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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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3 minutes ago, deeand said:

not replayed. coz ep.0 aired before a week from ep.1 at October 30'th


Oh I see. I think I remember seeing this video. Thank you!  But the others might not have so it's probably good to have it somewhere accessible.   

Yes, I remember this scene too. 


Like what's wrong with him?!!! He kneed DS; he kicked Taek in Episode 2 and he threatened to kick NE in Episode 7. But he wouldn't box those bullies who stole his shoes. lol.  


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7 hours ago, deeand said:

I was really enjoying pulling together all the parallels between DS/TK's relationship

even the calendar of their appa have parallel too XD


only ds and taek appa's calendar are similiar. I dont know if this is a clue or what but i think its interesting :w00t::D


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Sorry guys I wasn't able to join the rewatch. I was busy yesterday and wasn't able to read the messages yesterday.

How's everyone here? 

Episode 1 got me hooked since I was able to relate with DS. Being the middle child is really hard. The favorite os always the 1st child and the baby that everyone spoils is the youngest one. According to psychology, the middle chold would either grow up as a problem child ( due to negligence ) or a very independent child. I believe DS became both. She was a problem child at first but she was able to overcome it and became successful in the end.

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10 hours ago, deeand said:

and because suntaek moment is not the highlight of this episode, this is my favourite episode :

this scene is so touching... so sweet like the birthday cake appa brought for doeksoen.


Yes, the father finally got it!  

At first, he was going to make DS share the pint of ice cream while, for days, he had been buying Noeul his very own Olympic ice cream. Then, he made DS share Bora's birthday cake so they could save money from having a double birthday celebration.  But, on the third time, he finally got it right. He got her her very own cake. 

But the birthday cake, for me, was really just the “icing on the cake.”  His one-on-one conversation was the one that consoled her and made her feel better.  The cake was just a symbol.  If he didn’t apologize for his missteps in fatherhood and his lack of consideration, then the birthday cake as a gift would have been a mere palliative -- meaning just an object to soothe his conscience and placate her bad feelings. 

As it is, he committed another mistake when they forgot to rescue her from the carbon monoxide poisoning….hahaha.

The other thing I like about their conversation was that the topic of marriage came out of nowhere.

Dad: Anyway, when my DS gets married, how will I live? I’ll be so miserable?
DS: I’m not going to get married though
Dad: You shouldn’t say that.

At that point in time, there were two people whom he felt – or he could SENSE -- were growing up in front of his very eyes.  First, it was Deoksun.  And the other one was Taekkie in Episode 2.  I don’t think he quite grasped it, but those two youngsters were the first two that he had a grown-up talk with.

And did you notice? He did the “fatherly” talk with them on the occasion of their birthday celebrations. DS and TK paralleled each other again. ;)  It was a rite-of-passage thing. Writers usually incorporate this kind of scenario to denote that an important TRANSITIONAL period in life was about to happen.  The father’s conversation with DS and TK was a “rite of passage” because it marked their initiation into adult life.  Meaning, the LEVEL or depth of the dialogue signified that DS and TK were ready to enter the adult world; they were no longer to be treated like children who couldn’t understand the complexities of life. He could talk to them as "equals."   (lol. I’ve had this sort of talks with my own children, and you don’t know relieved I was that I could finally connect with them as grown-ups.)

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13 minutes ago, cooleet said:

Sorry guys I wasn't able to join the rewatch. I was busy yesterday and wasn't able to read the messages yesterday.

How's everyone here? 

Episode 1 got me hooked since I was able to relate with DS. Being the middle child is really hard. The favorite os always the 1st child and the baby that everyone spoils is the youngest one. According to psychology, the middle chold would either grow up as a problem child ( due to negligence ) or a very independent child. I believe DS became both. She was a problem child at first but she was able to overcome it and became successful in the end.


Aha! Another middle child there, I see. 

But middle children are also highly adaptable because they’re used to not getting their own way. They know how to compromise. Plus, they’re also empathetic because they know how it feels like to be overlooked. 

Now, this is anecdotal so feel free to ignore.  My small group of GFs and I realize that we all liked dating men who are middle children.  But we actually ended up marrying men who are first-borns (or were only sons).  None of us dated or married youngest sons.  We wonder if it had something to do with the “neediness” of youngest sons -- Were JH and DR needy? lol. 

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Lots of middle children here it seems! 

Looking at the pictures, JH really got away with a lot of bullying! What makes him better than the thugs who took his shoes? At least those guys only took his stuff instead of injuring him like he does to DS and NE! Stuff can be replaced, health [mental and physical] cannot. 

Going along with the "adult talks" that DS's father had with both DS and TK during the earlier episodes, it seems to me that there was also a talk between the parents about placing their daughter in TK's care; only what actually happened was the reverse. The China trip! Looking back on it, the solemnity of the scene where TK's dad is convincing DS's mom and dad that DS is the only one who can go with TK reminds me a bit of the "Korean Wedding". The words they were saying weren't the right words but the undertones of the scene were the same. 


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21 hours ago, phikyl said:

That's part of the reason why I choose to pick up dramas from other countries. I can still get my dose of whatever genre I'm in the mood for

I'm always in the mood for Romance :D 

21 hours ago, phikyl said:

the 10's on my MDL

Oh boy.. I really disagree with some of your 10's. I didn't think Warm and Cozy was that good at all. Neither was King2Hearts. And you're clearly mistaken for not having Secret Garden or You Who Come From The Stars (or whatever other name you want to give it) at the top of your list. That's okay though. You're allowed a few mistakes in your life. I expect you to change your list, ofcourse, after noticing the error in your ways :D 


20 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Did you think so, too?

I totally understand the need for an emotional outlet. It beats beating your wife/kids/the dog. And I know with the long hours regular in South Korea and the high amount of pressure, there's much need for such an emotional outlet. But I do feel there are other ways. Try knitting, hit the gym, pick up running, whatever. Plenty of possibilities IMHO.
It's a cultural thing too though. Massive amounts of alcohol are being consumed in the majority of the K-Drama's I've watched at some point or another. Should I ever visit SK, I really wonder how many drunk people I'll find on the streets. There's gotta be a huge amount according to all the K-Drama's :D 

20 hours ago, packmule3 said:

I can tell you we were upset when the threads shut down and we couldn't find a place for our rewatches. There were so many of us behind the scenes who wanted to discuss it back then.

I can tell you we were upset too. Behind the scenes we've had a lot of discussion among the mods how to deal with this. Some of the actions by users on Soompi could've, and perhaps should've, demanded serious repercussions. In the end, we decided to close down those threads since it was simply running out of hand and it was the best political option at the time. We have learned though and in the future we will handle things differently. How is not for me to say though. I'm not a shipper mod or a Drama mod. I'm merely the Tech mod, Love & Relationship mod and General Discussion mod :)

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15 hours ago, packmule3 said:

I think DS’ mother should have realized that she was favoring the other two children.

This right here is the most difficult thing to do as a parent I imagine. I don't have kids myself so I'm only trying to fit the shoes for this purpose, but I guess that it's so difficult keeping track of who had the last favor, especially with 3 or more kids, that sooner or later (most likely sooner) you'll drop the routine for something slightly easier: whoever screams loudest gets what he/she wants. That usually means the eldest and the youngest since they've got the most power/most annoying cry in the family. :D 


15 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Had she bottled it all inside, she'd develop bigger issues later on. 

I can't say adult DS was without issues. Her relationship with TK on the couch wasn't one of pure loveydovey ;) 


14 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Like what's wrong with him?!!! He kneed DS; he kicked Taek in Episode 2 and he threatened to kick NE in Episode 7. But he wouldn't box those bullies who stole his shoes. lol.

It's called teasing. A young boy's best way of showing his love/affection for someone else :). It never works, but we don't care.

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1 hour ago, CamelKnight said:

Oh boy.. I really disagree with some of your 10's. I didn't think Warm and Cozy was that good at all. Neither was King2Hearts. And you're clearly mistaken for not having Secret Garden or You Who Come From The Stars (or whatever other name you want to give it) at the top of your list. That's okay though. You're allowed a few mistakes in your life. I expect you to change your list, ofcourse, after noticing the error in your ways :D

LOL! Different shows appeal to different people. I'll be honest and say that Secret Garden was really not my style. I watched it because I see people raving about it all the time but it never hooked me the way other shows did. YWCFTS used to be in my top 10 list. I can't remember why it got bumped down but I had a reason at the time. As for Warm and Cozy, you should backread the thread on Soompi. It will enlighten you. :D Plus it's a Hong Sisters work and I love the majority of their stuff. I like to think that I have high standards for my 10's, but it's really just a matter of what fits my tastes. I go back through my watched list every few months and re-rank things depending on how I feel a few months after watching it. Otherwise, pretty much everything on my list would be a 7 or higher just from ranking it immediately after finishing. 


1 hour ago, CamelKnight said:

so difficult keeping track of who had the last favor

That's when you write it down on a calendar or put it as a note for the next birthday in your phone! I know a lot of parents do similar things to DS's parents though. My best friend always had to combine his birthday celebration with both his older brother's birthday and Christmas because each event is only a few days apart from the others. So it seems combinations like this are common. 


1 hour ago, CamelKnight said:

It's called teasing. A young boy's best way of showing his love/affection for someone else :). It never works, but we don't care.

Terrible No wonder the female population can never tell a boy has a crush on them! :lol:

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1 hour ago, phikyl said:

I'll be honest and say that Secret Garden was really not my style.

Like I said: you're wrong :P

1 hour ago, phikyl said:

YWCFTS used to be in my top 10 list. I can't remember why it got bumped down but I had a reason at the time.

I can't think of a reason. For me what really bumped it to 10/10, was the last part of the last episode where Jun Ji-Hyun says something along the lines of "I never know when he will leave again and that makes the time we have together all the more precious to me". That right there. Tear. Jerking. Stuff. I watched it twice, and I hardly ever do that (so far only 3 series have gotten that special treatment). And I plan to watch it again fairly soon.

1 hour ago, phikyl said:

As for Warm and Cozy, you should backread the thread on Soompi. It will enlighten you. :D Plus it's a Hong Sisters work and I love the majority of their stuff

I love most of their stuff as well, but Warm and Cozy only ranked 7/10 for me, mostly due to Kang So-Ra. I really felt Yoo Yeon-Seok was the worst casting ever. He maintains a solid stoic look throughout the series and the mayor annoyed the living.... out of me. I wrote about it on my blog if you want to know more (see sig for link), don't wanna hijack this thread :) 


1 hour ago, phikyl said:

That's when you write it down on a calendar or put it as a note for the next birthday in your phone!

Nevah! Kids these days are too smart. They'll figure out how to get in there and destroy any evidence of them receiving any favors so their next. Evil monsters!

1 hour ago, phikyl said:

Terrible No wonder the female population can never tell a boy has a crush on them! :lol:

It's the truth. Young men always try to attract attention in the weirdest ways possible. It's why they fail so much at a younger age. When they learn from their mistakes, that's when they finally get the girl. Oh if only I could go back in time and tell young CamelKnight what he did wrong...

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20 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

For me what really bumped it to 10/10, was the last part of the last episode where Jun Ji-Hyun says something along the lines of "I never know when he will leave again and that makes the time we have together all the more precious to me".

I remember watching the special epilogue for that show a million times and loving it. Plus I re-watched the series at least 5 times. Now I'm confused as to why I bumped it down in ratings...

24 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

I really felt Yoo Yeon-Seok was the worst casting ever.

Who would you have rather seen in that role? I think YYS did a pretty good job with it! Kang So Ra is an amazing actress so I'm not surprised that you would think his facial expressions were all the same compared to hers though. I wasn't a fan of R94 [didn't even finish it] so I didn't go into W&C biased towards him at least. I'll agree that the mayor was annoying but he worked as a plot wrench. 

26 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

They'll figure out how to get in there and destroy any evidence of them receiving any favors so their next.

That's why you back up everything to an email only you know! 

27 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

Young men always try to attract attention in the weirdest ways possible.

Tsk, tsk. Pulling pigtails is not a way to display affection! I'm going to have to make sure my son learns this at a young age. 

To bring us back on topic: I can forgive JH for not knowing how to display his affection properly since every friend of his we see is male, aside from DS. He still should have taken some cues from TK though if he really wanted a shot with DS. JH didn't notice the way DS smiled anytime TK complimented her?! Why would he not take that as a sign and do the same?! 

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WE DID ITTTTTTT <3333333 I love this ship/submarine

also I want to thank @fangurling123 @mangekyux @rynn_peace for the hours spent translating our various Reply theories for Korean Suntaek fans on DC!!!!!

To all the Suntaek fans in Korea who are lurking our thread, can i say THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN...the support unreal and i feel taek's room got a lot bigger 

everyone, we worked hard. <3


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Thank you @fangurling123 @rynn_peace @mangekyux for the translations and @mangachickava for the promotions!

Thank you @libra83, @__jesse @Yesin Lee for promoting in IG, weibo, baidu and vietnam!

Thank you to captain  @hafunohane for steering the ship so well! The board game and the FMV!!!!!

Thank you to @gerimisore for the fanarts!

Thank you to @ladyfriday for the fanfiction!

The #chosenones who are forever unknown to us, show yourselves, thank you!!!!




and to everyone on this ship, congratulations!!!!

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