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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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53 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Dear Fellow Addicts, Travellers and Friends...

It's time for me to say good-bye and make that definitive break. Moon Lovers is done, and I need to reclaim some normality in my life. When I started on this journey with Moon Lovers I had no idea how it would take hold of me in such an all-encompassing way, leading me to follow the drama devotedly. When I saw the first episode, I did not have the slightest inkling that I would even care about a drama this much. (I didn't even like the first episode) Since then, I've had such a blast these past 8 weeks here and I want to thank everyone who's been so kind and interested in what I've had to say even to the point of indulgence. It's been a delight and a pleasure to have your company as we've followed the exploits of The Man Who Be King.

There have been many wonderful dramas this year and some arguably better crafted than this but none of them (except maybe Beautiful Mind) grabbed my heart and imagination the way this one did. Certainly LJG's powerhouse performance helped but I like to think it was a lot more than that. I don't doubt that a few more episodes would have made this drama breathe and sing to much greater heights but what's done is done and for what we got, I am quite happy.

For me it was the wild unpredictability that sealed my fate as an addict. It was a wild ride from start to finish... and it wasn't until the deaths of Eun and Seon Deok that I was certain that we were bound for tears and heartbreak.

I suppose the highlight of this journey for me was the relationship of the OTP right from the start. From first being friends, then he falling for her and then she finally giving sway to feelings that were already rumbling in her heart. The progression was so beautifully done that it made their Goryeo separation so much more painful. It was cruel that the very qualities that they saw and loved in each other became the very ones that tore them apart. She looked at the darkness in him and saw the possibility of good. She gave him empathy, kindness and helped him to see the possibilities in his bleak world. He saw the light in her eyes and found hope in being accepted despite his darkness. Unfortunately the darkness never quite left him and bit by bit whatever light she had begun to dim. She was never meant for the palace... even he knew that in the beginning. They were both drawn there by character and circumstance, from forces within and without. There they would be bound together in the most intimate sense but they could never stay together. In the end, her empathy and kindness put her at odds with his ruthlessness in his need to survive in palace. Furthermore, she was political liability for him. Keeping her meant losing the throne. Hanging on to her meant giving his political opponents fodder. Those were the terms of engagement... the girl or the throne... and Moon Lovers is absolutely no fairy tale.

It reminds me of that last scene in Casablanca:


Despite the sadness and the pain, I love those two so very much and I don't know if I will ever be love another OTP quite as much as that pairing in Kdramaland. I will miss them dearly but take courage in the fact that they will find each other in another time and another place.

LJG... what else is there to say that I haven't already said? The role of a lifetime and he took it and made it his own. He was Wang So... in all his dimensions and complexity... the emotional neediness, the pride, the ruthlessness, the passion and the courage. One of the best characters ever written for a K drama and LJG gave him flesh and nuance. This will forever be the role that made me re-evaluate my thinking on LJG.

Okay... I really need to move on and get on with the rest of my day. Thank you all for a really good time on this thread and I'm sure I'll see you all around Soompi again.


Oh i love how you found similarity between Casablance and MLSHR! :wub:

See you again in another thread @40somethingahjumma

A week has passed and I haven't watched the final 2 eps yet. I promised myself if I have finished this drama, I will start moving on and go hibernating as I need to finish a project that has a deadline until Nov 27 hahaha

i'm still in denial and doesn't want to let go until we find out if there will be a special or not. I still need to watch the cut scene/s IU posted where she met the modern Wang So (which we're not sure if its really him).

MLSHR is like my ex-bf that I still cant let go :D

Anyway TBT to this which was one of my earlier fave OTP scenes! 






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Morning chingudeol..

I'm felt lonely and lost .. my withdrawal symptom .. :confounded:

Miss all thought in here .. you guys was super daebak chingus.

Are they plan special episode or not?

There is no clue.. make me sad .. arghhh :bawling:

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2 hours ago, briseis said:

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  Reveal hidden contents

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They're opposite and they're in love :wub:

we come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly :heart:

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So to take my mind off of the storm brewing where I live (it's election day, y'all!) I'm going back through and watching the greatest hits of SoSoo! I am saddened by and jealous of all the people who are leaving the thread. It's so difficult for me to move on! I started watching the drama, Faith as something to kill time on the weekends (yes I used to wish for my weekends to be over quickly!) and it's not a bad drama but it's JUST NOT INTERESTING! I'd honestly rather rewatch MLSHR than watch something new. I think that once we get the cut scenes, whether in a special episode or DVD release, my heart will be at peace. For now though, my water has run dry so I'm camping out in this thread to watch the clouds! :vicx:

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14 hours ago, antiherofans said:

Everybody has choose his body part LOL. I guess I am gonna talk about his back. It is manly :phew:. At least IU got the chance to do the back hug and piggyback ride. IU, I need some detail explanation about that scene :lol:


I know you will ask for this if you got the opportunity to go to the fan meet right? I definitely will ask for the bump-to-chest reenactment + a big frontal hug.  (dream is ON or dream on bebeh :sweatingbullets:)

Anybody wants the raining scene or boat scene? :D

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16 hours ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

So to take my mind off of the storm brewing where I live (it's election day, y'all!) I'm going back through and watching the greatest hits of SoSoo! I am saddened by and jealous of all the people who are leaving the thread. It's so difficult for me to move on! I started watching the drama, Faith as something to kill time on the weekends (yes I used to wish for my weekends to be over quickly!) and it's not a bad drama but it's JUST NOT INTERESTING! I'd honestly rather rewatch MLSHR than watch something new. I think that once we get the cut scenes, whether in a special episode or DVD release, my heart will be at peace. For now though, my water has run dry so I'm camping out in this thread to watch the clouds! :vicx:

No worry. I am not going anywhere for the time being. I still need this thread to feed on my addiction. 

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6 minutes ago, junejungki said:

No worry. I am not going anywhere for the time being. I still need this thread to feed on my addiction. 

me too.. since when im hooked im not usually moving away without reading all these posts... esp so many here are hilarious and have good grip on interpreting some things in the drama...

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20 minutes ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

So to take my mind off of the storm brewing where I live (it's election day, y'all!) I'm going back through and watching the greatest hits of SoSoo! I am saddened by and jealous of all the people who are leaving the thread. It's so difficult for me to move on! I started watching the drama, Faith as something to kill time on the weekends (yes I used to wish for my weekends to be over quickly!) and it's not a bad drama but it's JUST NOT INTERESTING! I'd honestly rather rewatch MLSHR than watch something new. I think that once we get the cut scenes, whether in a special episode or DVD release, my heart will be at peace. For now though, my water has run dry so I'm camping out in this thread to watch the clouds! :vicx:


i've watch fly daddy fly  :wub: and keep listening the MLHSR ost and my daughter start to like the MLHSR ost.. we're listening together during her bed time :) 

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Last night I dreamt about the scene where GJ married YH, but the thing is it happened in modern life and I was Soo! In my dream my friend said to me "Now everyone must look at you with pity because he was your bf but he married someone else." and I woke up feeling so terrible. Now I understand more about Soo's feeling when she wore that wedding dress on GJ-YH marriage.

Plus I'm having some struggles in my RL relationship that is kinda alike with So-Soo's struggle in eps 16 after Eun's death, and  make me think more about "releasing someone for his/her own good" like what So always did for Soo.

The impact of this show on my RL is so real it's quite scary.

@40somethingahjumma and @Rose3 goodbye and see you again someday!! It's been a good ride with you guys ^^

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16 hours ago, tinniet said:

Last night I dreamt about the scene where GJ married YH, but the thing is it happened in modern life and I was Soo! In my dream my friend said to me "Now everyone must look at you with pity because he was your bf but he married someone else." and I woke up feeling so terrible. Now I understand more about Soo's feeling when she wore that wedding dress on GJ-YH marriage.

Plus I'm having some struggles in my RL relationship that is kinda alike with So-Soo's struggle in eps 16 after Eun's death, and  make me think more about "releasing someone for his/her own good" like what So always did for Soo.

The impact of this show on my RL is so real it's quite scary.

I had this dream few days after episode 20 ended. In my dream I saw WS, HS, WW,WE and WJ in modern time. They were having an arguement but I dont understand what they said. WS face was tense and I can see his veins on his neck moving. When I woke up, I thought to myself. That's it!! I have to stop this madness. No more dream about MLSHR. hahahaha!!!

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11 hours ago, Ainee Etp said:

Off topic from LJG's body parts, I think someone posted here or mentioned in DB, why make LJG wear the golden thingy on his head.

I think it is supposed to look like this. It's a Silla gold crown. There's no gold crown I know in Goryeo time, but Goryeo had just been established not for long. Maybe they were still under culture (or fashion) influence of Silla?

Just that the costume/prop team screwed up and it ended up like a handcraft made from Milo tin. Anyway... seems like LJG still rocks it. :wub:


If it is not worn by LJG, it will have been like this :




Yes, that time Goryeo no gold crown. Gwangjong was the first Monarch to declare independent from China as before that, their survival depended largely on China and Gwangjong declared himself as King while none of the previous 3 monarchs had the title King. His descendants all followed him after that to have the title king. That why I guess he wore a crown but as mentioned, the prop team messed up. I guess this is one of the few accessories they mess up.

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19 hours ago, itzibitzispider said:

That's another thing ...
Luxembourg : parcels send via normal postal service will just be taxed if they are above a certain rate (and its a high bar, so easy not to pay extra tax) or from Australia ... via UPS, FedEx and stuff it will me 1/4 of the value and S&H no excuse
Germany : parcels above a certain rate will be taxed whatever service used, you have to deliver the bill they add the S&H from on the parcel and take some whatever % (can't remember)
If shipping to Germany from HongKong (for example) is free it can be up to 17USD to Luxembourg ... 



Any news on the special?

Well, sadly shipping method allowed from Korea to Indonesia is EMS, actually it's the same with postal office but they send it by air. It's true that they will give us taxes if the goods' value reach certain amount. But, the content of the goods can also be a problem here. That's why i say it's complicated. :(

And about SPECIAL EPISODE, better if we just give up and admit defeat. :expressionless:

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53 minutes ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

So to take my mind off of the storm brewing where I live (it's election day, y'all!) I'm going back through and watching the greatest hits of SoSoo! I am saddened by and jealous of all the people who are leaving the thread. It's so difficult for me to move on! I started watching the drama, Faith as something to kill time on the weekends (yes I used to wish for my weekends to be over quickly!) and it's not a bad drama but it's JUST NOT INTERESTING! I'd honestly rather rewatch MLSHR than watch something new. I think that once we get the cut scenes, whether in a special episode or DVD release, my heart will be at peace. For now though, my water has run dry so I'm camping out in this thread to watch the clouds! :vicx:


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