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Yes...I read on another article that Jung Nan Jung will be the evil second lead who is the spy for her husband and also Queen Munjeong's friend/ally. Dunno how it is for this drama but Queen Munjeong had usually been portrayed as an evil/ambitious queen in other dramas. It will be interesting to see what Go Soo's character think of his power hungry family...


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So Park Joo-Mi will be playing Jung Nan Jung, it said that she was the 3rd wife of Yoon Won-hyeong,who was queen munjeong brother, so I think you're right about ko soo playing the nephew, or possibly cousin or 2nd cousin?  ,makes more sense to be one of her older brothers son either way ! 

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His character is most likely going to be a fictional son ahahah! 

They already have so much material/plot for this drama already so it makes sense for it to be 50 episodes,.

-oknyeo mother back story ( why she gave birth to her in prison /what did she do?)

-who is oknyeos father ?

-what did she saw for her to fight for justice ?

- the Queens rise to power 

- why did Tae won choose a different path from this corrupt family xD 

They make so much more than this still,so they best not drag it ! 

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Queen Munjeong is depicted as protagonist & antagonist

In the drama Dae Jang Geum, she was the wise Queen but most of the times in other drama, she is played as as antagonist character e.g. Mandate of Heaven & Hometown Legend

It was said that King Injong (reign only 9 months) haunted her for the rest of her life (20 years) after his death, the haunting was so bad that she had to move to Sodeokjeon in Changdeokgung Palace where she died

For those who are interested in her story, I will write about Queen Munjoeng (3rd Queen of Jungjong) later

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Part 1.....Queen Munjeong

As I have written an introductory the services of  Oe (Wae) Ji Bu (외지부 ,外知部), in page 1 & mentioned "This drama will most likely taken around the 1560 (the reign of Myeongjong) onwards...because in 1478, this advocate representative was banned"

Therefore the drama will depicts the beginnings of this service.....Myeongjong was the son of Queen Munjeong...as Queen Munjeong was the protagonist Queen in Dae Jang Geum (Jewel in the palace) & there is a mentioned there is a continuation of Dae Jang Geum through this common character & the same PD, so I will assume that Queen Munjeong in this drama will be a protagonist rather than an antagonist in nature but I could be wrong

For those who had seen Dae Jang Geum will likely known how Jungjong got his throne & his story mentioned between the lines of dialogue from Dae Jang Geum

Jungjong was enthrone as King after the dethroning of his half brother Yeonsangun through a coup. Jungjong first Queen, Queen Dangyeong of Seungeun Shin clan was ousted from the palace by those political faction who had placed her husband to the throne. Although it is said that Jungjong & Queen Dangyeong deeply loved each other but Jungjong couldn't resist against the immense power exercise by the coup leader hence he is a King who is easily swayed by retainers as his throne came to him by default

Jungjong 2nd Queen was Queen Janggyeong of Papyeong Yun clan but she died after 8 years of marriage because of postnatal disease she got after giving birth to a son who later becomes Injong. Then followed by a brief argument to restore Queen Dangyeong but soon the argument fizzed out by the powerful retainers

As to all in Joseon, the actual power rest with the political factions & never the King....political faction leaders usually pursue their own self interest & ended being divided. Yun Im, the maternal Uncle of the Crown Prince (Injong) worried that other Princes might threaten the position of the Crown Prince & recommended a girl from his clan Papyeong Yun as the next Queen Consort to give political backing to the Crown Prince

The girl was later to be Jungjong 3rd Queen, Queen Munjeong who was just 17 & grew up without a mother but she was well-educated despite the social atmosphere that excluded girls from education. According to the Annals of Joseon Dynasty, her father Yun Ji Im even judge that her daughter was more talented in studies than her brothers

Although Queen Munjeong becoming Queen Consort thanks to Yun Im her life as a young Queen wasn't that easy....to make matter worse, she gave birth to 4 daughters in a row despite Jungjong's expectation of a son from her. As Jungjong was a King who couldn't readily exert regal authority, she was always under heavy pressure that she could at any time...just like the 1st Queen, Queen Dangyeong be kick out of her Queenship & demoted as a commoner. She barely retain her position as Queen Consort by protecting the Crown Prince against ambitious Nobles consorts (ever ready to be promoted as Queen Consort). Queen Munjoeng not only had to go through political turmoil that ended up with the killing of Jungjong most loved Consort, Gyeongbin of Park clan & her son Prince Bokseong, but she was constantly under the surveillance of Yun Im's watchful eyes. 

Queen Munjeong experience all kinds of political bitterness during her years as a weak Queen, but sublimated those bitter & humiliating experiences into her inner strength for the future

to be continued......

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" So she only had one son and 4 daughters?  I read somewhere that one of her daughters died young"

Queen Munjeong 4th daughter  Princess Insun (인순공주,仁順公主, 1542-1545). Her memorial tablet is enshrine in Naewondang (내원당,內願堂) in Jeong Su Sa Temple (정수사,淨水寺) in Ganghwa-gun, Incheon, Korea to pray for her repose soul

Queen Munjeong was a zealous Buddhist & in her lifetime seek to revive Buddhism

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Part 2....Queen Munjeong

Finally fate came to her, for almost 20 years of marriage, she finally gave birth to a son, Grand Prince Gyeongwon (later King Myeongjong). However the joy of having a son in her late 30s didn;t last long as she naturally became embroiled into a political struggle. Although the Crown Prince (later King Injong was said to be of kind nature & devote his filial piety to Queen Munjeong as he see her as his mother) played the role of her political protector for a long time, but then he soon to be seen as political rival & naturally she should have to get rid for the sake of her son's future.

Queen Munjeong didn't hesitate to throw herself into the political power contention, to allow her own son to succeed Jungjong as the next King. Queen Munjeong engage the Crown Prince & his political supporters with the help of her brother Yun Won Hyeong & her sister in law Jeong Nan Jeong. Therefore the political faction that Yun Im headed was called the Greater Yun while Queen Munjeong brother faction was known as the Lesser Yun

According to unofficial records stated that Queen Munjeong set fire to the Crown Prince palace/residence & hurted him by hurling abusive comments well knowing of Injong kind nature. She even cursed him through shamanistic ritual. In the actual Annals of Joseon Dynasty tells the story of Queen Munjeong had threatened the Crown Prince to not to kill her brothers & her own son. Injong having deep filial piety towards Queen Munjeong, couldn't help being concern over Queen Munjeong antagonistic attitude towards him. Furthermore Yun Im & Kim Ahn Ro's manipulation to get rid of Queen Munjeong was also fueling her hostility towards Injong. Although Kim Ahn Ro plot against her was eventually end in failure, as the plot came to be known to Queen Munjeong knowledge & persuaded Jungjong to get rid of Kim Ahn Ro for her. This makes her realise yet again that one is useless in a position without actual political power

Even though how hard she tried to "remove" Crown Prince from his position, Injong succeeded his father, Jungjong to the throne following Jungjong death & Yun Im became to all mighty political power. During this period, Queen Munjeong expressed her dissatisfaction many aspect but she couldn't directly confront head on as Yun Im was in power at the time. Instead, she pushes frail & delicate Injong to his early death, after 9 months on the throne, Injong dies without an heir & this makes way for Grand Prince Gyeongwon, Queen Munjeong only son to succeed his brother Injong & ascended to the throne as the 13th Joseon King at the age of 12 where he was deem to young to rule & Queen Munjeong played Regency to her son until her death & Myeongjong turns 20 years of age. When Queen Munjeong dies, her son Myeongjong dies 2 years after her at the age of 34, also leaving without an heir, was succeeded by his nephew Seonjo (those who had seen the drama Jingbirok will know what a disaster a King he was)

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On 1/25/2016 at 2:07 PM, RoseM said:

Here it says that go soo is indeed playing a powerful person but he is a righteous person helping the people who are powerless and poor and changes the fate of "oknyeo  (JSY ) or she changes his fate something along those lines xD ) http://mstoo.asiae.co.kr/view.htm?no=2016012510252665523



With this plot, I can see Koo Soo's character meeting Se Yeon's character, and then helping her get a better life (and possibly help her be able to wear gorgeous hanboks). :D

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4 hours ago, dalappleblush said:

With this plot, I can see Koo Soo's character meeting Se Yeon's character, and then helping her get a better life (and possibly help her be able to wear gorgeous hanboks). :D

And possibly fall in love???  Age is just a number, right? :):wub:



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@jongski hope our two leads will have an epic romance lol...I don't think there's much of an issue with age since the main leads for Dong Yi had like a 16 year gap. The actor/actress for Yi San also had a large age gap. I feel like the director really likes romances with an age difference XD. Besides Go Soo has a younger look than his actual age so it won't be much of a problem for the characters to be a couple :)

Cant wait to see how the relationship between the righteous Ok Nyeo and the cynical Tae Won develop!

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Let us take a look at the historical characters 

Queen Munjeong ( 문정왕후 ,文定王后, 1501-1565) of the Papyeong Yun clan, was the 3rd Queen Consort of king Jungjong who was the 11th Joseon King. Queen Munjeong borne one son & 4 daughters with King Jungjong. When Myeongjong ascended the throne to succeed Injong at the age of 12, Queen Munjeong ruled as Regent for 8 years (until her death). Queen Munjeong made her younger brother Yun Won Hyeong as the forefront of her rule. Queen Munjeong also stirred up the Eulsasahwa (Literati Purge of 1545, 을사사화,乙巳士禍) & also Jeongmisahwa ( Literati Purge of 1547, 정미사화,丁未士禍) & purge of the scholars which include Yi Hwang (the person on the W1,000 banknote)& many were executed, exiled or imprisoned, therefore a great backdrop for the drama legal service to be born. Queen Munjeong also made effort to revive Buddhism after many years of Joseon Dynasty suppression with the Buddhist Monk Bou ( 보우 普雨, 1515-1565) taking the lead, who rebuilt many temples.

During her life, Queen Munjeong wishes to move Jungjong tomb (Jeongneung, 靖陵, in the end Jungjong is buried alone next to his parents tomb but his body was lost after the Imjin War, after the tomb mount was pillage) located in Seosamneung to a location near Bongeunsa temple where Monk Bou was Chief Priest & wanted to be buried next to Jungjong, but her wish wasn't to be fulfilled. Myeongjong granted his mother a posthumous epithet of Munjeong & name her tomb as Sinjeongneung (新靖陵) & later the name was change to Taereung(泰陵 )


Queen Munjeong tomb Taereung(태릉,泰陵) in Nowon, Seoul

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Tomb of Yun Won Hyeong ( 윤원형尹元衡 1509-1565) in Gyoha-eup, Paju Gyeonggi-do


Tomb of Jeong Nan Jeong, ( 정난정, 鄭蘭貞, 1506? - 1565) from the Chogye (초계,草溪) Jeong clan, wife of Yun Won Hyeong in Gyoha-eup, Paju, Gyeonggi-do

Yun Won Hyeong was Yun Ji Im 5th son. When Queen Munjeong passed away in 1565, Myeongjong was force by political faction to do away with his maternal Uncle. Yun Won Hyeong & his wife Jeong Nan Jeong was exiled. Jeong Nan was clubbed to death by the public, on hearing his wife death, he committed sucide

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