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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Not gonna lie I felt an unsettling sinking feeling when I first read your post about the fan cast... But... The story is going his way..  So..  Maybe think of it as a victory lap? Lol

Or a more pressing question is:

What's a fan cast n can international fans join? :)

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5 minutes ago, st4rdust said:

Not gonna lie I felt an unsettling sinking feeling when I first read your post about the fan cast... But... The story is going his way..  So..  Maybe think of it as a victory lap? Lol

Or a more pressing question is:

What's a fan cast n can international fans join? :)

oops i meant fan meet!


its being held in KBS arena so maybe it has more to do with his hosting gigs then i thought

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guys, but the team just has a 1 week break right. I mean, technically it should be 2 weeks instead of 1 week because the show is on every Friday, so even if PBG has a fan meeting on the finale day, it doesn't mean he can't appear on the last episode. Indeed, live filming till the very last moment can happen but I do think everybody tries to wrap up things way before that. If I'm not wrong, the start of R98 was delayed for 1 week too. It was said to be aired on end Oct but actually the first episode was aired on 6 Nov. So yeah ;) PBG has fan meeting and TK still stays with us chingu :))

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well that fanmeet could have been part of his many end year schedule even before reply since he have been hot star esp after naeil cantabile,music bank,i remember you and he obviously cherish his fans so not necessarily same situation as yys....

anyway i just watch 1n2d and love how he invade the show with his appearance backstage and the even try to recruit him as new member well i hope he can appear as guest someday XD

such pity Joohyuk is not with them at the time i really wanna see them in one scene lol


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a fanmeet? sigh....(really similar when yys did free hugs last year) can i teleport meeee self and attend? 

husband or not at least we are ready to face the last remaining 4 episodes with no expectations (but with a little hope).  

now writernim... give taekkie the best ending he deserves. 

hugs chinggus. lets enjoy the ride. 


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Lol is it time for a light hearted joke as to why Taek n DS's (since they are the song cover couple): Ost part 5 December has no official mv

My theory is, all the editor found was shots packed with so much chemistry that will melt ppl everywhere so it's been deemed too dangerous to appear officially until after ep17.. 


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3 hours ago, mangachickava said:

1)The whole squad doesn’t know that he liked DS. In 1994, everyone knew that CB liked NJ and it was just embarrassing to watch. In 1988, JH feelings can remain contained between the people involved. His ego will not be further attacked in the future scenes when the squad gathers and I think the 2nd lead deserves the privacy of his unrequited love.

yes this is one of the reason make me more sure why Taek is the husband the fact that the writer reveal his feeling to all the main gang(aside from DS) but hide JH..
it just it easier for JH to move on if his feeling only known inside the one involved in triangle but not others close to him without ruining the close friendship.
because just imagine how awkward and so bad SW & DR would feel if they suddenly know JH feeling so late after they showing their full support to Taek and discussing about TK-DS in front of JH without knowing it hurt him so like you said this happen because JH supposed to move on and accepting TK-DS after all his resentment and hate gone and they can go back to normal without DR&SW drag into the mess and need to choose in between Taek or JH because we know how close the 4 are.. 
like when they expect Taek&DS to date but suddenly she go and date/marry JH without knowing the past detail since they only know and support Taek all those while, i just don't feel the writer would ruin the dynamic of friendship they have build so hard from beginning between the 5..
well let just wait and see because the writer can be cruel just for the sake of her fave hubby game since they don't care ruining Trash-NJ reputation for the sake of making people hopeful for CB till the end.
but because the writing of R88 have been brilliant so far so i try to have more faith they will cherish their characters this time and i kinda doubt they gonna repeat the same vicious cycle since both guy have the love of everyone here not lacking family,friendship and the girl always by their side even still not romantically involved.
if Taek is not the husband they need to at least show how he move on(because they have show JH dealing with his feeling for long time) and not just thrown him to suddenly marry someone younger just because the LCH also married young girl kind of rush ending after all the detail he given at least he deserve ending better than open ending or rushing:P

of course as part of taektanic/submarine team im always prepared to just sink or never arrived the destination since there still huge possibility that the writer just gonna followed their winning formula every season same set of parents, the husband never gonna be the geniuses but only the bickering ust boys next door(though to be fair DR also just next door+lot of skinship+he bicker much more with DS and spent more quality time+talk with DS :P) and Taek door just in front as well can be considered next door(and the time of the beach and DS beat him can be considered bickering too lol)

but for now i would still believe Taek is the husband since with how ep16 happen just giving me higher hope than ever well to be accurate more delusion than ever?

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i really can't take the future scene seriously just coz they really make Noul future character seems idiotic rather than childish... Noul in 1988 appear childish is fine coz he is still 17 and the youngest of three sibling that is just normal... but making a 40+ man childish is not normal... 

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@mangachickava To add to your analysis,DR does tell JH to move on[to the next math/life]..when he's seen stuck in a math problem.So is that another foreshadowing or something.I also read this another post from db,just was not sure if I should post it.Now reading your theory on 'how jh can be the second lead and the need for his closure',maybe the writer of this post also has some points.


I think in the latest episode, after taekie’s seemingly giving up on his love for DS and the aftermath of it which as we see as taekie drinking an excessive dose of his medicine (hinting of another hospitalized character, lol) jung hwan will feel responsible for how he’s feelings (and him being a turtle towards it, lol) for DS destroyed the possible love that could bloom between his dear friend taekie and deok seona. It will be a good character development on his side as he was portrayed and characterized early on the show as someone who is not “human”

Hence he will give way for taekie to confess his love to deokseon and forget about his own feelings for DS which will also somehow help in strengthening his friendship with taekie even more.


My explanation was kind off short in my first post hence I think you didn’t get my point as to why jung pal will sacrifice his feelings for DS.

Remember in the beginning of the show where every kid from that block is being introduced by deok seon via voice over? and she described jung pal as “not yet human”? this could be what the writers are trying to get at as to his character’s development in the series. And it has been shown tooooooo many times in the series that he is indeed “not yet human”. He rarely shows his feelings, he isn’t the touchy type of person, he’s self absorbed etc. heck, the guy is almost as dull as he can get bar none, even compared to dong ryong as a character. He has his own world that he doesn’t allow others to get right into.

And now that we are seeing a new dimension to the plot, particularly to the loveline (if there is even any) that it is where his characterization as “not yet human” gets to develop. It might be a killoff of his character for most of his fans, but hey! that could be a possible path that the right might take just so his character would finally develop. which if I may take note, is I think the only character out of the 5 main leads has not got any improvements at all for plenty of episodes now. Fans of him and even common fans of the show has been pointing this many times already and if he’s not going to show some tough balls enough by the end of the series, there really is a big problem to his character after all. Therefore, he might not be worthy of being Deokseon’s husband.

And I think there’s never a problem to him sacrificing his feelings for deok seon, why? because he only had that for not to long of a time (around ep 3 where it actually started), unlike taekie who has mustered his feelings for DS for a very long time (started probably when they were kids)

Also, the scenario I was pitching in my first post is I think the more realistic route to the loveline, as that is how most real life love triangles of friends end up. There has to be one person out of the three who needs to sacrifice. And I believe that it’ll be more logical for Jung pal to shed off that baby love for his friend’s sake.

I might sound like a taekie fan, which I am not. But I am just a dear fan of the show who watches closely every detail that the writer nim/s have shown us for the past 16 episodes. They are actually giving out hints as to who the husband is and there are plenty of them that are inclined towards taek as being Deok Seon’s husband. It might be that the future husband acts and looks like jung pal, but with the hints that have been shown by the writer nims I am 100% sure that it’s taekie. (sorry jung pal fans, but re-watch the episodes to see all those hints that taekie is indeed the husband)

I watch the show as it is and not just for the artist/s behind it. And I love how as the writernims have made it a fun series of a guessing game just like the 2 previos Answer me series…


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1 minute ago, ebito said:

i really can't take the future scene seriously just coz they really make Noul future character seems idiotic rather than childish... Noul in 1988 appear childish is fine coz he is still 17 and the youngest of three sibling that is just normal... but making a 40+ man childish is not normal... 

haha lol i think the future scene purpose only just more for comedic purpose and throwing trolling clue here and there in their dialogue more than to be taken seriously..

while others argue KJH resemble JH in term of look and personality but future Lee Mi Yeon tbh is nothing like DS, even future BR(except for smoking part)&NE is nothing like their past self so that enough to show they just for trolling and for fun inviting guest that living those 1988 years same age of the characters in real life)

but im still grateful they pick Kim Joo Hyuk since i love that hyung so much and miss him since he leave 1n2d so it a treat to see him randomly appear in R88<3 

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Guest gerimisore

These are a few things that crossed my mind after watching ep 15 & 16. (apologize if I repeated the same points that some of you perhaps have pointed out earlier. I wrote it before checking out the previous pages)

1. Deoksun is still beyond mad to Junghwan regarding the "pink shirt incident" from ep 14. She expresses it by throwing a super-annoyed stare at him and avoiding him by giving Noeul the food that she should've delivered to his house. This happens throughout episode 15 (she started to act 'normal' around him when they play Blue Marble game, which is at the end of the episode). However, we saw Deoksun also gives her 'infamous' blank stare twice to Junghwan in spite of feeling angry. First, after he asks her to remove the rice from her face (her stare still looks kinda bitter here). Second, when he helps her in the bus (this one looks more like her usual ambiguous-blank stare). Contrary to what some shippers believe, instead of thinking that Deoksun starts to waver again by Junghwan's small gestures, I interpret it as Deoksun takes Junghwan's very-rare-but-nice acts as his way of apologizing for the prior misunderstanding. And knowing Junghwan, it's very unlikely that he will just come to Deoksun and tell her what happened. That's why Deoksun is still angry in the beginning of ep 15. Because he hasn't told her anything. Thus explains how different her first "blank-and-annoyed stare" to her second "omo-what-is-he-doing stare". The bitterness lessen. In the end of the episode 15, Deoksun has probably decided to forgive him, that's why she is back to act like her usual self. This actually strengthens my allegation that her crush to Junghwan has perhaps worn off. Which is further proven by the way she behaves towards him in ep 16 (she stops being flirty and ignored his "Are you okay?" for goodness' sake. Girl, when you're in love, you can't just simply neglect your crush's sweet concern of your well-being).

2. I feel genuinely sad seeing Junghwan. I do. His two best friends, albeit without them knowing, have became the wingman for his so-called 'rival'. And, not to mention, his rival is also his best friend. He even gets to hear the details of his rival's confession plan. It breaks my heart seeing him try to fake a smile and act normal upon hearing it. It's like pouring a glass of lemon water and sprinkling lots of salt onto his wound. It's just... ouch :(

3. Just when I thought I couldn't be more enamoured, Taek pulls me in deeper than ever. It's saddening to see how misunderstood this guy is. Even his baduk teacher(?) misconceives him and thought that he'd be really mad (he looks sincerely scared waiting for Taek's response). The last two episodes, again, prove them people who thought Taek isn't mature, WRONG! Big time. Our homeboy is more than a "baby" who can't button his shirt right or a kid who never get the permission to cook ramyun. His experience outside of the neighborhood must have taught him certain mannerism and allow him to behave and think in a way beyond his age. Not being petty and mad at the unwanted request? Check. Treating people who lied to him that the interview will not be accompanied by (LOTS of) cameras? Check. Setting aside personal preference of disliking asking something and helping his friend's dad? Knowing perfectly a matter of priority? Check. Check. Being a considerate son who wants nothing but his dad's happiness? Check.

Taekie, 15+alpha for you.

4. Sunwoo's words after giving Taek advice about "eyes don't lie" making me sure that Taek has loved Deoksun for the longest time. It's like he's been pondering all this long as to why Taek acts more affectionate to Deoksun and always looks at her whenever they're together. But then he heard Taek's confession in front of the boys and put two and two together.

5.  I still think the fact that Deoksun is patiently waiting for Taek's call shouldn't easily be overlooked. She waits for him! She waits for the confirmation of her Saturday date. The last time I saw her waiting in front of the phone eagerly is when the squad waited for Taek to call them that he was home so that they could gather and eat pizza together. And it's also mirroring Sunwoo-Bora secret-phone-call scenes. Actually, as I look back, many TK-DS scenes are actually mirroring the other couples in this drama. Be it SW-BR, The Kim couple, or Taek's dad-SW's mom. It's interesting. She did look rather disappointed after knowing her date is cancelled 'though. Her mumbling that 'nothing is working out for me these days' kinda backs it up too. And that sudden "Hey, I brought you some goldfish bread" is also suspicious. Sung Deoksun? Buying someone something without a reason? Hmmm. Doesn't it smell 'fishy'? (pun intended) *goat bleats*

6. Has anyone noticed how commanding Taek sound was when he tried to ask Deoksun to free her schedule on Saturday and wait for him to call? (For some reason, he looks so manly here :"> bhehehe). And instead of answering it with aegyo or jokingly, Deoksun was just nodding, wide-eyed. She's like, 'oh, he's serious'. This is the second time I see her like this. The first one is when Taek asks her to go home later after giving Dongryong his pizza. And also I find it utterly sweet that the only thing Taek needs to refresh himself is Deoksun's presence. No need for a vacation overseas, he just wants to be home. Be with her.

7. I read in the main thread that some shippers don't understand the reason behind Taek's so-called 'noble idiocy' when it's been pointed out over and over that he has strong competitive nature. But, I guess, that's the point, everyone? That's the irony? There has to be a reason why Taek's competitiveness is being heavily emphasized from ep 15 to ep 16. Starting from Taek's dad scene and Sunwoo's mom explanation (since Taek resembles his dad in a lot of ways, it can be interpreted as the writer's way of introducing where Taek got his competitive trait), Dongryong's talk on Taek's "can't settle for second place" nature, flashback when Taek beats out Jungbong's Galaga score, and also the Blue Marble game. Why do they need several scenes to highlight Taek's competitive characteristic? To give a proper punch. To accentuate the fact that Taek's surrender is an irony. For some reason, I like that Taek is not giving up on Deoksun as soon as he learned Junghwan's feeling (we can see he's still trying to make a move even after knowing it). It is, again, emphasizing on how competitive Taek is. This man knows no defeat even in love matter. But as the title of ep 16 stated, life is an irony. That despite being one of the two most competitive men in Ssangmun-dong alley, he's giving up someone he treasures, cherishes, wants, adores, love, needs so much for the sake of the bigger picture, their friendship. It hurts him. Badly. But Taek is just being Taek. He can't help it. This is one of the few occasions when people asked "What's wrong? What happened?" one just needs to reply, "Life. Life happened."


It may sound like a fanfic (and it's also based on my own reading from behind my bias google), but to me the wallet scene also screams "irony". By asking Deoksun to give Junghwan's wallet back, Taek is (whether consciously or not) giving JH-DS love line another chance. Knowing Deoksun, it's no surprise if she decided to open the wallet and find the photo. It's also interesting how they choose to only give us a voice over instead of an actual scene when Deoksun gives the wallet back. But hearing her voice and seeing her indifferent reaction towards Junghwan days after that, I conclude nothing special happened. It's whether she didn't open the wallet or found out about the photo but decided to brush it off because she doesn't feel anything to Junghwan anymore. Isn't that pretty ironic? That when the universe finally gives a chance to JH-DS to move forward, with means that is given by Junghwan's own contender himself, and yet the timing is off, too late.

I still think the best solution is for Deoksun to focus on her study first, grow up, and figure out independently who's the one she cares and loves most. I'm thankful that Deoksun's two friends don't have a chance to meet Taek 'though. And Noeul's song, the lyric is pretty fascinating, isn't it?

After seeing your backside,

which grows further and further away...

I still won't call this moment a parting of ways.

How could we forget when our two hearts are dripping with memories?

Ah, you'll come back..

you can't endure loneliness.

Ah, you'll come back to my side.

But, could I fall in love with you after meeting you again, at that time?

I wonder how many tears I will shed,

throughout the years that will have passed me by,

until then.

This lyric fits Taek's situation more for me. After his surrender, he will probably feel like "seeing her backside grows further and further away". And the part that I highlighted, which boy shared beautiful moments with Deoksun in episode 10 entitled "Memory"?

*furious drum rolls*

It's Taekie!

Yaeaaaaaay~! :w00t:

I still have some thoughts about recent episodes, random epiphany or sudden awareness on certain clues, but it's already long enough (my silly head is dizzy writing in English all day. LOL). Will save it for another post then.

ADDED: I hope Taek will not act cold towards Deoksun in the next episode (or something like Junghwan did when he tried to ignore her). He'll probably restrain himself from patting her head like usual 'though. And deep down I hope that will make Deoksun started to feel something is missing.

And this is my fanart for today. Wanting to upload it last night, I overslept instead. *goat bleats in soulful ballad*


His very own solace.



:heart: Have a nice day everyone! :heart:


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5 hours ago, gerimisore said:

. Has anyone noticed how commanding Taek sound was when he tried to ask Deoksun to free her schedule on Saturday and wait for him to call? (For some reason, he looks so manly here :"> bhehehe). And instead of answering it with aegyeo or jokingly, Deoksun was just nodding, wide-eyed. She's like, 'oh, he's serious'. This is the second time I see her like this. The first one is when Taek asks her to go home later after giving Dongryong his pizza. And also I find it utterly sweet that the only thing Taek needs to refresh himself is Deoksun's presence. No need for a vacation overseas, he just wants to be home. Be with her


5 hours ago, gerimisore said:

It may sound like a fanfic (and it's also based on my own reading from behind my bias google), but to me the wallet scene also screams "irony". By asking Deoksun to give Junghwan's wallet back, Taek is (whether consciously or not) giving JH-DS love line another chance. Knowing Deoksun, it's no surprise if she decided to open the wallet and find the photo. It's also interesting how they choose to only give us a voice over instead of an actual scene when Deoksun gives the wallet back. But hearing her voice and seeing her indifferent reaction towards Junghwan days after that, I conclude nothing special happened. It's whether she didn't open the wallet or found out about the photo but decided to brush it off because she doesn't feel anything to Junghwan anymore. Isn't that pretty ironic? That when the universe finally gives a chance to JH-DS to move forward, with means that is given by Junghwan's own contender himself, and yet the timing is off, too late


5 hours ago, gerimisore said:

That despite being one of the two most competitive men in Ssangmun-dong alley, he's giving up someone he treasures, cherishes, wants, adores, love, needs so much for the sake of the bigger picture, their friendship. It hurts him. Badly. But Taek is just being Taek. He can't help it. This is one of the few occasions when people asked "What's wrong? What happened?" one just needs to reply, "Life. Life happened."

Love love all these words.You're  multi  -talented really! And love the new artwork! :heart: 

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