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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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wow you guys are too harsh :P

I completely respect your right to be sad and disappointed with the ending and, of course, to complain here. 

But since I'm really sensitive to extremely criticism towards the cast and crew of any drama, I'll take my leave for now and come back later when things have calmed down (hopefully) 

Anyway, thanks for the recaps and everything until now everyone. Even with so many flaws this drama has definitely become one of my favorites and is all thanks to the fandom :D

see you later! 

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36 minutes ago, antiherofans said:

You just JIMONG me (translation: destroy me into million pieces)

You just got JIMONG-ED (translation: lied lied lied)

At the very least, this drama has given us some new vocabulary : 'Jimong', and 'Wook'

As in, We done got Wook-ed by the show! (Translation : strung along by promises that they won't ever fulfill) .__.

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4 hours ago, mizuchan said:

Wait... what about the million sheets of poems?

that's also a million dollar question since it was also not revealed in C-version.

supposed to be those were practice sheets of HS so she could write like WS.

but then she let WS write more of that for something, which was not revealed.

even the painted stones were not seen on whose possession..

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4 minutes ago, babypillow said:

LJK - he deserves an acting award for this series. Despite some parts of the storyline which is abit off ..... his acting is totally 1st Class. 

I have said this and will say it again, his face, eyes, muscles, so much emotions without words. Simply amazing and breath taking watching his acting. 


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4 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

I might belong to the minority , but I do like the ending  3

Overall , I am skeptical on how they will pull a modern wang so when in fact it was the Goryeo Wang So all along that made Hae Soo and Go Ha Jin uttered "Sorry" for leaving him there all alone. 

The modern wang so can't redeem himself to become the Wang So that Hae Soo have known .

Also, there could be a tendency for SHR to be compared to Splash Splash Love , and that is a KBS drama .

The production respected the novel's after all. (C-Drama have the ending of modern Yin Zhen, so I am not expecting a lot for SHR to follow the drama when the material is based on the novel)

The child arc and still born was beautifully done, at least for Hase Soo , she gave birth to a daughter, the fruit of the SoSoo love which counters the history of Queen Yeon Hwa's having a son with Gwangjong. That I will be definitely heartbroken if GJ YH consummated the marriage with an offspring and SOSOO have none?  41

As I mentioned in Twitter , the PD/JG 's saying that this is a happy ending is a rumor. I wonder who founded that.

This is a dark drama , after all.




I hear you girl
And that's fine with me

I love the drama, thru and thru, don't get me wrong, I am happy that they kept as close as possible, with the option of difference 
The acting, editing, writing, directing ... little to co

Still my heart needed a different end
They could, thats why it is called
artistic freedom

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Just now, liplockvomit said:

Some of you have pointed this out and I wanna repeat it because it's important. What was the point of HaeSoo getting so many copies of the poem from WangSo? She said it really clearly that she has a reason!




I had thought there will be a scene where Wang so will be looking at them, touched by how much she loved him when she was gone. 

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Now I got this thought...


can wr just pretend that IU and LJG is the reincarnation? I really going crazy.


and my playlist decided to play scarlet heart c version 3 inches of heaven and I wanna cry but I quickly deleted it because no! Why a good drama with a good start turn out like this!


my poor Wang So!!! Poor Hae Soo.


hae soo, you redeemed yourself when you wanna have that child. So all is to give the child a future. I really really at least happy the child is alive. But 10 ep of melodrama?

where is the fantasy and romance?

i wanna cried to sleep now. Good thing my husband outside and not home yet. He will think I go mad already!

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11 minutes ago, lyserose said:

That was one hell of a roller coaster ride and after investing myself into this drama, and what I get in the end is just "What The Heck". But first, allow me to list down all my points taken from episode 20:

1. Why in the world did they make Lee Joon Gi wore that hideous headdress?????? What's the relevance of wearing it only for that one particular scene? Why? Why? Why? There was no special event or ceremony so I could not comprehend why they need to make him wearing it.

2. 10 million additional budget from Universal Studio and all they could afford were 2 vases of Peonies for a prince to enjoy with his wife???? I was expecting a garden. 

3. What's the relevance of having Haesoo bearing a child in Goryeo? As a consolation token to Wang So when he has no connection, no impact on the child's life and vice versa?

4. After 20 episodes, I still could not understand the function of Ji Mong. He has contributed to totally nothing in term of the plot movement, character motivation or growth. So, he really does come from the future but what's his purpose of being transported to Goryeo?

5. So, it's Wang So who ended up left with all the suffering. Baek Ah left him, Haesoo died and when she woke up in the future, she totally has no recollection of Wang So and her life in Goryeo while he continued to pine for his dead lover? Ah-Ma-Zing!!!!!

6. What's the purpose of having Baek Ah meeting Wook's daughter? Is there any historical connection or anything?

7. So, in the end, the truly dearest person to Wook is actually Lady Hae, not Haesoo and I am glad that he contemplated with how his life is after giving up his aspiration and ambition, finding his inner peace and figuring out that his love for Haesoo is as hot blazing fiery as it got but not meaningful enough for him to waste his life on.

The only satisfying thing that I derived from this episode is that there is NO REINCARNATION of Wang So. Thank goodness. He finally did what he was supposed to do - fulfilling his destiny as a king and pave his name in history as one of Goryeo's greatest and formidable ruler. Despite the loneliness, I could care to understand that one would eventually lose something to gain something. It just so happened that my heart breaks for Wang So, that all the time, he believed that the love between him and Haesoo is so deep and true yet she came back to the future, only to have forgotten him while he endured the pain until he died. Our hero really never catch a break, from being an abandoned son, an outcasted brother, a misunderstood prince, a misrepresented king and finally, a forlorn lover. My heart goes to you, Wang So.

Above all,  Lee Joon Gi is such a stellar actor that the entire production team should bow to him in gratitude because without him, there is no way this drama could ever reached this level of success. He is truly magnificent and how I wish, that they would just ended the drama with that piercing look of Wang So exposing his scar and that haunting voiceover. It would have left me and perhaps some viewers with deeper satisfaction. That simple little scene was so haunting and that's the real testament of what a brilliant actor LJG is. The rest of my credits shall go to Kang Ha Neul who stood along with LJG, being the other ones to carry the entire drama and nothing short of spectacular from the get go.

Better luck next time Lee Joon Gi and I am hoping to see him in a contemporary drama, with even greater success including domestic success. I will take Wang So anytime, anywhere and be it in the future, there will be no Wang So for me other than Lee Joon Gi. 


Well Said!!!!

Because i'm so speechless right now.

I really need a therapy.

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35 minutes ago, Immortal_Angel said:

What I believe Jimong presence is that Ha Jin thought everything was a dream a near death experience so she didn't believe it was not true and that it was something her mind was creating. When modern day Jimong appear, he kept staring at her and making sure that she understand that what she experience ins Goryeo was real not fake. He wants her to realize that it was not a dream and that there is somebody out there waiting for her. I believe Jimong wants Ha Jin to go search for present day WS so they can continue their story. He knows that their story didn't end jus like that and so their love story will continue in the next life even when she said she wants to forget them all, in the end, like Jimong said "life is full of circle" so in the end Ha Jin/Hae Soo will be involve in the princes life no matter what and probably every life time she meets a WS but was never met to be but probably in modern day its really meant to be. 

I kinda like the thought of this possibility. Thanks for sharing. It soothes my bleeding heart. Now I think I can go to sleep.

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I usually unhappy over second chance in next life or something like that. But this time i am super content with ending given it is real history, we cant change much. Rather i am looking forward to second chance at love in modern world. 

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4 minutes ago, liplockvomit said:

Some of you have pointed this out and I wanna repeat it because it's important. What was the point of HaeSoo getting so many copies of the poem from WangSo? She said it really clearly that she has a reason!




To learn to write

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I need asap a good explanation from the writer and the director, I feel it has been a hasty end, without giving answers of nothing. Ha Jin just woke up in the present and only until the end she was aware that she traveled in time. There was no explanation of what happened when she fell into the water and the subsequent events, it is as if the fall into the water was also part of the dream. I don't know if any of you've saw the serie Dallas, if it so you remember when Pamela woke up from a dream and saw Bobby in the shower, then everything that happened in that season including his death was a dream. It seems what here happened almost the same, as if they had not had an original idea to end the story, different from the Chinese, and it was turned to see Ha Jin in a museum looking at the drawings and then she cried upon seeing the picture of Wang So alone knowing its sad destiny. I didn't like the end I think that this story needed a better conclusion.

It may be that the development has had problems of editing and other things, but deserved a better ending in accordance with what we saw for more than two months. It doesn't bother me that they didn't meet in the future, even when this would have been fine because at least it would have given hope that their love survived the passage of time. But I think, as someone said, this story was not the story of Ha Jin traveling to Goryeo and everything she experienced, in reality this was the story of Wang So and how she helped him to become Gwangjong.

I don't think that we give our point of view and say that we don't like the end, it is bad for the cast and production team, is quite the opposite. For months we have spoken well of the positive part, but we must recognize that the end did not satisfy many and  in my opinion it wasn't a good conclusion. The end was quite unbalanced, as if it were an independent entity from the rest of the story. 

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12 minutes ago, Evangeline Yang said:



i am definitely not well and I need to check myself into a mental therapy. Who is with me? :bawling:


sing us both up on your way ...i need an appointment ASAP ...in dire need of therapy ... , i must learn how to cope with stress and most importantly HOW NOT TO CARE   about you show...

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2 minutes ago, liplockvomit said:

Some of you have pointed this out and I wanna repeat it because it's important. What was the point of HaeSoo getting so many copies of the poem from WangSo? She said it really clearly that she has a reason!



This. I have been waiting for the payoff for that particular scene like whoa. Like, if they were so intent on giving us sad and poignant and oh so tragic, why not have a payoff of all those poems with So finding them and crying over them and all that? Instead they gave us...oh, more screentime for Wook! 8D

I think the logic of the writers about the poems is just this : Haesoo got the poems and traced them with her fingers and stuff, right? The payoff of all those poems are just so Hesoo's handwriting is the same as So's, which becomes a plot device where Jung has to put her letters into an envelope and thus making So leave them unread. I can't think of anything else that is the direct and logical consequence of Haesoo collecting So's poems :/ 

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