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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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46 minutes ago, bebe1989 said:
I wonder if the reason DS and BR fight all the time is because DS is the only one who actively opposes BR. Even their parents seem to cater to BR’s every whim [she gets new glasses for her birthday, which are expensive, while DS doesn’t even get a new pair of shoes]. @phikyl


Second daughter always like " second choice" always got " second stuff from her sister" and they always fight because sister love to bothering her little sis. .

Its not actively opposes br, two sister just/always like that when they were teenager


Let me just cut in and quickly reply in between work lol, but i read an interview of lee ilhwa, she said that there was a scene that was cut out from the show the reason why Bora is the way she is and the parents tolerate such behaviour. Hopefully this scene will be shown in the director's cut!

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3 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

Watching EP2 I'm amazed with what DS and her mom go through just to keep Bo Ra happy. The incident where DS takes her sister's denim jacket to school and the following chaos to get Bo Ra distracted long enough for her to return it home, shows how much Bo Ra has been spoiled. It's even more unnerving to see her mom do whatever she can to make sure Bo Ra doesn't blow a casket. It's one of the few things I never understood: why was everyone so lenient towards Bo Ra? As the eldest, she really should've known her place in the family: above DS, but still way below her parents. Her blatant disrespect for her parents and even her grandmom baffled me.

I think BoRa got spoiled coz she's a very good student, she even made it to S university. the parents just so proud at her and then just let anything she do. This thing will be my example for me as a parent, how matter good my child is, don't ever unlimited spoiled her. 

what I amazed is even though DS know about his sister would be mad if she wear BR jacket, unblinking she wear it proud without any a bit hesitate.


and she wear it proud LOL...


1 hour ago, bebe1989 said:

Its not actively opposes br, two sister just/always like that when they were teenager

that is so me and my sister LOL...


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7 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

Watching EP2 I'm amazed with what DS and her mom go through just to keep Bo Ra happy. The incident where DS takes her sister's denim jacket to school and the following chaos to get Bo Ra distracted long enough for her to return it home, shows how much Bo Ra has been spoiled. It's even more unnerving to see her mom do whatever she can to make sure Bo Ra doesn't blow a casket. It's one of the few things I never understood: why was everyone so lenient towards Bo Ra? As the eldest, she really should've known her place in the family: above DS, but still way below her parents. Her blatant disrespect for her parents and even her grandmom baffled me.

EP2 is again a prima example of why JH is such a wimp. After the soccer match, Crazy Mut tells JW to take of the necklace he got from his dad. Instead of stepping up for his friend, JH just tells SW to take it off too. For me, this was the point where I started to seriously dislike JH. He knows damnwell how important that necklace is to SW and still he goes off and says something like that. Blegh.

When granny died, you get a first look at the bond Bo Ra and DS have. Eventhough they constantly bicker and fight, Bo Ra keeps calm while on the phone with DS. She also tells them not to cry a bit later when they arrive in a gentle manner. She;'s the big sister and her siblings need her. Bo Ra steps up like she's supposed to.


Yes BR comes off as a crazy rage-o-holic in this episode. I'm amaze that her parents allow her to terrorize her siblings that way.  [On a side note younger siblings can be annoying. My younger sister once snuck out with my brand new shoes that I hadn't wore that I'd save to buy.  I was so angry I grab a pair of her shoes tracked her to her friends house and in front of her friends and made her give me back my shoes.  I didn't have to hit or scream.  I just put her shoes in front of her and waited. My mom wouldn't allow anyone of us to behave towards each other the way BR does. And my mom wouldn't be afraid of her own child..] 

Yet as awful as BR is to DS, I'm not sure that DS would be any better were she the eldest. Her treatment of NL in this episode is not better than BR treatment of her younger siblings. haha.

JH is not really a wimp, he's emotionally slow.

He is far behind Taek, SW and DR in emotional sensitivity and development.

With the exception of his brother JB, JH is emotionally insensitive to everyone and doesn't seem to understand the human need for affirmation.  He is insensitive to his mother's emotional needs.  He is insensitive to his father and DS's need for affirmation.  Once he figures it out, he acts generously.  But he takes forever to get it. 

Have patience and you will be rewarded. He understands intellectually but not emotionally. He learns. He learns late, but he learns.




Posted 4 hours ago · Report post

Amazing.. eventhough JH knocks Crazy Mut to the ground, he still get's a beating. He finally stands up for his friends, makes a surprise hit and still manages to come out with his face in ruins,  . See, I told you. He get there . . . slow. but he gets there. LOL

It's funny to see how all of them treat TK though. Even at his birthday they're mad at him for coming home late and rush his song, the cake and present they got for him. I've often wondered how much of a friend he meant to all of them. DS might call them a group of 5 friends, but does TK see it like that too?  

Just because I gobble your birthday cake doesn't mean I don't love YOU. It just means the cake is a treat for me.  Remember DS meltdown over not having her own cake. The food is a treat for the high-schoolers and the high-schoolers are a treat for the internationally travelling baduk schooled Taek.


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6 hours ago, CamelKnight said:
6 hours ago, CamelKnight said:
4 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

Go, SunTaek and SunTaek shippers!

I  know this is late in coming...I missed out the announcement regarding the Episode 1 rewatch... 

2. One question I always had was this : Why is it that only Taek and Jung Hwan's birthdays would be celebrated by the group? While I understand that they treasured Taek, and that Taek and Jung Hwan's families were moneyed enough to afford a celebration, I would like to think that they valued each one to celebrate in whatever way each one's birthday. However, I never saw Duk Seon's, Sun Woo's, and Dong Ryong's birthdays being celebrated together. In fact, it caught my attention fastforwarding to Episode 10 when DR left home that Sun Woo and the rest were not aware it was his birthday until DR told them.



I didn't assume that they didn't "know" when DongRyong's birthday was, I just figured that they hadn't put the day and his birthday together.  I do that sometime. I may know 4/28 is someone's birthday but not realize that today is 4/28.

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Just would like to appear for SHARING HAPPINESS with all SUNTAEKERS here.

Although the contest sent out its result yesterday and we celebrated a lot but everytime I saw winner board with 44,411 votes, I'm still so proud to be a part of this ship.

I did a great CHOICE to be onboard on that first snowing day and hope that we shall keep going with other contest related to SunTaek.

Miss you all.

Miss SunTaek and Ssammyung Dong too.


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Re-watch Episode 2.

Three elements stood for me, 1) prescience 2) Romantic hero 3) perception of Taek.

1) prescience (or foreshadowing)

The writer tell you the outcome of the husband hunt several times

a- DS--> hurry up and grow and marry noona. 

b- IH --> call  dibs on Taek as her son-in-law

c- DL--> introduces Taek as our family's son-in-law

d- The writer then mask the intent, by having MR and SK introduce themselves as Taek's parents and has SY try to call dibs on Taek for JJ. But you can seem that the Seong's claim is more persistent. 

e- the Saturday morning exit ritual is a mini-encapsulation of DS relationship with the guys that endures for most of the series.

DS--approaches--> JH, he insults her and leaves. (JH has his mother's personality. They cannot verbally express affection but they are willing to do for those they love.)

DS----> SW, he is focused on BR (jacket)

DS----><-----Taek, he engages with her (she reminds him that he's her husband to be. the information resonates strongly with Taek)

DR----><-----DS, she engages. DR treats DS as a pal, an equal, not necessarly as a girl, even though he might have an interest in her. DR is the one who steers the conversation towards DS's growing beauty. SW and Taek agree.  JH goes into Player Queen  in Hamlet mode and "doth protest too much." But the boys being no Gretrude does not pick up on it. 

2) the Romantic Hero/Swoon Woo

a- what a man, what a man, what a mighty fine man.

b- I love Sun Woo in this episode.

-his patience

-his maturity

-his integrity

-his love of family.


3) Perception of Taek

Sometimes when you are beside someone all the time you cease to see the changes in them. Someone who has been away for a while will more readily see their growth. Today I'm reminded that those closest toTaek missed his growth and to folk who see him less frequently sees his growth as a defining attribute.

a- IH and SY raphsodizing about Taek's maturity, saying that compared to Taek the other children seem like babies.

b- GD, Taek Dad, says Taek is still a child who knows nothing of the world, all Taek knows is baduk.

c- DL contradicts and says all the world logic is in Baduk. The implication is that TAek knows the world.

d- Later we see that exalted maturity at work as Taek comforts DL over the loss of his mother.

e- There is a misperception that DS is always taking care of Taek and Taek does not reciprocate. In episode 2 we see young DS carry Taek to school unnecessarily. I've written about that somewhere in some forum before. I contend that she does for Taek because she likes doing for Taek. But Taek also does for DS. Anything she wants that she tells him, he gets for her, be it comic books or gloves. 

Doing a rewatch tonight was fun and a very bad idea. 

This was not proof-read.  I hope it is coherent . . . because I'm not.


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jinjoo is have the pleasure to taste all the good stuffs in reply 88. but I hope what's inside that bottle is not soda LOL...

mentioning about jinjoo.. when I watched signal I found parallel connection with reply :

jin joo (jinju) is lee woo jung home town, in signal at episode 12 they visited jinju city, in that episode they also visited a house that already abondoned for 15 years and that house was actually junghwan family house in reply. And the owner family name is Kim. very coincidence right...






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49 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

Episode 2 Rewatch: DS's How Much the One You Love Loves You Back Game

Who exactly did Duk Seon write down? I can't read Korean. Here's the snapshot:



she write tom cruise

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does we still have score board ?

1. when JH see DS in the morning look what he did :


JH : "get lost"

2. when DS see SW






SW only cares about the fact that the jacket is BR's

3. when DS see CT :


they have a nice chit chat fill with smile. and 

DS :"marry me"



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21 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:


11 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

Episode 2  Rewatch

By the way, I was horrified when JH's Omma did this!

LOL... but what make it more horror the others seem fine with it, and just eat casually. 

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