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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Wow woke up this morning and saw the IU pictures, very excited. Even if they're doing this as a PR stunt, it doing very well to engage fans. I think the team should be happy that they found such a large international audience. Meanwhile, I've been listening to the Interstellar soundtrack (speaking of time travel) and updating Book II!



Some reviews would be great, absolutely love hearing your thoughts. 

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So I guess it's safe to say we will never ever ever EVER move on from ML, right ? Especially with our leads teasing us every week with those pics. Please give us that cut scene, I don't care if So remembers or not, I just want to see the two in modern clothes in the same frame, just for few seconds, and I'll die happily after that. 

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ive been liking the past pages just this afternoon since i cannot comment a few hours ago for some reason, even im in my account.. anyways, so happy that IU spilled this footage to us... it gave us immense hope... they're giving in.. bwahahahahahaha... :w00t: they cannot ignore the clamor of fans around the world...

im not actually asking for season 2 since all the actors will have a hard time to be in it, and they really have to have a good writer to make it successful the second time around locally (since international fans will embrace it as well)... im only asking for special episode/s or a feature film (seen the ARRI article) and the DVD with all the bts and cut scenes... we'll just have to wait and see....

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2 hours ago, hiluna said:

A spin off TV movie would be great, short and completes the epic love story but it has to have LJG and IU

yes that will give us peace of mind finally...

2 hours ago, valsava said:

Today is Monday no more MLSHR Oh how I wish this drama had 30 episodes Monday and Tuesday are not the same any more..:bawling:

i actually watched sbs at its timeslot hoping a surprise episode is waiting for us.. but we got a doctor (its funny since MLSHR ended, we all need treatment hahaha)

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OMGOSH! Is it really going to be a feature film?? I love the idea even more than a second season. Pretty please!?!:lol:

EDIT: I just really hope this movie won't end with the (cliffhanger) handkerchief scene IU posted or that it's Ji Mong passing it onto her...:crazy::sweatingbullets: 

Until more specific news I want to share a video with you guys... lovely pics of the SoSoo family included.:wub:



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2 hours ago, Ainee Etp said:

Someone need to translate this for us.


I don't know where can they find a slot to fix us with an ending like this. And don't let it worse by making the hand turns out to be Ji Mong's. I will be  :dizzy::dizzy:


if its jimong, they are really cruel... :sweatingbullets:

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2 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Note to self:


that's what happened when we believed that there will be a happy ending.. and they gave a literally happy piggyback scene.. not that im complaining, but im thirsting for more... hahaha

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3 hours ago, moniw18 said:

WHOA! This thread really does move at a breakneck speed and so many pages YAY!! Which pleases me enormously - I hope all the actors are aware of this and feel a bit more vindicated!   

You have probably all talked about the final episode but I have only watched it this Sunday (trouble with internet AGAIN!) so I have to have my vent lol. Firstly, let me say that I have noticed a trend in all of the kdramas that no matter how the show ends people will always be unhappy.  So far I have been very lucky in that every drama that I have seen has given me some sort of closure and despite people's complaints etc I have always personally found comfort in the finales...that is, until now when I watched ep20 of SHR.  

I know I will sound totally childish and I accept this lol... but I desperately needed to have a satisfying ending, something comforting and to give me closure.  And yes for me that meant I REALLY REALLY needed for Wang So and Hae Soo to meet in the future to wipe away all the trauma they have gone through during their entire relationship in the Goryeo era.   Their love was tragic and doomed in so many ways because of the circumstances and time they found themselves in.  So many events that have occurred resulting in tragic events were beyond their control.  As the saying goes, sometimes you have to be "In the right time at the right place".....

The continued comments from Hae Soo that she wished she could have met Wang So at another time without all the other complications and just be free to love him gave me so much hope that they will give us this and of course Wang So's last comment that he will "find her".   I wasn't greedy, I just needed 5-10 seconds of them meeting and looking at each other without speaking a word and I would have been so happy.  Instead the last scene we got was of WS giving HS a piggyback ride which was cute but so missplaced, it didn't belong there.  I would have been happy for it to serve as another flashback but not to end the show.  In fact, for me the time between WS & HS once he became the King is not the time I want to remember.  Both of them had to endure so much, for different reasons. 

You should have seen me staring at my TV in disbelief when the show ended. I was in such denial and I was so sulky that I immediately thought that surely the international version will have a proper ending of them meeting... it was 3.30am but I sat and watched the whole episode again (the international version) but it ended the same and my heart was not appeased...

What made me furious was when I read some comments that apparently LJG filmed some scenes wearing modern clothing (or was that just LJG teasing us lol...). If that's really the case, if they really filmed it and the PD or Producer decided not to show it.... then I will have truly murderous intentions towards them lol...:angry: 

Also, when I logged in today I saw some pics of "missing scenes" (ie. "someone" handing a crying HS a handkerchief?) - is this for real? Honestly, I need to see an ending like this more than I need oxygen lol....

BTW - I'll have not choice but to write some fanfic to give myself some closure lol... It could go along the lines of HS bumping into WS in the gallery who happens to be visiting there with some members of his family on a family outing.  They didn't know why but they were  all drawn to the Goryeo exhibit.......WS (he could be a kindergarten teacher in this lifetime for something totally different lol...) introduces HS to his mum and dad (King Taejo & Court Lady Oh.  Court Lady Oh would smother WS with affection and fuss over him).  We could have Eun with Soon Deok and their kids giggling and running around the museum being totally naughty....Baek-ah with his wife Woo-Hee.... Jung with a girlfriend who'll be crazy about him .....etc.... etc....lol....  I would have loved to seen them all looking modern and trendy.  Even the "evil" characters could be re-invented to show that if they were living in another century with different opportunities they could've stayed decent and kind.  I know that an ending like that would have been totally unrealistic, pathetic and cliched lol but I don't care I'm a sucker for happy endings, pathetic as they may be lol...

Just to end this rant - let me say that I've read a lot of your comments and to people who have enjoyed the ending we got, I really admire you all for being good sports and for accepting this ending as open-ended. Good on you for not being a whinger like me lol...my only hope is to buy the DVD Director's cut and pray I will find some closure in some deleted scenes!

On a last note - thank you to all the actors for all of their hard work on this drama.  We loved this show, with flaws and all...and it will be a long time before we forget about WS & HS....


i am actually expecting this, just let them meet eye to eye, side by side, no dialogue... the end.. then we could move on... but the director decided we should not move on just yet, or he's just a bad guy...

i was in disbelief too and laughing at the ending, they literally did the "happy ending".... only to be traumatized and not watch the sub ep20 until this day..... :sweatingbullets:

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3 hours ago, NitaA said:

Seems like not only the viewers are looking for closure. I wonder if LJK and IU are communicating and connecting out there and planning to give some closure to viewers and themselves (since they worked damn hard for scenes that ended up dead) with those cryptic messages.  

I read somewhere in Twitter that IU's fan meeting or concert or whatever in Taipe is scheduled for January 7, and JK's fan meeting was on Jan 20 but is moved to Jan 8th. Can chingu in Taipe confirm? Do they plan to make appearance in each other event and are still going on to promote the drama?

This is just driving me nuts,.... when will I be over it? Huuuu....hu....hu...... (now I even ship them IRL)..... going to the deep end......

i think they're going to be in each other concert/fans meeting as guest.... theyre cooking something with that info... hopefully we could see them do a duet...

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3 hours ago, deabakdrama said:

That's would be good if both of them make appearance together...LJK looks really great with IU. As far the other co actress, None of them can match him 100% from in to out. Hehehe, that's my thoughts....

i think both of them wishing for happy ending, that's LGK gives "soon" and IU gives us " handkerchief ",. They are not toying us around, but LJK and IU are longing like us that WS and HS deserve happy ending...


LJG's "soon" - hope for a special MLSHR news..

LJE "handkerchief" - It wont happen... so wipe your tears...

bwahahahaha just joking...

but i believe in the power of FANS....... AJA!

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4 hours ago, briseis said:

Considering that both Hae Soo and Jimong remember everything, Wang So should at some point remember as well. I mean if those painting triggered Soo's memory they should trigger his as well, shouldn't they? Or perhaps he already remembers. If we disregard the last 2,5 episode where the writer basically copy/paste/glued 80% of the original BBJX to the story, the whole story deviated from the original in almost all aspects, so while Yinzhen does not remember, Wang So should because just like the like their respective storylines, their personalities and motivations differ greatly. In the original novel/cdrama there WAS NOT no specific emphasis on the REMEMBERING/NOT FORGETTING SYMBOLISM WHILE EVERY EPISODE OF MOON LOVERS IS BASICALLY LITTERED WITH IT. It's also featured heavily in the ML OST - almost all songs have a reference to not forgetting and meeting in next life in their lyrics - something the cdrama didn't have.


SBS has no ML special planned on their schedule today nor any other day this week.


i think WS as present will remember, he remembers or at least knows earlier than HS, and keeps on finding her to meet her since he's curious, but ends up acting like he doesnt know yet hahahaha (getting back at her somehow after the long wait)... anyway..... WS just cant stare at his own face (painting) and wonder why it looks like him... hahahahaha.... that will be a real departure from the sad ending of BBJX.. for me not remembering is sadder than dying...

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1 hour ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

Thats very best way to use your skills and helping poor people like us...

But IS IT aunthicate source ? Can we trust IT ?

It is an older article so unless they already filmed enough for the spin-off as part of the movie project, I wouldn't hold my breath until they actually made an official announcement.

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14 hours ago, penelop3 said:

Hahahaha.. that Subway scene is too much!
I guess, it will be difficult to pull a Subway scene with a Goryeo theme. Soo should've have made traditional Subway in Goryeo (complete with handmade cheese) to prepare for PPL in modern era. 

i really thought subway will be in the scene hahaha...

good thing its make up.. bad thing, they really make it too obvious...

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1 hour ago, itzibitzispider said:

I will desolve in tears if they just put it in the DVDs ... I might not be able to affort them ... so I will hope they air the movie-thingy properly for every stupid like me to see ...


Itzibitzi... Depending on how much the DVDs are, I would be willing to go like halfsies with you if you needed it! You've been such a big supporter and have brought me great joy with your posts! We'll see when they release it and talk more ! (hope this isn't too forward! Just trying to spread the love and pay it forward this holiday season)

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14 minutes ago, minmar said:

My parting gift to all my darling eclipses. Love you all. Here is hoping we too meet again soon! 


The Gift


Dr Jung stared out the window at the rain. The pen forgotten in his hand as he examined his notes. He took a breath as he prepared for what was to come. It wouldn't be easy convincing Mr Lee of his findings. He looked down at his notes remembering their first meeting.

                      *   *   *   *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   * 

“I'm not here because I want to be,” the man said, brushing the lint off the cuff of his suit coat. “A friend of mine recommended you...well more than recommended... demanded is more accurate.”

“I agreed to this consultation to satisfy that same man....he is relentless when he wants something', he muttered to himself....but just how long have you been suffering from these nightmares,” the doctor finished as he turned his attention back to the man sitting across from his desk.

Dr. Jung eyed the handsome man opposite and smiled. No man should be so wealthy and attractive without some flaw to balance fate...it wouldn't be fair he thought as he chuckled to himself.

The object of his visual examination furrowed his brow in concentration.

“Would it be better if I said I had only started having dreams recently” he asked? The mans eyes skimmed the room as he tried to hide his discomfort at the question.

“Let me ask the questions, your job is to answer them truthfully. That is if you want me to be able to help.”

“They began a little over a year ago. Nebulous at first. Unclear and unformed glimpses. But most recently they've gotten clearer....pulling me from sleep. But the images leave quickly, evaporating like mist, leaving in their place intense feelings of anger and frustration. Then last month ...these impressions started but they've grown stronger .sometimes they come with a scent...other times it is almost as if I can taste blood. But the anger......it's becoming hard to control.”

Dr Jung watched the man's jaw tighten, his mouth thinning to a line. Taking a breath his client calmed himself before the doctor continued, “I specialize in regression and dream interpretation. I am not a physical doctor... but then I understand you've tried those. So are you willing to put yourself in my hands so that we might get to the bottom of this?

          *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  *   *   *  

Dr Jung pulled himself from his thoughts. They had made a lot of progress. Numerous regressions under hypnosis had revealed things so clear and concise as to be real. The problem would be getting his patient to accept them as real. Mr Lee was certainly intelligent...to be expected from a man owning such a large and profitable company but he was not someone easily swayed. The woman was dominant in those repressed memories. How would he ever get him to accept the idea of her?

Ignoring what the man had said would be the best idea he'd had in a month. A woman... from his past? Did the man expect him to believe that? Women were unimportant. He had no interest in any of them. They were certainly a nice diversion but nothing more. The CEO of the largest cosmetic firm entered the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. In the lobby the tour he'd help establish to advertise the new line of cosmetics was doing very well. The addition of the art exhibit had been a good idea. Leaving the elevator he stopped. Coming toward him with that comical grin on his face was his antagonist, the man who'd forced him to attend these fruitless appointments.

“I think it is doing very well,” the man said as he pushed his glasses back against his nose. “And how did your session go?”

“Honestly, he has helped a bit with releasing some of the anxiety and anger I've felt but as to his explanation for it....well, That was crap.”

“You think so? Oh!  have you seen the exhibit yet?”

“Actually, I haven't. How is it?

“Why not take a minute and have a look, he said, directing his friend to the right.


The CEO's piercing eyes stopped throwing daggers at his friend. He stood there until his friend gave him that wacky smile and walked away before moving toward the doorway of the exhibit.  Inside the gallery, spotlights shot arcs of light over each picture. In the center of the room a young women wearing the company uniform was kneeling on the floor crying. Something about the tilt of her head and the wracking sobs coming from her small back touched him and without conscious thought he took a step toward her. He had the strongest impulse to reach out and take her in his arms...shelter her...protect her. Suddenly she rose to her feet then turned ..her head bowed to hide her tears...she bolted straight into his chest.  A momentary delay then, “Ouch...ooooh” she said, grabbing her forehead ..before lifting her eyes. They followed the clean lines of the man's suit before they reached his face. She stared in shock as the color slowly left her cheeks.

“I'm sorry but you ran into.....” the words froze on his lips as he stared into the face of the woman he had been dreaming about for over a year. He bent forward slightly to look into her eyes as words came automatically to his lips.....”my person...my Soo.”

Their arms rose slowly to wrap around each other as their lips met. 


The traveler smiled as he backed from the doorway. “things always return to where they are suppose to be,” he said as he turned and disappeared into the crowd.



Thank you @minmar I liked it. You have to add the hand and the handkerchief now to your story ;)

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