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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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@CamelKnight Yes, but I also know the webdrama is only 15 mins per episode. Binge watching could have been done!

I was mostly just waiting for you to get to R97 already! Though I guess the DotS detour was my fault... :sweatingbullets:

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On 5/22/2016 at 7:04 PM, CamelKnight said:

@phikyl you do realise I watched an entire webdrama of 20 episodes in 2 days, right? And DotS in less then a week?


On 5/22/2016 at 4:43 PM, CamelKnight said:

@packmule3 notice my signature? :D Soon... I will be done soon!


I don't know how you can juggle all those kdramas on top of work. I'll short-circuit my brain. I haven't even started on DoTS; I want to watch something from a different world and time altogether so I'm doing a rerun of North and South (2004), starring Richard Armitage and Daniela Denby-Ashe.  Have you seen that one? It's an early 21st century BBC production (2004).  It's definitely AFTER JAMES DEAN'S TIME so y'all can cut it out with this who's this James Dean??!! teasing. [grumble. grumble. I've never been so insulted in my whole life here at soompi.... :D How come you've never heard of James Dean?! Such philistines!!]  But the setting of the  drama is 19th century England during the Industrial movement so -- hahaha -- it's technically before James Dean. I highly recommend this BBC production for people into romance and "tsundure" type of heroes. 

One more thing -- some ladies and I were talking about drama kisses. The kiss at the finale of North and South is also a must-see. For a million of Richard Armitage's fangirls it's definitely swoonworthy. Just google on youtube: Kiss North & South. 

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On 5/19/2016 at 10:11 PM, packmule3 said:

Brava!  You got it.  It was intentional. 

This is another info that was discussed in PM only between a couple of posters. I didn’t want to write about it out in the open because I felt people were still skeptical that JB was the culprit who took the chocolate meant for TK. And I didn’t want to waste my time [and theirs] giving proofs to them ad nauseum.  I feel like that ill-fated Cassandra in Homer's Iliad. :D

But since you brought it up, let me tell you what I said in PM. 

The discrepancy in minutes is proof that somebody – specifically, JB -- tampered with the videocam to erase or delete any evidence of him taking the chocolate from the jacket. It wasn't a mistake of the editor; it was deliberately done.  But viewers would only come to this conclusion if 1) they were paying attention to the minutes on the camcorder, and 2) they understood who the culprit was. Of course, the scriptwriter was expecting a lot from the viewers, and unfortunately, it was a hit-and-miss. :) 

JB rewound the tape and that was why the videocam was registering 27m26s when DS put in the chocolate in the jacket and 27m17s when the boys came out the room. There were missing minutes or minutes unaccounted for because the tape was rewound. 

All the other boys were in that room so none of them could have taken the chocolate and fiddled around with the camcorder. Jinjoo wouldn’t know how to operate the camcorder. Only JB would have both the know-how to work the videocam [he was MacGyver, remember?] and the motive to steal the chocolate [he was upset that he lost that video arcade game to TK].

As I said from the beginning, JB took the chocolate.

Anyway, good job. :D And I'm glad you posted.  


Thank you for the answer.

But could you please explain this too? (I don't know how this scene just really caught my attention...)

Below are 2 snapshots (again), the first one is what did happen when DS was trying to hide chocolate into the jacket, you can notice there was a black pair of shoes at the bottom right corner


The second snapshot is the footage of the scene in the first snapshot, which was revealed later at the end of ep.2


It seems that there is no black shoes, only white shoes are so visible.

Only DS and JJ were there all the time we can't say JB did something... The difference here is between what is real and what is recorded (!?)

In my country there is one saying for cheating guys: changing things from white to black LOL is PD-nim joking too or do you have any explanation for this discrepancy?

Looking forwards to your response, it was such a nice treat to read your post that JB tampered the camcorder hahah never thought of that!!

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On 24-5-2016 at 5:13 PM, packmule3 said:

I don't know how you can juggle all those kdramas on top of work. I'll short-circuit my brain. I haven't even started on DoTS; I want to watch something from a different world and time altogether so I'm doing a rerun of North and South (2004), starring Richard Armitage and Daniela Denby-Ashe.  Have you seen that one? It's an early 21st century BBC production (2004).  It's definitely AFTER JAMES DEAN'S TIME so y'all can cut it out with this who's this James Dean??!! teasing. [grumble. grumble. I've never been so insulted in my whole life here at soompi.... :D How come you've never heard of James Dean?! Such philistines!!]  But the setting of the  drama is 19th century England during the Industrial movement so -- hahaha -- it's technically before James Dean. I highly recommend this BBC production for people into romance and "tsundure" type of heroes. 

One more thing -- some ladies and I were talking about drama kisses. The kiss at the finale of North and South is also a must-see. For a million of Richard Armitage's fangirls it's definitely swoonworthy. Just google on youtube: Kiss North & South. 

On a good day I can manage 7 hours of K-Drama since I hardly sleep and am home early from work.

I watched that kiss but N&S isn't my timeperiod tbh. Not that swoonworthy to me either but that might be because I didn't have the buildup towards the kiss.

On 24-5-2016 at 5:32 PM, MemyselfandJJ said:


Thank you for the answer.

But could you please explain this too? (I don't know how this scene just really caught my attention...)

Below are 2 snapshots (again), the first one is what did happen when DS was trying to hide chocolate into the jacket, you can notice there was a black pair of shoes at the bottom right corner


The second snapshot is the footage of the scene in the first snapshot, which was revealed later at the end of ep.2


It seems that there is no black shoes, only white shoes are so visible.

Only DS and JJ were there all the time we can't say JB did something... The difference here is between what is real and what is recorded (!?)

In my country there is one saying for cheating guys: changing things from white to black LOL is PD-nim joking too or do you have any explanation for this discrepancy?

Looking forwards to your response, it was such a nice treat to read your post that JB tampered the camcorder hahah never thought of that!!

Isn't this just camera angle? The first picture shows only the dark sneakers, the white ones are just off screen. The second is taken from a bit lower so you can only, barely, make out the top of the dark sneakers just left from the white ones. Could be me though.

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3 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

On a good day I can manage 7 hours of K-Drama since I hardly sleep and am home early from work.

I watched that kiss but N&S isn't my timeperiod tbh. Not that swoonworthy to me either but that might be because I didn't have the buildup towards the kiss.

Isn't this just camera angle? The first picture shows only the dark sneakers, the white ones are just off screen. The second is taken from a bit lower so you can only, barely, make out the top of the dark sneakers just left from the white ones. Could be me though.



That's what I thought too, Sir.

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On 5/24/2016 at 3:44 AM, melissala said:

I thought of you @packmule3 when I saw this!



Even pink shirt brooding is a plus nowadays it seems.  


Hahaha. I grinned when I saw this and immediately clicked "like" on your post although I couldn't respond properly because of time. Thanks for bringing it up. I'll post a counter(punch) later.  kekeke.

"I got this." 


Actually.... WE got this.  @phikyl? What's the score on that scoreboard again? 

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On 5/24/2016 at 11:32 AM, MemyselfandJJ said:


Thank you for the answer.

But could you please explain this too? (I don't know how this scene just really caught my attention...)

Below are 2 snapshots (again), the first one is what did happen when DS was trying to hide chocolate into the jacket, you can notice there was a black pair of shoes at the bottom right corner


The second snapshot is the footage of the scene in the first snapshot, which was revealed later at the end of ep.2


It seems that there is no black shoes, only white shoes are so visible.

Only DS and JJ were there all the time we can't say JB did something... The difference here is between what is real and what is recorded (!?)

In my country there is one saying for cheating guys: changing things from white to black LOL is PD-nim joking too or do you have any explanation for this discrepancy?

Looking forwards to your response, it was such a nice treat to read your post that JB tampered the camcorder hahah never thought of that!!


:D It’s a good thing that this is a free forum and we don’t charge a retainer for services rendered. Otherwise, you’ll be paying me with a virtual pint of Ben and Jerry’s New York Super Fudge ice cream per query.  I'll get back to you on this. lol. Let me just look for our notes and search for the pix I have on photobucket.

On 5/22/2016 at 4:43 PM, CamelKnight said:

@packmule3 notice my signature? :D Soon... I will be done soon!


Are you done yet? What do you think of this scene then?  

original.gif (280×149)

I think he said something like “Mannaji malka?” loosely translated as: Should I meet up with her?

Here’s the YT excerpt:


Reply 1988 recycles this scene with DS asking JH if she should go on a blind date because the general theory is jealousy is a sign of love. If the other person stops you from seeing another person, then it means he/she has feelings for you. 



But there’s a difference is in R97 and R88. In R97, YoonJae definitely wanted Shiwon to say no and stop him because HE liked Shiwon. In R88, Deoksun was just testing JungHwan because she actually wanted to ascertain her feelings for somebody else…for TK. This was after their China trip together but before their beach day together. Earlier during her talk with her girlfriends, she said no she didn’t want to have that “kind” of relationship with JH because it would be awkward.  But she went ahead anyway with the “confirmation” test because she wanted to find out if she felt anything for JH.
And she didn’t. She was unmoved at all. That was why she could enter his room and sit on his bed without feeling flustered. She could lean in and stick her face within kissing distance from his face without flinching. She didn’t blink at all. [Which was totally different reaction from that time she saw TK in the hotel room in China before his game. She was breathless that time.] 

And that night after her confirmation, when she couldn’t sleep, her insomnia wasn’t due to her of discovery of JH’s feelings for her. No. That was a red herring. She couldn’t sleep because of what she discovered about herself -- that she did like TK. And the montage after that was interesting. She and Bora couldn’t sleep that night. SW was smiling in his sleep. JH was staring into space in his bed. And TK, as usual, was obliviously playing Baduk.

The JH fangirls didn’t realize that if DS was truly excited about JH’s “confirmation,” then she would have been shy or awkward or ladylike or more circumspect when she met him again the following day at his father’s birthday celebration. Instead, she behaved as normal, and challenged JB to a gross cake-eating contest in front of JH -- of all people! -- who she knew was very particular about decorum at mealtime.  And when he told her to come follow him because he was going to give her something, she didn’t even look excited. If I were DS, I would have jumped up right away and asked him eagerly what he was giving me. But then, I"m an avaricious lady. :D  

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1 hour ago, packmule3 said:

Actually.... WE got this.  @phikyl? What's the score on that scoreboard again? 


TK: 22

JH: 4

SW: 4

DR: 1


Is.. is that Castiel!?!? I knew the face looked familiar when @tiendoank posted the gif but I couldn't connect a character to the face...

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1 hour ago, phikyl said:



TK: 22


JH: 4


SW: 4


DR: 1



Is.. is that Castiel!?!? I knew the face looked familiar when @tiendoank posted the gif but I couldn't connect a character to the face...


It's Castiel. :D Trust @tiendoank to have good taste in men/angels.  

I haven't watched the series, Supernatural, though I've heard about it. No time because I'm going through a BBC phase right now. lol. Here is the companion gif to "I've got this." 


tumblr_nicpeiwNFN1u3366uo2_500.gif (500×235)


Just 22 points?  Okay, I'll do 19 for now, then will continue later.  Shoutout to @melissala who posted this article.


Rebuttal: or reasons why we didn't fall for JH's baloney on Reply 1988. [Sorry. I can only comment about the character JH because I don’t know much about the actor RJY to "fall in love" with him. JH ≠ RJY]

1. How could we fall in love with JH for the time when he stood up to bullies, when he himself bullied his friends? Kicking his friends like he was a natural born as.s. 




2. When he performed in DukSeon’s talent show?  ha! He had no choice because DS was holding his “Something Special” Scotch whisky as hostage.  Besides, how could anybody forget that time when he was introduced to DS’ friends and he could barely look at them, because he thought they were fugly?!! And didn’t he ask DS if she wanted to be “slapped” for calling herself Lee Mi Yeon? Yeaahhh… right. Fall in love with this jerk?

Not cool to slap a girl, dude.




3. When he got stuck in an alley with Duk Seon? hahaha. You mean the time when he had that PERVERTED thoughts about his childhood friend DS and had a hard on? Had DS known what was going on [or going UP], she would have found him as gross as the Burberry Man. 

4. When he greeted his new Jordans?  Cuuute. But I couldn’t help remembering that he got BULLIED and had his old shoes stolen from him...that's why he needed new Jordans.  Plus, he made his mom worry about him.

5. When his shirt ripped open? Nope. I’m not a fan of abs; I’m a fan of brains. And judging from the way DS looked at him, she wasn't impressed with his ripped shirt either. But she feared the CONSEQUENCE of the ripped shirt. She was going to get berated by JH. 




6. When he scrubbed his face so hard his nose started bleeding. A resounding NO! This reminded me of the other time he had a nosebleed because the gate slammed on his face. DS was crying her heart out but he was being selfishly GLEEFUL that she was rejected. 




7. When he obliged his dad with a presidential greeting. Are we watching the same show? He thought he was too good to do this presidential greeting. He didn’t even realize that his father was upset with him until DR told him how to get back on his dad’s good graces. He only did the greetings to end his daddy's sulking. 

8. When he became Guardian of Vicious Bus Rides.  Uhhhh…no. Actually I thought then that he was trying to cop a feel.  lol.  Besides, if I were DS and he got ANOTHER erection,just because he brushed up against me [see what happened in the alley #3] then I’d prefer to poke by a vicious umbrella than by his Petit-John. 

9. When he waited for Duk Seon to get home. That’s the problem! He was only good at waiting, and waiting, and waiting.  He was mightily inadequate at execution. Do something, kid!! Arrange to meet her. Walk her home. Join her at that study hall. 

10. When he pretended the house was a disaster without his mother. But didn’t you see the mess? The HOUSE was a disaster without his mother. What do you mean he "pretended"?  They just cleaned up hurriedly and hid the evidence of their slob-ness before she arrived.  

And yeah! Burning his hyung’s hands just to prove a point? So coooollll. /sarcasm

11. When he showed up with an umbrella and said to “come home early”. Pfffftttt… If I were DS, I’d say this: Sure he WAITED for me in the rain, handed me the umbrella, admonished me to get home earlier, but then ran off by himself and LEFT ME?!! So, what’s the point? I still walked down that dark street all by myself at 2am.

12. When he showed up for burgers.  Oh pleeeease. He showed up for burgers then NAGGED her about what she could and could not eat. Talk about FOOD-SHAMING here! He wasn’t her boyfriend but he was acting like a controlling freak. 

Also, if I were DS and he manhandled like me that -- squeezing my face and roughly ruffling my hair -- I’d kick him in the shin. 

13. When he gave Duk Seon the gloves.  Again, soooo frustrating. He gave her a pair of gloves but instead of giving it to her personally, he copped out and passed it on to NoEul. Then, he waited by the window for a glimpse of her with the gloves. 

Uhhhh. The difference between MEN and boys couldn’t have been more obvious. Even SW who knew rejection met with Bora face-to-face to give her the manitto gift. He was chill when Bora said she didn’t want the gift. And TK who knew he was in the dog house for forgetting his gift to DS, manned up right away. 

14. When he told Duk Seon not to go on that blind date. Uhhh… Poor kid. He looked pathetic to me here. Couldn’t he tell that DS was just testing him? 

15. When he wrote in his mother’s passport. This is why it was hard for me to like JH --> He could be GUILT-TRIPPED to show kindness and affection, but he wasn't a NATURALLY kind and affectionate person. He was getting exasperated with his mother for wasting his time, and only felt “bad” AFTER he found out about his mother’s illiteracy. This was the same thing with his father. He thought his father’s corny way of greetings was “beneath” him so he didn’t want to do it. Only when he sensed that his father was mad at him did he acquiesce to do it as an appeasement. He didn't write his mother's name out of the care and solicitude. He felt guilty and wanted to atone.  

16. When he “accidentally” bumped into Duk Seon’s classmate.  What’s so admirable about this passive-aggressive action? If he tried this trick on one of my 6’5, 250lb sons or their college sports teammates, he’d get shoved in a bathroom stall before he could even squeak a word of apology. 

17. When he agonized over that pink shirt.  Really. This must be the stupidest use of masochism in this story. Look: he didn’t need to brood over that pink shirt. All he needed to do was tell DeokSun that she got it wrong and show her the shirt that was hanging in his room.  Why suffer through all that hell -- needlessly -- then have a pity party for himself?  He chose that “agony” for himself when better options were clearly available, so he had nobody but himself to blame for this. Instead of kicking that pot, he should have kicked himself. He liked kicking people anyway....

18. When he asked the bus driver to wait.  That was a theme for him, right?  He could ask for people to wait 10 seconds because he himself could dither for an hour in that theater watching Forrest Gump while DukSeon was out there freezing at the concert hall.  In real life, time and tide wait for no one. 

19. When we found out he’s been carrying a picture of Duk Seon the whole time. Ha! I still suspect him of dropping that wallet on purpose so TK would finally know that he was in love with DS too, and put a spoiler in his TK’s planned proposal that Saturday. He’s been known to be passive aggressive. 

What do you think @CamelKnight. I have to pause here.  And edit some stuff here before continuing....

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1 hour ago, packmule3 said:

Are you done yet? What do you think of this scene then?  

original.gif (280×149)

I think he said something like “Mannaji malka?” loosely translated as: Should I meet up with her?

Reply 1988 recycles this scene with DS asking JH if she should go on a blind date because the general theory is jealousy is a sign of love. If the other person stops you from seeing another person, then it means he/she has feelings for you. 

I finished it last night. Reply 1988 was definately/infinitely better. That scene is exactly what you described. Yoon Jae wanting confirmation from Shi Won but she wasn't about to give it to him since she was having doubts about her feelings all together. 

I love Eunji. Her smile is so pretty and she's got the sneaky smile which is even more adorable. If my wife smiled like that, I'd marry her all over again lol :D
I actually forgot Eunji plays in Sassy Go Go as well. Duh. 

1 hour ago, phikyl said:

Is.. is that Castiel!?!? I knew the face looked familiar when @tiendoank posted the gif but I couldn't connect a character to the face...

Yes it is. I'm waiting for the next season for Supernatural myself. My wife has got this thing for Dean and Sam. I can't understand why. Well.. shirtless Dean and Sam are understandable I guess.

44 minutes ago, phikyl said:

Super busy this week so I completely forgot to post a re-watch notice. Sorry guys!

Rewatch Episode 7

Friday May 27th at 10pm KST!

@cooleet@tiendoank@packmule3@CamelKnight@hyuki4ever@Grace1003@babyviolets. Can you guys make it?

Yup, I'll be there most likely. Kinda depends on the weather. If it's nice outside, I might sand a bench down first.

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1 minute ago, CamelKnight said:

I finished it last night. Reply 1988 was definately/infinitely better. That scene is exactly what you described. Yoon Jae wanting confirmation from Shi Won but she wasn't about to give it to him since she was having doubts about her feelings all together. 

I love Eunji. Her smile is so pretty and she's got the sneaky smile which is even more adorable. If my wife smiled like that, I'd marry her all over again lol :D
I actually forgot Eunji plays in Sassy Go Go as well. Duh. 

Yes it is. I'm waiting for the next season for Supernatural myself. My wife has got this thing for Dean and Sam. I can't understand why. Well.. shirtless Dean and Sam are understandable I guess.

Yup, I'll be there most likely. Kinda depends on the weather. If it's nice outside, I might sand a bench down first.


I skimmed through Sassy GoGo just for Eunji, too but I think she's getting stereotyped into that kind of role. 

I liked Eunjj's character but now that I've seen R88, I like DS better. But of course, without R97, there wouldn't be R94 or R88. R97 made these shows possible and the reputation of tvN was built on that one phenomenon. I'm glad that the production team was able to build on and improve upon the early success.  

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend here. It's a big thing. We're having a barbecue for family and friends; some of them are participating in the Rolling Thunder motorcycle run/parade but I'm staying home to finish up on some important paperwork. sigh. Work is making me a dull girl. 

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16 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

16. When he “accidentally” bumped into Duk Seon’s classmate

I don't remember this part. What episode was that?

17 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

I finished it last night. Reply 1988 was definately/infinitely better.

It is, but R97 gets a pass from me on the flaws because it was the first in the series. R88 had two previous installments to gauge different fan reactions and see what works and what doesn't, as well as lots of time to plan ahead. I'm of the opinion that R88 was already in the works before R94 aired. It's just too detailed for me to believe otherwise.

I'm behind on Supernatural; got sidetracked by K-dramas so my American/British shows have fallen by the wayside. :phew: It's all about Dean, Castiel and Death:D ***Season 5 spoiler blacked out***

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19 minutes ago, phikyl said:

I don't remember this part. What episode was that?

It is, but R97 gets a pass from me on the flaws because it was the first in the series. R88 had two previous installments to gauge different fan reactions and see what works and what doesn't, as well as lots of time to plan ahead. I'm of the opinion that R88 was already in the works before R94 aired. It's just too detailed for me to believe otherwise.

I'm behind on Supernatural; got sidetracked by K-dramas so my American/British shows have fallen by the wayside. :phew: It's all about Dean, Castiel and Death:D ***Season 5 spoiler blacked out***


It was in Episode 13, at the very beginning, after he and DS left the Lee Moon Sae concert together.  

DS met an old friend who used to have a crush on her. She bragged about the guy having a crush on her and JH pretended to be cool about it. Then, he followed the guys to the restroom and he "accidentally" bumped on them causing them to spill urine on their clothes/hands.

He could be conniving like this so I'd always been skeptical about that wallet incident. 

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@packmule3 i think Only REPLY/ANSWER ME SERIES got succeed on korean production drama, each series got more attention and excitement from viewers.

other drama just failed after second season: Ex: Iris 2, full house 2, Princess hour 2, dream high 2. :D

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17 minutes ago, bebe1989 said:

@packmule3 i think Only REPLY/ANSWER ME SERIES got successed on korean production drama, each series got more attention and excitement from viewers.

other drama just failed after second season: Ex: Iris 2, full house 2, Princess hour 2, dream high 2. :D


You’re probably right. :)

I don’t watch a lot of dramas, compared to the other posters here. I only know that tvN made that noona romance with Seo In Guk called High School King. And that Queen InHyun’s Man where the couple ended up dating each other for a while, and Cheese in the Trap.

But were their variety shows like Grandpas over Flowers and Youth Over Flowers, and Three Meals a Day successful, too?  Lee Seo Jin fascinates me so I've heard of these variety shows. He's the kind of lazy witty bum that grown women find appealing to rehabilitate. lol. 

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48 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


It was in Episode 13, at the very beginning, after he and DS left the Lee Moon Sae concert together.  

DS met an old friend who used to have a crush on her. She bragged about the guy having a crush on her and JH pretended to be cool about it. Then, he followed the guys to the restroom and he "accidentally" bumped on them causing them to spill urine on their clothes/hands.

He could be conniving like this so I'd always been skeptical about that wallet incident. 

Oh that's right! I totally forgot about that scene. 

That was disgusting and very ungentlemanly. If you have to be afraid of the competition for a girl and resort to underhanded methods like that to make her yours, she's probably not the one for you... Notice TK didn't do any sabotage of JH. I know that's partially because TK/JH are friends but it's also just not part of TK's personality to sabotage the opponent. He'd much rather win fairly. 


I don't watch reality series' but I think Youth Over Flowers is pretty successful. It's no Running Man but it has a solid following. 

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