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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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All the character development just went out the door. What a waste of time. I rather watch King Tajo and the evil mom than this. They were clear minded people than the ones I see now .

Wang So is over for me once he betrayed HS and gave himself to YH. He f****** slept with her due to knowing that HS used to have feelings for Wook and almost accepted his proposal. That was years ago dude, she loves you now and accepted you. But no you had to think as most men do when they hear that their lover accepted someone before them, and had to take revenge by sleeping with another. Not having watched the episode I might and could've missed key elements on why Wang So does what he does, but seeing this picture is why I'm so mad. So if you think HS deserves this than that's your opinion, I respect that. But like I said, this picture got me so MAD, which is why I'm ranting here. They always say jealousy and anger is never a good mix. I don't even want to watch the final anymore, they killed my favorite people. I'm glad Baek-A left the palace and so did Hae Soo. Go away and live in peace for your final days. I am happy that Hae Soo leaves this era, she never belonged here. This world is too savage for her.  God knows I need my peace. I think I need to watch Running Man or read fanfics to get my mood up. Gwangjong has killed me.


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15 minutes ago, berny said:

So sleeping with YH...ewwwww


LOL. At least she is the one sticking by his side even when her main goal is to own Goryeo. She is a villain but a smart villain. And So is in desperate need of a strong support system and only smart Yeonhwa could provide, not Haesoo and Baek Ah who chose to turn their backs on him with total disregard of his intention nor the useless Jimong with half-a** memory. And I credit her for finally getting rid of Haesoo who have done so much damage in Goryeo and bringing misery to everyone from Day 1. Her stupidity is a crime punishable by death.

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1 hour ago, ck1Oz said:

Ok I give up. So many comments about HS. What happens to Woo Hee. I cannot find any specifics. 

And I stopped watching 5 episodes ago. Too painful. So I need to ask- what wedding dress? And why does she have one?

And YH and WS slept together?

You guys have fortitude. I stopped watching once the dying started. BBJX was bad enough. 

just watch it'll end somehow and you'll move on :P

WH died as she made a plea for her people to accept WS as King

HS has the same wedding dress since she was originally marry WS. i think it was already prepared before YH and Jimong convinced her not to marry WS

YH and WS.. they say they did not since YH was angry WS was not letting HS to go..

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7 minutes ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Whatever has happened was meant to happen.We can see how miserable HaeSoo was in this episode.The palace was suffocating her.That's why I was actually rooting for her to get out of the palace.That's why I understood why she smiled.Yes,she smiled.But it wasn't one of extreme joy or bliss.There is that sadness behind that smile.She still loves WangSo.She really still loves him.She said that she would rather leave him then than let hate be all that is left between the both of them.So she attempted any method to get out of the palace.She knows WangSo loves her too much to let her go so something extremely horrible has to happen for him to let her go.It will devastate both of them individually but in order to get out of the palace,she has to go through it.For her sake and for his.It's not just ChaeRyung's death.So much sorrow,guilt and hatred has been pent up inside of her that has led to her wanting to get out of the palace.HaeSoo has made her choice.And she relentlessly tried to get her wish fulfilled.The only regret here was meeting WangSo.If she had not met him,she wouldn't have to love him so much,go through so much and miss him so much til the day she dies.

I pity WangSo.He has ignored what others have said-you cannot have both the throne and your loved one.In the end,everyone he trusts and holds dear are leaving him.It is lonely at the top and unfortunately,WangSo learns it the hard way.I think another of WangSo's mistakes is that he has a few people that are very close to him who have way too many weaknesses to be near him at the top.Take for example,Jung.Let's just say if Jung was in BaekAh's position,at least he is good with swordfighting.BaekAh is an artistic person who is not skilled in politics or weapons.Another example-YeonHwa.What if YeonHwa was in HaeSoo's position?She is cunning,ambitious and has support from a powerful clan.No one would dare use her as they would with HaeSoo who has a questionable background and no title.Kindhearted beings like BaekAh and HaeSoo are just not fit to be in such a harsh environment like WangSo who has been trained in such harshest conditions for years.I hate how broken he is at the end of the episode especially when he says that HaeSoo was the one who let go of him and not vice versa.But I believe the separation has to occur.It is for the best.It could prevent worse things from happening like further use of HaeSoo as a pawn or worsening of their relationship til nothing is left but indifference.       

Love your thought!! :) 

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Hi chingus! My mood is very empty after ep 19. I don't understand a lot of things. I think Writer of Moon Lovers love Wang So (perhaps she like LJG so much) so she don't want So-Soo coupe have happy ending. I won't watch stream last ep in tomorrow. I will watch it with sub. Poor So! You should forget HS and have life happy together with YH. 

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Since Episode 1 'til the end, I am and will be Team Wang So. And it's not even because of LJG (he's a bonus). I'm putting myself in Hae Soo's place, given I had something with Wook that time and to have a suitor like Wang So who has done nothing bad to me, always saves me when I'm in danger, to be honest, I would give him a chance. Considering he is very loyal and has proven to me that he loves me still even after 5 years... Protects me, puts me first before anything, would die for me... Ladies, who wouldn't appreciate and be moved by that? Knowing that me, Hae Soo, is from the 21st century, I won't be able to find men who are like that in 2016. Maybe there is but only a few. Also, I had a boyfriend who cheated on me with my best friend. I would be very careful who to choose as my next boyfriend. Though So is a little clingy and persistent, he proved over time that he's worthy. If I were Hae Soo, I would treasure him more, especially after getting to know him (the real him), his values and morals, his personality, his dreams, his views on politics/marriage/certain things, how he loves his family dearly even if they abandoned him. If anything, I will never trade him for someone or something. Maybe it's only me who feels this way but I have a weakness for faithful, will-give-up-everything-for-you type, one-woman men. His character is just so perfect that I always find reasons in the back of my mind to justify his wrongdoings (sometimes it's bad sometimes it's not), to convince myself that, no, he did that because he was treated this way and that, etc etc. Guess I should blame or thank the writer for Wang So?

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3 minutes ago, Para12012 said:

HS has never truly given WS a chance. She has held onto her 21st century belief that he is a ruthless person and never really bother to get to know the real person he is. She said she trusts him, but did she ever really? Because she didn't bother to get to know the real person he is, she doesn't understand his actions, him wanting to spend the last moments with his mother or him offing the evil CR. I remember the scene when he told her that the boat was his favorite thing in the palace but he stayed away from it in fear that he would lose it. Yet, she doesn't even understand how scared he is of losing her, hence his decisions.

And what was up with her reaction when he came and ask about Wook?  Like a deer caught in the headlights. It seems she had no intention for him to find out and hope he would not. What? It's okay for her to hate him and leave him but he should always be willing to become a 'dog' for her. Geeeeezzzzzzz!!! :angry::angry:

Whats even more upsetting is the fact that he practically begged her in the breakup scene not to abandon him. To prove she loved him and not just Wook.

And what's with her not letting go of CR?? Also, what else could WS have done but kill her? She killed his bother, a king. Call her a pitiful servant, whatever you want but at least understand GODDAMMIT. CR's  allegiance lied with Won (And don't even get me started on this bastard. WHEN WILL HE DIE), not WS. She would have always been a threat. At least in C-Version RX didn't continue to see Yutan as a saint after everything. AIGOO!! I'M SO STRESSED!! 

With this episode you're damn right! now I'm questioning myself.. I'm a really deceived or it's just foolish of me to be faithful with HS's love for WS? and she even said this before: and here I remembered one of her words with WW.. "You're fooling yourself" I see no difference..


I KNOW! OMG! Which is why I'm so mad.. She's so cold-blooded  on freaking rejecting him from time to time. She stays mad and blame WS against CY's death, she chose Jung over him, gawd HS how can you be so insensitive you know of all people Jung.. who's Wang So is most envious of all.. from the two woman she loved both picked JUNG over him. and what's worst: 


he practically begged her in the breakup scene not to abandon him. To prove she loved him and not just Wook.

Although with this one, I can understand why she didn't cling on to him. she's guilty as charged, at least she knew and well aware how Wang So is hurt that she can't even dare to desperately grab him once more.

*sighs* with that said (Rx from the cversion at least change her views towards CY/Yutan) then I just think it was too ambitious for the writer to write HS as a saint.. I don't really see this logical as she shows angered with Won and So but not with Wook? This is ridiculous.

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The writer of the original novel must be a bitter bitter old lady ... :angry:

... for even in my mess in the divorce and the mess of my friends ... I can rely on them and they on me.
Even thought she lets RX die, can't she die in the arms of her true love, without the mess before?
And the one confidant the Emperor has, can't be be by his side all along?

I know history does not talk of either RX or HS, and that's why RXs-future wonders if she just dreamed that in the coma or if she really was there and not before seeing the painting she is convinced that she really was there.
Still there are soooooo many women, mistresses, lovers, female "sidekicks" and so on NOT mentioned in history, why could they not have a peaceful end of their live, even when cut short?

I can't blame neither the writer of the c-version, nor the k-version-writer, as they have plot-lines to follow, that the bitter old lady in China dictated.
Still I hope they see each other before she dies and come to terms and that BA does stay by GJs side, thought he acted differently in this episode.

Could it that maybe GJ is running out to see HS one last time, she stumbles, clenches her heart and while he holds her, she reaches up for his face, breathes an "I love you So-ya" and dies right there and then, in his arms. They already skipped the baby, then they could skip the "death far away" and love-letter as well ... also we have not seen her writing a letter and also not properly tell anyone of her future 

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Even though hs was being so mean and not understanding gj or forgiving him he still listens to her request not to kill wook and instead orders him to be imprisoned. I thought he was being quite nice actually fulfilling her request considering how she didnt forgive him for killing cr.

If i was gj i would have been like richard simmons are you serious:angry:

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6 minutes ago, moonlover399993 said:

All the character development just went out the door. What a waste of time. I rather watch King Tajo and the evil mom than this. They were clear minded people than the ones I see now .

Wang So is over for me once he betrayed HS and gave himself to YH. He f****** slept with her due to knowing that HS used to have feelings for Wook and almost accepted his proposal. That was years ago dude, she loves you now and accepted you. But no you had to think as most men do when they hear that their lover accepted someone before them, and had to take revenge by sleeping with another. Not having watched the episode I might and could've missed key elements on why Wang So does what he does, but seeing this picture is why I'm so mad. So if you think HS deserves this than that's your opinion, I respect that. But like I said, this picture got me so MAD, which is why I'm ranting here. They always say jealousy and anger is never a good mix. I don't even want to watch the final anymore, they killed my favorite people. I'm glad Baek-A left the palace and so did Hae Soo. Go away and live in peace for your final days. I am happy that Hae Soo leaves this era, she never belonged here. This world is too savage for her.  God knows I need my peace. I think I need to watch Running Man or read fanfics to get my mood up. Gwangjong has killed me.


in sbs version, WS did not know yet abt WW-HS past before this YH incident..

WS asked YH to betray her family if she wanted an heir, thus that's what happened..

UGH... she sits on the bed... grrrrr.... (sbs version was edited and cut where they are only standing after a short convo)

the editing makes all a difference if we will hate WS or not hehe

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13 minutes ago, enigmaticangel said:



Basically GHJ travelled to goryeo to spread the glory of Wook and YH..with WS remaining as a villain till ep 20..



I felt like i forgave everything Wook had done when i saw him and HS. This is not good. Now he has become the one who saves HS from 'evil' WS. His sweet smile and reconciliation with HS looks genuine. I don't like it at all.

For me, this drama actually ended at Ep 17. WangSo gained the throne and became King, HaeSoo went to live in the palace. And They live happily ever after. HS's mission is accomplished.

At some points during Ep 19, i just want them so say "I love you" to each other. Or at least the break up is not this bad. This is too much. They pushed everyone to be 'against' WangSo, in many ways. And push WangSo to be on the other side, all alone.

MOnday night has been the most difficult night to sleep for the last 2 months. I would get troubled sleep or nightmare. And i ended up tired and fatigued and troubled on Tuesday Morning. Not to mention panda and swollen eyes for the last 3 Tuesdays. Really-really bad for our health. I have to take my son to school early in the morning. I gotta go to bed.

My heart goes with WAngSo through and through.


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Wowee y'all are tough.  I admit Haesoo has been really annoying & frustratingly passive, but she didn't orchestrate any of the evil everyone is blaming her for.  That would be YH, Queen Yoo, Old King, 9th Prince, Wook, CR, Yoo and so on.

And the truth is, as loyal (and so pretty) as he is, So hasn't been able to prevent the misfortune, mistreatment, emotional pain that came her way as a result of the above evil-doers with more to come probably.  I say it was past time for her to look after herself.  Personally I wanted her to leave after So married Dimples.

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36 minutes ago, Thuc-NghiT said:

I think it's mainly that it's written to closely to the C-drama but it doesn't make sense because the characters were set up a  bit differently than what the C-version showed and two different histories as well so although some some scenes and plots are able to be copied-pasted without much hassle, it's been showing in the last few episodes how discordant the original storyline fits up with the way the writer presented the characters and the way that this drama has been edited. It's a bit frustrating. Maybe if the drama had been as long as the C-version everything could have been more well-thought out in terms of editing because it's honestly frustrating to have these random scenes that don't make sense of what we've seen thus far. I could at least reason out stuff in Episode 17 and 18 but this episode just makes me want to strangle everyone.


True I agree with what you said. If the K version had as many episodes as the C version then it will make more sense as there's time for the story to develop. However since for k dramas like this it's max can only be at 20 episodes, so the writer has no choice but to try to squeeze in all the important scenes and the entire story into just 20 eps. This would then make it a little messy and will not make sense at all. 

But I believe if there was a chance for this show to have about 30 + eps, it will develop nicely and make sense as well! :) 

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I have the feeling... BA would stay. He loves his hyungnim and knows he needs him because HS gone. 

Cmiw, I think in history, BA still be GJ' s right hand until his death. And he is the father of the the 7th king of goryeo.

i dont see the sceene where GJ touch BA's face when he is kneeling... or its in sbs ver?

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14 minutes ago, chickenchopflipflop said:

Also someone mentioned they would like to know what GJ was reading before HS left. It's not HS's diary, but "Zhengguan Zheng Yao - a summary of the importance points of taizong's governance", a book by Emperor Taizong of Tang (it is credited in Wikipedia as "difan"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwangjong_of_Goryeo) It is often used as an exemplary  text for kings to learn how to govern effectively. 


Brilliant! Thank you so much! That gives me a better idea of the mood he is in at that moment.

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41 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

Am I supposed to feel relief when the OTP breaks up? I'm so confused. So and Soo have devolved, no one is happy, no one is making sense. Their relationship all of a sudden became exhausting. Like Soo said, "let's end it before I hate you."

I'm still sad though but it's like finding out that the one couple from your group of friends broke up and everyone is relieved. You know that couple, high drama, always fighting, bad communication, that one. 

I think we're just suppose to be resigned. It's strange, because usually these breakups are suppose to be incredibly dramatic -- their first break up at Lake Dongji when he leaves her to gather support for his bid for the throne, that felt really tragic and horrible. 

This breakup feels like it's been a long time coming and while it's still sad, I don't think anyone was surprised at all. All the things that WS could offer her were things she didn't want. She didn't want to be his second queen. She doesn't want to stay around and hate him in the future. She's doing what's best for her, but also what's best for him. I think a relationship where they were both in the palace but hated each other is SUCH a worse death than her being separated from WS. At least separation can build distance and love can still smolder from afar. No such chance if you just kill your love everyday with small coldness. 

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24 minutes ago, Sharine Phinisia said:


Broken promises she might held on, but spilled blood? nuh uh. Soo is the type that hates to see everyone around her suffer.

Then is she not seeing Wang So suffer? of all people she should know.. Wang So seek her comfort every time he's broken. She is that very person who hates to see everyone around her suffer.

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4 minutes ago, lebritneeey said:


True I agree with what you said. If the K version had as many episodes as the C version then it will make more sense as there's time for the story to develop. However since for k dramas like this it's max can only be at 20 episodes, so the writer has no choice but to try to squeeze in all the important scenes and the entire story into just 20 eps. This would then make it a little messy and will not make sense at all. 

But I believe if there was a chance for this show to have about 30 + eps, it will develop nicely and make sense as well! :) 

ive seen k-dramas go 24, 30 and 50 (50 being a weekend kind of family drama) so im wondering why they only opted for 20... maybe just like what LJG said, the team was new to pre-filmed drama, so the ending was draggy.. the team did not anticipate the outcome, that they needed more episode, but the time is running out since they have to deliver it on time for international buyers of the drama... :mellow:

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1 hour ago, sosooyah19 said:

because HS did not say the magic words yet! also she rejected the marriage proposal, she also wants to leave causing him to question her love to him.. also HS was always asking for Wook's life to be spared.. that's what really pissing me off, she did not bring the argument up to the present relationship situation...


And you know what? I'm pissed off that just because Soo knows that So will reign for 26 more years, it's like So can't be collateral damaged goods too. Look at all his scars Woman! So can be hurt.  Why is it that she never understands that So needs some mercy too.  

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