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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Been silently reading all your analyses again and everything's really interesting, especially on how the production team had laid out easter eggs throughout the entire drama. Great job, all! :D By the way, since you guys have been discussing the T.C = Tom Cruise = C.T = Choi Taek theory, there's something I'd like to ask. Tom Cruise was famous before heavily because of Top Gun, correct? And if I remember accurately, while the Ssangmun-dong gang were hanging out in Taek's room together, Deoksun did mention that she hasn't watched that movie yet (including Sunwoo and Taek, excluding Junghwan and Dongryong) hence suggesting they watch it all together so it's quite shady on how T.C would be Tom Cruise? Correct me with this but heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh im getting giddy again even when Taek's the end game already, what is wrong with me?! :w00t::w00t:

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Hey guys. Do you know that each character in R88 have their own wiki page with their details?

Just gonna share with you Taek's and Deoksun's. Its fully in korean though. But still nice to look at. Lol

https://namu.wiki/w/최택 (Deoksun being listed as his wife here. Hahaha)

https://namu.wiki/w/성덕선 (and ofcourse Taek is listed as her husband here. Lol)


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I think for the pager, people should rewatch the restaurant scene with TK and DS.

DS needs to go to washroom, TK glances at her, DR tells her to go. She does.

Then we see TK had been observing her enough to know to follow her. Then he arrives to tell her he had to go for a "smoke" to not hurt her pride. 

Same thing with concert. He observes her outfit, has met the boyfriend before ( like how he met the flasher), DR tells her to go. TK follows soon after, Then he arrives, he just places his jacket and doesn't hurt DS pride by going along with her lie.


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2 hours ago, rynn_peace said:


First snow came. The worst day in my life.

They said if we confess on the day when the first snow come the chance of success is 90%.

For my confession to Seon Woo, I wrote the postcard to “Starry Night”. How long I wait for this day.

In the end, all my love flew away one by one like first snow in the sky. Did Seon Woo really know my heart?

No. Erase it. It’s maybe a lingering feeling... (It’s not seen ㅜㅜ)

My confession is 10%’s failure… (It’s not spring ㅠㅠ)

Where is the person who loves me? Will that person like that exist?

Tonight is lonely winter night.

Thanks for these.  I think the date for this entry is actually 12/7/1988.

Also, below is what I've been able to decipher that wasn't' included in the above.  I think it's hilarious - check out her math, LOL.


December 7, 1988.

First snow has fallen.  The worst day of my life.

They say if you confess on the first snow day, the chances of success are 90%.

I've waited for this day so long, even sending a postcard to Starry Night [radio program] in order to confess to Sun Woo

But alas, my first love has fluttered away like the first snowflakes in the sky

Does Sun Woo even know of my true feelings for him?

No, no.  That is just lingering attachment [on my part].

The confession that I believed had 90 90 = 170  no, no 180% chances of succeeding [it becomes blurry here, but something about "instead has turned out to fit into the 10% failure rate"].

Is there no one out there who loves me?

Is there even somebody like that out there?

Tonight is another lonely night.


What is lost in the context of the translation here is how literary and poetic Duk Seon's diary entries are.  The language is simple but very flowery and evocative, almost like a haiku poem.  This says a lot about our little Duk Seon who appears kind of goofy and clumsy but is a poet at heart.

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5 minutes ago, fangurling123 said:

Thanks, for these.  I think the date for this entry is actually 12/7/1988.

Also, below is what I've been able to decipher that wasn't' included in the above.  I think it's hilarious - check out her math, LOL.


December 7, 1988.

First snow has fallen.  The worst day of my life.

They say if you confess on the first snow day, the chances of success are 90%.

I've waited for this day so long, even sending a postcard to Starry Night [radio program] in order to confess to Sun Woo

But alas, my first love has fluttered away like the first snowflakes in the sky

Does Sun Woo even know of my true feelings for him?

No, no.  That is just lingering attachment [on my part].

The confession that I thought had 90 90 = 170  no, no 180% chances of succeeding [it becomes blurry here, but something about "instead has turned out to fit into the 10% failure rate"].

Is there no one out there who loves me?

Is there even somebody like that out there?

Tonight is another lonely night.


What is lost in the context of the translation here is how literary and poetic Duk Seon's diary entries are.  The language is simple but very flowery and evocative, almost like a haiku poem.  This says a lot about our little Duk Seon who appears kind of goofy and clumsy but is a poet at heart.


Thanks for correction!! I never thought DeokSun can write something poetic like that before. And her diary shows a bit of her personality. 

And I wonder why she talked about light and darkness on September 22nd 1988. Is there anything happened that day?

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@moonkeeper OMG Moon thanks so much for bringing this up

The title of Ep 17 : The Irony of Life - Part 2



What are those boxes? Our genius @moonkeeper had a wild guess: "I think they are match boxes..." and Moon you are CORRECT!!!




These are match boxes in the old times








The name of these match box is "아리랑 쓰리랑 아리아", which is "ARIRANG SEUNGRIRANG ARIA"


When I first saw the word "Arirang", I thought of this okay? HAHAHA. My uncle has it and on every Chinese New Year, it will be on full use =))






Cre: owners


Jokes aside, Arirang is a traditional Korean folk song. "ARIRANG SEUNGRIRANG ARIA" is in the lyric of the song. 


From Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arirang

"The heroine of the story from which the Arirang Song originated was a fair maid of Miryang. In fact, she was a modest woman killed by an unrequited lover. But as time went on, the tragic story changed to that of an unrequited lady-love who complained of her unfeeling lover. The tune is sweet and appealing. The story is recounted in "Miss Arirang" in Folk Tales of Old Korea (Korean Cultural Series, Vol. VI)."


---> So the irony here points to DS and her love for TK. DS thought it was a one-sided love and hid her feelings for 6 years, that's part 2 of the irony. In ep 16, we saw part 1 of the irony which pointed to TK and his hidden love for DS.



From https://kuiwon.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/what-does-arirang-mean-the-theories-on-the-etymology-of-arirang/

3. 我離娘(아리랑) or 我離郞(아리랑) – A-ri-rang (“I Part from My Dear”)

"This theory proposes that the song dates to 19th century Chosun during the reign of Regent Heungseon (興宣大院君, 흥선대원군, 1829-1898, r. 1863-1873). The Regent is widely remembered as a tyrant who increased burdens on peasants by imposing compulsory labor, forcing families to leave their villages and live apart from one another. As these peasants parted from their families and villages, they expressed their angst in song, crying “A-ri-rang” a phrase coined from Classical Chinese (漢文, 한문). Here, “a” (我, 아) means “I”, “ri” (離, 리) means “to part from”, and “rang” (娘 or 郞, 랑) means either “dear wife” or “dear husband.” Together, Arirang would mean “I part from my dear wife” or “I part from my dear husband.” (Surprisingly, even though this would make “Arirang” a Sino-Korean word, it is the theory most favored among North Korean historians.)"


---> True enough, ep 17 was full of break-ups and partings. MO broke up with JB, BR broke up with SW, DS and TK hid their feelings towards each other. The irony was that THEY WISHED TO PART FROM THEIR LOVES (*white lies detected*) , of course painfully. 


Below are the song and the lyric translation


Miryang Arirang

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arirang

Look on me! Look on me! Look on me!
In midwinter, when you see a flower, please think of me!
Ari-arirang! Ssuri-Ssurirang! Arariga nanne!   <--- on the match boxes
O'er Arirang Pass I long to cross today.
Moonkyung weak Bird has too many curves
Winding up, winding down, in tears I go.
Carry me, carry me, carry me and go!
When flowers bloom in Hanyang, carry me and go.



Say "Hi" to Binggeure!!! The song is from the beginning to 3:50 mark 






Bonus: Actually this song has a political context. 


"Yet even during this occupation period, Arirang” was far more than simply an expression of Korean National identity. The song actually became a major pop music hit among audiences in mainland Japan during 1931, eight years before the onset of World War II. To the Japanese, “Arirang” both a statement of pan-East Asian identity and a reminder of a more simplistic past. During this time period, many Japanese associated Korean culture with a sense of melancholy or despondency, thus it was not difficult for them to connect “Arirang” with a sense of sadness and nostalgia for simpler times. Though the reasons for this cultural appropriation are highly complex, it is partially due to an appreciation for a musical aesthetic that transcends cultural boundaries. A similar trend can be seen today in North Korea with their choice to use Arirang as the name for the new smartphone. Evidently, “Arirang” is considered symbolic of Korean identity and is therefore a powerful symbol in both North and South Korea, despite the political tensions between those two countries."


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12 hours ago, __jesse said:

Re: The Chocolate Theory – Part 2
(Click here for part 1)

So when BR threw a fit and made DS run all the way back from school to return the jacket, what it really meant was: DS, you better return SW to BR.

Also, DS was coloring a heart with a long pencil lead, when we hear BR’s voice and the pencil lead broke. This storytelling technique is known as non-simultaneous sound, where diegetic sound comes earlier or later than the images it accompanies. We heard BR’s voice first before we saw her face. This technique was applied here to help us draw a connection between these two scenes.

DS: Shush. My first love depends on this.
BR: I’m going to a club trip today. (DS’ pencil lead breaks)

DS’ coloring conquest was interrupted by BR’s voice. This foreshadowed DS’ first love being ruined by BR. The pencil lead broke; her first love was doomed to fail.



Thanks for this @__jesse you made a very good argument about this! But I was just wondering why would DS give SW chocolate twice? One in ep2 and the other one in ep4 where she left it in the studyroom.


8 hours ago, rynn_peace said:



I ate pizza at Taek’s room. We talked about the first snowfall.

Seon Woo said he likes someone but can’t confess to her.

So I said to him to confess when the first snow come.

I’m really trembling. It seems finally the moment of confession will come soon.

I’m in agony if I have to ask Seon Woo and make confession.

I can’t sleep well. Seon Woo too feels the same with me, doesn’t he.




7 hours ago, fangurling123 said:

What is lost in the context of the translation here is how literary and poetic Duk Seon's diary entries are.  The language is simple but very flowery and evocative, almost like a haiku poem.  This says a lot about our little Duk Seon who appears kind of goofy and clumsy but is a poet at heart.


Thanks for the translation @rynn_peace @fangurling123

@fangurling123 since I know youre really versed with korean, i was just wondering if the translation of taek's convo with Sunwoo is correct.

In ep14, when taek and sunwoo were about to sleep, SW asked him why he likes DS and he said "... When she smiles, I feel like i could die" Was there lost in translation or that was correct?

1 hour ago, rembrandtz_5e20 said:

PBG's schedule (according to TK thread in Baidu):

2 Feb Return to Korea

3 Feb Film CF

4 Feb Media interviews!!!!

5 Feb Music Bank MC 


Thanks for the update! I wonder what CF he will film~


41 minutes ago, 13infamyss said:

I`m gonna mention this now in case I forget to comment on it by the time we get to Ep 19 rewatch.

Not sure if anyone shared this thought yet, anyways, I always laugh when ever I watch this scene, to the point that I have overlooked once again a very thoughtful gesture here by Taek!

^I can actually picture Young Taek having this "I'm in trouble again" look on his face :lol:

When you first watch this, you'd think: Uh-oh he's in trouble. How could he mess up the year of their first kiss?! (I thought it was because he didn't know all this time)

But little did we know, Taek was actually right, and that he just let her get away with it again!




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