand combat skills are good and she was recommended to join SWAT but she wanted to join the negotiation team instead.

Anyway, the show does get better with each episode. Ep. 4 seems to be the episode where everyone magically becomes less annoying. :D

@jongski -- The Pied Piper is still a largely mysterious character. There's some speculation later on that he could be a cop or have police connections.

The show has a lot of potential to be great. The premise is excellent, I just wish the characters had started off being less like caricatures. But it is very suspenseful and I love the negotiations. SHG is terrific in this role.


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Ep. 5


tv Report - Naver: 'Pied Piper', Who is the pied piper? Terror at the broadcasting station hasn't ended 

1. [+482, -12] Comment's talking about which shortened name for the drama sounds better

2. [+324, -22] Shin Ha Kyun's acting is terrific

3. [+236, -17] The drama is enjoyable! Jo Yoon Hee's hair and pants are an eyesore but today she finally tied her hair up, she's doing a lot better. The chairman's grandson is suspicious

4. [+182, -13] Shin Ha Kyun was amazing in 'Brain. Dr. Lee Kang Hoon

5. [+72, -4] Shin Ha Kyun should pick better dramas. The plot is getting more and more lost

6. [+97, -15] The female lead can't act

7. [+62, -8] Either Jo Yoon Hee's acting is always the same or she plays the same roles.. Her character here is frustrating, I'm watching for Shin Ha Kyun-ssi..

8. [+43, -5] Comments suggesting Jo Yoon Hee to tie her hair up were actually effective

9. [+30, -2] I understand that the pied piper's face can't be exposed but he should at least make an appearance wearing a mask or something so that we can get a rough idea of his personality. Why are you skimping out on the clues, it's all so frustrating now

10. [+22, -1] So messy...


Credit : http://kkuljaem.blogspot.co.id/2016/03/spoilers-babysitter-glamorous.html

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This is scary... I've been agreeing with the Knetz a fair bit lately. But I'm in particular agreement with this one:

Either Jo Yoon Hee's acting is always the same or she plays the same roles.. Her character here is frustrating, I'm watching for Shin Ha Kyun-ssi...

I would really like to throw things at the writer right now while watching Ep. 5... the way this character wavers back and forth about SHG's character is also driving me nuts. They were beginning to get on and she even started to use the brains that God gave her. Then they throw a spanner in the works to create more soap opera conflict. Yeah, and she's letting herself get manipulated by the powers that be: cops and big business.

At least the resident negotiator has got his head screwed on tightly. Gave her a good tongue lashing about how she's letting emotions get in the way, how the higher-ups are using the negotiation team as a tool and if they didn't have any use for it, they would have gotten rid of it already.

The actress is okay. I wasn't a huge fan of her character either in The King's Face but she's largely inoffensive.

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16 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

The female lead's inexperience doesn't bother me but her sanctimonious attitude towards the male lead does. Yes, he's not exactly a nice guy (but not devoid of a conscience either) but he gets the job done. He's smart, smug and probably more cocky than is healthy but that's part of the act. It isn't the job of the negotiator to hold hands with the perp and sing kumbaya (whatever the rationale is for doing what he's doing).  The negotiator's job is to save lives (as many as possible) and sometimes he/she has to manipulate the perp and the situation to do so.

It's good that she's having some positive effect on him but she needs to learn from him too -- to be a little more devious.

Again, I don't think the anchor man is the Pied Piper.

I've just finished watching the episode 3 and I agree with you. She is too emotionally connected to the perpetrators. She would have entered the ambulance, if JSC hadn't stopped her. Moreover, when JSC talked about the Pied piper, she didn't believe him. When she remembered the scene at the funeral later, she is still doubting him.

Actually, the story is good, but to me, her character isn't well developped. She is inexperienced, but each time, she is sent there. Yes, her inexperience bothers me too. I mean, when she became a negotiator, she was just a newbie, hence she has little experience. Still there are the two others from the team. So she is not the only negotiator. So why didn't they send one of the others? She is the only one who is on the field, but that's weird that the two others always stay behind. This would be really weird, if they had only one negotiator in that team. So in my opinion, the writing is lacking here.

And her critic towards him isn't right either. Sure, JSC should have asked for more money... but giving in (5 millions for each person) would have been a mistake as well. MAking him the culprit for that negotiation isn't right. Mixing cause and effects: the real culprits are the criminals and the CEO. The negotiator is caught between them.

You're right: the pied piper isn't the anchorman Yoon. He is someone from the police. Right now, I have the impression that the pied piper is someone who might have been hired by Kang Hong Suk in order to separate JSC from Seo G. Il (incident at the ciel restaurant). But in reality, the pied piper had his own agenda: He is targeting K S. Group and as such he has to isolate the Chairman. So the incident at the Ciel restaurant was to destroy the bond between Seo and JSC. Moreover, he wanted to punish JSC for working for Seo G. Il. I am quite sure, he got inside info from KHS. So JSC disappeared and Seo and his company started having more problems again, the company was losing its good reputation. Just like in the past, KHS is no strategist that's why he keeps hurting people. He thinks, money can resolve everything. He became scared, when he saw JSC appearing in front of Seo G. Il. He sees him as a competitor and thread. But the pied piper used his connection to reveal the dirty tricks HSK did: bad publicity for the casino. I suspect, the pied piper isn't just someone who is after revenge. Since he used the robber to get access to papers from the bank, it has something to do with money. I believe, the pied piper is also interested.

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 @bebebisous33   nice to read your perspective who could be the Pied Piper.  About MH it also crossed mind. every time there's a crisis why she's always the one negotiating whereas the other always stays behind.They need to develop more of her character.

Watching for Shin Ha Kyun...as evident from all my post in this thread. Ha ha. My neurosurgeon is police negotiator. It's amazing acting skills and all.

About to watch raw  in a while.... and marathon the episodes that were subbed.  So who is the Pied Piper? Who whistles in this drama?  Ha ha.. that is PP.

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Hi everyone :) last time I checked this drama at ep 3 it was still unsubbed.......can I ask if any team has picked it up for subbing? If so then how far along are they.....I'd like to marathon it. Love Shin hakyun and I was desperately keeping a check on watching it till it got subbed.

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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

You're right: the pied piper isn't the anchorman Yoon. He is someone from the police. Right now, I have the impression that the pied piper is someone who might have been hired by Kang Hong Suk in order to separate JSC from Seo G. Il (incident at the ciel restaurant). But in reality, the pied piper had his own agenda: He is targeting K S. Group and as such he has to isolate the Chairman. So the incident at the Ciel restaurant was to destroy the bond between Seo and JSC. Moreover, he wanted to punish JSC for working for Seo G. Il.

@bebebisous33  I just finished watching the sub 3.. At the police station there's this one of them and he the trying to stop the chief. He was wearing black.. sweater or something.. which was, what  the Pied Piper had on when he was checking out the news.. it was brief scene. So KHS knows who the piper and  s the one manipulating. About seeing JSC as being the threat. I can see that will also be using Heesong

@sophie2you thanks. ep 4? sub..like 80 or 85 % sub?..waiting.



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Watched all of Ep. 5 with c-subs last night and it was pretty suspenseful. The ex-journo making molotov cockails and walking through apparently tight security was fun. It's annoying that we didn't get to see what was stashed in that safe :D but intriguing that everyone was trying to make a play for it. Also of interest was the fact that the Pied Piper had now declared war publicly when previously he, she or it was content to work behind the scenes.

It's clear that the Pied Piper, whether it's one person or an organization, is mainly about addressing injustices and grievances wrought by Big Business, Big Journalism and Big Law Enforcement. I can understand the sentiment to some degree but I don't care for their methods.

While I understand why Myeong Ha might find Seong Chan untrustworthy and manipulative with her background, she needs to start thinking a little bit more long-term if she wants the negotiation team to survive. If he's untrustworthy, the higher-ups more so as they actually have power to do some serious damage.

Episode 4 is probably my favourite one so far. One of the rarest instances of the team acting like a team. ;) At least now the new team leader has stopped shouting and yelling.

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@jongski episode 4 itself had some issues. We had to RESYNC the subs and the timing TWICE already. Every time this resync was done the whole team needed to STOP subbing immediately and wait. I almost filled in the remaining parts for the last 6th of the episode (our episodes are divided into 6 parts so we can have up to six people working at a time in theory. same for all viki shows btw), but that happened. When I was working on it all parts were nearly 100% (save for segments that needed to be deleted here and there). Segments are the boxes we get to subtitle. 

A percentage reflects subs (filled segments)/total segments (boxes), ratio. 

That was our biggest obstacle (resyncing) today in getting ep 4 to 100%. 
I'm guessing the biggest thing to subbing this show is the fact that 4 EPISODES were given to us at once. Normally it's two per week. Thankfully subbing speed was hastened by more wonderful subbers joining our team. As a team we're still getting adjusted to each other. Stylistical stuff, standard romanization stuff, should this be here? take this out or not? etc.  

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