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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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5 minutes ago, einYoshiChan said:

you guys makes me curious what happen to main thread ,so i went there and check what exactly happen..and  guess what i got after i go there chingu-yah~ ???




LOL that gif summed up my reaction perfectly. I skipped that long and biased completely the second I read about he/she thought TK can't live without DS is the same with DS' dad cant live without his wife. DS parents had been married for decades. TK and DS is still in high school and not even dating. It's just ridiculous to compare them.

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1 hour ago, dinhie said:

I almost stop watching other dramas, but I forced my self to watch another drama to clear my mind, hahaha.. And if anyone watching Oh My Venus, there are scenes which has similarities with R88 (I guess I can't get over R88 eh? But I haven't visit to OMV thread tho)

I remember Shin Min Ah was having a cramp and she ask the three guys to do sth to make the cramp stop, then she said "meow at it or sth" and the first thing that came into my mind is DS's meow to JH. lol

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It's probably because we as viewers never really get to see DS's pov and her 'real' feelings. Unlike Na-jeong who was very certain about her feelings for oppa, we watched Deok-sun fell for someone else first (that is SW), discovered SW has feelings for Bora so she stopped liking him, found out that JH likes her, and now she likes JH back. 

So it's understandable if some people (neutral or other shippers) think she's not completely in love with JH yet. I remember there was a discussion in the main thread -- does DS like anyone who likes her? Just anyone? (with the exception of DRyong hahaha). If let's say, Taek confessed first before DS found out about JH, would DS accept Taek's feelings? The most neutral answer is, we'll never really know.

As someone who likes JH and ship JH & DS, I would say, no, she wouldn't accept Taek. Because for me, DS sees JH, SW and Taek differently. We see how she treats Taek. She cares for him like a friend and sometimes more like a sister who takes care of her brother (similarity between the way she's with Noeul). If there's another question raised -- what about JH then? What makes JH different from TK. Since we know she never looked at him as more than a friend before Ep 11. My answer is yes it's true they bickered with e.o all the time, but there's this different dynamic between these two compared to Taek and DS. I'm not sure if I say this because I'm a shipper but that's how I examine their relationship from Ep 1. As for SW, yes, I have no doubt they would have been a couple if he liked her in the first place. 

DS is a teenager and a middle child who wants people to love her, because she never got the attentions she deserved. She's not desperate for any guy, it's just that in my pov, she has a simple mind. C'mon, she's a very young girl. And on top of that the guy who she thinks have a thing for her is avoiding her and has not yet done anything to 'confirm' their relationship. 

We just need to see the episodes to know whether she will continue liking JH, or will she accept Taek if Taek happens to tell her the truth. I have a feeling even if she accepts TK, it will be a rebound (I say if. I doubt the writer will do that). IMO, she has fallen quite deep for that dog and I'll be very sad if she decides to like someone else just because that pabo JH didn't confess.

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17 minutes ago, janeadelaine said:

I remember Shin Min Ah was having a cramp and she ask the three guys to do sth to make the cramp stop, then she said "meow at it or sth" and the first thing that came into my mind is DS's meow to JH. lol

Not only that, there's also cheek squeeze scene (R88 ep.7)..LOL 

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23 minutes ago, wasted_youth said:

DS is a teenager and a middle child who wants people to love her, because she never got the attentions she deserved. She's not desperate for any guy, it's just that in my pov, she has a simple mind. 

 i agree with you. . I admit, back in my highschool, when i'm clueless about guy, i also easily felt touched when someone did a cute gesture.

We never know if Taek had done cute gesture toward Daek Sun. We can assume that JH make his moves first. So it is normal for DS to like him first. I mean it normal for a simple 18 years old girls to felt something if there is someone who did all the cute gesture even if the one who did is DR. Timing always play the important role in any situation.

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@janeadelaine and @dinhie OMG HAHA I guess I have to watch Oh my Venus now:w00t:! As pointed out earlier I can't watch anything either. Was watching six flying dragons but last week I didn't. I even am a WGM fan for years now, but haven't watched it for months. Something is awry haha.


I read the long post on the main thread too. I am one of the viewers who think DS already liked JH before by reading her reactions when JH acts mean to her. Plus her conversation and reaction with her friends eating ramyun at her home. Because in that conversation you can see that it is not all about her trauma with SW. SW is a nice guy thus easy to like back. JH on the other hand is not easy to like especially since he has always been this mean to her. The idea of them dating is uncomfortable for her, that does mean something right. I think in that long post this part is missing and that person immediately comes to the conclusion DS likes everybody back who likes her and she has been testing JH all the time. @wasted_youth But then again I am not neutral either so you are so right. We just don't know what DS is thinking. I guess/hope we will find out soon. 

Plus from the way she begins and over-analyzing TKs behavior says enough already. That person made me LOL a couple of times bc it was .... haha. Thnks for the laugh ^_^.


Another thing I noticed when I went to the TK-DS shippers thread (bc I was curious if they posted anything about my post in the main thread and they did). Someone copied the last sentence of my post and changed it:angry:.

This is what I said in my last paragraph: The reason why JH can not confess is bc TK confessed first. So TK holds the key to everything right now. Everybody has been waiting for him for weeks and we all know Teak has got a busy life with baduk and his trips. So you can't blame anyone in this situation. This is why we love this drama so much. It is very realistic!!


This is what they made of it (Keep in mind that the last paragraph in my post is about teak but the rest was about JH and why he couldn't do anything about the situation): 

Wandering to the main thread and read some very annoying thing such as...

"The reason why JH can not confess is bc TK confessed first.  So TK holds the key to everything right now.  and TK should just confess already so he can get reject and JH can start date DS"

let's one thing be clear...


JH  had his chances time and time and time again again before he heard TK's confession.

BUT HE DID NOT TAKE those chances. he let it pass him by.

for JH to waiting for TK to resolve his feeling before you stepping in is not gonna help TK or himself.



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2 hours ago, Chizawa95 said:

Hello!! Welcome to the thread! :D

Mmm.. about the chocolate hint.. 

And I think .. we all know that Bora had read DS's Diary. I want to ask .. is in the Diary.. DS Specifying a man she likes or just write down how she feel without writing the name? If she wrote down the name and it is SW.. I think Bora will feel uncomfortable, right? But we see now .. Bora easily accept SW. Is it wrong if I expect in the diary written JH's name? 

But I also think.. DS did not write the name of the man she likes because her husband in 2015 to have to ask who the man who received the chocolate. 

I know this post is so random lol. I'm just so hoping that DS was already like JH. But it's not a problem anymore because now we know DS already liked JH. :wub:

Thank you:D 

Well I don't know but i also think that she didn't write the name just random thoughts about him. It's not wrong if you expect JH name in diary :D

I hoped that JH is husband since pilot, I liked him right away :) And if I remember well he was introduced right after DS so that was a hint for me.

Important thing is that he is the husband so lets wait calmly for new episodes ;)

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1 hour ago, wasted_youth said:

It's probably because we as viewers never really get to see DS's pov and her 'real' feelings. Unlike Na-jeong who was very certain about her feelings for oppa, we watched Deok-sun fell for someone else first (that is SW), discovered SW has feelings for Bora so she stopped liking him, found out that JH likes her, and now she likes JH back. 

So it's understandable if some people (neutral or other shippers) think she's not completely in love with JH yet. I remember there was a discussion in the main thread -- does DS like anyone who likes her? Just anyone? (with the exception of DRyong hahaha). If let's say, Taek confessed first before DS found out about JH, would DS accept Taek's feelings? The most neutral answer is, we'll never really know.

As someone who likes JH and ship JH & DS, I would say, no, she wouldn't accept Taek. Because for me, DS sees JH, SW and Taek differently. We see how she treats Taek. She cares for him like a friend and sometimes more like a sister who takes care of her brother (similarity between the way she's with Noeul). If there's another question raised -- what about JH then? What makes JH different from TK. Since we know she never looked at him as more than a friend before Ep 11. My answer is yes it's true they bickered with e.o all the time, but there's this different dynamic between these two compared to Taek and DS. I'm not sure if I say this because I'm a shipper but that's how I examine their relationship from Ep 1. As for SW, yes, I have no doubt they would have been a couple if he liked her in the first place. 

DS is a teenager and a middle child who wants people to love her, because she never got the attentions she deserved. She's not desperate for any guy, it's just that in my pov, she has a simple mind. C'mon, she's a very young girl. And on top of that the guy who she thinks have a thing for her is avoiding her and has not yet done anything to 'confirm' their relationship. 

We just need to see the episodes to know whether she will continue liking JH, or will she accept Taek if Taek happens to tell her the truth. I have a feeling even if she accepts TK, it will be a rebound (I say if. I doubt the writer will do that). IMO, she has fallen quite deep for that dog and I'll be very sad if she decides to like someone else just because that pabo JH didn't confess.


It is proven that the person you bicker the most is the person you love the most. Because you love/like them, you tend to be prickly over the littlest stuff that they do. Look at the Sung and Kim parents. Regardless of how much they bicker (and get annoyed with each other), in the end, you know that they truly love one another.

People kept saying that DS treat TK like a baby because she likes to pamper him and help to "fill" the empty spaces that TK lacks. I view this act of kindness, not affection for someone she likes. DS has a pure heart - she is willing to help those who are in need (like we see how she handles the situation where her desk mate collapse). 

We all know she have feelings for JH even before JH did all those swoon-worth things for her. She doesn't want to admit that she likes JH because she's afraid to lose him - romance-wise and friendship-wise. I do understand her POV which is pretty evident from the narration from the gloves episode. Like she said: "JH is a dog (not yet human)"

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4 hours ago, wasted_youth said:

@leekyuphii are you referring to that long post? It's okay chingu don't be too upset hehe. It's from her point of view. Obviously I interpret that one conversation between DRnyong and DS differently than her, but we just have to agree to disagree there hehe. 



Not sure if you guys notice this. The fans on DC use these gifs to show their support for their favorite team haha. 

This one for team Jung-hwan, I guess (because JH is green?)



And this one for team Taek.



Very cute, eh?:D

Haha. Isn't it amazing that they used dog for both ships? That just goes back to JH. Looks like JH's supporting his and Taek's love, which is his current predicament. 

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6 hours ago, ainipang said:

 i agree with you. . I admit, back in my highschool, when i'm clueless about guy, i also easily felt touched when someone did a cute gesture.

We never know if Taek had done cute gesture toward Daek Sun. We can assume that JH make his moves first. So it is normal for DS to like him first. I mean it normal for a simple 18 years old girls to felt something if there is someone who did all the cute gesture even if the one who did is DR. Timing always play the important role in any situation.

Hmmm...I'm not sure I agree. I think it's possible to be moved by a person's actions but not be moved by the person specifically. Like somebody does something nice for me. I maybe touched, I may aww, and it may have me see you in a new light "well he's not a little richard simmons after all" but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll fall for you. Timing is important but I don't that's it. You have to have or have had some kind of attraction, some kind of underlying feelings for a person before their actions hold weight and meaning. I'll use all three boys. 

Sunwoo: Before Deok Sun's friends told her that Sunwoo liked her, his actions meant nothing to her. He gave her some water or asked her if she wanted to eat and it meant nothing. She read nothing into it because he was just a friend. Now when her friends tell her he likes her, that view shifts. Suddenly he's not just a boy but he's a cute boy with potential. Deok Sun's feelings were more based on what Sunwoo could be or what she and Sunwoo could have together (the image she built in her head), but I  still believe she must have had some attraction (not like she wants to jump his bones or anything) some kind of awareness of him as a man or she wouldn't have even allowed herself to like him or build up his every gesture to mean something. 

Junghwan: She's been aware of him since the first episode (I swear boy could sneeze and Deok Sun would have had something to say) but I think just as Junghwan became aware that "omg she's a girl, girl" in that alley Deok Sun too became aware Junghwan is a boy (upon return there was slight awkwardness before their regular bickering). Now  since she had that awareness and prospective of him as a man his actions too began to mean something more, to build in her head (the bus ride from McDonsld's she had been thinking on things). Her excitement at the gloves that she only showcased to herself in her room (it's significant that the writers didn't show us her receiving or reaction to Taek's mittens), her puzzlement when she catches him peeking through the blinds at her twice. A lot of it was before she confirmed that he likes her (and some even before her friends tell her he likes her).

Taek: There is a very good reason why Taek hasn't confessed to Deok Sun yet. There is also a reason why he (and Dong Ryeong) when grouped together for likes and dislikes are in a group with inanimate things like food and music. But that's another discussion for another time. About timing and things meaning things. The sum of Deok Sun and Taek, and the feelings that are there and not there can be summed up in the last gift Taek has gotten her. The championship trophy. I would say it means a lot to Taek and is something that should be treasured. He worked really hard for it and where is it in the Sung house...it's a pot for kimchi. Think on that (I love Taek and that trophy deserved better). 

Gifts: giving and receiving (R94 had a whole ep about this). If Deok Sun had any feelings for Taek (other than a friend) even not knowing the significance of the trophy/pot, wouldn't it still be something she valued to put in her room or up on the tv shelf, something, because the boy she thinks is kind of cute, got it for her? Think on it as far as gifts go. Junghwan's gloves are preciously squealed over, tried on, and secured in a drawer (until the drama shows me her chuking it in the trash, that's where it is), Deok Sun's pink shirt (gets a whole storyline) is contemplated and preciously ironed and hung in its own little area, out to view. Taek's gift is, mistaken for a kimchi pot. 

Dong Reyong's "think" speech is a simple one to understand. Deok Sun thought Sunwoo liked her so she decided to like him back. Once she knew he didn't like her, she dropped her feelings for him. Telling me those feelings were superficial and she wasn't going to waste time or hurt liking someone who doesn't like her, now things could repeat its self with Junghwan but the whole stair speech was done to show us that this time (Junghwan) isn't like last time (Sunwoo). Real feelings are involved here with Junghwan. Yes it's easy for her to like someone when they like her (I'm the same way) and easy to drop when they no longer do (because her real feelings weren't that involved) but this time even if they don't like her (as she mistakenly thinks) can she be real/true to her own feelings and continue to like them? She likes Junghwan period. Deok Sun like some viewers may think she needs some grand explanation or reason (because she would be insane to like dog Junghwan if he doesn't like her, no?) to like him and if he doesn't like her she shouldn't like him. But Dong Ryeong is telling her that it's okay for her to like him even if he doesn't like her. It's okay to like him even if it's insane, even if other people don't like him or don't get why she likes him *hinthintwinkwink as to why she would choose Junghwan over Taek (remember squad knows Taek likes her). Deok Sun can like Junghwan if she wants to like him or thinks it's okay to like him, even if he doesn't like her (or other people don't want her to like him/they would be happier if she didn't like him).

As for why she didn't pick Junghwan over Sunwoo. I've written enough (I swear one day I will write a super short post LOL) but again think of the two categories, think of how they were grouped...how do you admit out loud feelings you can't admit to yourself and are still pondering on the how's and why's? 

TL;DR: Junghwan is the husband and every storyline within the triangle and whole boat load of parallels in the general story are pointing to this. Deok Sun does not. I repeat Deok Sun does not fall for any guy that falls for her nor is it "timing" (though I agree tis a factor). It boils down to her feelings and either she has them or she doesn't. 

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6 hours ago, ainipang said:

 i agree with you. . I admit, back in my highschool, when i'm clueless about guy, i also easily felt touched when someone did a cute gesture.

We never know if Taek had done cute gesture toward Daek Sun. We can assume that JH make his moves first. So it is normal for DS to like him first. I mean it normal for a simple 18 years old girls to felt something if there is someone who did all the cute gesture even if the one who did is DR. Timing always play the important role in any situation.

 Deleted accidental double post. Sorry. 

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repost from main thread, i see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLdKqp2FGKs

parody of reply 1988, thats guy is so funny HAHHAHAHHA


btw, i saw a little in main thread THAT LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG post and I just read one paragraph and I laugh so hard. Are we watching different drama?

How can they say when conversation DS and DR, DS likes TK? Its make me laugh LOL

When someone ask you someone you like A or B, if you hard to answer that, its because you love one of them or you see them as a man. DS still 18th, she is high school student, thats why she avoid that question, because she love one of them (we know its JH). If you still high schooler, you will shy if someone ask who's you like.

When DS say no one love her, DR laugh, its that he know TK likes DS, thats why he pretended to call TK that time.

but When he ask JH or SW, DS avoid that and he laugh again, so he know that DS likes one of them, thats why DR say dont thinking about someone thats like you, but the one that DS likes. I love DR advice.

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repost from main thread, i see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLdKqp2FGKs

parody of reply 1988, thats guy is so funny HAHHAHAHHA


btw, i saw a little in main thread THAT LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG post and I just read one paragraph and I laugh so hard. Are we watching different drama?

How can they say when conversation DS and DR, DS likes TK? Its make me laugh LOL

When someone ask you someone you like A or B, if you hard to answer that, its because you love one of them or you see them as a man. DS still 18th, she is high school student, thats why she avoid that question, because she love one of them (we know its JH). If you still high schooler, you will shy if someone ask who's you like.

When DS say no one love her, DR laugh, its that he know TK likes DS, thats why he pretended to call TK that time.

but When he ask JH or SW, DS avoid that and he laugh again, so he know that DS likes one of them, thats why DR say dont thinking about someone thats like you, but the one that DS likes. I love DR advice.

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